An example of a rather rating system. Ballest rating system - what is it and what is "eating" with? The battery rating system simplifies the work of the teacher, since he is able to not hold "full exams and tests", and the rating tasks M

The introduction of the score system is the first stage on the way to a full-scale transition to the system of test units. In addition, the prerequisite for certification and accreditation of absolutely all universities will be the provision of results on this experiment.

The transition to a new learning system will not qualitatively change the content. academic disciplines: The number of hours, lecture and seminars remains the same.

This system should be used in the educational process on all curriculum disciplines, including the disciplines of the federal and university components, as well as disciplines for the choice of students. Apanesenko G.A. Balno - Rating System: Does she have the right to independent existence? // Modern School, 2008. - № 2. - p. nine

1. Balnaya-rating technology for assessing knowledge is used for a purpose - oriented learning, stimulating systematic work of students, their disclosures creative abilities, Differentiation of knowledge assessment.

2. Balny-rating technology assessment of knowledge is intended to increase the objectivity and reliability of assessing the level of students' training and is used as one of the elements of the curriculum management in the university.

Understand the system of formation of assessments on disciplines and other types of employment in order to obtain final assessments;

Aware of the need for systematic work on the implementation of the curriculum on the basis of knowledge of its current rating assessment for each discipline and its change due to late expires material;

Timely assess the state of their work on the study of discipline, the implementation of all species training Load before the examination session;

During the semester, make adjustments to the organization of the current independent work.

Plan (in detail) educational process for specific discipline and stimulate the work of students for systematic work;

To make adjustments to the organization educational process According to the results of the current rating control;

Objectively to determine the final estimate on the discipline, taking into account systematic work;

Provide gradation for assessing the level of knowledge compared to the traditional system.

6. Balny-rating technology allows to ensure the continuity of control and assessment of the quality of knowledge, both in a separate discipline and over the semester, at the current stage of training (all past semers) and the period of study at this stage of the highest vocational education (VPO).

When developing a baller system for evaluating the performance of the department and individual teachers take into account the following points:

The departments, depending on the specifics of the disciplines being taught, establish the types of current control and their cost in points;

The cost of visiting each lesson is calculated as the private from division established for visiting classes of points for the number of planned training sessions;

For every kind academic work The maximum number of points is exhibited under the condition of its execution on "excellent";

When unsatisfactory evaluation for performing any kind of current control, the scores are not charged;

The department has the right to declare the execution of any tasks with mandatory. In case of non-fulfillment or receipt of an unsatisfactory assessment for the implementation of such mandatory tasks, the final assessment will be unsatisfactory independently of the amount of points scored on other types of current control.

The scored amount of points is used to determine the final assessment. As a scale of final assessments, it is proposed to use the five-point scale adopted in Russia and a somewhat modified ECTS system adopted in most European countries.

Theoretical material - visiting lectures;

Practical skills - the performance and protection of laboratory works, seminar classes;

Performance of independent work (abstracts, creative tasks, estimated graphic work, couchers and projects) and their protection;

Training, production, etc. Practices.

2. Bloom - rating technology should be clearly painted for each discipline and brought to the attention of each student at the beginning of classes, as a component of the study of the discipline, which is included in training and metodology complex (UMC).

3. When studying one discipline, a student can receive no more than 100 points. At the same time, the student receives most of the points during the semester, about 1/3 - the final certification.

Classes missed by valid reason, work out at the initiative of the student in the direction of the dean; The scores received on the workshop go to the rating.

5. By decision of the department, students having a high rating of discipline (from 90%) may be (with their consent) exempt from the exam. To obtain an excellent assessment, the exam is required.

7. The laboriousness of the study of the discipline (the number of hours or test units according to the curriculum) is taken into account by the coefficient in assessing the average performance indicator (OSP):

Where O1, O 2, ON is the number equivalents of estimates on the discipline;

K1, K2, KN - accounting credit units of the corresponding discipline.

Palkal system for evaluating performance monitoring provides not only differentiated assessment different species Academic work, but also the observance of the timing of their implementation. The following deadlines for submission by departments (teachers) of reports on current student academic reports are established:

To these terms, each teacher presents reports on the current student performance in groups where he conducts training sessions. Kolbanov V.V. Pedagogy: tutorial. - SPb.: Deam, 2008. - 32c.

If there is a student who has not scored, or who has gained little points by the time of the report of the report, a documented valid reason (illness, departure for fees, competitions), the dean prolongs the deadlines for the delivery of control orders on the deanant with the obligatory notification of this student and the appropriate teacher (the Department ).

Student, without a valid reason not fulfilled control tasks And unmatched the minimum number of points required to obtain a test or examination assessment at the end of the study of discipline, only on a compensation basis may be allowed to re-study. If it refuses it, or when re-obtaining an unsatisfactory assessment, it is expelled from the university. Vasiliev O.S. Bloom - rating system // Psychological Bulletin of RSU, 2008. - № 3. - C. 45.

Thus, the use of rating control and evaluation can be improved by the level of motivation to the study of the subject. Results can be counted as a final assessment on the semester offset and as a result - as a final examination assessment. And when using the battle-rating system, you can monitor the dynamics of the performance and group as a whole and each student, the sound of the ranking results will increase the activity of students and make the moment of competition in the process of learning the moment of competition, detecting the best and lagging students.

Designed for teachers using the scoring-rating system of stimulating and evaluating the teachings of students on courses. The software was developed by the Department of ICT management of the informatization of the YagPU. They are K.D. Ushinsky to support the activities of PPS 2.1 in accordance with the university in the last edition (February 2015).

The basic pedagogical approach of using BRc 2.2 in high school is the implementation of a subject-oriented type pedagogical process with the priority of the student's responsible relationship with the results of their training, their own task and individual educational trajectories of the study of the course. The development of responsibility and overcoming the teaching chickerel is considered as a key tool for improving the quality of education and growth of the graduate professionalism.

Calculation of the complexity of the tasks performed is based on the standard of the new generation and the European ECTS system - European Credit Test System.

Specifics of present software is the provision of broad opportunities (freedoms) to the teacher in choosing the amount of tasks, their significance, the establishment of requirements for IOM 2.3, the norms for obtaining tests, the parameters of the intermediate and final certification of students when entering them into the existing credit-modular structure of the main educational program (curriculum).

Ballery rating comparative system

Credit Evaluation Nood 3 5
Evaluation ECTS. F.FX. E.D. C. B.A.
The amount of points 2 2+ 3 3+ 4 5 5+
1 36 less than 13.13 19 22 25 31 34
2 72 less than 25.25 37 43 49 61 67
3 108 less than 37.37 55 64 73 91 100
4 144 less than 49.49 73 85 97 121 133
5 180 less than 61.61 91 106 121 151 166
6 216 less than 73.73 109 127 145 181 199
7 252 less than 85.85 127 148 169 211 232
8 288 less than 97.97 145 169 193 241 265

2.2. Possment BRS.

  • Organizational means of creating and regulating individual educational trajectories of students.
  • The distribution of the work of students in the development of the specified competencies and estimating them (labor costs) in points.
  • The means of stimulating the self-organization of students to study the course.
  • Means for assessing the success of students (rating assessment).

2.3. Stages of development of the BRS on the discipline (course)

  1. Clarification of the time consideration of the course T in loans, a student's time resource for studying the course in the clock and the recommended number of points for assessing the real educational efforts of students from the settlement 1 loan \u003d 36 points ects \u003d 36 hours.
  2. Clarifying the competencies resulting from the study of the course and the activities of students during which they should be formed.
  3. Development of a list of tasks at the rate that the student must fulfill and appoint the amount of the scores for their execution.
  4. Filling out the form of the BRS-1 (the number and name of the tasks, their status).
  5. Registration of recommendations to students on BRS assessment of their success and minimum requirements for testing (exam admission). It is desirable not only to submit to students with the E-version of the BRP estimates table, it is recommended to place it in the SMC 2.4 network.
  6. Work with BRS-1: current filling of the form and place it in the access of students.

2.5. Openness of information on BRS

BRS-estimation of the academic performance of students on discipline can achieve their goals only subject to the openness of its information. The ideology of BRS estimates implies constant access to current estimates, the group's rating list (discipline groups), but the used version of the Web interface provides openness of the fixed data to the teacher himself and the possibility of their processing at the University of ACS. Informing students, preferably constant, should be made through the placement of the PDF version 2.6 of the BRS table in the e-learning environment or sending it to students at set email addresses.

2.6. An example of the description of the BRC for students

Independent work of the student is estimated in points. Below are the types of work and their weight in points

Number of (before)
Type of work Point Mandatory tasks (by levels)
Formulation of questions5-10 2
Total test20 + + + 1
Development of an analytical note (analysis educational environment, development programs OU)30 + 1
Project preparation60 + 1
Interview (test occupation)10-15 + + + 1
Abstract / RDR15 – 40 / 20 + 1
Answers at the seminar (workshop)10-20 + + + *
Written Answers5-20 + + + 3
Test20 1
Additional tasksUp to 30. 1
Questions for credit questions10 2
Total points: 170-240 70 120
Note: BRS: min. The number of points for credit - 74 ("3"). "5" - from 122 points. At the end of the course, a rating sheet of undergraduates is drawn up. Mandatory tasks comply with the selected student level learning course. In the course of independent work of students, accounts recorded by them and calculate the current student rating in the group. According to the total results of tests, the final ranking of students is issued and published.

Article. Ballest rating system for assessing students' knowledge

FULL NAME. Teachers: Arzhakova Nureguyan Prokopyevna

Place of work: MOU "Chokurdakh Middle comprehensive school

named A.G. Chikacheva "

p. Chokurdah Allaikh Ulus Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Ballery - Rating system for assessing students' knowledge The system under consideration allows to obtain sufficiently objective information about the degree of success of learning students relative to each other. Already after two or three months, the best and worst students can be distinguished, which gives the teacher a powerful lever allowing to encourage students who scored high scores. In my personal practice, I use such a kind of promotion as "exemption from test work", i.e. Students of the leaders of evaluation for a quarter are set by "automatic".

In addition, at an early stage, the arrays of students are formed on a prognostic indicator: the applicants for "excellent", "good", "satisfactory" and those students who are lagging behind the curriculum and may not be certified. Early forecast allows you to adjust further training.

At first glance, it may seem that students who scored a certain amount of points that provide a suitable assessment can stop engaged. But, basically, the mechanism of competitiveness in training occurs. A student who took a certain place in the group table ranking does not want to move down, as it is perceived as his personal failure.

The use of a rating system leading to competition in the learning process significantly increases the desire of students to acquire knowledge, which leads to an increase in the quality of the master's assimilation. The battery rating system works well in the middle and in high school, when the guys comes the period of the formation of a person when studying they consider how a way to express themselves, stand out, to draw attention to themselves.

The essence of the rating system is that, starting from the beginning school year And before its end, the scores received by the student for all types of training activities are summarized. By the number of points scored, the teacher exhibits the fourth and annual "five-point" assessments. To do this, in parallel with each work, the teacher puts points that need to be gained to get "satisfactory" marks, "good", "excellent." These points are also summarized.

All results are convenient to enter, in addition to the magazine (it is natural that "rounded" estimates are set in it) to a computer database. This program allows you to effectively use the scoring system, as it saves time when calculating points, promptly receive information about the ranking of each student at any time, implement the stimulating rating function.

    Everyonevisit lesson Rated in 5 points. Moreover, the score is not taken into account if the student is late for a lesson, that is, the students who are present in the classroom are noted with a magazine call;

    The solution of the problem - 15 points;

    Answer at the board - 10 points;

    Reply from place - 5 points;

    Evaluationsupported abstract Manufactured in a 10-point system.

    Dictation - 5 points for each question. Usually held after studying new topic to consolidate and verify the level of learning material;

    Independent, control, standings 30 points are estimated as follows. These points are divided into the number of tasks included in the work, and are distributed over the level of complexity of each task;

    Abstracts, reports . It takes into account their design, content, list of references, all this in the amount is estimated at 30 points. To all this, with the desire of the student, his "defense" is allowed, that is, the disciple must tell the whole class of the work done, also to answer the questions of the teacher and classmates;

    For keeping a notebook. Usually once every two weeks, students take their notebooks to check. For correct, neatly decorated work (the presence of fields, dates, type of work, etc.), up to 5 points are set up.

The procedure for issuing a final rating for a quarter depends on the scored points during this time and makes it possible to assess the work of a schoolchildren in the following relations:

For quarters : "Excellent" - 600 or more;

"Good" - 500 -550 points;

"Satisfactory" - 400-450 points;

"Unsatisfactory" - less than 300 points

All evaluation criteria were agreed with students. The memo is given to each student at the beginning of the study of the subject. Everyone carefully studies the possibilities, pros and cons of the rating system. Then all demands are firmly complied with all the requirements. Three or four weeks pass quickly, students get used to the requirements and themselves demand more attention from a teacher. There are also "gross laws" on the behavior of students, i.e. "Penalty points" can be deducted at the lesson, for example, if the student is using a calculator when performing work, there is no notebook or tutorial.

In addition, I want to mention some "pros" and "minuses" of this experiment. First, there was less disputes: I don't want "3", I do not want "4". Students themselves see that the assessment is objective and conscientious students in a more profitable position. There was a very important point: it is necessary to introduce hard control to accept the debt of students. For example, the work missed for a valid reason or not fully fulfilled during the class can be passed within seven-day period. Significantly increased the time of the teacher's time to prepare for lessons and on additional classes. However, with the acquisition of the experience of acuity, the problem decreased, although not completely. It is very important to conduct an accurate account of completed tasks.

On the practical works I figure out for each completed task, and then I put points to the rating table. Traditional systems of control and evaluation of knowledge, students' skills "sin", in my opinion, opinion, one significant disadvantage. This disadvantage is that all the "threads" of control and "leverage" are in the hands of the teacher. This deprives the student initiative, independence and tentation in school. Its main feature is to transmit the "threads" of control from the teacher to the student. In the rating system, the student himself distributes his points. In this system, there are no "excellent students", "good", and there is the first, second, tenth student at the level of the achieved learning results.

Experience in the rating system of knowledge control in groups with different levels of knowledge allows us to conclude that such a system makes it possible to activate the student in the lessons and in the posturn time. I am satisfied with the first results and believe that the rating system for assessing knowledge is aimed at improving the level of learning.

Bibliography :

1. Sazonov, B.A. Bologna process: topical issues of the modernization of the Russian higher education: Tutorial / BA Sazonov - M.: Firo - 2006 -184c.

2. Safonova, so-called. Expert training system for assessing the quality of knowledge in the framework of modular learning technology / T.N.Safonova // Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Lecturer higher School In the XXI century "- Rostov N / D: Growth. State. University of Communication - 2008. - Sat. 6 - Part 1 - C.255 - 258

3. Levchenko TA Problems and prospects for using a scoring rating system for certification of educational work of students of higher educational institutions // Uspekhi modern natural science. - 2008. - № 9 - p. 55-56

4. Alisova E.A., Shishkin T.V, Kurenko O.V. Article "Cancellation and rating rating system for assessing knowledge of students in the third stage of learning"

The traditional knowledge estimation system for Russian universities is based on the fact that his knowledge student should show on the exam or standings. The intensity of work in the semester, attendance, the quality of laboratory work and other educational activity can affect the admission to the exam - but not at the final mark. Of course, often the teachers put particularly distinguished students with the five "automata"; And the exam is tormented by the "strollers" by Caverzn additional questions And much softer belongs to those who have demonstrated the training zeal during the semester, and on the exam, he pulled out not the most successful ticket. However, the successful examination of the exam is still a decisive factor in the traditional estimation system. How to take into account the work in the semester (and whether to take into account at all) - depends only on the "goodwill" of the teacher.

Ballery rating system, go to which domestic universities began since 2011, is based on completely different principles. Here, the success of the examination or credit is just one of the factors affecting the assessment. Not less (and often - much more) The importance of work during the semester - visiting classes, answers to questions, execution test work and homework, etc. Thus, students applying for good estimates are forced to "gnaw granite science" throughout the school year, accumulating points for successful certification. At the same time, the volume of "homework" with BRc is on average higher than with a traditional estimation system - after all, the points need to earn something on something.

Often simultaneously with the introduction of BRC Universities also launch systems personal Accountswho also perform the role of "electronic journals" - and students appear the ability to track their rating "real-time".

What affects the assessment at the scoring rating system of learning

As a rule, the BRC uses a rim scale. At the same time, a certain share of points (as a rule, from 20 to 40), the student can bring the response to the exam, the rest - points that "accumulate" during the semester. They can accrue, for example:

  • for the current work (visits to classes, the conduct of the abstract, the answers "from the place", the performance of homework);
  • for preparing reports, presentations, abstracts, essays;
  • for the performance of tests or intermediate checks on the courses section.

Often, teachers closer to the end of the semester offer students who scored a small number of points, additional tasks whose execution can increase their rating.

Thus accumulated points are summed up with points obtained for the exam. The result is translated into the assessment, which is affixed to the statement and the counters.

The scale may vary depending on the provision of a ballest rating system of learning adopted by the university. Usually:

  • on "excellent" you need to dial from 80-85 to 100 points;
  • "Four" is set if the amount of points is ranging from 60-64 to 80-84 points;
  • to obtain the Troika, it is necessary to obtain at least 40-45 points;
  • students who did not score minimum quantity Points, receive the rating "unsatisfactory."

In many cases the points accumulated in the semester can "exchange" to evaluate without passing the exam. Naturally, "excellent" in this case, it is practically unrealistic, but students who do not chase "red" ducts often use this opportunity to make their lives in the session.

What else is still affected by the student rating

Despite the fact that the assessment is affixed by the five-point system, the results on the rollerous scale are usually taken into account when forming the rating of the progress of students' students. And he, in turn, can influence the appointment of elevated (including personal) scholarships, the establishment of individual discounts for training and the provision of other "bonuses".

In some universities, other achievements of students can also be assessed by points taken into account when forming a rating. scientific work, participation in public life of the university, volunteering activities, etc.

Pros and cons of the ballest rating system

  • the system work of students during the entire school year makes it possible to more efficiently master the training material, while the increase in the semester is compensated for by the absence of "overvoltage" in the session;
  • the need to submit for intermediate work "Plugs" and disciplines (which is especially relevant for young students who are not yet accustomed to independently plan their burden);
  • students get the opportunity to earn points on those activities in which they are most strong - someone prefers oral presentations, someone focuses on written works;
  • the final assessment becomes more predictable and "transparent", the student has more opportunity to influence it;
  • students who are not alien to the "Competitive Spirit" receive additional - and strong enough - motivation to study.

However, how adequate is the BRC in each particular case, largely depends on the university, and from a particular teacher. Such an estimation system significantly increases its work: it must develop and approve the rate of assessment at the meeting of the department, come up with tasks, and during the semester spend time on their check. And, if the teacher reacted to this case is purely formal, study on the scoring rating system can pour out in endless tests and boring abstracts.

A rather often unrelable system of accrualing accrual points leads to "skewers" - for example, a simple presence in the class is "more expensive" successfully completed work, and a few words "in the topic", which have been told at the seminar, bring as many points as time-consuming paperwork. And in such cases, it is difficult to talk about improving motivation.

In addition, BRC sometimes leads to a paradoxical, it would seem result: reduce students academic performance. Many young people seeking to save time and strength, simply refuse additional tasks Or passing the exam, if you know that they have already scored " minimal score", Allowing them to be certified at the rate.

Since 2008-2009 academic year, the university introduced a scoring rating system for evaluation and accounting for academic performance, which somewhat changed the usual presentation of students about studying. Surely everyone knows the saying: "From the session, students live fun ...", then in 2-3 days, they learn the subject (with different success), give up and safely forget. Not everything, of course, is so learn, but the fact that this practice exists, no one will deny. And yet: Everyone knows well that a traditional session exam is in many ways a lottery: you can prepare from time to time during the semester, pull out a "good" ticket to the exam and get "excellent." And it is possible, on the contrary, - all the semester to work, get ready, go to lectures, read textbooks, and you are not lucky on the exam. And even if the teacher on the day of the exam is a bad mood, then the complaints are inevitable, bias, etc. And all because the familiar traditional system almost does not take into account what is called the current student's training.

In the scoring rating system, these shortcomings are compensated. For certain types of work performed by students throughout the semester, scores are set, a certain number of points is charged for an exam or offset, then all these points are summed up, and the final rating score is obtained. This score is translated into a traditional rating system.

The final assessment on the discipline, which is made to the testing and examination statement, the credit book and, already at the end of the training, - in the Diploma Appendix, reflects not only the results of the examination or credit, but also the results of the academic work during the entire semester;

In order to objectively assess the results of the student's work, a system of diverse in form and content is introduced into the educational process. control events (control points), each of which is estimated by a certain number of points (as a rule, control points are colloquiums, testing, etc., for the successful execution of which the student is not evaluated as before, and points are charged);

The final control (test / exam) is part of the overall assessment, and points on it - part of the final rating, which accumulates when studying discipline.

ATTENTION: An important condition for the battery rating system is the timely execution of established types of work. If the control point of the discipline is missing by a disrespectful reason or the first time is not handed over, then when it is relisted, even if the student answered well, part of the points is removed.

Thus, in the process of studying discipline, points are accumulated, a rating is formed, which ultimately shows the student's performance.

Regulatory rating is the maximum possible amount of points that the student can gain discipline over the period of development. The regulatory rating of discipline depends on the duration of the development of the discipline and is 50 points if the discipline is studied in one semester, 100 points - if the discipline is studied in two semesters, 150 points - if the discipline is studied in three semesters, etc. For each type of control, there is also a regulatory rating, for example, for the current and frontier control - 30% of the regulatory rating of discipline, for final control (tests and exams) - 40%;

The passing rating is the minimum of points, typing that the student will be considered certified by discipline. The traced rating for discipline is more than 50% of the regulatory rating, for example, 25.1 points for discipline with a regulatory rating of 50 points; 50.1 points - for 100-point discipline; 75.1 points - for 150-point discipline, etc. If a student is typing less than the passing rating - discipline is considered undeveloped;

The threshold rating is the minimum actual semester control rating by typing which, the student is allowed to the final control. The discipline threshold rating is more than 50% of the regulatory rating of semester control;

First, the objectivity of the evaluation of student achievements in studies increases. As already mentioned, objectivity is the main requirement imposed on the assessment - in the traditional system is not very well implemented. In the ballest rating system, the exam stops being the "last sentence", because it will only add points to those who are scored for the semester.

Secondly, the battle-rating system allows you to more accurately assess the quality of study. Everyone knows that Troika Troika Maine, as teachers say, "Three We write, two in the mind." And in the battle-rating system it is immediately visible who is worth it. For example, such a case is possible: the highest scores are obtained for all the current and front control points, and for the exam (you never know what) is medium. In this case, the total amount of points can still get a score that allows you to put the well-deserved five (according to the traditional estimator scale) in the test book).

Thirdly, this system is removed by the problem of "session stress", since if the student receives a significant amount of points at the end of the course, it can be released from passing the exam or test.

Well, finally, the quality of training for training activities will definitely increase with the introduction of a ballest rating system, which is important for classes in the future worthy place in the labor market.

Current control;

Rubber control (colloquium, testing, coursework, etc.);

Final control (semester test and / or exam).

The recommended rating volume is: for current control - 30% of the regulatory rating of discipline, for the refinement - 30% of the regulatory rating of discipline and for final control - 40% of the regulatory rating of discipline.

Current control is carried out during the semester for disciplines that have practical classes or / and seminars, laboratory works in accordance with curriculum. It allows you to evaluate the success in school throughout the semester. Its forms may be different: an oral survey, solving situational problems, the execution of the abstract on a given topic, etc.

Rubber control is usually carried out 2-3 times during the semester in accordance with the working curriculum of discipline. Each of the frontier control measures is a "microplant" on the material of one or several partitions and is carried out in order to determine the degree of assimilation of the material of the relevant sections of the discipline. The view of the front control is determined by the Department. The most popular forms of frontier control are colloquiums, test work, testing.

Final control is an exam and / or offset set curriculum. They are taken, as a rule, in traditional form.

R discs. \u003d R tech. + R rubles. + R outcome., Where

How many points and for what is exhibited? The ratio of estimates by types of control measures in the framework of the study of a specific discipline establishes the department in the development of a learning schedule for discipline.

At the beginning of the semester, the teacher, lead classes on discipline, to the study of which students start, must clarify its rating structure, how many points can be obtained for one or another work or the control stage, bring to the attention of the training group information about the passing rating, timing, forms and maximum Points of control measures on discipline, as well as timing and conditions for their proximation in the current semester.

After the students set the task of current control or passed the frontier testing, the teacher evaluates the work and this assessment contributes to the rating statement (it complements the magazine of progress, but does not replace it!). When the student's unsatisfactory response at a check point, his refusal to respond or simply an illustration to the control event in the rating statement 0 points are exhibited.

To access the test / examination of the discipline, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

The amount of audit classes should be performed (including visiting lectures) provided for by the curriculum.

In order to be admitted to the session, the actual semester rating for each discipline studied in the semester should be more than 50% of its regulatory semester rating. In this case, the student receives in the test book "performed" according to the studied disciplines.

If a 50% discipline ranked in the semester or less than 50% of its regulatory semester rating, but more than 15% of the regulatory rating of semester control, the student can "penetrate" the missing number of points on the proximation of tests. We remind you that if you are negated, even with a brilliant answer, it is impossible to get the maximum score established for this control point, due to the fact that part of the points, as a rule, is removed by the department (exception is to skip the classes for a valid disease). Therefore, to master the curriculum, it is necessary to approach thoroughly to take control points from the first time.

If a student, due to regular passing of control points or systematic impossibility, scored a low rating in the semester (15% or less than 15% of the regulatory semester ignition of discipline), it is not allowed to relocate control points, it is considered not to be unreleased by discipline and is expelled from the university.

And one more condition: the high rating of the student on the results of the control measures does not relieve it from the obligation to visit lecture, seminars and practical classes, which, in the event of a pass, must be worked out in the usual manner (not to be confused with the relief of control measures!).

After the credit / exam in the rating and examination statement, points are made for it and a certain amount is obtained, which is the final actual rating of discipline. It is expressed in points (let's say, from 28 to 50). Unfortunately, in the donkey and the application to the diploma, it is necessary to put a score according to the traditional scale adopted in Russia: excellent and well-satisfactory-unsatisfactory. Therefore, after the points are made to the rating statement, the rating is recalculated in a traditional scale assessment in accordance with the following scheme:

(in% of max. discipline score)

85.1 - 100% excellent

65.1 - 85% good

50.1 - 65% satisfactory

0% unsatisfactory

The informability evaluation score system is based on regular work during the entire semester and on systematic control by the teacher of the level of study achievements of students. This means the following - to have a good score, all tasks must be performed not only well, but also on time. In the chart of control measures, with whom students get acquainted at the beginning of the semester, the dates of passing test points are indicated. Remember: Time is also one of the evaluation criteria!

The battery rating system allows you to objectively control the whole learning activities Students stimulate their informative activity and helps plan school time. In addition, the battery rating system will help develop democratic, initiative and healthy rivalry in study.

Deanates at the end of each semester will be and placed on their stands and on the university website Consolidated rating lists, so everyone can see what position every student of the faculty is occupied. Maybe someone does not matter, but be the leader and take the highest step of the rating - always prestigious.