The subject and structure of military history. Introduction

Military History - 1) The process of developing military affairs from ancient times to modern times; 2) the discipline of the classical historical science, which studies such practices of the existence of human society as waging wars, the construction and development of the armed forces. Military history, in addition to the study of specific wars and military events, analyzes their goals and reasons, results and importance, examines the construction history of the Armed Forces and the recruitment of armies, their equipment, the principles of the allocation of species and childbirth of troops, commander and history of military thought, shape and tactics hostilities. IN military history Sections are allocated: military historiography, military source studies, military archaeography. Sources of military history are laws, charters, instructions, orders, relational, annals, ledges, memoirs, theoretical writings (L. G. Berekronnaya).

About the history of wars wrote on Ancient East, especially historians Ancient Greece (Herodotus, Plutarch, etc.) and Ancient Rome (Tacit, Joseph Flavius, etc.). In the XVIII century, in the period of the formation of European historical science, attempts were made to make consistent descriptions of wars, individual trips, past regiments, warships, etc. Military History paid great attention to historical narratives, since the past and present of all European states were closely connected with Wars. Military history played an important role in learning future officers, so work on the history of wars had practical value. Independent discipline of historical science Military history becomes in the second half of the XIX century. One of the first historians who created scientific works on military history was general from infanteria, teacher of the Imperial Military Academy of the CN. N. S. Golitsyn. Military historian has created a major labor, known as "Universal Military History" in 15 parts, where she determined the concept of "military history", its subject and purpose, methods of study, sources and historiography, as well as the importance of military history. The German military historian Dalbryuk at the end of the XIX - early XX centuries brought new rules for checking the ideas about the events of past wars to the theory of military history: the ratio of such information with the theory of military science, with topographic data, physiological and technical capabilities fought parties. In Russia, military history has become one of the most developed industries of historical science. It was represented by numerous military historical descriptions that complemented the generalistic work on issues on foreign Policy And wars. D. F. Maslovsky, A. 3. Multihayevsky, F. F. Melgo developed methods for analyzing sources for military history and engaged in their publication. In the USSR, military history was ideologized and opposed to research by the so-called "bourgeois military historiography". The Military Historical Commission (1918-1921), the Military Historical Department (1924-1946 and 1953), the Military Historical Administration of the General Staff (1946-1953) were engaged in the study of military history. In 1966, the Directive of the Hospital of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR was signed on the establishment of the Institute of Military History of the USSR MO; Now he is called the Research Institute (military history) - Research Institute (VI). The institute was published about 1500 scientific Labors, Including more than 30 fundamental publications, among which "The History of World War II 1939-1945" (at 12 t.), "Military Encyclopedia" (in 8 tons), etc. The problems of military history are covered in periodicals: "Military Historical Journal" (Russia), Army History, "The Journal of Military History" (USA), "Military History Monthly" (United Kingdom), etc. In 1938, an international body of researchers engaged in military issues was established. Stories - "International Commission of Military History" (Commission International D "Histoire Militaire).

S. I. Malovichko

The definition of the concept is cited by ed.: Theory and methodology of historical science. Terminological dictionary. Ot. ed. A.O. Chubaryan. [M.], 2014, p. 49-51.


Bekro L. G. Essays on the source of military history of Russia. M., 1957; He is Essays of military historiography of Russia. M., 1962; Golitsyn N. S. Universal military history of ancient times: at 4 h. St. Petersburg., 1872- 1875; He is Universal military history of average times. St. Petersburg, 1876; He is Universal military history of new times: at 3 h. St. Petersburg., 1872-1874; He is Universal military history of the newest times: in 2 hours. St. Petersburg., 1872-1875; He is Russian Military History: at 5 h. St. Petersburg., 1877-1878. Essays of Soviet military historiography. M., 1974; Black Jer. Rethinking Military History. L.; N.Y, 2004; Delbruck H. Die Perserkriege und Die Burgunderkriege. Zwei Combinierte Kriegs- Geschichtliche Studien NEBST EINEM ANHANG IBER DIE ROMISCHE MANIPULAR-TAKTIK. Berlin, 1887.

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Military history as a totality of knowledge arose at the early phase of human development. In antiquity and in the Middle Ages, the most typical form of historical writings were Annals and the Chronicles (in Russia - Chronicles) - narration the most important events Military life. Then the first military historical works appeared. However, their theoretical level of generalization was low. Thes of them were describing events and facts, as well as the glorification of military leaders of various ranks.

In the future, as a result of attempts to evaluate this or that events, to identify causal relations, to formulate the fundamental principles and patterns of martial arts, certain methods of military art gradually began to develop historical studies, Military historians appear - professionals and military history becomes an independent branch of science. In Russia, the process of becoming military history as science has emerged in the XIX century. At the same time, the study of military history firmly enters the practice of training the officers of the Russian army.

Each science has its own object and subject matter. The object of science is a phenomenon or process that are exposed to study. The same phenomenon can explore various sciences, focusing on its aspect defined. Consequently, the subject of science is the side of the object, which is investigated by this science.

Already the name itself scientific discipline It indicates that its object is the process of creating and functioning the army, preparation and conduct of the wars of the past. In it, military history explores the historical patterns of the army, the emergence, stroke and outcome of the wars; military activities in the unity of all its parties (economic, political, spiritual and self-military) states, masses, classes, parties, movements both in peaceful and in war time In various historical epochs. Moreover, this activity is associated both with the preparation and management of military actions and with their prevention.

The object and subject of military history indicate that it studies an extremely wide range of problems. In solving these problems, military historical science functions as a certain side of universal history and interacts as such as other sciences, including military science. In its research, it uses the theoretical provisions of military science on the preparation, maintenance and provision of the armed struggle and at the same time is the historical base of military science.

Military history as science is changing under the influence of the whole population public relations And above all, the object of study: army, war, military affairs, which determine the emergence and development of numerous sectors of military-historical science. Famous historian and theorist A. Svadin wrote: "Each specialty of military business has its own story. There is a history of military knowledge, infantry, cavalry, artillery, long-term fortification, siege, supply, military law, discipline, etc. Many of these special disciplines They have their very honorable, extensive and surrendered scientific soil, literature. " This development of military historical science makes it possible to conclude that military history is a collective science. It consists of a number of independent industries. The most important of them are: the history of wars, military art, the construction of the armed forces, military equipment, Military thoughts.

The history of wars is studying social essence, reveals the goals, causes and character of specific wars, their move, consequences and results. When studying wars, military history is engaged in the study of all processes related to it, focusing on both the history of directly armed struggle and its ensuring and non-unauthorized forms and means of struggle during the war - economic, diplomatic, ideological and others. All this provides an objective, specifically - a historical approach to the war under consideration.

The history of military art appeals to the forms and methods of directly armed struggle. The term "military art" himself came to us from the depths of the Middle Ages. At that time, any type of activity is a shoe, blacksmith, carpentry, pottery, military and other things were called art. In the new and the newest time, when all these types of work became known as crafts, military art has kept its name. Based on this, it should be borne in mind that in this case the concept of "art" can not be identified with the concept of "skillful". Military art - This is the activities of military personnel on the preparation and management of the armed struggle, which, in some cases, can be assessed as skillful, victorious, and in others - leading to defeats.

Forms and methods of armed struggle depending on the scale of the attracted forces and means solved in military science It is customary to divide the campaign, operation and battle. The listed forms of the armed struggle correspond to the components of military art: strategy, operational art and tactics.

Results and consequences of the Patriotic War of 1812
Napoleonic invasion was a huge disaster for Russia. Many cities were completely destroyed, many precious relics of the past disappeared on the fire of Moscow fire. Hasive damage was caused by industry and agriculture. Subsequently, the Moscow province quickly recovered from emptying, and in Smolensk and Pskov ...

Land management in pre-war years
Soon after the start of World War II, the main management of land management and agriculture (since 1941 - the Ministry of Agriculture) decided to entrust cooperative organizations, including in Western Siberia, to take on a significant part of bread billets, oats and meat for the army. Such attention to cooperatives was not accidental. They are...

The problem of Slavic Pranodina according to history, archeology and philology
"On an extensive Eastern European plain, irrigated by the great rivers, the peoples of Slavic, our ancestors lived. When they came here - unknown, "read in the book album" History of Russia "by publication of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment from 1904. The question of Slavic Pranodina is a difficult topic, since we are talking about the distant past. Ko ...

An important function of military history is the educational function, which is expressed in the transfer, primarily a military personnel, professional knowledge, skills and skills, increase their military skills, expansion of the horizon, the development of creative thinking.

Finally educational function, which is that, revealing the heroic past of the peoples of Russia, the USSR, the military-historical science contributes to the increase in the moral spirit of our population, its morality, it is not only the motive of the upbringing of high moral qualities of the warrior, a citizen - Patriot, but also Directly involved in the formation of such an important component of the defense relics of the state as a moral and political factor.

Not by chance therefore the day before and during the Great Patriotic War Politicians, warlords and public figures were constantly treated the heroic past of the country, promoted the glorious feats of the Russian people. Names of Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskogo, K. Minina, D. Pozharsha, P. Saltykov, P. Rumyantseva, Potemkin. A. Suvorov, G. Spiridova, F. Ushakov, M. Kutuzov, M. Barclay de Tolly, P. Bagration, M. Lazareva, V. Kornilova, V. Istomyova, P. Nakhimov, B Buttakova, S. Makarova, M. Dragomirova, A. Brusylova, G. Zhukova, A. Vasilevsky, K. Rokossovsky and other famous defenders were frayed the name of the soldiers and on the feats, inspired them in heavy battles and in a rapidly disturbing offset.

In this regard, it deserves special attention to the fact of the cardinal turn of ideological work in the Armed Forces on the eve of the Great Patriotic War from the "abstract and extremely politicized" to a comprehensive and deep study of military historical experience. "We are especially studied by military history. It is ... Singing old storyThe outstanding commander of the past forgotten, their military art remains unknown team composition - all this leads to ignoring historical specific experience, "is approved at the NPO meeting in May 1940 on ideological work in the Red Army. Military history taught Soviet people to defeat the enemy, recalling the heroic past, about the ability to defend real and fight for the future. She, as it were, would have tied together the last, present and future. The same function performs military historical science and in modern conditions. It acts as an important factor in the military-patriotic education of Russian citizens, and above all young people.

True and vivid reproduction of heroic pages and military experience contributes to the upbringing of young people in the spirit of patriotism. On this basis, the deep and non-historical connection of generations, their loyalty to the Fatherland is strengthened. Military history As the most important component of the domestic cultural heritage makes it possible to simulate the most complex contradictory processes of our time, facilitate the search for ways to exit the crisis states of society.

And in this regard, it is quite legitimate to raise the question of the prognostic function of military historical science, which is determined by the increasing need to have historical "capital" to predict the nature of future wars and military conflicts, analyzing both prepare for them and their experience in preventing them. Thus, it can be argued that the military-historical science, possessing the enormous potential, performs important methodological and global provisses. In this regard, the question arises, to what extent is the current state of military historical science contributes to the fulfillment of the functions mentioned above?

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is ambiguous, because, despite high level Of its development, domestic military-historical science is experiencing a kind of crisis due to the specifics of the current transition period in the history of Russia. Under the crisis, in this case, it is necessary to understand not stagnant and decay in the development of the historical industry (as most often is interpreted), and such popularization of theoretical and approaches, therefore, and specific historical concepts, which in many aspects breaks the unity of the indigenous entity historical Development. Its manifestations are obvious: - the meaningful part of military history changes as a result of clarifying or changing the object of historical research and revision methodological foundations In study historical processes;

- Reduced cohort of professionals of military historians: many experienced military historians are removed from work, and the new generation of specialists is born, unfortunately, extremely slowly; - the organizational structure (apparatus) of military historical studies is depleted, and many of its links are destroyed; - the dangerous trend of narrowing and reducing the issues of military historical research is growing; - School and university textbooks on history are abundantly styling secondary dates, facts, events, names that obscure the true greatness of military feats of Russia; - Significantly decreased the share of positive military historical material in propaganda programs of radio and television. It became familiar to concentrate the attention of Russian readers and listeners solely on some negative phenomena of this period of domestic history.

This is a very harmful trend that has a very important reservoir from the ideological potential of military history, so necessary today in educational work in the armed forces and among the population.

S.N. Mikhalev. Military strategy

Libmonster ID: RU-10077

The military historical sector was formed in the spring of 1944. Initially, the sector consisted of two main groups: the history of the army and the history of the fleet, without any units of these groups. However, in accordance with the expansion of the work program within these groups, with the participation of military "civil historians, small working groups were formed. So, for example, in the Army history group consistently formed:

Suvorov Commission (head of prof. V. A. Afanasyev), engaged in the study and study of the richest heritage A. V. Suvorov;

Kutuzov Commission (Head

prof. N. M. Kontovka), studying the colonical and diplomatic activity of M. I. Kutuzov;

Eastern Group (head of the Associate Professor of Guard Major General B. S. Anthropov), who studies Russian military art in the wars, who led Russia with its neighbors in the near, average and Far EastAnd in parallel with this, the military art of the peoples with whom these wars were conducted.

A group of "History of Generic Troops" is formed, under the direction of Lieutenant General V. G. Fedorova.

In the development and expansion of the work of the sector, groups will be formed in its composition: "History of Russian Military Art" and "History of the Russian Army".

The Fleet History Group also differentiates its work on the following primary sections: the study and promotion of the heroic past domestic fleet; Collection, study and publication of archival and other materials and sources on the history of the domestic fleet; drawing up reference books in naval history; Preparation of monographs on the most interesting and relevant issues of the history of the domestic fleet.

The sector graduate students of the sector are also involved in the research work of the sector. Scientific work Postgraduates are headed by prof. K. V. Basilevich. Postgraduate reports on military historical topics are heard and discussed at sector meetings.

The group "The History of the Army" prepares the collection "Essays on the history of Russian Military Art" in two volumes. In the first volume (25 - 26 furnaces. L.) Articles and essays entered the extensive period of history - from Kievan Rus Until the second half of the XVIII century: Acad. B. D. Grekova "Organization of the Military Forces of the Slavs and Kiev state", Cand. Historical Sciences M. G. Rabinovich " Armed forces Novgorod land In the XI-XV centuries. "And" Armed Forces of the Moscow Principality of the XIII-XV centuries. ", Cand. Historical Sciences V. I. Shunova" Russian army and military art in the XV-XVIII century ", prof. A. A. Savich "Russian national army in the fight against foreign invaders in 1604 - 1612", Cand. Historical Sciences E. A. Berkov "Creating a Russian regular army with Peter Great", Prof. N. M. Korkova "Russian Army and Military Art in The period after Peter I and to Suvorov "and" Russian Army in the second half of the XVIII century. and the military art of Suvorov. Tom is edited and prepared for the press prof. K. V. Basilevich.

In the second volume (23 - 24 furnaces. L.) The following articles will be included: prof. N. M. Korobkov - "Communion Kutuzov", prof. N. M. Druzhinina "Russian Military Art in the period crimean war 1853 - 1856 ", Cand. Historical Sciences S. A. Nikitina" Military reforms D. A. Milyutin ", Cand. pedagogical Sciences L. G. Beregrovnaya "Military Pedagogical System General Dragomirova", Regiment. P. N. Fortunatova "War of 1877 - 1878 and its meaning in the development of Russian military art", Assoc. Major General B. I. Kuznetsova "General Brusilov and his role in the First World War." Work on preparation for the publication of this volume will be completed in the current year.

In addition to the materials included in the first two volumes of the collection, the work plan of the sector was scheduled for a number of topics on which reports will be heard at the plenary sessions of the sector. These materials will either enter the third volume of the collection or will be published in another form. These topics include: "Polotsk Camping Ivan Grozny" (prof. K. V. Basilevich), "Development of Russian military thought in the first half of the XIX century.", "The development of Russian military thought in the second half of the XIX century." (Doc. G. P. Meshcheryakov), "Training and education of Russian troops in the XVIII century." (Cand. Pedagogical Sciences under the regiment. L. G. Bogron), "Military Art Bogdan Khmelnitsky" (Major L. M. Leshchinsky), etc.

The following work is carried out by the team of the Suvorov Commission: Major V. V. Zhukov is compiled and subject to the Printing "Suvorovskaya Krestomatiya", which is a collection of excerpts from the best writings about Suvorov; It is intended for Suvorov schools, military schools and civil higher educational institutions.

Prepared materials for the collection "Suvorov readings". In the first volume of the collection (about 10 furnaces) should be logged in the reports read in the Suvorov Commission: prof. V. A. Afanasyev "Bibliography of Suvorov" Science to win "; A. K. Solovyova" Suvorov in foreign literature "; Captain S. N. Ilini" Sturm Izmail ". In addition, they are drawn up for publication: Map of hikes Suvorov and Art Poster" Suvorov "." Suvorov readings "will be published in subsequent years.

The collective of the Kutuzov Commission is prepared for the press a collection of documents "Kutuzov", t. I (25 furnaces). All are expected to make four such compilations; They will be published consistently in the coming years. In addition, in 1947, the collection "Kutuzov readings" must be released, t. I (about 15 furnaces), which will include reports on the colonical and state activities of Kutuzov: Assoc. P. G. Ründzian "Kutuzov and Russian Army in 1812", Major L. M. Leschinsky "Kutuzov and a small war", Cand. historical sciences I. M. Eltermana "Kutuzov Embassy to Turkey in 1793-94", Major General B. S. Antropova "Tarutinsky Cutuzov Operation in 1812", "Kutuzov and Napoleon" and others as materials accumulate Commission will prepare subsequent collections of "Kutuzov readings". In addition, the publication of monographs devoted to the colonical activities of Bagration, Barclay de Tolly and other Russian commander.

The Eastern Group was formed in early 1946. At the meetings of the group, reports were heard: prof. N. A. Smirnova "Russian-Turkish War 1677 - 1678 for Ukraine", N. M. Goldberg "Principles of the acquisition of the Indian army in the light of their historical development", prof. S. K. Bushueva "Russian-English relations during the Caucasian War of 1816 - 1864", Cand. historical

major A. Fadeeva "The first Russian landings on the Caucasus coast" and others. All these reports will have to leave a separate compilation.

The group "Fleet History" is working on the preparation of "Essays of History Navy USSR "in three volumes. The first volume covers the period from ancient times to end XIX. century. Professor K. V. Basilevich, M. N. Tikhomirov, N. M. Druzhinin, A. I. Andreev, Captain of 1st Rang N. V. Novikov, S. A. Nikitin, P., . Alefirenko. The first volume prepared for the publication of the editorial board under the leadership of Admiral Fleet I. S. Isakov, is in production in the militant.

The second volume will include chapters dedicated to russian-Japanese war, First World War and the history of the revolutionary movement in the fleet (1904 - 1905) before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In writing it, he was attended by: the captain of the 1st rank of P. D. Bykov, Major General S. F. Nida and Cand. Historical Sciences G. M. Derenkovsky. Tom is prepared for delivery in the current year.

The third volume will include chapters dedicated to the history of the fleet from the Great October Socialist Resolution to the Great Patriotic War inclusive, which are written by the captain of the 1st rank E. Ya Kelle, Major General S. F. Nida, prof. A. I. Andreev and Admiral Fleet I. S. Izakov.

The plan is provided, together with the main archival department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the publication of a series of collections of materials about the life and activities of the largest Russian fleets, in 1945. The first compilation of documents dedicated to Admiral P. S. Nakhimov was published. The same collection of documents dedicated to Vice Admiral V. A. Kornilov is in production. In 1947, a collection of documents on the life and activities of the admiral F. F. Ushakov in two volumes should be out of the press. Work on the preparation of a collection of articles dedicated to Admirals M. P. Lazarev, S. O. Makarov and D. N. Seyhanin, is in production. A group of "Fleet History" was prepared for publication Two Labor: "Fight Chronicle of the Russian Fleet" and the compilation of the "List of Russian War Ships from 1861-1917". The first of these works is by the annotated chronicle of the combat operations of the fleet from the 9th century until the end of the Civil War in the USSR, the second work is a continuation of the well-known reference book compiled in the past century F. Veselgo and brought only until 1861.


3) Amblematics

7) History local wars

8) History of Management Troops

The causes and nature of the wars of a slave-ownership society.

Military art originated in the slave-owned state in 6 V to n e in the middle of 5 c. The troops at this time were intended to keep slaves in the commemoration to reflect the attacks of other countries and conquer the nearest land, the population in the slaves. Wars differed in the extreme measure of the development of art, the troops were complicted from slave owners, free farmers, slaves were not warriors. The army consisted of a fantastic and cavalry. Basic weapon Sword Spear Shield. The most developed was China 4000 km. Distorted the Chinese wall. Military art The slave of the Company received the highest development in ancient Greece and Rome 5 V D NE 6 in the NE. Systems complied with DR of Greece and Rome were the same. The army of these states was clearly pronounced. Slaves were used but rarely.

Methods of picking in a slave-owned society:

1) a combination of permanent detachments with the militia (protection of GOSVA) - its basis served by the detachments of Rhodoplamenic Knight + during the war, the army increased by peasants

2) custom system- (countries of the DR East) The army consisted of proficient soldiers who served life and inherited

3) Militia system - every citizen of the State-Wa must serve until older from 18-22 4) Kashnicheskaya System - received the anniversary and the Greek Relate for payment was attracted to the service

Armament at the time of the slave: the simplest weapons from steel, spears, arrows, protection-metal armor. During the development period, the serf and siege technique has applied throwing mechanisms, manual weapons were improved and developed. For hand-to-hand combat swords dagged darts. Protection attributed shell helmet. shield. The root of engineering troops appear, the main unit became the flanner who acted in a single force in it included a heavy infantry of 8-16 thousand people, in addition to the controversy, there was an easy.

Military reforms and commodity art of Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy.

The Russian military art of the feudalism period was inherent with a wide range of strategic actions, determination in the attack, clear planning in preparation for battle, the desire to defeat in parts, the use of folk militia. The main type is strategic defense. Starts the guard service. The need for a combination on the action field of infantry and cavalry leads to the fact that from Nala of the 9th century russian army Begins to consist of 3 parts (man, left / right hand). Slavs used ambushes, attempts to capture Izmor, military tricks. Artillery was rarely applied, only in defense.

April 5, 1242 - Battle on the Ice; September 8, 1370 - Kulikovskaya battle; In 1942, the Order of Alexander Nevsky was established.

Battle near Moscow.

The battle for Moscow (1941-1942) The task of the Center Group (German Army) was the implementation of the Typhoon plan. As a result, the Germans were able to fall deep into the rear of Soviet troops and surround the four armies under Vyazma and two - under Bryansky. Then more than 660 thousand came to the fascist captivity. soviet soldiers.
By the beginning of December 1941, the fascists took Khimki moving the channel Moscow - Volga. In the east, the troops of the Wehrmacht switched out and reached Kashira. The decision to evacuate enterprises and government agencies was adopted by GKO as early as October 8. The city switched to siege. In October, troops from the country's depths were deployed to Moscow. At this most difficult moment, the commander-in-chief western Front Appointed Zhukov GK. By the end of November 1941, the Germans managed to take a wedge. And on this, their further promotion was stopped. Battle for Moscow 1941-1942 Started on the night of December 5 on the 6th. A powerful counteroffensive has been made throughout the front. The beginning of the battle near Moscow and the active offensive of the Soviet troops became a surprise for the fascists. As a result, the enemy was discarded at 120-150 km. from the capital. Tver and Kaluga liberated in December. But, the most important value of the battle near Moscow is the refutation of the myth on the invincibility of the Wehrmacht's troops. The troops of the fascists for the first time suffered serious losses.

36. Installation on the Soviet-German front by mid-November 1942. Play of Parties.

For the second half of the year 1942, the whole country worked 13.5 thousand combat aircraft, 13 thousand 300 tanks 137 combat guns. Over 3mln rifles and automata, more than the crude equipment. In May 1942, the central headquarters are created partisan traffic. In 1942 Created 2 order of the theoretical of the training of owls of the army: Order of the Narcar of Defense No. 306 dated October 8: 1) introduced the one-butcher construction of the combat order from the company to Division 2) Requires a reserve 3) of separation and platforms in the offensive required to dilute in the chain intervals Fighters 68 steps 4) For the impact of the depth, the creation of 2-operational echelon was envisaged. 5) The place of the commander in battle was determined for the combat order of its division. 2 Order No. 325 dated October 16, 1942: Establishment of a new order and the use of tank and mechanized parts and connections in all types of combat. Separate tank shelves should be used on the main direction as infantry support tanks, and infantry should not leave 500 m .Tric mechanized cases in full force. For the offensive in the main direction. 1942 On October 9, the Commissar of the USSR developed a combat charter of infantry. The counteroffensive under Stalingrad was called Uranus.

Battle for Dnipro.

The battle for the Dnieper lasted from August 26 to December 23, 1943 and included several stages and battles: the first stage. Chernihiv-Poltava operation. (August 26 - September 30, 1943); Second phase. LOGEDNEPROVSK OPERATION (September 26 - December 20, 1943). Also, the Battle of the Dnipro include several separate operations that historians do not belong to one of the stages, but consider it an important component of this period of the war: the Dnieper Airborne Operation (September 1943); Kievskaya offensive (1943) (November 3-13, 1943); Kiev defensive operation (November 13 - December 23, 1943).

The battle for the Dnieper became one of the rare examples such as large-scale and fast forcing such a huge territory captured and well protected by an opponent. Even german command forced to admit a hundred soviet army This operation showed its best qualities and huge courage.
The liberation of the Dnieper, Kiev and Ukraine as a whole had a huge political and moral value for the Soviet Union. First, managed to return the territories previously seized with all their resources, secondly, Ukraine gave Soviet Union Exit to the boundaries of Romania and Poland, and in the future German itself.

Berlin operation.

Berlin Operation - Offensive Operation of the Red Army at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 in January - March 1945. Soviet troops defeated major German fascist groups in East Prussia, Poland and East Pomerania, deeply wedged into the territory of Germany and seized a bridgehead necessary to take her capital. The plan of the operation was to apply several powerful blows on a wide front, to disclose the Berlin grouping of the enemy, to surround and destroy it in parts. To implement this task, the Soviet command concentrated 19 of the general (including two Polish), four tanks and four aerial army (2.5 million people, 41,600 guns and mortars, 6250 tanks and self-guns and artillery installations, 7,500 aircraft). The monetary command focused in the Berlin area a large grouping as part of the Army Group "Vistula" (3rd tank and 9th Army ) And the "Center" armies group (4th tank and 17th Army) are about 1 million people, 10,400 guns and mortars, 1530 tanks and assault guns, over 3300 aircraft. On the Western shores of the Oder and Neurov rivers, three defensive strips depth to 20-40 km were created; Berlin defensive district consisted of three ring defensive divers, all major buildings in the city were turned into supporting points, streets and squares were blocked by powerful barricades. April 18, after a powerful artillery and aviation preparation of the 1st Belarusian front (Marshal G.K. Zhukov.) attacked the enemy on r. Oder. At the same time, the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front (Marshal I. S. Koneva) began to forcing p. Neutov. Despite the fierce resistance of the enemy, especially in the Zelian altitudes, the Soviet troops broke through his defense. Attempts by the Hitler's command win the battle for Berlin on the line Oder - Neyce failed. 20 April Troops of the 2nd Belarusian Front (Marshal K. K. Rokossovsky) forced r. Oder and to the end of April 25, the main lane of the opponent's defense south of Shttitin broke through. On April 21, the 3rd Guards Tank Army (General Ya. S. Fishing) first broke into the northeastern outskirts of Berlin. Troops of the 1st Belorussky and 1st Ukrainian fronts After breakthrough, the enemy's defense from the north and the south went around Berlin and were closed on April 25, they closed the west of Berlin in the ring of surroundings to 200 thousand German troops. Grome of this group resulted in a fierce battle. Until May 2, bloody battles walked on the streets of Berlin during the day and night. On April 30, the troops of the 3rd shock army (Colonel-General V. I. Kuznetsova) began fighting for Reichstag and in the evening it took. Sergeant M. A. Egorov and Jr. Sergeant M. V. Kantaria watershed in Reichstag. The banner of victory. Bowls in Berlin continued until May 8, when representatives of the German High Command, led by General Field Marshal V. Keitel, signed an act of unconditional surrender of Germany.

Education Organization of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) and other aggressive blocks.

In 1945, the USA was the most numerous and most technically equipped among the armies of the Western countries. As soon as rare the last volunteers of the Second World War, the United States began to open their claims to world domination. Already in December 1945, the American president of Truman in his message, Congress announced that the United States takes responsibility "for the leadership of the world." The basis for such a statement was the economic power of the United States of America and their temporary monopoly on atomic bomb, in the opinion of Truman, turned the United States in the "world leader". On March 1946, in Fulton, the leader of the English conservatives of W. Churchill, in which he openly urged the West to " cross campaign"Against the USSR and the Allied countries. This event is assumed to be the beginning of the "Cold War" - such a name received a foreign policy course conducted by both parties in relation to each other during the 2nd half of the 40s - early 90s. XX century International problems were solved in the arms race atmosphere. One of the manifestations of the "Cold War" was the formation of military political blocs. The "Marshall Marshall" (1947) is the program of the so-called restoration and development of countries Western Europe, but essentially strengthening their military political dependence on the United States, gradual transformation their territories in the bridgehead for the preparation of aggression against the USSR and other socialist countries .. April 4, 1949, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Canada, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Portugal signed in Washington North Atlantic Covenant Embedded the creation of NATO. In 1952, Greece and Turkey entered NATO, in 1955 - Germany, in 1982 - Spain, in 1999 - Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, in 2004 - Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. In 1949, the American plan of war against the USSR was adopted under the code name "Rropshot". The ultimate goal of the war is the elimination of the socialist building in the USSR, the occupation and dismemberment of its territory into individual zones - Western, Ukrainian-Caucasian, West-Siberian-Ural-Turkestan, East Siberian-Far East Kazakhstan in Southeast Asia Representatives of the United States, Great Britain , France, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Philippines and Pakistan have created a new SEATO military unit, the agreement on which came into force in February 1955. Later, UK, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan created another aggressive military political grouping of states on The Middle and Middle East is the Baghdad Pact, reorganized in 1959 in the Sato block.

Object and subject of military history

The subject of military history of science is the historically natural occurrence of the course and outcome of wars, the emergence and development of the military organization of the state, military activities in all aspects: economical, social, spiritual, politics, military, both in peaceful and military time and military time.

V represents a combination of objects of study:

The history of wars - studies the sources and causes of wars, their social essence, the move, the results, and lessons;

The history of military art is exploring direct forms and methods in the Armed War.


1) Strategy - the highest form of military art, coverage theory and practice for the preparation of the country to war.

2) Operational art covering the theory and practice of training and conducting general collaborative joint and independent operations.

3) Tactic part of military art covering theory and practice in preparing for the fight in the divisions.

4) The history of the construction of the army is the principles of the methods and the kind of troops.

4) The history of the military thought-subject is studied by the thoughts, plans of the commander.

6) The history of military equipment - the creation and development of various military equipment.

Special industriesRelated to VI:

1) Military historiography - studies the very story of

2) Military Historical - Explore Written, Oral Facts

3) Amblematics

4) Heraldry - allows you to install authenticity

5) Military archeology - allows you to install temporary boundaries

6) Falcistry - explores the history of orders and medals

7) History of local wars

8) History of Management Troops