Special psychology Industry of psychology studying. The main industries of psychology

Modern special pedagogy and psychology consist of substantive areas that have historically formed in connection with the traditionally existing system of special educational institutions for children with special educational needs. At the beginning of the twentieth century These subject areas have only been developing, today they are relatively independent, developed and finely differentiated areas of scientific and practical pedagogical knowledge. These include the following: tifl about pedagogy; Survyopedagogic; TIFLOSURDOPEDAGOGY; speech therapy; Special pedagogy industry in relation to persons with disorders i mI of the musculoskeletal system; Special pedagogy industry in relation to persons with impaired emotional-volitional sphere; Pathopsychology; Sotathered b naya psychology (includes sections by type of violations) .

Survyopedagogy(from Lat. Surdus - Deaf and Pedagogy) - Special Pedagogy - Special Pedagogy, (Defectology); Science, developing problems of education, training and education of children with hearing impairment (deaf, weast-impaired and late boilers). As a branch of pedagogical science includes the theory of learning and education of children with shortcomings of the hearing of preschool and school age, Survival history, Private techniques, Survival.

Survival - a) technical means for correction and compensation of hearing defects and due to these defects of speech disorders; b) Instrument-making industry, developing sedicultural agents. Thanks to the sulfure, it is possible to fully use the sensory capabilities of a person with a complete or partial deafness, i.e. Increase the effectiveness of education and learning children with earlieves, expand the circle of professions for persons with impaired hearing, facilitate their work and life, simplify the possibility of communicating among themselves and hearing. The action of the sulfuric equipment is based on the transformation of speech and other sound information into signals perceived by residual hearing, vision and touch. To compensate for a hearing defect and due to this defect of general underdevelopment of speech, a special purposeful pedagogical impact is necessary, in which the tools of sard-engineers play an important, but auxiliary role. Deafness rarely happens complete; Typically, more or less significant residues of the hearing sensitivity are preserved, which make up the sensory base, the effect on which the effect of sound operation is achieved. The first references to devices that help communicate with the deaf are among the testimony of the Ancient Roman doctor Galen, Ko 2 V. BC. These were auditory tubes, horns and other means concentrating sound energy near the ear. In the 16th century, the Italian scientist J. Kardano offered to use a metal vessel whose vibration was deaf perceived with his fingers. The first hearing aids based on the electroacoustic amplification appeared at the end of the 19th century. In the USA (M. Hutchinson). In Russia, the electric hearing aid was developed in 1903 brutas. A number of ideas relating to the visualization of speech was proposed by A.G. Bella - one of the inventors of the phone. The intensive development of sard-engineering began in the 50s. And it was due to the success of radio electronics. Microelectronics made it possible to significantly expand the functionality of the instruments, increase their operational and ergonomic indicators. Significant contribution to the development of domestic sardotechnical equipment introduced V.A. Zuckerman. The most common means of sounding is the auditory apparatus. With small and medium hearing loss, such devices allow us to fully compensate for the defects of the hearing sensitivity. With deep violations of the auditory function using a hearing aid, individual speech elements are perceived, which complement the information obtained when "reading" oral speech from the speaking lips. Pocket-type apparatus and so-called "convulsions" received the greatest distribution.

Typhalplopedagogy(from Greek - Typhlos - Blind and Pedagogy) - Special Pedagogy, (Defectology), developing problems of education and training of persons with deep violations of vision (partially and visually impaired, blinded, blind from birth). In schools for the blind training, the effectiveness of the training is achieved by the use of modern means of relief letters, a variety of visual benefits, perceived, as well as the best use of the most disciples of residual vision. In schools of visually impaired education, general education subjects are provided by large font textbooks with recycled illustrations in which the main signs of depicted objects are highlighted; notebook with a special distinguished; visual benefits of the enlarged scale with the allocation of the main one; Optical and technical means. A large role in improving the quality of learning in schools by blind belongs to Tiflography and Tiflother. All methods academic work Provide the protection of residual and weak vision of students.

Typhlothechnics - instrument-making industry, engaged in designing and manufacturing Typhlothechnic agents (typhalopribors) for people with visual anomalies (visually impaired, blind, depleting) in order to correct or compensate for violated visual functions, as well as for the development and restoration of vision. The correction of defective vision is carried out by enhancing the beneficial optical signal (brightness, contrast, etc. Characteristics of the object) on the retina of the eye using conventional (corrective) glasses. In cases where, under reduced vision, the usual correction is ineffective, special optical, television, lighting agents are used. To compensate for the violated functions of the visual analyzer, typhilibulations are used, with which visual information is converted (recharged) into signals available for perception by hearing and (or) touch. In the development of typhilicorborns of Typhlother, relies on physiology, ophthalmology, typhoid, typhalopsychology, physiology and physical optics, other technical sciences. Typhlothechnics plays a significant role in the labor and social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. Depending on the direction distinguished training, industrial and lifeaboutvuu Tyflother. The task of the educational is the development of the educational material and technical base that promotes the improvement of the content and methods of training, optimizing the educational process, as well as the production training of blind. The correction applicable for visually impaired optical means includes various kinds of magnifiers (manual, support, stationary), glasses (microscopic, telescopic, hyperocular), mono- and binocular, projection magnifying devices. For the blind, various complexities of the device and device are developed: "Nitcopriver", special canes that contribute to orientation with independent movement, instruments for manual letters on L.Breil, devices for relief drawing and drawing, so-called "talking books" - replicated on records and tape tapes for recording texts.

Oligophrenopedagogic (from Greek. Oligos - Small, Phren - Mind and Pedagogy) - a branch of special pedagogy, developing problems of education and training, ways to correct the deficiencies of the psychophysical development of mentally retarded children, as well as issues of their labor preparation. Oligophrenopedagogic as science develops psychological and pedagogical problems of the diagnosis of mental backwardness, ways to improve training, methods and principles of organizing an educational process, pedagogical classification and typology of mentally retarded children, the structure of special institutions, etc. One of the main directions of research in oligophrenopedagogic is a comprehensive study of the mentally retarded children, conducted in comparative plan with the norm and different types of pathology. The most important and specific task of oligophrenopedagogic is the definition of optimal pedagogical means correction of the shortcomings of the cognitive activity and the personality of the child in order to its social and labor adaptation. An important role is played by the comprehensive and dynamic study of the peculiarities of the mentally backward child, which includes a wide plan of clinical, neurophysiological, psychological and pedagogical studies. Early detection of mental retardation and timely start of special training is essential. Training classes with such children provide for the propappleurist and training with their native language and elementary account, upbringing communication skills. Significant place occupies subjective-practical activity, household work and self-service. Abroad instead of the term "oligophrenopedagogy" apply the concepts of "therapeutic pedagogy", "Social and rehabilitation pedagogy", "Special pedagogy", "pedagogy of a special school" and others. Such terminology does not contain a clear indication on what kind of child is what kind of child is that It gives rise to a significant expansion of the circle of persons included in the sphere of special training and upbringing.

Logopedia. (from Greek. Logos - Word, and Paideia - Education, Training) is a science of speech violations in normal hearing, about the methods of their prevention, identifying and eliminating special training and education. The speech therapy studies the causes, mechanisms, symptoms, flow, structure of violations speech activity, Correctional impact system. The shortcomings of speech are different in their manifestations, their nature, degree of severity and influence on mental condition and development. Violations of speech make it difficult to communicate with others, often impede the successful development of cognitive activities of children, adversely affect the formation of their psyche. Children appear such features as closure, uncertainty in themselves, negativism, etc. For the first time, issues of correction of speech deficiencies under normal hearing were considered in 17 V. in works by survyopedagogy. As an independent industry, the spectology of the speech therapy began to form from the 2nd half of the 19th century. Until the end of the 30s. 20 V. In the speech therapy prevailed simplified ideas about speech as a combination of specialized muscular movements and the relevant methods of correction. With speech therapy studies, in addition to pronounced defects, the level of lexico-grammatical development is determined, the degree of mastering the words and writing speech, etc. The interaction between the violations of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar is established; pronunciation and phonismation; Defects oral I. written speech. Large pedagogical significance also has to identify speech activities with a psyche of a child. Today, in the speech therapy as pedagogical science, the study of an anomalous child is subordinated to the task of developing ways of special training and education of children suffering from speech disadvantages. The task of the speech therapy is also a re-education (elimination) of the consequences of a speech defect, negatively affecting the psyche and the behavior of the child. Serious attention in the speech therapy is paid to the fight against the abominability due to violations of speech, reactive identity changes. The results of studies of the abnormal development of speech contribute to the expansion of submissions in the field of general psychology and speech pedagogy. In particular, the achievements of the speech therapy are successfully used in the teaching methodology.

If you take the principle of development as a basis, then psychology is divided into psychology: normal mental development;anomalous psychice.social Development (Surdo, Tiflo-, Oligopreno-, Pato, etc.).Psychology studies the world of subjective (mental) phenomena, processes and states, conscious or unconscious human themselves.

Psychology of abnormal development, or Special psychology, -the region of psychological science, which studies people for whom it is characteristic oft.the clone from normal mental development associated with congenital or acquired impairment of the formation of the nervous system. Based on such a study, the possibilities and ways of compensation of defects of various complexity are determined, a system of training and education of people with mental abnormal abnormalities is being built. Special psychology is divided into the psychology of the blind (Tifflopsihology), inadvertent (Surdopsychology), mentally retarded (oligophrenopsychology), children with speech impairment, children with a delay in mental development and other categories of children with development deviations.

Messages about the features of the psyche of children and adults suffering from various defects, appeared in medical, philosophical and psychological writings until the mid-19th century is irregularly. Subsequently, mainly due to the appearance of the relevant educational institutionsProceedings on the problems of special psychology were published systematically both foreign and domestic authors.

Tasks of special psychology: - detectiongeneral and specific patterns of mental development of an abnormal child in comparison with a normally developing child; - study features of the development of certain types of cognitive activities of people with various types of violations; - study patterns of human identity development with disabilities of vital activity; - studypsychological problems of integration and integrated learning; - psychological justification The most effective ways and methods of pedagogical impact on the mental development of children and adults with various types of violations.

The central question, both special psychology and special pedagogy, is the problem compensation for functions. The task of specially organized learning and education of children with impaired mental development is to find the most effective ways to compensate for disturbed functions. Special training and upbringing are computern.silent directional. "Compensation of mental functions is the compensation of underdeveloped or disturbed mental functions by using the preserved or restructuring of partially disturbed functions "(Psychological Dictionary. - M., 1990. - p. 169).

Allocate two types of compensation functions:

  • Intracement compensationwhich is carried out by attracting the preserved nerve elements of affected structures (for example, the development of residual auditory perception).
  • InterSystem compensationwhich is carried out by restructuring functional systems and inclusion in the work of new elements from other structures due to the fulfillment of previously unusual functions (for example, compensation for the functions of the visual analyzer at a malicious child occurs due to the development of tanging, i.e. activities of motor and skin analyzers).
  • Most often, both types of compensation of functions are observed. It is of particular importance in the case of innate or early arising disorders of mental development.

    Higher, actually human forms of compensation provide the possibility of full-fledged personality development. It is like the possibility of mastering knowledge of the basics of sciences and labor skills and the possibility of forming the worldview, moral qualities of the personality.

    Thus, the value of special psychology (for special pedagogy) is determined by the fact that on the basis of its data, a system of learning, education and social adaptation of people with various types of mental development disorders are determined by the most effective methods Training, a system of professional advice and professional orientation is being built.

    Surdopsychology is a branch of special psychology, which studies the peculiarities of the psyche of inadvertent and hearing impaired children. Data on the psychology of hearing were published by the psychologists of W. Jams and T. Ribo, Survyopodagogi V.I. Fleyri, I.A. Vasilyev, N.M. Lagovsky, P. Shuman and others. The subject of Surdopsychology is: to establish the identity of the mental development of a child with a disturbed hearing function; Establishing ways and ways to compensate for this abnormal development. The tasks of Surdopsychology relate to the tasks of special psychology, their decision is aimed at mental development of a child with a lack of hearing.

    Surdopsychology as science took shape at the beginning of the 20th century. In Russia, the date of birth of Sudopsychology is considered to be 1904, when the first article came out. Russian Surdopsychology has passed with the development of world Surdopsychology: in 20-30. There was a surgery of studying the psychology of the abnormal development of a child, which is associated with the name L.S. Vygotsky. In 1925, L.S. was published. Vygotsky "Basics of psychological education of a deaf child." The first laboratory of studying the psychology of a deaf child was organized by Ivan Mikhailovich Soloviev in 1935. The first monograph on Surdopsychology was published in 1940. "Essays of the psychology of a deaf child" I.M. Solovyov. The development of Survopsychology went in line with the development of general psychology, which experienced many difficult periods. (1936). In 1956, Solovyov again issued a monograph and the revival of psychology began. Within the framework of the Research Institute of Defectology, Sudopsychology laboratory worked first under the leadership of IM. Solovyov, then under the guidance Rosanova Tatiana Vsevolodovna. To date, the Research Institute of Correctional Pedagogy does not have a specialized laboratory for Sudopsychology.

    Typhlopsihology -special psychology industry, which studies the features of the psyche of blind and visually impaired children. The psychology of the blind was investigated mainly by psychologists and typhalopalists V. Gaiui, K. Burklen, P. Vileem, I. Klein, A. Melom, and others. The development of domestic typhalopalic and typhalopsychology is associated with the names of such scientists as M.I. Zemtsova, B.I. Kovalenko, N.B. Kovalenko, A.S. Gandjij, N.G. Krachkovskaya, L.I. Solntseva, A.G. Litvak, A.I. Kaplan, V.A. Feoktistova, I.S. Morgulis and others.

    Oligophrenopsychology- This is one of the directions of special psychology, which in dynamics considers cognitive activities and features of the identity of children for one reason or another rejoicing in their development on the norm. The subject of study of oligophrenopsychology is the features of development mentally retarded children of preschool and school ages. It is at the junction of many sciences and largely depends on the degree of development theoretical problems philosophy, child neurology and psychiatry, physiology of higher nervous activity, children's age and special psychology, general and special pedagogy, sociology.

    Oligophrenopsychology sets itself the tasks of determining the originality of common, special and individual traits inherent in the psyche of children with reduced intelligence; Identify the deficiencies characteristic of them and the available positive opportunities caused by the direction of the development of the child and its ability to adapt to the surrounding social environment. This knowledge branch is directly related to solving the problem of differential diagnosis, i.e. With the elimination of mentally retarded children with similar states, as well as with questions of their correctional and direction and education, providing for the preparation for socio-labor adaptation.

    Education, training and labor preparation for mentally retarded children are more significant, since oligofrens have less opportunities to independently accept, comprehend, maintain and recycle information obtained from ambient. Less than normal, formation of various sides of cognitive activity. A certain meaning also has a reduced activity of mentally retarded children, a much narrower circle of their interests, as well as other manifestations of the emotional-volitional sphere.

    To promote the child-oligofren in general development, to assimage their knowledge, skills and skills is essential, not any, but specially organized training and upbringing. Stay in the general education school often does not benefit him, and in some cases leads to serious consequences, to persistent, sharply negative shifts in his personality. Domestic psychologists say that the defect correction should be carried out in perhaps more early age, relying on the preserved child's capabilities and paying special attention to becoming its highest mental functions - thinking, speech, arbitrary memory.

    Currently, in various countries of the West, the question of the integration of the mentally retarded children into their environmental environment is raised.

    For children with flaws mental Development Russia has special educational institutions different levels. Separate children due to their individual characteristics or at the request of parents are brought up and trained at home. Deeply mentally retarded children are in boarding schools of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population, some of these children live in families.

    Pathopsychology - the subject of children's pathopsychology is violations in the development of the mental activity of the child. Children's pathopsychology - Science, the subject of which refers to the interdisciplinary, borderline research area. On the one hand, it is a section of pathopsychology, which in turn is closely related to medical psychology and psychiatry; On the other hand, it relies on the knowledge obtained from other adjacent disciplines: age and pedagogical psychology, general psychology and psychology of the individual. When deciding on the child's learner, there is a relationship with research in the field of defectology and speech therapy.

    The concepts of "pathopsychology" and "psychopathology" should be distinguished. The subject of pathopsychology is the structure of violations of mental activity in their comparison with the norm. Subject of psychopathology -signs of mental illness and their dynamics during the course of the disease. Psychopathology Section of Psychiatry, i.e. Essentially is a medical science. Therefore, medical terminology is used here: symptom, syndrome, etiology, pathogenesis, etc.

    Pathopsychology is a selection of psychology and uses psychological terminology, although clinical concepts are sometimes used.

    Pathopsychology and psychopathologythey have the same object of research - disorders of mental activities. However, due to the fact that the subject of research is different, these two sciences use different methods. Pathopsychology studies the structure and dynamics of mental violations by psychology methods.

    Specificity children's pathopsychology, (in contrast to the pathopsychology of adults), it is that there are no violations in mental activity in the dynamics corresponding to the development of the child in the process of ontogenesis. This greatly complicates the study of the research subject, because there is a need to take into account two variables at once: the dynamics of mental violations and the dynamics of the child's mental activity determined by the ripening of cerebral structures. Therefore, for the correct interpretation of the results of the pathopsychological examination of children, it is necessary to constantly compare them with the indicators of the age norm in healthy children. Since the development of the child's psyche occurs under the influence of training and education, it is impossible not to take into account the data of pedagogical psychology. As well as the role of adults, organizing training and education of children, is often defining in their further fate: it is precisely from the quality of pedagogical exposure that the probability of the defect compensation is depends on or its exacerbation.

    Children's pathopsychology, like many sciences arising at the junction of related sciences, has a relatively short history. The first work devoted to mental development disorders in children and psychological mechanisms of these states belong to the border of 19-20 centuries. These studies began both within pedagogy (M. Montessori) and psychiatry (Z. Freud). In the course of the development of age psychology, psychological tools appeared for the establishment of the norms of intellectual development of the child. A structural approach to the issue of deformation and possible deviations in the development of thinking in children and adolescents is presented in the works of J. Piaget. At the same time, in the psychotherapeutic concepts of Z. Freud, A. Adler draws attention to the childhood of patients, the system of their relationship with parents and sometimes arising in connection with this intrapersonal conflict.

    As part of the behavioral approach to the psychological correction of violations, the purpose of the pathopsychological examination becomes the identification of inadequate forms of behavior and to teach adequate interaction with the medium (M. Ratter). In our country, targeted studies in the field of children's pathopsychology were conducted by L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria. In the future, the study of personal and intellectual features of children with developmental anomalies was presented in the works of B.V. Zeigarnik, S.Ya. Rubinstein. The extremely interesting synthesis of the pathopsychological, psychiatric and psychotherapeutic approach to the problem of neurosis in childhood is reflected in articles and monographs V.I. Garbuzova, A.I. Zakharova, D.I. Isaev. Studying the role of family relationships in the formation of a variety of personal violations in children and adolescents is held by E.G. Amemaller.

    Tasks children's pathopsychology: - receiving data on mental state A child with deviating behavior (about the state of his cognitive activity, the emotional-volitional sphere and personality as a whole), in the work of the school psychologist, the Pathopsychological examination of the child is necessary for the separation of abnormalities in the behavior that arose under the influence of the social situation of development, from those due to a violation of mental activities .

    An important task There is an early identification of symptoms of mental underdevelopment, distorted, disharmonic development, the debut of mental illness, neuropathy, neurosis, and the like. Finding the alarming symptoms, the psychologist should send the child to the relevant specialist to clarify the diagnosis and treatment.

    Specific tasksarise when working with a teenager. This age period, being a difficult stage in the development for all children, provokes sharp deviations in behavior in adolescents with violations in mental activities. This occurs often even with minimal compensated (i.e. invisible for simple observation) formerly violations. So, for example, withe.which types of character accentuations in adolescence pronounced signs of social de.tasks: refusal to fulfill adult demands, negativity in relation to socially approved behavioral standards, increased irritability,n.flicity, etc.The same, at first glance, behavioral manifestations are also peculiar and the usual teenager in relation to their parents, if they do not want to change the style of relationships with her son or daughter, trying to keep them within the framework of the children's "obedience". In this case teenage behavior is not pathologyAnd acts as a reaction of emancipation, hypertrophied in response to the wrong behavior of parents.

    Next task - Use of data of pathopsychological examination during the implementation of corrective effects. Thus, the identification of the personal features of the child, his interests, the intellectual level helps to establish contact with it, predict the features of the emotional response to the psychotherapeutic effect, flexibly build communication tactics.

    Psychological measurementsthe dynamics of improvements in mental activities in connection with the psychocorrection conducted are also the task of the pathopsychologist. The data of these measurements act as objective indicators of the influence of psychotherapy and other corrective impacts on the treatment.

    Very important in practical terms and taskis to obtain data on the mental activity of the child for the implementation of various kinds of expertise. First of all, it is necessary to address the question of where the child should learn: in a normal or special school. The direction of the child to a special school is carried out by PMPC. However, not always the parents are in a timely manner for help from specialists. This is explained by the fact that many species of mental underdevelopment of the child are not noticeable in domestic communication. Moreover, such violations, such as disgrave, discalcium, dyslexia, are generally not associated with a decrease in intelligence. Therefore, teachers perceive the child's backlog in school as a result of his reluctance to learn and convince the parents in this.

    Thus, the knowledge of the characteristics of the development of the child and the conditions of its upbringing, the implementation of interaction with the child with a support on the principle of humanism will help teachers and parents to avoid multiple mistakes and contribute to the comprehensive development of a growing personality.

    Questions for self-control:

  • What industries of special pedagogy can you highlight?
  • What is the essence of special psychology?
  • Which researchers identified the laws of mental development?
  • Azbukina E.Yu., Mikhailova E.N. Basics of special pedagogy and psychology: Textbook. - Tomsk: Tomsk State Publishing House pedagogical University, 2006.- 335С.

    Special psychology as a field of psychology was formed in the 60s of the twentieth century. It is at the intersection of psychology, pedagogy, medicine, and developed within the framework of the defectology. She was named special due to a special object and research subject.

    An object Special psychology is a person who has disorders in development, deviating from normal mental development.

    Mostly special psychology works with children and teenagers With congenital or acquired developmental impairments arising from a special (atypical) formation of the nervous system.

    Thing Special psychology - the patterns of the development and functioning of the psyche of people with violations in development.

    In this way, special psychology - This is the industry of psychology, which studies the patterns of mental development and activities of people with various shortcomings.

    Special psychology works mainly with children and teenagers as their personality is still formed, therefore it is possible to compensate for physical and / or mental defects. Help a special person to adapt in society by special education and training.

    Adults with flaws that interfere with self-determination turns out to be special psychological help, Support, accompaniment.

    I wonder what "abnormal" happens not only to people with deviations with the "minus" sign, but also differ from the rest in positive side. People who have the abilities (such as phenomenal memory, hearing, muscular power, and so on), gifted, creative, ingenious and even simply extraordinary personalities are also not easy to fit into the world intended for "ordinary" people.

    Who is a psychologist and what is his main task

    For psychology is not so important than a child sick, as the fact that he will have to face with social consequences His disease. Disease as such is not considered psychologists in the separation of personality (as usual doctors do).

    The world is arranged in such a way that it is easiest "normal", healthy and happy person, and deviating in development is easier to adapt, socialize and self-realize in it.

    Although the boundaries of the norm and pathology are quite conditional and relative, there are deviations too obvious and largely complicating life.

    Special psychology helps people with violations:

    Allocation in a separate branch of special psychology contributed to an outstanding Soviet psychologist L.S. Vygotsky (1896-1934). It was he who was the first to study the patterns of the mental development of deaf, blind, silent, mentally retarded kids. Vygotsky in 1926 opened the first laboratory of the psychology of abnormal childhood in the USSR. The need for it was dictated by the adoption of laws on universal education. In the same period, special education appears: schools for blind, deaf, mentally retarded kids.

    Nowadays, due to the emergence and dissemination of new diseases, psychologists, together with doctors, teachers, speech therapists and other specialists, work with children with all sorts of mental and physical anomalies: Early children's autism, children's cerebral paralysis, HIV-infected and so on.

    Because of the large number of deviations that specialists work, special psychology began to divide into sub-separations.

    Some subproduces Special psychology:

    • typhlopsihology (psychology of people with violations of vision),
    • surdopsychology (psychology of people with hearing impairment),
    • typhalosurdopsychology (psychology of people with impaired hearing and vision),
    • oligophrenopischology (psychology mentally retarded people),
    • logopsychology (psychology of people with speech impairment) and others.

    Task psychologist
    - to minimize those negative consequencesthat provokes a development defect, to help a person adapt in society, to form an adequate personality through education and training.

    Special psychology studies and explores disorders in development in order to identify ways, funds and methods for their compensation for prosperous self-realization of people whose lives differs from the life of most others.

    For a psychologist, a feature is important personality A child, a teenager or adult, burdened by a disadvantage, therefore the industry is named special, not anomalous or anyway.

    Recommendations to parents of children who have developmental disorders

    Work with children, burdened ailments, psychologists and teachers are usually not limited. Important work and with their parents.

    No matter how good a teach teacher, mom is always more important. The contribution of parents to the formation of the personality of the baby is much longer than anyone else. Therefore, psychologists conduct individual advice, as well as seminars for parents who teach them:

    • suitable styles of upbringing,
    • efficient communication skills
    • ways to express love for a special child.

    The most general recommendations to parents
    whose child has violations in development:

    1. Eye view. Many parents look into the eyes of the child only when they try to make it do something or scold. It is important to look into the eyes of a baby, talking about love for him, expressing support and soothing. Nothing makes sure the child as a gentle, confident, calm look and smile mom or dad.
    2. Touch, stroking, hugs, kisses. All psychologists and teachers know about the importance of physical contact for a child, but forget people who should exercise it are parents. The positive impact of the physical manifestation of love on the development and formation of a child is indisputable. The main condition - the touch must be sincere, heartfelt, and not "it would be necessary to hug you again, as psychologists say that children need to hug at least 12 times a day."
    3. Attention. The child needs to be provided with all necessary (food, clothing, developing toys), but they are waiting for the most attention of their parents. And this attention should be high-quality! Not just staying in one room, but the manifestations of interest, care, willingness to help, children are waiting for joint ventures.

    A person who is not similar and something different from all others, nothing worse and has every chance of becoming happy. Confirmations to the great set. Among scientists, athletes, actors and representatives of other, less public professions, quite a few unusual people.

    Psychology mentally retarded child. Historical course

    Starting from the XVIII century. The attention of psychiatrists such as J. Eskirol, E.Segen,
    F.Galton, A. Bina, E. Rapelin, J. Kattel, focused on
    Studying and analyzing expressed violations of mental development.
    The main task facing them was in the definition of communication
    Intellectual deficiency with mental, mental
    Diseases and assessment of the depth of these violations.
    From the middle of the XIX century, when in many European countries it became introduced
    Universal primary education, the issue of identifying
    Intellectual insufficiency impeding assimilation
    school knowledge, attracted not only doctors, but also
    Pedagogues, and then psychologists. By the same time applies and
    The emergence of auxiliary classes and schools where they were sent
    children without signs of spiritual diseases that do not assimilate
    Comprehensive training program.
    IN domestic science Consideration of various manifestations
    mental retardation, oligophrenia odds as forms
    congenital mental underdevelopment from mental illness
    progressive (progreded) character began
    Somewhat later - at the beginning of the XX century. and became the subject of widespread
    learning not only in medicine (I.P. Kashchenko, G. I. Rossolimo and
    Dr.), but also in the defectology arising in the 20s. XX century Efforts hp
    Vygotsky, who united the study of doctors, psychophysiologists,
    psychologists, teachers and gained their development in
    Pupils and followers of an outstanding psychologist.

    Subject and objectives:

    Psychology mentally retarded children - one of
    Directions of special psychology considering
    The dynamics of cognitive activity and personality
    mentally retarded preschool and school children
    Mentally retarded such a child who has
    There is a persistent violation of cognitive activity
    Due to organic brain injuries.
    Psychology mentally retarded children is on the junction
    many sciences and to a large extent depends on the degree
    Development of theoretical problems of philosophy,
    Children's neurology and psychiatry, physiology, higher
    nervous, children's, age and special
    Psychology, general and special pedagogy, sociology.
    Task psychology mental retardation - definition
    uniqueness of common, special and individual traits,
    inherent psyche mentally retarded children, identifying
    deficiencies characteristic of them and available
    Positive development opportunities
    The child and his ability to socially adapt.
    Psychology of mental retardation directly
    associated with solving the problem of differential
    diagnostics, as well as with questions of correctionalized education and training,
    Providing consistent training
    The mentally backward student to integration into the surrounding

    Psychology of children with ZPR. Historical course

    The problem of low-rise deviations in mental development arose and acquired
    Of particular importance in both foreign and in domestic science only in the middle of the XX century, when
    Due to the rapid development of various fields of science and technology and complications of programs
    general education schools have a large number of children experiencing difficulties in
    learning. Pedagogues and psychologists gave great importance Analysis of the reasons for this
    failure. Quite often she was explained by mental retardation that
    accompanied by the direction of such children to auxiliary schools (footnote: C present
    School time for mentally retarded children are designated as special schools VIII.),
    which appeared in Russia in 1908 - 1910.
    However, with a clinical examination, many of the children who were poorly absorbed
    the program of the secondary school, failed to detect specific
    features inherent in mental retardation. In the 50 -60s. This problem has acquired a special
    Significance, as a result of which under the leadership of M.S. Pevisner, students of L.S. Vygotsky,
    Specialist in the field of a mental retardation clinic, was started versatile
    Research the causes of failure. Sharp increase in failure on the background
    Complications of training programs made it assume the existence of some forms
    Mental insufficiency, manifested in the conditions of increased learning requirements.
    Complex clinical and psychological and pedagogical examination persistently unsuccessful students
    From schools of various regions of the country and analysis of a huge massif of the data lay down
    Formulated ideas about children with mental delay (CPR).

    Object and objectives

    Psychology of children with low-rise
    departies in mental development (delay
    mental development) - one of the directions
    Special psychology engaged in learning
    Uniqueness of the mental development of children with light
    developmental impairment
    dysfunction and light damage. In the center
    attention of this direction - identification
    Specific features inherent in the ontogenesis of children
    this category, definition as characteristic
    they are deficiencies and development resources,
    Conditioning compensatory capabilities
    To the tasks of the primary importance of children's psychology
    with low-rise deviations can be attributed
    Development of principles and methods of early detection
    low deviations;
    Differential diagnostic issues, development
    principles and methods of psychological correction;
    Development psychological basis Concepts
    warnings and elimination of imbalance between
    Training and development and individual processes
    opportunities for children of this category.

    Psychology of persons with hearing impairment (Surdopsychology). Historical course.

    Features of the behavior and psychology of people with
    The shortcomings for the first time attracted attention
    Psychiatrists and psychiatrists approximately in
    middle of the XIX century At the beginning of the XX century. The first appear
    Actually psychological research. To their
    The number refers to the published in 1911 in Russia
    work A. N. Pigosyatnikova dedicated to the study
    Features of the memory of deaf-and-dumb schoolchildren. In the 20th
    G. Systematic Development of Special Problems
    Psychology (and Surdopsychology, in particular)
    passed under the leadership of L.S. Vygotsky and under
    The influence of his ideas. His students L.V. Zankov I.
    I.M.Solovyev with employees spend
    Studies of development of perception, memory,
    Thinking and speech of children with hearing impairments.
    The results of these studies were summarized in
    first monograph on Surdopsychology "Essays
    Psychology of the deaf-and-dumb child ", published in 1940
    G. Further research in the field
    Survopsychology continued under the leadership of I.
    M. Solovyova. At different stages of becoming
    Surdopsychology is a great contribution to its development
    made such scientists like A.P. Gozova, G.L. Evyaganskaya,
    N.G. Morozova, M.M. Nudelman, V.G.Petrov,
    T.V. Rosanova, L.I.Tigranova, J.I. Shif and others.

    Subject and objectives:

    The subject of Surdopsychology is the study
    peculiarities of mental development of people with
    disadvantages of the hearing function and the establishment
    Opportunities and ways to compensate for hearing disorders
    Various complexity.
    The tasks of Surdopsychology are as follows:
    identify the patterns of mental development of people
    with impaired hearing as common peculiar
    and people having a saved rumor and
    explore the features of the development of individual species
    cognitive activity of people with disturbed
    explore the patterns of the development of their personality;
    Develop methods of diagnosis and psychological
    correction of disorders of the mental development of people with
    disadvantages of hearing;
    give a psychological substantiation most
    effective ways and methods of pedagogical
    impact on children and adults with disturbed
    hearing, learn psychological problems
    integrated learning and integration of people with
    Violated hearing in society.

    Psychology of persons with violation of vision (typhlopsihology). Historical course.

    The formation and development of typhalopsychology as science is associated with the organization
    Training Blinds in special schools.
    The first school was opened in Paris V. Gayui in 1784 in the 80s. XIX century Already in
    Around the world has about 150 educational institutions for the blind.
    The first attempt to analyze the psychology of the blind we find in the work
    The founder of French materialism D. Didro "Letter about the blind in
    Casting in vain "(1749).
    The first studies of the peculiarities of mental development during blindness
    refer to the 70th. XIX century They were held blindly
    introspection (self-surveillance). One of the most famous works of that time
    It is the monograph M. Sireman "Slept of Blind". It gives a description
    The inner world of the blind on the basis of self-observations.
    The formation of scientific psychology is associated with the works of T. Geller, M. Kuntz, K.
    Burkelen, P. Villeya, A.A. Krogius, M.I. Zemodova, Yu.A. Kulagin, A.
    G.Litvaka, L.I. Fell and others.
    Until now, in world typhullicheology there are two positions.
    Regarding how much the psychology is close to development
    Normally seeing or how it is originally.
    These two positions vary by look at the role of a defect in mental and
    Social development of man. One of them takes for the original
    Position defining the role of a defect in mental development
    Child with visual pathology. This position leads to underestimation
    the possibilities of polycept rearrangements in children of this category and
    postulating the specific standard of mental development, as
    The rule is underestimated compared to the level of development of Sea (S. Hayes, M.
    Tillman, D. Wils, etc.).

    Availability of features in cognitive activity
    The blind was noted by A. I. Skrbvitsky (1903), A.M. Shhechina
    (1916). Exaggeration of the specifics of mental
    Development of the blind led F. Shop to approval
    the need to create a special "blind language",
    different from the language of Sea, and K. Burklen (1924) to
    the conclusion that as a result of an isolated life
    The blind occurs a special type of people. but
    Features mental processes In children S.
    Violations of vision are not unchanged.
    Another group of scientists (T. Casfors, B. Gomulitsky, K.
    Maxfield, A.G.Litvak, M.I. Zemtsova, L.I. Fullsheva and
    Dr.), tracing the dynamics of mental development
    children came to the conviction that noticeable differences
    between the general mental status of the blind and sore
    early age gradually smoothed as a result
    Improving the dynamics of the mental development of children
    This category. Moreover, there are data
    relative to possible leading development
    Children with visual pathology (M. Tobin, 1972).
    Studies of the features of mental development
    Blind and visually impaired children in the 80s and 90s. XX century
    Rely on the work of the founders
    Domestic Defectology L. S. Vygotsky, A.R.
    Luria, M.I. Zemstova, A.G.Littleka, A.I.Zotova and
    aims to further develop the theory and
    Practices of compensation and correction of visual
    Defect in the process of corrective learning and

    Subject and objectives:

    Typhlopsihology studies the patterns and features of the development of persons with
    violation of vision, formation of compensatory processes,
    providing reimbursement of lack of information, a deficit that
    associated with violation of the activity of the visual analyzer, as well as
    The impact of this defect on the mental development of children with violation
    Tifflopsihology received its name from Greek Tiphlos - blind
    and how science first included in its content only psychology
    blind. Currently, its attention is not only
    blind, but also persons having deep violations of vision, as well as children
    having ambialy and squint. The main tasks of modern
    Typhlopsihology are:
    Study of common, characteristic of the normally developing
    child specific patterns of mental development of children with
    deep violations of view, mechanisms providing
    compensation of blindness and weakness;
    study of the dependence of mental development on degree, nature and
    time of the occurrence of the defect of the visual function;
    identifying potential opportunities of persons with violation of vision, their
    abilities to overcome deviations in the formation of mental
    processes and personal deviations;
    Development of the psychological foundations of effective correctional condemnedagogical assistance to children with disadvantages of the visual function;
    Development of the socio-psychological foundations of effective integration
    Persons with violations of vision in society.

    Psychology of children with violations of speech (logopsychology). Historical course.

    Logopsychology is one of the least designed
    Industries of special psychology. Traditionally speech
    Violations were the subject of studying the speech therapy.
    The beginning of the study of children with speech pathology belongs to the end of XIX
    - The beginning of the XX century. Terminologically design of this pathology
    ambiguous: so, if in domestic literature in 1920 for
    Heavy speech underdevelopment due to
    organic lesion of various brain sites in
    The period before the advent of speech in the child was introduced the term "Alalia"
    (D. V. Feldberger), then abroad, the same pathology is indicated
    as "Afa and development", "Constitutional Speech Delay",
    "Congenital Afaniya" (A.L. Benton, F. Lyhar, F. Koker, etc.) - from the point
    vision of the provision of an adequate correctional-pedagogical system
    assistance and socialization of children of this category is important
    solving the issue of the effect of primary speech underdevelopment on
    Intellectual child development.
    In the history of this issue, they existed diametrically
    Opposite points of view: So, A. Kussmauul, P. Marie, M. V.
    Bogdanov-Berezovsky (1909), as well as modern researchers
    - R.A. Belova-David, E.A. Kirichenko (1977) prove that leading
    In these violations is "Corporate
    Intellectual defectiveness. " The authors believed that the leading role in
    underdevelopment of speech and other mental processes
    Invalid and poorly speaking children belong to deep
    Initial disorders in their intellectual sphere, in connection with which
    When a speech is underdeveloped, mental retardation may be observed
    or retreat of mental development. In this direction
    Research dominated the descriptive principle of consideration
    underdevelopment of mental processes without detecting internal
    Patterns of speech violations.

    Another point of view is that the primary speech defect,
    manifested in pronounced speech function
    up to its complete absence does not mean that the level
    mental development of children with this pathology allows you to attribute
    them to the category of mentally retarded. One of the first studies
    speech and mental failure in children with speech impairment
    belong to R.E.levina (1936). The author described four groups
    Invalid children - school age alalikov (1951),
    allocated depending on what mental functions
    mostly disturbed from them along with speech and determined
    Features in the development of all cognitive activity. These are kids
    who had speech violations and preferential disorders
    Motivational and consumer sphere (mental activity).
    R.E.levina considered deviations in the development of cognitive
    activities with expressed speech violations as secondary
    delay, the structure of which depends on the nature of the primary
    speech defect. This point of view was reflected in the works
    many domestic researchers (T. A. Vlasov, 1972;
    V.Lubovsky, 1975; L.S. Tsvetkova, 1985; I.T.Vlasenko, 1990; and etc.).
    The third approach in assessing the ratio of the underdevelopment of speech and
    Cognitive processes in violations of speech belongs to E. M.
    Mastyukova, who believes that this question should be solved
    Differentially, as a group of children with speech impairment
    Polymorphic enough and distinguished by variety of forms. Each
    It may correspond to their picture of non-formation.
    cognitive sphere, depends on severity and localization
    organic and functional insufficiency of the central
    nervous system.

    Subject and objectives:

    Logopsychology is a branch of special psychology, which
    studies mental features of a person having a speech
    Violations of primary nature.
    The subject of logopsychology is the study of the originality
    Mental development of people with various forms of speech
    Tasks of logopsychology.
    Study of the specifics of mental development at primary
    left violations of varying degrees of gravity and etiology.
    Study of features of personal and social development
    Children with speech pathology.
    Definition of the prospects for the development of children with speech violations
    Effective tools for education and education.
    Development of differential diagnostics methods,
    allowing to highlight primary speech underdevelopment among
    similar external manifestations of states (autism, violations
    Hearing function, mental delays, complex
    deficiencies of development).
    Development of methods of psychological correction and prevention
    speech violations in childhood.
    Logopsychology relies on the domestic
    psychologists (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Forec, A.R. Luria, R.E.
    Lezina et al.) Principle of interconnection of speech with other parties
    mental development that approves its leading role in
    Correction of mental processes.

    Psychology of children with violations of the functions of the ODA. Historical course.

    Study of clinical and mental characteristics of people with
    Motor disorders, as well as studying them
    Social adaptation began in the middle of the XIX century. V. Little First
    described not only the clinical characteristics of the motor
    disorders in children with intrauterine and generic paralysis, but also
    gave the characteristics of their speech disorders, features of the personal
    In Russia B. early XIX. in. Assistance to children and adolescents with
    Motor disorders were engaged in G. I. Tourner. He tried
    Conduct an orthopedic correction of affected limbs. Under
    his patronage was organized by the Labor Workshop in which
    Boys with motor disorders trained professions.
    First world War and epidemic that followed it
    Poliomyelitis led to a significant increase in people with
    disorders of the musculoskeletal system, which have arisen in them
    Different age and due to different reasons (diseases, military injury
    etc.). Rehabilitation and social adaptation of persons with engine
    Violations acquired the importance of social and political
    Problems. In attempts to her permission, people played a big role,
    The most pathology of the motor sphere themselves. Among them
    American President F. Roosevelt, Australian Writer and
    Journalist A. Marshall, American doctor D. Felps. Their life I.
    The activity serves as an example of the fact that a man with motor
    violations, even devoid of independent
    movement, can achieve success in different types of public

    Dr. Phelps from the United States suffered heavy paralysis, but during the period between
    Two World Wars, he received a specialty doctor and began
    Studying the development of children with cerebral paralysis. He managed to show
    society that many children with cerebral palsy (even
    severely ill) may have high levels Intellect, thin
    susceptible psyche. The scientific data collected by them attracted
    Public attention and contributed to the awakening of compassion to
    So children, as well as the awakening of scientific interest and desire
    involve children with children's cerebral paralysis (cerebral palsy) to active
    Social process. This largely changed the attitude of society to
    Categories of persons with physical disorders caused the interest of doctors,
    teachers, psychologists to study the peculiarities of the psyche of people with
    disorders of the musculoskeletal system, led to the development
    Methods of medical and psychological and pedagogical correction of violations.
    In the 50-60s. XX century In Hungary there was a special direction
    Rehabilitation work-oriented methods
    Education of movements in children with impaired functions of the support apparatus - the conduction pedagogy, which showed the lead
    The role of special training in overcoming disruption of movements.
    In our country, a great contribution to the development of methods for the treatment of such children
    contributed to K.A. Semenova, and in the creation of a special system of their training and
    Education - M. V. Ippolitov. To date, accumulated big
    Actual material characterizing clinical and psychological
    Features of children with impairment of the musculoskeletal system, as well as
    Questions of training and education of children with motor disorders (K. A.
    Semenova, E.M. Mastjukova, I.V. Ippolitova, N.V. Sonmon, I.I. Mamaichuk,
    I.I.Panchenko, E.S. Kaliznyuk et al.)
    Currently, this branch of special psychology intensively
    develops both abroad and in our country.

    Subject and objectives:

    Subject to study in this industry of special psychology
    are the features of the formation and development of the psyche of people
    With impaired musculoskeletal system.
    The tasks of this direction of special psychology:
    explore the general patterns of mental development of children with
    normal and disturbed motor development;
    explore the specific features of the development of the psyche of children with
    disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
    reveal compensatory capabilities that allow
    overcome the impact of disorders of the musculoskeletal
    apparatus for mental development;
    4) identify the most effective correction methods
    Impact on the development of a child with impaired supporting apparatus, giving them a psychological justification.
    The focus of the direction of special psychology - children
    With impaired musculoskeletal system. To this category
    Children include:
    with children's cerebral paralymps;
    with the consequences of polio;
    with progressive neuromuscular diseases
    (Mopathia, multiple sclerosis and etc.);

    Psychology of children with early children's autism syndrome. Historical course.

    The term "autism" (from Greek, Autos - himself) was introduced by E. Bleiler for
    Designations of a special type of thinking characterized by
    "The cutoff of associations from this experience, ignoring
    real relationships. Defining the autistic type
    thinking, E. Blailer emphasized his independence from the real
    reality, freedom from logical laws, capture
    own experiences.
    An early child autism syndrome was first described in 1943.
    American clinician L. Kanner in the work "Autistical
    disorders of affective contact "written on the basis of
    Generalization of 11 cases. They were concluded about the existence
    Special clinical syndrome "Extreme Loneliness",
    which he called the early children's autism syndrome and which
    Subsequently began to call the Kanner syndrome by the name of the scientist,
    His discovered.
    Autism is found in all countries of the world, on average in 4 -5 cases
    for 10 thousand children. However, this figure covers only
    called classic autism, or Kanner syndrome, and will
    significantly higher, if you take into account other types of violation
    Conduct with Autichen about similar and manifestations. And early
    Autism occurs in boys at 3 - 4 times more often than girls.
    In Russia, the most intensively issues of psychological and pedagogical
    assistance to children with RD began to be developed since the end of the 70s in
    The result of the research result was the original
    Psychological classification (K.S. Beltsinskaya, V.V. Beltsinsky,
    O.S. Nikolskaya, 1985, 1987).

    Subject and objectives:

    The focus of this area
    Development of the complex system
    psychological support of children and
    adolescents experiencing difficulty adaptation
    and socialization due to violations in
    emotional personal sphere.
    To the tasks of the primary importance of this
    Section of special psychology can
    Development of principles and methods of early
    identifying RDA;
    Differential diagnostic issues
    Discernment of relatives, development
    principles and methods of psychological
    Development of the psychological basis for elimination
    imbalance between learning processes and
    Development of children.

    Psychology of children with a disharmonic personality warehouse. Historical course.

    The beginning of the teachings about psychopathies belongs to the 80 -90-m
    gg XIX century and is associated with the names of H.Kadinsky,
    V.M. Bekhtereva, E.Koha, S.S. Korsakova, E. Rapelina.
    The latter suggested the classification of psychopathies,
    comprising 7 types, such as excitable,
    impulsive, unstable, "cranks",
    Pathological lgs, enemies of society,
    Further development of the doctrine of psychopathy went, with
    one hand, in the direction of clarification and
    Differentiation of clinical typologies (P. B.
    Gannushkin, O. V. Kerbikov, G. E. Sukhareva, V. V.
    Kovalev), and on the other hand, was directed to
    Development of learning about personalities having
    Border (accentuated) character
    (K.Lenongard, A. E.Lichko). Last direction
    gave impetus to the creation of the system
    psychological and pedagogical methods of prevention,
    Detection and correction of these states
    (E.M. Elksandrovskaya, S.A. Belicheva, I.N.Gilshyev,
    I. A. Korobeinikov, etc.).

    Object and objectives

    The section is dedicated to psychological features
    children and adolescents at different types
    disharmonic personality development.
    The main tasks of this direction
    Special psychology are:
    Development of methods aimed at early
    Detection of signs of PatoCharacterological
    child development;
    Description of "Weak" and "Strong" Parties
    psychosocial development of children and adolescents
    Different options for PatoCharacterological
    Development of a system of psychological and pedagogical
    Correction and Prevention Methods
    Patoocterological development in children's
    When they talk about different types
    disharmonic personality development, degree
    Departure of the individual from normal development,
    We are talking about pathological types of character.

    Psychology of children with complex development violations. Historical course.

    In Russia in the 80s XIX century, thanks to the publication of the translations of "American
    Notes »Ch.Dikkens and some other messages, became known
    History of the American Pepherly Laura Bridzman, who received
    Education at the Institute for Blind Keynes in Boston. Then to the whole world
    The story of the training of another Lepoglukha, Elena Keller, thundered,
    The pupils of Anna Sullivan from the same Perkins Institute. From 1884 to
    1913 in Russia, 11 publications related to the history of life and
    creativity E. Boeller. The facts of successful learning became known.
    Lepoglukhih in Belgium, France, Norway, Scotland and Sweden.
    Due to close scientific contacts with Germany, specialists in Russia
    followed the successes of teaching the teenagers in the shelter for cripping in Novovez
    near Potsdam, where they studied from 1887 and where in 1906 was open
    Special School for Lepoglihih. In 1908 in the Russian monthly
    The magazine "Slepts" published the translation of the book of the German teacher and
    Researchers of Riemann "Psychological observations on deaf
    Slepts ", published in Berlin in 1905
    Successes in the teaching of Lepoglukhi in different countries of the world awakened in
    Certain circles russian society Live interest in problems
    Sleptless children. In 1909, the care company was created in Russia
    Lepoglukhih, and at St. Petersburg kindergarten For deaf-and-dumb starts
    Training of three children. In the summer of the same year, teachers and educators
    said institutions got acquainted with the experience of teaching the tender
    Sweden and Germany and began working in a shelter for the shallow children,
    opened by the Company in 1910 and adopted by seven
    Children with deep violations of vision and hearing.

    Domestic experience in teaching Lepoglukh enjoys a big
    Fame and recognition in other countries. Since 1969 there exists
    International Organization Coordinating Development
    Research and services for the Lepoglihih in the world, in events
    which also participate Russian specialists.
    According to this organization, the number of tender people in the world
    It is about one million people. To them now
    time is usually attributed to all people who have violations of vision and
    Hearing: these are children with congenital or early clefoglukhota; Children with congenital violations losing
    age and hearing; deaf or weighted people from birth,
    violations of view of which appear with age; people,
    We have lost their rumor and vision in mature or old age.
    The current definition of glover is different in different countries.
    It depends largely on how the content of this concept
    interpreted in regulatory documents adopted in one way or another
    state. For example, assigning a child or adult disabled person
    to the category of deplets in the USA or Scandinavian countries
    guarantees him a place for free learning in a special
    school and special social service (translation,
    accompaniment, transport, etc.). In these countries, the category "Lepoglukha" is included in the state register of persons with disabilities. DPAKHLUHOTE is defined as a combination of violations of vision and
    hearing that creates special difficulties of communication and requires
    Provide the special educational needs of these children.
    In our country so far there is no official
    definitions of depletion and other types of complex violations
    A special kind of disability. Disability is still determined
    one, most pronounced violation.

    Subject and objectives:

    Psychology of children with complex development violations -
    This is a relatively new branch of special psychology,
    which studies the features of mental development
    A man having two or more violations. Self
    Large scientific traditions in this area has science about
    peculiarities of mental development
    Child is a child with a double sensory violation.
    Subject to this area of \u200b\u200bspecial psychology
    is the study of the originality of mental development
    people with complex violations and ways to determine
    psychological and pedagogical assistance to these people and their
    Tasks of psychology of children with complex violations
    Development are to:
    description of general and specific patterns of them
    developing methods for their diagnostic study;
    psychological substantiation of the content and methods of their
    training and upbringing;
    study of the peculiarities of socio-psychological
    Adaptation of this group of people in society.


    1) Fundamentals of special psychology: training.
    Manual for students average. Ped. Education.
    Zaul., Ed. L. V. Kuznetsova.
    2) Special Psychology: Education. Benefit
    For the student Ped. Education. institutions, V.I.
    Lubovsky.- 4th edition.

    Special psychology -the section of psychology dedicated to the study of the peculiarities of mentally retarded children who have lesions of the cerebral cortex, children with violation of the activities of analyzers, underdevelopment of speech during the stored hearing.

    Special psychology is a relatively young science. She is an area of \u200b\u200bscientific knowledge that arose in connection with requests practical life At the junction of a number of sciences: psychology, defectology, medicine. Studying the patterns and mechanisms for the development of socio-cultural experience in atypical mental development and studying methods of integrated assistance to children with such development, special psychology builds theoretical models and a system of practical assistance to children with atyphea development.

    The goal of special psychology is the study of individual-typical features for atypical development, causes, mechanisms and structures of atypius, as well as the rationale and development of focused assistance strategies to improve the quality of life of people with atypics.

    Subjectspecial psychology as a branch scientific knowledge There are children with problems in the development and problems of their training and education. The objectives and objectives of the education of the child with impaired ontogenesis are determined by the general principles of psychology and pedagogy - preparation for active socially useful life, the formation of civilian qualities, but they are implemented in an affordable method and means corresponding to the degree and structure of the defect. Depending on the nature of the violation, special tasks are put forward associated with overcoming its consequences.

    Industry of special psychology

    1. Psychology mentally retarded (oligophrenopsychology).

    Oligophrenopsychology - a section of psychology special, studying the development of the mental and possibilities for its correction in people mentally retarded with severe forms of underdevelopment of the brain of the head.

    2. Psychology of deaf (Surdopsychology).

    Sudopsychology - (psychology of the deaf) - section of psychology special, studying the development of mental deaf and hearing impaired people, the possibilities of its correction in the context of training and education, in particular - in the context of special training.

    3. Psychology of the blind (typhlopsihology).

    Typhlopsihology - (psychology of the blind) - section of psychology special, studying the patterns of development of mental individuals with fully or partially violated

      Place of special psychology in the system of sciences. Intrasystem and interdisciplinary ties.

    Arriving at the junction of medicine, psychology and defectology, special psychology retains its border science status. Finding at the intersection of other sciences leads to the uncertainty of the position of any new science, each of the "parental" disciplines often considers it as its integral part.


    Communication special I. general psychologyit follows from the similarities of their definitions, methods, conceptual apparatus. But if general psychology studies the most common patterns of mental activities, the structure and development of the psyche is normal, then special psychology studies such patterns in atypical (deviating and disturbed) development.

    Special I. age psychologyrates the community of their object - a developing person. But if age psychology studies the age-related dynamics of human psyche, ontogenesis of mental processes and psychological qualities, then special psychology studies the formation of mental neoplasms under specific socialization - a violation of the interaction of the individual with the environment.

    FROM pedagogical psychologyparticularly intensive interaction occurs when the patterns of mastering knowledge, skills, children with atyphea, when studying changes in their psyche in the process of educational work.

    Solving the problems of integrated learning children with violations in development required social and psychological studies and thereby created prerequisites for interpenetration socialand special psychology. The arsenal of the fundamental provisions of special psychology has enriched with ideas about the specifics of communication and interaction of persons with atypheas, in the same context, studies are conducted by the personal characteristics of this contingent.

    Special psychology is a field of psychology that studies people for whom deviations from mental development standards associated with congenital or acquired defects and the establishment of the possibility and ways to compensate for defects of various complexity.

    Tasks (Bogdanova):

    Detection of general and specific patterns of the psychic development of the child in comparison with normally developing.

    Studying the features of the development of certain types of cognitive activities of people with various types of violations.

    Studying the patterns of human identity development with disabilities of vital activity.

    Development diagnostic methods and methods of psychological correction of various types of mental disorders

    Psychological substantiation of the most effective ways, pedaging methods. Impact on the mental development of children and adults with various types of violations.

    Industry of special psychology:


    Specific sectors of psychology:

    Tifflopsihology (vision)

    Survopsychology (Mimic speech, tactile speech)

    Logopsychology (speech violations)

    Oligophrenopsychology (UO, ZPR)


    L.G. Goncharova Special Psychology is the "Area of \u200b\u200bDevelopment Psychology, which studies the problems of developing people with physical and mental disabilities that determine the need for children in special conditions of training and education and the need for adults - in special forms of psychological support"

    The formation of special psychology, initially occurred within the framework of defectology, as applied discipline, which ensured the optimal solution to the problems of the correctional pedagogical process, as well as methods of diagnostics, determining the features of the psychic development of a child, its need for trading pathways. Historically, such plots of psychology specialists, as the psychology of the blind (Tiffllopsihology), deaf (Surdopsychology), the psychology mentally retarded (oligophrenopsychology) of people. Now she is also addressed to children with a delay in mental development, with early children's autism, to children with motor disorders, with a complex structure of defect, etc.

    The main task of special psychology is the formation of an adequate person in the context of the use of special methods of methods and techniques of education and training, at the expense of which the rejection of disturbed functions occurs. Currently, the most urgent task is to develop diagnostic techniques.

    1. Clinical psychology as scientific discipline. History of development, modern condition, content, object, tasks.

    Clinical psychology - applied area between medicine and psychology, uses theoretical basis Psychology and applies psychological methods.

    Tasks clinical psychology:

    Study of mental manifestations of various diseases;

    Study of the role of the psyche in the occurrence, the flow and prevention of the disease;

    Studying the influence of various diseases on the psyche;

    Study of violations of the development of the psyche;

    Development of principles and methods psychological research in the clinic;

    Development of mental methods of impact on the human psyche in therapeutic and preventive purposes.

    Clinical psychology has a theoretical value for general psychology:

    Brain and psyche;

    Mental norms and pathology;

    The ratio of biological and social in the human;

    The problem of conscious and unconscious;

    The problem of the development and decay of the psyche.

    2. Elements of clinical psychology

    1. Observation method. Observation - perception and selection of information about an event or phenomenon. For observation, optional: availability target installation And the plannedness and systemism recruit-me.

    2. Method of natural experiment. It was proposed by V. Lazur in 1910, a person is investigated in natural (and not artificial as in the experiment).

    3. Psychophysiological method. It is a combination of physiological methods with psychological. They complement each other and help objectify mental disorders. (EEG, polygraph)

    4. Warning methods.

    5.Bographic method. Allows you to get inf. About stages life path, trace the features of personality formation. It is an important addition to interpreting experimental data.

    Scheme: Early stages of the child's development. What account, brothers, sisters, relatives. with parents. Availability Psychotravir. factors. Attachment in early childhood, adolescence.

    6. Analysis of products. Pictures, modeling, diaries, letters. For example, drawings of suffering depressions are distinguished by a weak press, black and brown tone, low dynamics. Schizophrenics are drawn in the first plan of the eyes, and various parts of the face are added to it; Usually not use halftone.

    7. Analytic method.

    11. Pathopsychology as a section of psychological science. Tasks, problems.

    The subject is a violation of the psyche, a violation of the adequate reflection of the world as a result of the disease of the brain.

    Pathopsychology studies the patterns of decay of mental processes, as well as the preserved parties of the psyche.

    1. Analysis of the structure of mental disorders;

    2. Installing the degree of reducing mental functions;

    3. Differential diagnosis is carried out when there are signs of various diseases in the clinical picture of the patient. Patomorphosis - the pathological structure of the disease, i.e. The disease flows atypically.

    4. Estimating the characteristics of the patient's personality. You can open the pathogenesis in this way (important in neurosis)

    Accounting for the effectiveness of therapeutic effects. (This is not all - will be added).

    13. Patology of personality and character.

    Degradation and disintegration of the personality as a result of the disease. For example, under stroke, the previous character traits are exitted. The features that corresponded to the features of the person to the disease are premorbid. Acquired during the disease or after - Morbid. Pathological response personality on society, life (in particular to illness) - neurosis. Pathological development of personality - psychopathy.

    1. Appitation x. - Extreme var-norms, with cats, individual features of Har-Ra are overly enhanced as a result of which selective vulnerability is detected in relation. A number of psychogenic impacts with good and even increased resistance to others. Degrees a.: Hidden and obvious.

    2. Patological development of the personality is manifested in the pathol. The features of Har-Ra, Naur-Ty, disharmony ld. Psychopathy (see 16) long, persistent pathol. condition, all life. Otl -na from Var-Tov Norma:

    1. P. Har-but the severity of the pathol. Harr-RA to such an extent when the adaptation of l is disturbed. To social Medium. Violated norms. intelligence with surrounding.

    2. Total psychopath. Person-her l. when patol. Yavl-Sia is not a department. Damn l., and all psych. warehouse.

    3. Relative stability of psych. Personal man, their small reversibility.

    Pathology under psychopathy mainly concerns the EMOC. - Willow Parties, the intellect is preserved, it does not lead to dementia, although combinations happen.

    3.neck (see 14) - psychogenic neuropsychic races, K-Oh occurs in the cuts of violations of particularly significant life relations Che-a, manifest in a specific. wedge. phenomena in the absence of psychotic. Yavl-Iy

    14.neurosis and the problem of psychological mechanisms of emotional stress.

    Neurosis - psychogenic neuropsychic races, K-th arises in the cuts of violations of particularly significant life relations of the person, the manifestation in the specific. wedge. phenomena in the absence of psychotic. Yavl-Ii.

    Etiological factors of H-s:

    1.Biologist. Nature: Inheritance, Constitution, Type of GNI

    2.Axol. Nature: Premorbid Sv-Va, Psycho. Children's injuries, psychotravir. Situations and conditions of their pathogenicity.

    3.Conal. Nature: Born. family, especially sexual education, marital status, Education, Profession, Labor Children.

    Physiologist. Meh-we are neurosis: on Pavlov: N. - chronic, long. Violation of the GNI, caused by the overvoltage of nerve processes in the crust of large hemispheres by the effectiveness of inadequate, and the length of the external part-lei. We generally. Neurotic Personality Factors: Nestem-T, SKL-TCE to reflection, search for approval, desire for regulativity, low self-esteem, unsport. by himself, will meet. Lost, the contradiction I Real. And I ideal., Emoto. Dysfunction, several conflict situations.

    Universal symptoms:

    1. Investments - the state of the nerve. Weakness, raise fatigue.

    2. Writing a sleep is broken. Flipping, sleep on top, nightmares.

    3.Golly pain - stupid, post., Compressing Har-ra.

    4. Bolsters in the heart - the rival is stronger than true pain

    5. Squate performance

    6. Lability of emotions, impatience

    7. Vegetative violations: PS lability, Hell, inclinations to hypo-or hypertension, cold wet palm, intestinal and stomach dysfunction. tract.

    Forms of neurosis:

    1. Neurastheny - "Weakness of the nerves" - annoyance and excitability. Harr-p is permanent than fatigue, psychophysical unity, when it is difficult to separate mental fatigue from physical. The patient as if after hard work. Muscular pain of vegetative Har-Ra. The absence of a concentration of attention, the memory is weakened, feeling-in scattering, the lack of interest in the surrounded area, everything dedicts, does not understand the readable. Fatigue immediately after waking up. Personal tendencies: pathogenicity in the inability to correctly relate their activity into the ins. and external The environment of the task is performed and the goal. Reduced volitional kach-c. Physiologist. Fundamentals: People with a weak or strong non-sample type N.S. and high brake type. Average in relation to Sig. Systems. Conflict type: "I do not have enough forces, but I want" - claims above the possibilities.

    2. Historical neurosis - community. Picture + trail. Ras -a:

    In engines. The sphere (when preserving the reverse engine. Apparatus) Parakes, paralysis, hypercines, writing spasm

    Violation of speech: Aphony, Astasia, Abasion

    Sensory disorders - ignorance, lower or rated. Feel, does not correspond to the innervation, hysterical blindness, deafness.

    Vegetative violations: feeling squeezing the throat, intestinal obstruction, bloating. Easter. Vomiting, Anorexia

    Psycho. Violations: Psychogenic amnesia, increased suggestibility, egoism, pride, soreness, vulnerability, conflict. Physiol. Basics: Weak Type N.S., Transm. 1 Sig. Systems.

    3. Neurosis of obsessive states: - intrusion of thoughts, actions, fears.

    Har-but: timidity, never, low self-esteem → hyperopka. Choosing B. meaningful situation difficult, because Contradictions M / U duty and desire, moral. principles and attachments; They break the person. Physiol. Fundamentals: Pathol-like inertness of nervous processes, predominance of 2 sig. Systems.

    18. Pategenetic concept of neurosis V.N. Meatishchev.

    L-pm meatishchev understood as a system of relationships. Relationships are conscious, the basis of the experience of the Istives of the Izu ψ-uht of a person with the sides of life. It is expressed in its actions, rods, experiences. The ratio of Harm is the degree of interest, the strength of emotions, desire and needs and therefore the relationship act as the driving force of L-T. 3 points:

    Har-r L-relationship with external conditions

    psycho and Har-Ra

    neurophysiologist. Specific people, type GNI.

    If there is a breakdown in a significant system of relationships, this is the path to the emergence of neurosis. The neurosis contradiction itself does not create, neurosis arises with an unproductive solution of the breakdown of relations (conflict). The resolution of the conflict is derived from ld. Neurosis, mostly in people with a weak type of N.S.

    25. Deviations of consciousness. In the consciousness of Ruma, as the highest, related to the speech, the brain function, reflecting the alarm and the regulatory deagi-t-А.vubystein: Consciousness is the processes of awareness of the subject of objective reality. Snezhnevsky said about consciousness from a clinical point of view: the concept of consciousness is that with every mental illness, the highest form of reflection of the world is disturbed.

    Properties of consciousness: 1. Dynam. Har-ki psyche in wakefulness. 2. Purpose is correctly guided in pr-ve, place and concoct. Sit.3.Mone to manage its usual automatics in sensorotor and mental areas. Availability. Skills to logically right. understanding and awareness of the OCD. medium. 5. Posted readiness to make a report in thoughts, activities, attitude to peace and people. 6. I need to regulate emotions and feelings. 7. Orientation in your personality.