Shklyar m f fundamentals of scientific research. Current bibliography: "Fundamentals of scientific research"


1. Arnold, I.V. Basics scientific research in linguistics / I.V. Arnold. - M.: KD Librocom, 2016. - 144 p.
2. Volkov, Yu.S. Fundamentals of scientific research and invention: Textbook / Yu.S. Volkov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2013. - 224 p.
3. Gerasimov, B.I. Fundamentals of scientific research / B.I. Gerasimov, V.V. Drobysheva, N.V. Zlobina [and others]. - M.: Forum, SIC INFRA-M, 2013. - 272 p.
4. Kozhukhar, V.M. Fundamentals of scientific research: Textbook / V.M. Kozhukhar.. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2013. - 216 p.
5. Kudryashov, A., Yu. Fundamentals of scientific research of forestry machines: Textbook / A. Yu. Kudryashov. - St. Petersburg: Lan P, 2016. - 528 p.
6. Kuznetsov, I.N. Fundamentals of scientific research: Textbook for bachelors / I.N. Kuznetsov.. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2013. - 284 p.
7. Kuznetsov, I.N. Fundamentals of scientific research: Textbook for bachelors / I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2016. - 284 p.
8. Kuznetsov, I.N. Fundamentals of scientific research: Textbook for bachelors / I.N. Kuznetsov. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2014. - 284 p.
9. Moiseichenko, V.F. Fundamentals of scientific research in agronomy: a textbook for universities. / V.F. Moiseichenko, M.F. Trifonova, A.Kh. Zaverukha, V.E. Yeshchenko. - M.: Alliance, 2016. - 336 p.
10. Ryzhkov, I.B. Fundamentals of scientific research and invention: Textbook / I.B. Ryzhkov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2012. - 224 p.
11. Ryzhkov, I.B. Fundamentals of scientific research and invention: Textbook / I.B. Ryzhkov. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2013. - 224 p.
12. Tikhonov, V.A. Theoretical foundations of scientific research: Textbook for universities / V.A. Tikhonov, V.A. Vorona, L.V. Mitryakova. - M.: Hotline-Telecom, 2016. - 320 p.
13. Shklyar, M.F. Fundamentals of scientific research: Textbook for bachelors / M.F. Shklyar. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2016. - 208 p.
14. Shklyar, M.F. Fundamentals of scientific research: Textbook for bachelors / M.F. Shklyar.. - M.: Dashkov i K, 2013. - 244 p.


"Fundamentals of Scientific Research"

Associate Professor of Theory Department

and history of the state

Slavova N.A.

Work plan for the discipline “fundamentals of scientific research”


Topic 1. Subject and system of the course “Fundamentals of Scientific Research”. Science and science studies.

Topic 2. System of educational and educational qualification levels. System of scientific (academic) degrees and academic titles.

Topic 3. System of scientific institutions.

Topic 4. Preparatory stage of scientific research.

Topic 5. Research stage.

Topic 6. Methodology and methods of scientific research. Types of methods.

Topic 7. The final stage of scientific research

Topic 1. Subject and system of the course “Fundamentals of Scientific Research”. Science and Science Plan

    Subject, objectives, purpose of the course “Fundamentals of Scientific Research”

    General characteristics of science and scientific activity

    Conceptual apparatus of science

    Types of scientific works and their general characteristics

    Ludchenko A.A. Fundamentals of scientific research: Textbook. allowance. – K.: Knowledge, 2000.

    Pilipchuk M.I., Grigor’ev A.S., Shostak V.V. Fundamentals of scientific research. – K., 2007. – 270 p.

    Pyatnitska-Pozdnyakova I.S. Fundamentals of scientific research in high schools. – K., 2003. – 270 p.

    Romanchikov V.I. Fundamentals of scientific research. – K.: Center for Educational Literature. – 254s.

5. Sabitov R.A. Fundamentals of scientific research. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing House of the Chelyabinsk State University, 2002. – 139 p.

6. About information: Law of Ukraine dated January 2, 1992. (with changes and additions) // Vidomosti of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. – 1992. – No. 48. – Art. 650.

7. About scientific and scientific-technical activities: The Law of Ukraine dated 13 April 1991. (with changes and additions) // Vidomosti of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. – 1992. – No. 12. – Art. 165.

8. On science and state scientific and technical policy: Law of the Russian Federation of August 23, 1996 (with amendments and additions) [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

9. On information, information technologies and information protection: Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 (with amendments and additions) [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

“Fundamentals of Scientific Research” is one of the introductory academic disciplines preceding the fundamental study of jurisprudence. However, unlike other introductory or auxiliary disciplines, this course represents the first stage not only and not so much in the study of legal science, but in the study of such a complex scientific field as jurisprudence.

Subject of the course “Fundamentals of Scientific Research”: methodological foundations of organization and methodology for carrying out scientific research.

Target: to develop in students a number of skills and abilities necessary for independent creative activity in science and writing scientific (coursework, diploma and other qualifying) work.

Tasks: studying general rules writing and design scientific work, the sequence of actions performed by the researcher at each stage of scientific activity; familiarization with the basic methods of scientific research, logical rules for presenting material; acquiring skills in searching and processing legal scientific literature, taking notes and summarizing material, drawing up annotations and abstracts, preparing references and a list of sources used; mastering the language of scientific work and familiarization with the conceptual apparatus of scientific research.

Modern society cannot exist without science. In conditions of economic, political and environmental crisis, science is the main tool in solving relevant problems. In addition, the economic and social position of the state directly depends on legal science, since the success of innovative development, financial stability, etc. impossible without scientific research in the field of jurisprudence.

Therefore, science is the productive force of society, a system of knowledge accumulated by humanity about the surrounding reality, the optimal means of influencing it, forecasting and prospects for the progressive development of society, reflects the relationship between scientists, scientific institutions, authorities, and also determines the axiological value aspects of science.

The concept of “science” includes both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and the result of this activity - the “sum” of acquired scientific knowledge, which together creates scientific picture peace.

The science - this is a system of knowledge about the objective laws of reality, a process of activity to obtain, systematize new knowledge (about nature, society, thinking, technical means in the use of human activity) in order to obtain scientific result based on certain principles and methods.

Modern science consists of various branches of knowledge that interact and at the same time have relative independence. The division of science into certain types depends on the selected criteria and objectives of its systematization. Branches of science are usually classified into three main areas:

Exact sciences - mathematics, computer science;

Natural Sciences: study of natural phenomena;

Social sciences: the systematic study of human behavior and society.

In accordance with Art. 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy” (hereinafter referred to as the Law of the Russian Federation) nscientific (research) activities- activities aimed at obtaining and applying new knowledge, including:

basic scientific research- experimental or theoretical activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the basic laws of the structure, functioning and development of man, society, and the environment;

applied scientific research- research aimed primarily at applying new knowledge to achieve practical goals and solve specific problems;

exploratory scientific research- research aimed at obtaining new knowledge for the purpose of its subsequent practical application (oriented scientific research) and (or) at the application of new knowledge (applied scientific research) and carried out through research work.

The Law of the Russian Federation also determines scientific and (or) scientific and technical result is a product of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activity, containing new knowledge or solutions and recorded on any information medium.

The Law of Ukraine “On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities” provides the following definitions. Scientific activity is an intellectual creative activity aimed at obtaining and using new knowledge. Its main forms are fundamental and applied scientific research.

Scientific research- a special form of the cognition process, a systematic, purposeful study of objects, in which the means and methods of science are used, as a result of which knowledge about the object under study is formulated. In its turn, fundamental Scientific research- scientific theoretical and (or) experimental activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the patterns of development of nature, society, man, their relationship, and applied Scientific research- scientific activity aimed at obtaining new knowledge that can be used for practical purposes.

Scientifically- researchactivity is a research activity that consists of obtaining objectively new knowledge.

Since the goal of the course “Fundamentals of Scientific Research” is to develop in students a number of skills and abilities necessary for independent creative activity in science and writing scientific (coursework, diploma and other qualification) work, it is necessary to pay attention to the organization of scientific activity when writing scientific works, in particular course.

    Choosing a research topic. It is advisable that the topic course work coincided with scientific interests.


    Planning. Content planning (content of scientific work) and time planning (implementation of the calendar plan).

    Focus on scientific results.

Each science has its own conceptual apparatus. All scientific concepts reflect (formulate) static or dynamic objective, generally accepted reality. These concepts have a certain internal structure, comparative characteristics, and therefore specificity. As a rule, they are generally accepted and, in a certain sense, standard. It is from these concepts that any thought that carries objective information, a scientific theory or discussion, or other concepts should be built.

It is necessary to pay attention that the primary concept in the formation of scientific knowledge is scientific idea. The materialized expression of a scientific idea is hypothesis. Hypotheses, as a rule, are probabilistic in nature and go through three stages in their development:

Accumulation of factual material and making assumptions based on it;

Formulation and justification of the hypothesis;

Checking the results

If the practical result obtained corresponds to the assumption, then the hypothesis turns into scientific theory. The structure of a theory as a complex system is formed by interconnected principles, laws, concepts, categories, and facts.

Scientific work– this is research with the aim of obtaining a scientific result.

Types of scientific work:

    course work. In the first to fourth years of study, students perform exactly this type of work. This is an independent educational and research student work, which confirms the receipt of theoretical and practical skills in the disciplines that the student studies.

    graduate work;

    Master's work;



    Research Article;

    Series " Educational publications for bachelors"

    M. F. Shklyar



    4th edition

    Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co."

    UDC 001.8 BBK 72

    M. F. Shklyar - doctor economic sciences, Professor.


    A. V. Tkach - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

    Shklyar M. F.

    Ш66 Fundamentals of scientific research. Textbook for bachelors / M. F. Shklyar. - 4th ed. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2012. - 244 p.

    ISBN 978 5 394 01800 8

    In the tutorial (taking into account modern requirements) describes the basic provisions related to the organization, formulation and conduct of scientific research in a form suitable for any specialty. The methodology of scientific research, methods of working with literary sources and practical information, features of the preparation and execution of coursework and dissertations.

    For undergraduate and specialist students, as well as graduate students, degree seekers and teachers.

    INTRODUCTION ..................................................... ........................................................ ........................................


    IN MODERN SOCIETY...........................................................

    1.1. The concept of science................................................... ........................................................ ..............

    1.2. Science and philosophy........................................................ ...................................................

    1.3. Modern science. Basic Concepts........................................................

    1.4. The role of science in modern society.................................................... ..........


    SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH WORK ................................

    2.1. Legislative framework for science management

    and its organizational structure.................................................. ...........................

    2.2. Scientific and technical potential

    and its components................................................... ........................................................ ........

    2.3. Preparation of scientific

    and scientific and pedagogical workers.................................................. ...............

    2.4. Academic degrees and academic titles................................................................. .............

    2.5. Student scientific work and quality improvement

    training of specialists........................................................ ...........................................

    Chapter 3. SCIENCE AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ....................................

    3.1. Sciences and their classification................................................................. ...............................

    3.2. Scientific research and its essence................................................................. .....

    3.3. Stages of implementation

    scientific research works........................................................ ........................

    Test questions and assignments.............................................................. ...


    SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH............................................................

    4.1. Methods and methodology of scientific research.................................................

    4.2. General and general scientific methods

    4.3. Special methods of scientific research................................................

    Test questions and assignments.............................................................. ...



    RESEARCH .................................................... ........................................

    5.1. Planning

    scientific research........................................................ ...................................................

    5.2. Forecasting scientific research........................................................

    5.3. Choosing a research topic.................................................................. ........

    5.4. Feasibility study of the topic

    scientific research........................................................ ...............................................

    Test questions and assignments.............................................................. .


    SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION..............................................................

    6.2. Search and collection of scientific information................................................................... ..........

    6.3. Maintaining work records................................................................... ...................................

    6.4. Studying scientific literature................................................................... ...............

    Test questions and assignments.............................................................. .

    Chapter 7. SCIENTIFIC WORKS........................................................

    7.1. Features of scientific work

    and ethics of scientific work.................................................. ...................................................

    7.2. Coursework........................................................ ........................................................ ..

    7.3. Theses........................................................ ...................................................

    Structure of the thesis

    and requirements for its structural elements................................................... .

    Test questions and assignments.............................................................. .

    8. WRITING A SCIENTIFIC PAPER..............................

    8.1. Composition of a scientific work................................................................... ........................

    8.3. Language and style of scientific work................................................................. ........................

    8.4. Editing and curing

    scientific work........................................................ ........................................................ ...............

    Test questions and assignments.............................................................. .

    Chapter 9. LITERARY DESIGN

    AND PROTECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS................................................

    9.1. Features of the preparation of structural parts

    9.2. Design of structural parts

    scientific works........................................................ ........................................................ ...............

    9.3. Features of preparation for defense

    scientific works........................................................ ........................................................ ...............

    Test questions and assignments.............................................................. .

    APPLICATIONS ..................................................... ........................................................ .......................



    The duty to think is the lot of modern man; he must think about everything that falls into the orbit of science only in the form of strict logical judgments. Scientific consciousness... is an inexorable imperative, an integral part of the concept of adequacy of modern man.

    J. Ortega y Gasset, Spanish philosopher (1883–1955)

    In modern conditions of rapid development of scientific and technical progress, intensive increase in the volume of scientific and scientific and technical information, rapid turnover and updating of knowledge, the training in higher education of highly qualified specialists with high general scientific and professional training, capable of independent creative work, is of particular importance. to the introduction of the latest and most progressive results into the production process.

    To this end, in educational plans Many university specialties include the discipline “Fundamentals of Scientific Research,” and elements of scientific research are widely introduced into the educational process. During extracurricular time, students take part in scientific research work carried out at departments, in scientific institutions of universities, and in student associations.

    In the new socio-economic conditions, there is an increase in interest in scientific research. Meanwhile, the desire for scientific work increasingly encounters students’ insufficient mastery of the system methodological knowledge. This significantly reduces the quality of students’ scientific work, preventing them from fully realizing their capabilities. In this regard, the manual pays special attention to: analysis of methodological and theoretical aspects of scientific research; consideration of problems of the essence, features and logic of the scientific research process; revealing the methodological concept of the study and its main stages.

    Introducing students to scientific knowledge, their readiness and ability to carry out scientific research work is an objective prerequisite for the successful solution of educational and scientific problems. In turn, an important direction for improving the theoretical and practical training of students is their performance of various scientific works that give the following results:

    - contributes to the deepening and consolidation of students’ existing theoretical knowledge of the disciplines and branches of science they study;

    - develops practical skills of students in conducting scientific research, analyzing the results obtained and developing recommendations for improving this or that type of activity;

    - improves students' methodological skills in independent work with sources of information and corresponding software and hardware;

    - opens up wide opportunities for students to learn additional theoretical material and accumulated practical experience in the area of ​​activity that interests them;

    - promotes vocational training students to perform their duties in the future and helps them master research methodology.

    IN The manual summarizes and systematizes all the necessary information related to the organization of scientific research - from choosing a topic for scientific work to defending it.

    IN This manual outlines the main provisions related to the organization, formulation and conduct of scientific research in a form suitable for any specialty. This is what makes it different from others teaching aids of a similar type, intended for students of a particular specialty.

    Since this manual is intended for a wide range of specialties, it cannot include exhaustive material for each specialty. Therefore, teachers teaching this course can, in relation to the profile of specialist training, supplement the manual material with a presentation of specific issues (examples) or reduce the volume of individual sections, if this is appropriate and regulated by the allotted time plan.

    Chapter 1.


    Knowledge, only knowledge makes a person free and great.

    D. I. Pisarev (1840–1868),

    Russian philosopher materialist

    1.1. Science concept.

    1.2. Science and philosophy.

    1.3. Modern science. Basic concepts.

    1.4. The role of science in modern society.

    1.1. Science concept

    The main form of human knowledge is science. Science these days is becoming an increasingly significant and essential component of the reality that surrounds us and in which we, one way or another, must navigate, live and act. A philosophical vision of the world presupposes fairly definite ideas about what science is, how it works and how it develops, what it can do and what it allows us to hope for, and what is inaccessible to it. In the philosophers of the past we can find many valuable predictions and hints useful for orientation in a world where the role of science is so important.

    uki. They, however, were unaware of the real, practical experience of the massive and even dramatic impact of scientific and technical achievements on the daily existence of a person, which we have to comprehend today.

    Today there is no unambiguous definition of science. There are more than 150 of them in various literary sources. One of these definitions is interpreted as follows: “Science is a form of spiritual activity of people aimed at producing knowledge about nature, society and knowledge itself, with the immediate goal of comprehending the truth and discovering objective laws on the basis of a generalization of real facts in their interrelation.” Another definition is also widespread: “Science is both a creative activity to obtain new knowledge, and the result of such activity, knowledge brought into an integral system based on certain principles and the process of their production.” V. A. Kanke in his book “Philosophy. “Historical and systematic course” gave the following definition: “Science is the human activity of developing, systematizing and testing knowledge. Not all knowledge is scientific, but only well-tested and substantiated.”

    But, in addition to many definitions of science, there are also many perceptions of it. Many people understood science in their own way, believing that their perception was the only and correct definition. Consequently, the pursuit of science has become relevant not only in our time, but its origins begin in quite ancient times. Looking at science in its historical development, one can find that as the type of culture changes and during the transition from one socio-economic formation to another, the standards of presentation of scientific knowledge, ways of seeing reality, and style of thinking, which are formed in the context of culture and are influenced by a variety of socio-cultural factors, change. .

    The prerequisites for the emergence of science appeared in countries Ancient East: in Egypt, Babylon, India, China. The achievements of Eastern civilization were adopted and processed into a coherent theoretical system Ancient Greece, Where

    1.1. The science. Basic features and concepts of science. The essence of scientific research and the main forms of scientific research.

    1.2. Basic systemic features of scientific research.

    1.3. The essence and purpose of the functioning of scientific schools.

    Topic 2. General methodology of scientific research

    2.1. The concept and main functions of scientific research methodology. Methodological basis.

    2.2. General scientific methodology.

    2.3. Specific scientific methodology

    Topic 3. Modern methods scientific knowledge.

    3.1. The concept of research method and methodology. Classification of methods.

    3.2. Characteristics of general methods of scientific knowledge.

    3.3. Theoretical methods empirical research.

    3.4. Evidence of scientific research results.

    Topic 4. Organization and holding sociological research.

    4.1. Concept and main stages of sociological research. Research program.

    4.2. Types of sociological research: observation, survey, experiment.

    4.3. Working with a sample data set


    1.1. The science. Basic features and concepts of science. The essence of scientific research and the main forms of scientific research.

    Every specialist should have an idea of ​​the methodology and organization of research activities, science and its basic concepts.

    Science is a sphere of human activity aimed at producing new knowledge about nature, society and thinking.

    As a specific sphere of human activity, it is the result of the social division of labor, the separation of mental labor from physical labor, the transformation of cognitive activity into a special area of ​​occupation for a certain group of people. Necessity scientific approach to all types of human activity makes science develop at a faster pace than any other field of activity.

    The concept of “science” includes both activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge and the result of this activity - the sum of acquired scientific knowledge that serves as the basis for a scientific understanding of the world. Science is also understood as one of the forms of human consciousness. The term "science" is used to name specific areas of scientific knowledge.

    Patterns of functioning and development of science, structure and dynamics of scientific knowledge and scientific activity, interaction of science with others social institutions and the spheres of material and spiritual life of society are studied by a special discipline - scientific studies.

    One of the main tasks of scientific studies is the development classification of sciences, which determines the place of each science in common system scientific knowledge, the connection of all sciences. The most common is the division of all sciences into the sciences of nature, society and thinking.

    Science that emerged from the moment of awareness ignorance, which in turn caused an objective need to obtain knowledge. Knowledge - a practice-tested result of knowledge of reality, adequate to its reflection in human consciousness. This is an ideal reproduction of the conditional form of generalized ideas about the natural connections of objective reality.

    The process of movement of human thought from ignorance to knowledge is called knowledge, which is based on the reflection and reproduction of objective reality in the human mind. Scientific knowledge - These are studies that are characterized by their own specific goals and objectives, methods of obtaining and testing new knowledge. It reaches the essence of phenomena, reveals the laws of their existence and development, thereby indicating practical possibilities, ways and means of influencing these phenomena and changes in accordance with their objective nature. Scientific knowledge is intended to illuminate the path to practice, to provide theoretical basis to solve practical problems.

    Basis and driving force knowledge is practice, it provides science with factual material that requires theoretical understanding. Theoretical knowledge creates a reliable basis for understanding the essence of phenomena of objective reality.

    The dialectics of the process of cognition consists in the contradiction between the limitations of our knowledge and the limitless complexity of objective reality. Cognition is the result of which is new knowledge about the world. The process of cognition has a two-circuit structure: empirical and theoretical knowledge, which exist in close interaction and interdependence.

    Knowledge comes down to answers to several questions, which can be schematically depicted as follows:

    What? How many? Why? Which one? How?- these questions can be answered the science.

    How do?- this question is answered technique.

    What to do?- this is a sphere practices.

    Answers to questions determine immediate goals Sciences - description, explanationAnd foresight processes and phenomena of objective reality, which constitute the subject of its study on the basis of the laws that it reveals, that is, in a broad sense - the theoretical reproduction of reality.

    True knowledge exists as a system principles, patterns, laws, basic concepts, scientific facts, theoretical provisions Andconclusions. Therefore, true scientific knowledge is objective. However, scientific knowledge can be relative or absolute. Relative knowledge - This is knowledge, which, being an adequate reflection of reality, is distinguished by a certain incompleteness of the coincidence of the image with the object. Absolute knowledge - this is a complete, exhaustive reproduction of generalized ideas about an object, which ensures an absolute coincidence of the image with the object. The continuous development of practice makes it impossible to transform knowledge into absolute knowledge, but makes it possible to distinguish objectively true knowledge from erroneous views.

    Science, as a specific activity aimed at obtaining new theoretical and applied knowledge about the laws of development of nature, society and thinking, is characterized by the following basic signs:

    The presence of systematized knowledge (scientific ideas, theories, concepts, laws, patterns, principles, hypotheses, basic concepts, facts);

    The presence of a scientific problem, object and subject of research;

    The practical significance of both the phenomenon (process) that is being studied and knowledge about it.

    Let's look at the basic concepts of science.

    scientific idea - an intuitive explanation of a phenomenon (process) without intermediate argumentation, without awareness of the entire set of connections on the basis of which the conclusion is drawn. It is based on existing knowledge, but reveals previously unnoticed patterns. Science provides for two types of ideas: constructive and destructive, that is, those that have or do not have significance for science and practice. An idea finds its specific materialization in a hypothesis.

    Hypothesis - a scientific assumption put forward to explain any phenomena (processes) or causes that predetermine a given consequence. Scientific theory includes a hypothesis as the starting point in the search for truth, which helps to significantly save time and effort, purposefully collect and group facts. There are null, descriptive, explanatory, basic working and conceptual hypotheses. If a hypothesis is consistent with scientific facts, then in science it is called a theory or law.

    Hypotheses (like ideas) are probabilistic in nature and go through three stages in their development:

    Accumulation of factual material and making assumptions based on it;

    Hypothesis formulation and justification based on the assumption of an acceptable theory;

    Testing the results obtained in practice and, on its basis, clarifying the hypothesis;

    If, when tested, the result corresponds to reality, then the hypothesis turns into a scientific theory. The hypothesis is put forward with the hope that it, if not entirely, then at least partially, will become reliable knowledge.

    Law - internal essential connection of phenomena that predetermines their natural development. A law invented through a guess must then be logically proven, only in this case it is recognized by science. Science uses judgment to arrive at the law.

    Judgment - a thought in which, through the connection of concepts, something is affirmed or denied. A judgment about an object or phenomenon can be obtained either through direct observation of any fact, or indirectly - through inference.

    Inference - a mental operation by which, from a certain number of given judgments, another judgment is derived, which is related in a certain way to the original one.

    Science is a collection of theories. Theory - a doctrine, a system of ideas, views, positions, statements aimed at interpreting a particular phenomenon. This is not a direct, but an idealized reflection of reality. Theory is considered as a set of generalizing provisions that form a science or its section. It acts as a form of synthetic knowledge, within the boundaries of which individual concepts, hypotheses and laws lose their autonomy and turn into elements of an integral system.

    TO new theory The following requirements are put forward:

    Adequacy of the scientific theory to the object being described;

    The ability to replace experimental studies with theoretical ones;

    Completeness of description of a certain phenomenon of reality;

    The ability to explain the relationships between different components within the boundaries of this theory;

    The internal consistency of the theory and its correspondence to research data.

    Theory is a system scientific concepts, principles, provisions, facts.

    Scientific concept - a system of views, theoretical positions, basic thoughts regarding the object of research, which are united by a certain main idea.

    Conceptuality - these are definitions of the content, essence, meaning of what is being discussed.

    Under the principle in scientific theory they understand the most abstract definition of an idea. A principle is a rule that arose as a result of objectively meaningful experience.

    Concept - it is a thought reflected in a generalized form. It reflects the essential and necessary characteristics of objects and phenomena, as well as relationships. If a concept has entered into scientific circulation, it is denoted by one word or a set of words is used - terms. Disclosure of the content of a concept is called its definition. The latter can meet two important requirements:

    Point to the nearest generic concept;

    Point out how this concept differs from other concepts.

    The concept, as a rule, completes the process of scientific research and consolidates the results obtained by the scientist personally in his research. The set of basic concepts is called conceptual apparatus one science or another.

    Scientific fact - an event or phenomenon that serves as the basis for a conclusion or confirmation. It, which together with others forms the basis of scientific knowledge, reflects the objective properties of phenomena and processes. Based on scientific facts, patterns of phenomena are determined, theories are constructed and laws are derived.

    The movement of thought from ignorance to knowledge is guided by methodology. Methodology scientific knowledge - the doctrine of the principles, form and methods of scientific research activity. Research technique is a way of applying old knowledge to obtain new knowledge. It is a means of obtaining scientific facts.

    Scientific activity - intellectual creative activity aimed at obtaining and using new knowledge. It exists in different forms;

    1) research activities;

    2) scientific and organizational activities;

    3) scientific and information activities;

    4) scientific pedagogical activity;

    5) scientific and auxiliary activities, etc.

    Each of these types of scientific activity has its own specific functions, tasks, and results of work.

    Within the scope of scientific research activities, scientific research is carried out. Scientific research - purposeful cognition, the results of which act as a system of concepts, laws and theories.

    There are two forms of scientific research: fundamental and applied. Basic scientific research - scientific theoretical and (or) experimental activities, aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the patterns of development and the relationship between nature, society, and man. Applied scientific research - scientific and scientific-technical activities aimed at obtaining and using knowledge for practical purposes.

    Scientific research is carried out with the aim of obtaining a scientific result. Scientific result - new knowledge obtained in the process of fundamental or applied scientific research and recorded on scientific information media in the form scientific report, scientific work, scientific report, scientific report on research work, monographic research, scientific discovery and so on.. Scientific and applied result - a new design or technological solution, experimental model, completed test, which has been or can be introduced into public practice. The scientific and applied result can take the form of a report, preliminary design, design or technological documentation for scientific and technical products, a full-scale sample, etc.

    The main results of scientific research include:

    Scientific abstracts;

    Scientific reports at conferences, meetings, seminars, symposiums;

    Coursework (diploma, master's) theses;

    Reports on research (experimental and design; experimental and technological) work;

    Scientific translations;

    Dissertations (candidate's or doctoral dissertations);

    Deposited manuscripts;


    Science articles;

    Algorithms and programs;

    Scientific conference reports;


    Textbooks, teaching aids;

    Bibliographic indexes, etc.

    Subjects scientific activities are: scientists, scientific workers, scientific and pedagogical workers, as well as scientific institutions, scientific organizations, higher educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation, public organizations in the field of scientific and scientific-technical activities.

    A significant number of people are involved in research activities. Those who do this constantly are called researchers, scientific workers (scientific workers), scientists.

    Researcher called a person who carries out scientific research. Scientist - This is someone who is related to science, develops new knowledge, and is an expert in a certain field of science. Scientist - an individual who conducts fundamental and (or) applied scientific research in order to obtain scientific and (or) scientific and technical results. Scientist - a scientist whose main place of work and, accordingly, employment contract(contract) is professionally engaged in scientific, scientific-technical or scientific-pedagogical activities and has the appropriate qualifications, confirmed by certification results.

    People of science have the appropriate specialty and qualifications, work both on their own and by uniting in scientific teams (permanent or temporary), creating scientific schools.

    1.2. Basic systemic features of scientific research.

    In development modern society plays an important role scientificinformation, obtained as a result of scientific knowledge. Its acquisition, dissemination and use are essential for the development of science.

    Scientific information is disseminated in time and space through certain channels, means, and methods. A special place in this system belongs to scientific communication. Science communication(NK) - exchange of scientific information (ideas, knowledge, messages) between scientists and specialists. Modern authors of communication theory K. Shannon and W. Weaver give the following definition of communication: “These are all actions if one mind influences another.”

    There are five main elements in the NDT process:

    1)communicator - sender of the message (the person who generates the idea or collects, processes scientific information and transmits it).

    2)communicat - message (fixed or unfixed scientific information, encoded in a certain way using symbols, signs, codes).

    3) channel (a method of transmitting scientific information).

    4) recipient - the recipient of the message (the person to whom the information is intended and who interprets it in a certain way and reacts to it).

    5) Feedback - the recipient's reaction to the received scientific message.

    Science communication starts with communicant, which generates a scientific idea or concept. These can be either individual scientists or teams of authors, such as research groups, scientific schools, institutions, institutes, regions or countries. Depending on the scientific status of the institution, availability scientific degree, academic title, number of publications, length of scientific work determines the scientific status of the communicant and the level of his influence on NK. Outstanding scientists play a special role in communication.

    Having formulated a scientific idea, the author directly shares it with colleagues and a scientific supervisor, who help determine the further direction of its development. Then the information is distributed among a wide range of specialists in the form of a scientific report (message) at conferences, symposiums, and is issued in the form of a scientific report, preprint or article (in written or electronic form).

    Documented and/or undocumented scientific information is what is transmitted, i.e. communicat. Scientific messages are most often conveyed through language, images, and actions. Images are used as a complement to language communications (graphics, posters). Actions confirm the verbal conclusions of the researcher.

    Most often, information is transmitted using language. - natural (the language of human communication) or artificial (machine programming language). The communicator encodes information using signs, code symbols, and recipient decodes (deciphers, translates) information. Scientific communication occurs only if the language of the scientific message is understandable to the recipient. Often, researchers cannot use a foreign language publication without knowing the appropriate language. The readership can be quite limited if the works are presented in an insufficiently common language. In this case, translations help.

    Between the communicator and the recipient it is established communication channel, without which communication is impossible (a method of exchanging, transmitting information). These are meetings, conferences, radio, television, the Internet, publishing houses, journal editorial offices, libraries and other channels that provide the possibility of direct or indirect scientific communication.

    Scientific communication functions effectively if it exists feedback - the recipient's reaction to the message received. Interest in the message depends on many factors: the content of the problem, scientific idea, availability of information, place, time of publication, circulation of the journal (monograph), language, level and style of publication are important. Manifestations of the recipient's feedback can be citation, link, response, review, writing a review, abstract, article, inclusion of the author's ideas in the relevant discipline as basic knowledge, etc.

    One of the main indicators of the significance of a scientific result is citation index, which determines the number of links to a particular article, author, journal, institution, country. The higher this indicator, the more authoritative the author is, the higher his scientific rating. Links indicate the level of dissemination of the idea, its scientific and practical significance, the level of human knowledge, and the actual implementation of scientific communication.

    There are many approaches to classifying scientific communication. It is divided into direct (direct communication between specialists involved in the research process); indirect (communication between scientists through their scientific publications);

    vertical (between the supervisor and the dissertation candidate);

    horizontal (connects the applicant with representatives of a scientific school), etc. However, the most common is the division of scientific communications into formal and informal, documentary and non-documentary, between which a close relationship has been established.

    Formal NC - exchange of scientific information through specially created structures for the generation, processing and dissemination of scientific knowledge. These are publishing houses, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, research institutions, higher education institutions, radio, television, libraries, information centers, museums, archives, etc. In scientific studies, formal communication is often considered as the publication of an article in a journal or scientific monograph and links. Direct quotation of one author by another indicates the creation of a formal channel of communication between them - from the cited author to the one who quotes. If two researchers cite a third, then formal communication is created between the first and third author through citation. The effectiveness of formal scientific research is determined by the quantity and quality of published scientific results.

    Informal Tax Code - This is communication that is established between the communicator (sender) and the recipient (recipient) through personal contacts, meetings, conversations, telephone conversations, correspondence, etc. The positive aspect of such communication is saving time and ensuring deep mutual understanding. The effectiveness of informal NC is determined through self-reports, surveys, and observation. Some informal exchanges of scientific information become evident when scientists co-author the results of their research.

    Documentary NK - communication mediated by a scientific document, built on the exchange of documented information (ideas, messages, knowledge). Scientific document - is the publication of theoretical or experimental research, as well as preparation by scientists for publication historical documents and literary texts. It contains scientific information recorded on a material medium for transmission in space and time.

    In the Tax Code system, a scientific document receives the status communication. It can be presented in the form of published abstracts, the text of a scientific report, article, description of an invention, monograph, research report, dissertation, dissertation abstract, analytical review, abstract, etc. Scientific information can be transmitted in the form of a book, brochure, magazine , floppy disks, etc. The advantages of such communications:

    good preservation of scientific information;

    The ability to study and re-read information many times;

    Thoroughness of preparation;

    Possibility of reaching many recipients;

    Possibility of establishing intellectual property rights.

    Disadvantages of documentary NK: complexity of renewal, volume of information.

    Non-documentary (oral) NC - transmission of scientific information in a form not fixed on a material medium. These are telephone conversations public performance, meetings, conferences, symposiums, direct communication, conversations, etc.. The positive aspect of oral communications is the saving of time, the possibility of greater agreement between scientists.

    With the development of computer and telecommunication communication channels, the possibility of free remote exchange scientific ideas are expanding. The author himself can create an original manuscript in electronic form, transfer it directly to the editorial office of the journal via the Internet and immediately publish it. Network channels facilitate rapid formal and informal exchange of information between scientists. Some electronic databases, in addition to articles (abstracts), also contain the addresses of authors. This allows you to contact the author directly and establish contact with him. The electronic journal is a place for integrated IC, in which authors, editors and publishers work in one system.

    A scientist must know the advantages and disadvantages of each form of scientific communication, be able to find optimal ways to use it and avoid possible problems.

    1.3. The essence and purpose of the functioning of scientific schools.

    Scientific school (NS) - an informal creative team of researchers of different generations, united general program and style of research work, which operate under the guidance of a recognized leader. This association of like-minded people, which develops problems vital for society under the guidance of a well-known researcher in a certain field, has significant theoretical and practical results of its activities, recognized in scientific circles and the field of production.

    The activities of the scientific school implement the following basic Features:

    Scientific knowledge production (research and teaching);

    Dissemination of scientific knowledge (communication);

    Preparation of gifted students (reproduction).

    A scientific school is characterized by a combination signs, which make it possible to identify such a creative association of researchers.

    The main feature of the National School is the effective assimilation and research by its members current problems from those nominated by the head scientific directions. Minimum cycle which gives grounds to record the existence of the school, consists of three generations of researchers:

    the founder of the school - his follower - the follower's students.

    The key figure of the NS is her leader, after whom the school is named. This is an outstanding, authoritative scientist who develops fundamental and general questions of science, produces ideas, new areas of research that can unite a team of like-minded people around him.

    Other signs of NS include the following:

    Long-term scientific productivity, which is characterized by both quantitative (number of publications, references) and qualitative indicators (the leader and members of the Scientific School are the authors of fundamental scientific works, members of the editorial boards of leading professional journals and collections);

    The breadth of problem-thematic, geographical, chronological ranges of the functioning of the National School;

    Preservation of traditions and values ​​of the National School at all stages of its formation and development, ensuring heredity in the areas of scientific research, style of scientific work;

    Development of an atmosphere of creativity, innovation, openness to scientific discussions both in the professional press and in communication;

    Uniting a certain circle of talented scientists in the National School, constantly updating it with gifted students - followers of the leader, capable of independent search;

    Constant communication links (horizontal and vertical) between the teacher and students, ordinary members of the school;

    Active pedagogical activity (number of applicants, graduate students, doctoral students, textbooks, teaching aids, development of new courses);

    Official recognition by the state (scientific community) of the importance of scientific research of NSh (number of academicians, doctors, candidates of sciences, professors, associate professors, honored figures and workers).

    It is believed that the leader of the NS is predominantly a doctor of science. It may include at least three doctors of science in their specialty. The problems of students' scientific research must necessarily be related to the topics of the teacher - the leader of the school. Sometimes they point to geographic dislocation as one of the characteristics of a school. This formal feature can be used as an additional one in the process of identifying NS.

    The most common method of identifying NS is to study the flow of candidate and doctoral dissertations of scientists who are part of this informal team. This approach is legitimate because it demonstrates the “teacher-student” relationship, which is especially important for NS. It makes it possible to obtain specific results, which are based on quantitative data on dissertations defended under the supervision of another scientist, and indicates the correspondence of the topics of students’ dissertations with the issues of the leader’s dissertation. This method is simple because it reduces the identification task to the establishment of formal indicators.

    Scientific schools are the main informal structure of science and make a significant contribution to its development. Their representatives, as a rule, achieve significant scientific results.

    It is a form of existence and development of any science. Research activity is an activity that is aimed at obtaining new knowledge and its practical use. Despite the fact that sciences are classified depending on the field of knowledge, the subject and basis of scientific research constitute an integral part of any science.

    The concept of “scientific research” defines activities that are aimed at a comprehensive study of the object, phenomenon or process under study, their internal structure and connections, obtaining on this basis and putting into practice useful results for human existence. In order for scientific specialists to correctly carry out the necessary scientific research in almost all higher education institutions when studying science, educational institutions The discipline “fundamentals of scientific research” is studied.

    This discipline is an integral part of training and is an important stage in preparing a scientist for independent research activities. The course of the discipline “Fundamentals of Scientific Research” is aimed at developing knowledge that helps solve the following typical problems:

    Mathematical modeling of objects and processes; their research and development of an algorithm for implementing this method;

    Construction of models of processes and objects in order to analyze them and obtain the most optimal parameters;

    Drawing up experimental research programs, implementing these programs, including choosing the necessary technical means, obtaining and processing the results;

    Drawing up reports on the results obtained during the research.

    The process of studying the discipline “fundamentals of scientific research” consists of the following main sections:

    1.Methods of scientific knowledge.

    2.Methods of theoretical and empirical research.

    And their stages.

    4.Procedures for the development and design of new technical objects.

    5.Theoretical research.

    6.Construction of models of physical processes and objects.

    7. Conducting experimental studies and processing their results.

    To conduct research in various fields of science, both general and specific methods are used, which are possible only in specific specific sciences. For example, the fundamentals of scientific research in agronomy will be fundamentally different from the methods by which such research is carried out in However, existing research methods can be classified according to a single general classification:

    1.Philosophical which can be defined by subsections:





    Dialectical principle of contradiction;

    2. General scientific methods and approaches.

    3. Private scientific methods.

    4.Disciplinary methods.

    5.Methods of interdisciplinary research.

    Thus, the entire methodology cannot be reduced to any one method, even if it is the most important. A true scientist and researcher cannot rely only on one single teaching and cannot limit his thinking to only a single philosophy. Therefore, everything is not simply made up of individual possible methods, but constitutes their “mechanical unity.”

    The methodology that is the basis of scientific knowledge is a dynamic, integral, complex subordinated system of techniques, methods and principles of different levels, different spheres of action and focus, contents and structures. In addition to conducting scientific research itself, it is important to patent the results obtained. Therefore, such disciplines as patent science and the basics of scientific research are extremely important for the training of modern highly qualified specialists.