Computer programs for learning English. Programs for learning English Repeating phrases after native speakers

When studying in English You should use not only various teaching aids, dictionaries, videos and audio materials, but also applications, computer programs that will help you replenish, improve your grammar, and consolidate your knowledge.

Computer programs for learning English

Computer programs are, first of all, designed to consolidate the material studied, as well as. Naturally, there are both paid and free programs, but it makes no difference which option to install. All programs are built on the same principle; the differences mainly lie in the user interface, graphics, vocabulary, and the number of exercises. One paid program can easily be replaced by two or three free ones.

Computer programs allow in the following areas:

  1. Working on vocabulary.
  2. Learning phonetics.
  3. Studying grammar.
  4. Perception and understanding of English speech.

It is worth noting that computer programs have one significant drawback - a limited amount of material, that is, a certain amount of vocabulary, texts, and tasks are included in the database. Therefore, they should be used only as an aid, and not as the main source of language learning.

Program approaches

The following types of tasks are used for this:

  • Word - translation. It is offered either in Russian and variants of its translation. The task is to choose the right one. More complex tasks may be offered, such as completely translating a word, composing a translation using the suggested letters.
  • Caption of the picture. A picture is given on which an object is drawn, less often an action, and spelling options for this word in English are given. The goal is to choose the right one. You may also be offered a word in English and options for pictures where the object in question is drawn.
  • , such as solving crossword puzzles, games “Bulda”, “Hangman”, “Scrabble”. Suitable for students who speak English at a fairly high level.

Language grammar with practical exercises

There are significantly fewer programs designed to teach grammar. They contain a list of topics with rules and exercises for each rule.

To consolidate and test knowledge, the following types of exercises are used:

  1. Tests. An exercise is proposed in which a word is missing. You must select the correct option from those presented.
  2. Insert missing words. Mainly used when studying the topic “Articles”. In this case, you need not only to insert the missing word, but also to figure out whether this is necessary.
  3. Construction. Given a set of words from which follows. Designed for knowledge of word order in English sentence. A more complex option is when they are given in the form of an infinitive and the student must also put the word in the required form.
  4. Translation of sentences from Russian into English. At the same time, not only knowledge of grammar, but also vocabulary is tested.

Voiced texts

The use of voiced texts helps not only to consolidate vocabulary, grammar and phonetics of the English language, but also to achieve understanding of the text.

In most cases, a series of questions are given for voiced texts, which should be answered after reading or listening to the text.

The use of texts as a whole is not an independent approach, but one of the components of other, more popular ones.

Phonetic association method

The method of phonetic associations has been known since the 70s of the last century. Its essence is that a foreign word is remembered using a similar-sounding one from the native language.

It is best to compose a small consonant translation phrase containing this word.

For example, the English word fish, which is translated as fish, is consonant with the Russian word chip. So, you can make up the sentence “My trick is to fish only in winter.”

Also known as the keyword method or the Atkins method, which was proposed to the first students using this approach.

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  • Learn to write competent sentences in English without memorizing grammar
  • Learn the secret of a progressive approach, thanks to which you can reduce English learning from 3 years to 15 weeks
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  • Download the dictionary in PDF and MP3 formats, educational tables and audio recordings of all phrases

Learning a language through music

One of the popular methods is to learn English through music. The songs include many common phrases and expressions that are used in Everyday life. In addition, their texts are not adapted, that is, they are designed for native speakers.

Learning English through music helps:

  • Enrich your vocabulary.
  • Develop perception and understanding of speech.
  • Learn the correct pronunciation of English words.
  • Master intonation.
  • Get used to the pace of speech.

There are several options for learning a foreign language through music.

  1. One of the most effective is listening, during which you need to follow the text and insert the missing words. In this way, listening skills are trained.
  2. You can listen to a song while following the lyrics and adding words you don’t know to your dictionary.. The program then asks you to do various exercises with these words, which will allow you to remember their translation and meaning.
  3. Another option is karaoke. You turn on the song and follow the lyrics, in which the words are highlighted like karaoke.

The best free programs for learning English

  • Singlish English– a musical simulator for learning English. First, the song is listened to verse by verse, and then its lyrics are written down in a special field. The program checks the correctness of the entry and makes hints. program .
  • FineMemo– a program for replenishing vocabulary. Represents on which words for translation are written. Types of tasks - choosing the correct option, composing a translation from letters.
  • Exerciser– a program for learning English grammar. Consists of a set of rules and tests for them. At the same time, test tasks imply not just choosing the correct option, but typing it manually.
  • Find A Word– a game program for learning English vocabulary and alphabet. A set of letters is offered, from which as many words as possible should be made. Words are checked by the built-in dictionary.
  • Irregular Verbs– a program for learning irregular verbs. It not only has a built-in reference book with rules, but also various tests, grammar, voiced texts and even games that will help you learn as successfully as possible. This will interest the child and motivate him to open the program again and again.
  • Have bright graphics and a simple, intuitive interface. It would be good if the program included a certain character who would act as a mentor to the child - voice the tasks and give instructions on how to complete them, and evaluate the results.
  • Tasks should be given in a playful way, for a correctly completed task, the child should receive a bonus - additional points, stars, praise from the mentor.

The most famous programs aimed at:

  1. Playway to English.
  2. Macmillan Primary Grammar.
  3. Tilly's Word Fun.
  4. Blue's Clues Kindergarten.
  5. MUZZY Interactive.

Using various computer programs when studying, it will help to consolidate previously learned rules, expand your vocabulary, and most importantly, increase your knowledge.

The special course English grammar is intended for 10th grade students. Consists of the following sections: explanatory note, program content, educational methodological support, forms of organizing classes, forms of monitoring the level of achievement, assessment system, thematic planning, literature used.



Special course in English language “English grammar”

(for 10th grade)

Compiled by: Alexandrova L. G.

English teacher

MOBU "Ruemskaya Secondary School"

This program is based on the language level achieved in previous years of study.

The creation of this program was caused by the need for a special course that would help generalize and deepen students' knowledge of English grammar. The main educational program of the course is determined, on the one hand, by the requirements of the foreign language standard, and on the other hand, by the need for specialized preparation for passing exams in foreign languages.

The program is aimed at:

  • Formation of grammatical skills;
  • Formation and development of communicative competence;
  • Development of creative abilities;
  • Increasing the general cultural level of students.

In addition, this program should help students prepare for olympiads, exams, and also successfully pass English in universities.

The course is designed for those who continue to study English, having mastered the lexical and grammatical basics of the school curriculum in the 9th grade course.

Explanatory note

This special course program is intended for 10th grade students.

Target – create conditions for the formation of high-level grammatical skills and abilities through the use of training exercises.

Main goals proposed course:

Develop and deepen existing study skills and skills in various types speech activity;

Familiarize students with the exam format; repeat and summarize the material in the sections grammar and vocabulary (Use of English);

Develop flexibility of thinking, the ability to navigate the types of exam tasks;

Learn to analyze and objectively evaluate the results of your own educational activities; develop creative potential students.

To acquire, on the basis of existing and new skills and abilities, the so-called competence of linguistic actions in the totality of subject, linguistic, methodological and social.

Development subject competencepursues imparting subject knowledge to students.

Language competenceprovides for the solution of the following tasks:

In the field of listening– listening to authentic texts with a full understanding of what was heard, with a general coverage of the content, and extraction of specific information.

In the reading area– reading texts with an understanding of the main content of what was read, with full understanding, and extracting the necessary information.

In the field of speaking– holistic and logical statements, expressed impromptu, showing one’s own views and opinions, express one’s point of view; in pairs – the ability to ask questions, be able to listen and react.

Social competenceincludes awareness and ability to take into account intercultural differences in behavior and communication in the communication process;

Methodological competenceis based on the development of skills and abilities in the most rational way to achieve the goal.

Distinctive features of the course and principles of material selection:


Students productively master grammatical phenomena that were previously acquired receptively. The development of professionally oriented skills in written translation of texts from a foreign language into Russian with in-depth study is carried out English grammar.


The degree of difficulty of exercises and tests is determined by the students’ level of proficiency in the basics of grammar and the corresponding amount of lexical material.

- continuity

The material logically expands and deepens from language courses, built according to the basic curriculum program for a comprehensive school. On the one hand, gaps in basic training are repeated and filled, on the other hand, students’ knowledge is expanded by becoming familiar with the features of English grammar that were not studied in the basic course.


This course is based on creative and scientific approach to the information contained therein. The materials used in the manual are developed in accordance with regulatory documents defining the content and procedure for conducting the Unified state exam in a foreign language.


The undoubted advantage of this course is the partial use of authentic grammar materials taken from English-language sources. Thus, the idea of ​​the need and opportunity for students to learn the language on samples of the original language, and not just on adapted, Russified texts that create a false image of the English language, which must be overcome in the future, has been realized.

Interdisciplinary connections

The program is designed for 10th grade students. The program includes 17 hours. Each lesson consists of entertaining exercises on the most complex grammatical topics, including learned grammatical structures.

Educational and methodological support

  • Program (compiled by the teacher);
  • Thematic planning;

Teaching methods

To achieve the stated goal, the following are used:

  • a communicative method in teaching foreign languages, which involves the organization of educational communication as a means of mastering language material andgeneral educational skills;
  • game activity method

Forms of organizing classes

The main form of organization of classes is class-lesson, which does not require additional resources from the school, but, taking into account the psychological characteristics of students, classes are conducted in the form of grammar workshops, educational games,"brainstorming"; taking notes; compiling grammatical diagrams and tables; reading and translation; pair and group work; independent work; collection and analysis of information; error analysis and correction.

Requirements for the level of training (expected result)

This program:

  • forms grammatical skills;
  • increases student activity;
  • promotes the formation of linguistic abilities;
  • creates conditions for independent creative work;
  • increases learning motivation;
  • promotes the development of sociocultural awareness of students;

As a result of training, students should be able to:

in area practical use language:

Be able to use articles;

Be able to use degrees of comparison of adjectives;

Be able to use tense forms of the verb;

Be able to use modal verbs;

Be able to ask questions;

Be able to use passive voice;

Be able to translate from direct speech to indirect speech (coordination of tenses);

Be able to use sentences in the conditional mood.

in the field of speaking:

- demonstrate the ability to initiate and actively maintain a conversation,maintain order in the exchange of remarks, the ability to quicklyreact and take initiative when changing the topic of conversation. The speech mustbe clear, comply correct rhythm and intonation pattern.

Construct your own monologue statement, use linguisticmeans that ensure coherence of utterances, lexical diversity, and emotionality.

The entire course is practice-oriented with elements of analysis and self-analysis of students' educational activities. Content selection criteria educational material due to the specifics of the Unified State Exam format, which requires generalization and systematization of acquired knowledge and skills.

Forms of monitoring the level of achievements

Current control is supposed to be carried out in the form of grammar tests and creative written works.Forms of control: starting - test in Unified State Exam format; current – ​​translation, grammar test; final – test in Unified State Exam format.

Grading system

The assessment is given on a five-point system. Mutual and self-esteem are widely used.

The system for assessing students' achievements in mastering English grammar within the framework of a special course occurs throughout the entire period of study in the form of test tasks of various levels of complexity for current and final control, as well as for error correction.

Testing allows the teacher to provide the necessary feedback, which ensures control educational process and helps improve the effectiveness of English language teaching.

At the beginning of each thematic section, a Diagnostic Test is conducted to identify gaps in knowledge on this topic. The theoretical material is accompanied by ongoing training tests, which allow you to practice the material on the proposed sections of English grammar. At the end of each section, reinforcement tests or achievement tests (Review) are offered to evaluate the knowledge gained. The special course ends with a final test for final control of knowledge and obtaining credit for this course. After students complete tests, errors are analyzed and corrected.

The following rating scale is proposed: the test completed by 75% and above is “excellent”, the test completed by 60% and above is “good”, 51% and above is “satisfactory”, below 51% is “unsatisfactory”. To receive credit, you must complete the final test with a grade of at least “satisfactory.”

Introduction to the purpose, objectives of the course and its content. Introducing students to the Unified State Exam KIM in English. The structure of the examination paper for the Grammar and vocabulary section.

Compiling a summary table of the types of tense forms of the English verb in the active voice. Training (educational) tests for comparison of present simple, present progressive; present perfect; present perfect progressive, past simple, past progressive, past perfect, past perfect progressive, future simple, future progressive, future perfect. Static verbs of thinking, feeling, emotion, appearance, relationships between things are not used in Progressive. Reinforcement test for this section. Error analysis and correction.

Countable and uncountable nouns, articles with a noun (Articles, countable and uncountable nouns).

Conditional sentences: general information. (Conditionals: zero, first, second, third, mixed, inverted/unless, in case, as/so long as, provided (that)). Types of conditional sentences and the use of various moods in them (type I - real condition; type II – unlikely condition; III type – unrealistic condition; Mixed type). Systematization of types of conditional sentences (compiling a table). Other uses of the if conjunction. Methods of translating conditional sentences.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives (Comparatives and superlatives/so, such, enough, too). Training exercises. A reinforcement test for this section on knowledge of degrees of comparison of adjectives. Error analysis and correction

Modal verbs of obligation, advice, permission, ability, necessity (Modals: ability, permission, advice, criticism, obligation and necessity, degrees of certainty). Training exercises. A reinforcement test for this section on knowledge of modal verbs. Final test in Unified State Exam format. Error analysis and correction

Passive voice: general information (education). The use of tense forms of the English verb in the passive voice. Compiling a summary table of the types of tense forms of the verb in the passive voice. Transitive and intransitive verbs. Types of passive constructions (direct, indirect and prepositional passive). Training exercises for this section on all types of tense forms of the verb in the passive voice. A reinforcement test to compare the active and passive voices. Test analysis and error correction.

Types of interrogative sentences in English: general, disjunctive, special, alternative, indirect (Questions/questions tags/indirect questions). Training exercises for this section on the use of all types of interrogative sentences. Reinforcement test for these sections. Test analysis and error correction

Indirect speech: general information. (Reported speech/reported questions/reported verbs). Rules for translating direct speech into indirect speech. Coordination of tenses in indirect speech. Changes in pronouns and tenses. Verbs used to convert direct speech into indirect speech. The difference is in the use of the verbs tell, say, ask. Statements in indirect speech. Questions and short answers in indirect speech. Incomplete (elliptical) sentences in indirect speech. Imperative sentences and requests in indirect speech. Training exercises for this section on the use of indirect speech. Reinforcement test for these sections. Final test in Unified State Exam format. Test analysis and error correction

Final control. Test in Unified State Exam format.


1. Sample programs in foreign languages. English language. General (complete) secondary education. 2009.
2. Thematic trainer for the English language. Grammar. Yu. S. Veselova. Moscow: Publishing House "Intellect Center", 2012.

3. English language. All school course in tables. Compiled by T. E. Laboda. Minsk: Publishing house "Modern School" "Kuzma". 2009.

Thematic planning

A week


Date of pro-


Lesson topic

Tense forms of the verb (test)

Verbs in the form of the present simple and present continuous active voice (Present Simple and Present Сontinuous)

Present completed and present completed continuous tense of the verb in the active voice (Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous)

Practice test (present forms)

Verbs in the form of the past simple and past continuous active voice (Past Simple and Past Сontinuous)

Past completed and past completed continuous tense of verbs in active voice (Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous)


Practice test (past tense forms)

Verbs in the form of the future simple and future continuous active voice (Future Simple and Future Continuous)


Future completed and future completed continuous tense of the verb in the active voice (Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous)

Practice test (future forms)

Passive forms of English verbs


Conditional mood

Modal verbs


Noun (countable and uncountable nouns; possessive case)




Degrees of comparison of adjectives


Lexico-grammar test (in Unified State Exam format)

Secondary municipal educational institution comprehensive school №137


for extracurricular activities


(entertaining grammar, students age 6-10 years, 135 hours)

Head of the methodological association of teachers primary classes MBOU secondary school No. 137


Minutes of the meeting of the Moscow Region

R.P. Kokoreva

Novosibirsk 2011

I. Explanatory note

Successful acquisition of knowledge in primary school A comprehensive school is impossible without children’s interest in learning. The main form of education at school is the lesson. The strict framework of the lesson and the richness of the program do not always allow us to answer children’s questions, show them the richness of the Russian language, and reveal many of its “secrets”. In this case, the “Gramatey” course comes to the rescue, which is a natural continuation of the lesson, its addition. The course program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education.

The inclusion of entertaining elements is mandatory for classes with primary schoolchildren. At the same time, the widespread use of game elements should not reduce the teaching, developmental, educational role of “entertaining grammar” classes.

When selecting material for classes, the teacher should focus on connections with program material in the Russian language, taking into account the need for continuity between primary and secondary levels.

The program of this course allows you to show students how fascinating, diverse, and inexhaustible the world of words, the world of Russian literacy is. It has great importance for the formation of genuine cognitive interests as the basis of educational activities. In the process of studying grammar, schoolchildren can see the “magic of familiar words”; understand that ordinary words are worthy of study and attention. Cultivating interest in “entertaining grammar” should awaken in students the desire to expand their knowledge of the Russian language and improve their speech.

Knowledge of the Russian language creates conditions for successful mastery of all academic subjects. Without good command of words, no cognitive activity is possible. Therefore, special attention during Grammar lessons should be paid to tasks aimed at developing oral and writing students, to develop their sense of language. The educational potential of the Russian language as an academic subject will be realized to a greater extent if we strengthen the work on instilling ethical standards of speech behavior in younger schoolchildren.

It is advisable to work on developing communication ethics with younger schoolchildren, starting from the first year of study. To do this, it is necessary to use role-playing games in the classroom. It is advisable to carry out work on developing correct speech behavior in all classes. In addition, the Grammar course allows you to work not only on phonemes and parts of speech, but also on the development of correct speech.

To successfully conduct classes, various types of work are used: game elements, games, didactic and handout material, proverbs and sayings, physical education lessons, rhymes, counting rhymes, rebuses, crosswords, puzzles, grammatical fairy tales. Most didactic material is given in poetic form, which makes it easier to assimilate and remember. All this opens up for children beautiful world words, teaches them to love and feel their native language.

The need for the elective course we have developed lies in the desire of children to learn something new about the Russian language.

II. Purpose and objectives of the course.

Purpose of the course: to expand, deepen and consolidate junior schoolchildren’s knowledge of the Russian language, to show students that grammar is not a set of boring and difficult rules to memorize, but an exciting journey through the Russian language at different levels of learning.

Course objectives:


    developing interest in the Russian language as an academic subject;

    acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in Russian grammar;

    awakening the need in students to independently work on knowledge of their native language;

    development of motivation to study the Russian language;

    development of creativity and enrichment of vocabulary;

    improving students' overall language development;

    deepening and expanding knowledge and ideas about the literary language.


    fostering a culture of handling books;

    formation and development of students’ diverse interests and culture of thinking.


    develop ingenuity and intelligence;

    introducing schoolchildren to independent research work;

    develop the ability to use a variety of dictionaries;

    teach the organization of personal and collective activities when working with a book.

1 class "Travels in the Land of Words"

2kl. "Spelling Secrets"

3kl. "Entertaining word formation"

4kl. "Entertaining linguistics"

The organization of activities of junior schoolchildren in the classroom is based on the following principles:


    scientific character;

    consciousness and activity;



    connection between theory and practice;

    individual approach to students.

An elective course allows you to most successfully apply an individual approach to each student, taking into account his abilities, and more fully satisfy the cognitive and life interests of students. Unlike in-class activities, students write little and talk a lot during extracurricular activities.

IV.Forms of conducting classes

  • practical exercises with elements of games and game elements, didactic and handout materials, proverbs and sayings, counting rhymes, puzzles, crosswords, puzzles, fairy tales.

    analysis and review of texts;

    independent work(individual and group) on working with a variety of dictionaries;

Students' interest is supported by introducing a creative element into classes: independently composing crosswords, charades, and puzzles.

Each lesson has three parts:

  • theoretical;


V.Basic methods and technologies

    technology of multi-level training;

    developmental training;

    collaborative learning technology;

    communication technology.

The choice of technologies and methods is determined by the need to differentiate and individualize learning in order to develop universal learning activities and personal qualities of the student.

VI. Description of the course's place in the curriculum

The program is designed for 4 years, 135 hours. In grade 1 - 33 hours, grades 2-4 - 34 hours. Classes are held once a week for 35 minutes (in grade 1), 45 minutes in grades 2-4. The program course is designed for students in grades 1–4.

VI. Planned results.

1st class

Personal results:

    realize the role of language and speech in people's lives;

    emotionally “live” the text, express your emotions;

    understand the emotions of other people, sympathize, empathize;

    express your attitude towards the characters of the works you read and their actions.

Metasubject results

Regulatory UUD:

    define and formulate a goal activities with the help of a teacher;

    study express

    study work

Cognitive UUD:

    find answers

    draw conclusions

Communication UUD:

    draw up

    listen And understand speech of others;

    study work in pairs, groups

2nd class

Personal results:

    realize the role of language and speech in people's lives;

    to live emotionally text, express your emotions;

    understand emotions of other people, sympathize, empathize;

    pay attention on the characteristics of oral and written statements of other people (intonation, tempo, tone of speech; choice of words and punctuation marks: period or ellipsis, full stop or exclamation point).

Meta-subject results

Regulatory UUD:

    define and formulate the purpose of the activity with the help of the teacher;

    study express your assumption (version) based on working with the material;

    study work according to the plan proposed by the teacher

Cognitive UUD:

    find answers to questions in the text, illustrations;

    draw conclusions as a result of joint work of the class and the teacher;

    transform information from one form to another: detail retell small texts.

Communication UUD:

    draw up your thoughts in oral and written form (at the level of a sentence or small text);

    listen And understand speech of others; use listening techniques: fix the topic (title), keywords;

    agree with classmates, together with the teacher, about the rules of behavior and communication, assessment and self-esteem and follow them;

    study work in pairs, groups; perform various roles (leader, performer).

3-4th grades

Personal results

    emotionality; skill realize And determine(name) your emotions;

    empathy is a skill realize And determine emotions of other people; sympathize other people empathize;

    sense of beauty - skill feel beauty and expressiveness of speech, pursuit to improve your own speech;

    Love And respect to the Fatherland, its language, culture;

    interest to reading, to conducting a dialogue with the author of the text; need in reading;

    interest to writing, to creating your own texts, to written communication;

    interest to language learning;

    awareness responsibility for the spoken and written word.

Meta-subject results

Regulatory UUD:

    on one's own formulate topic and objectives of the lesson;

    to make plan solving a learning problem together with the teacher;

    work according to plan, checking your actions with the goal, adjust your activities;

    in dialogue with the teacher, develop assessment criteria and determine the degree of success of one's own work and the work of others in accordance with these criteria.

Cognitive UUD:

    convert And transform information from one form to another (make a plan, table, diagram);

    enjoy dictionaries, reference books;

    realize analysis and synthesis;

    install cause-and-effect relationships;

    build reasoning;

Communication UUD:

    use adequately speech means for solving various communication problems; master monologue and dialogic forms of speech.

    express And justify your point of view;

    listen And hear others, try to accept a different point of view, be ready to adjust your point of view;

    agree and come to general decision in joint activities;

    to ask questions.

VII. Thematic planning. Contents of the program.

1st class "Travels in the Land of Words"

Thematic planning(33 hours)

Lesson topic

Number of hours

In a world of silence and unknown sounds.

To the land of words. First meetings.

To the secrets of magic words.

Choosing friends in the Land of Words

To the countless treasures of the Camp of Words.

Wonderful transformations of words.

Visiting the Alphabet.

To the secrets of sounds and letters.

Meeting with Rainbow.

To the Land of Talking Rocks.

To the depths of centuries on the Time Machine.

In the Kingdom of Errors.

To the Land of Syllables.

An unexpected stop along the way.

IN amazing city Not word.

Miracles in the Land of Words.

To words that are diverse, identical, but different.

At the carnival of words.

At the Twins Theater.

Competition for those who know.

New performance.

An unusual lesson.

Pathfinders entertain guests.

In the Club of Merry Men.

To the words - relatives. Why were they called that?

An excursion into the past.

Flight to the future.

Final lesson.

Total 33 hours

Topic 1. In a world of silence and unknown sounds. (1 hour) Acting out silent scenes. Fairy tale "World without words." Onomatopoeia and the “yum-yum theory.” Games “Additives”, “You know it yourself - tell us.”

Topic 2. To the Land of Words. First meetings. (1 hour) Games “Words are brothers”, “Relay race”. Solving riddles. Scene "Who's the odd one out." Puzzle "Berries". The story “Words of Snow.”

Topic 3-4. To the secrets of magic words. (2 hours) Fairy tale "Magic words". Solving riddles, listening to poems and stories about magic words. Sketch "When words lose their magical power."

Topic 5. Choosing friends in the Land of Words. (1 hour) Fairy tale "Games of Dwarfs". Games “Good - Evil”, “Only Good”. Competition for attention and penmanship. Parade of Kind Words.

Topic 6. To the countless treasures of the Land of Words. (1 hour) Puzzle "How many relatives." A conversation about the spiritual wealth and richness of the Russian language. Getting to know the explanatory dictionary. Competition for the best interpretation of words. Games “Name by relationship”, “Who is bigger?”, “Chain of words”.

Topic7. Miraculous transformations of words. (1 hour) Fairy tale by A. Shibaev “The letter got lost.” Games “Funny letters”, “Hidden word”. Staging of a poem by A. Shibaev.

Topic 8-9. Visiting the Alphabet. (2h) Reading an excerpt from S. Marshak’s book “A Fun Journey from A to Z.” Introducing a spelling dictionary. Pyramid “Everything on A”. The fairy tale "Commotion". Games “Magic Well”, “Help R”.

Topic 10. To the secrets of sounds and letters. (1 hour) Solving riddles. Training exercises in pronouncing sounds. Fairy tale "Forest Carnival". A dramatization of V. Suslov’s poem from the book “Difficult Letters.”

Topic 11. Meeting with the Rainbow. (1 hour) Fairy tale "Words that can draw." The Secret of Lady Rainbow. Examination of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn”. Game "Correct the artist's mistake."

Topic 12. To the Land of Talking Rocks. (1 hour) The teacher's story about the secrets of picture writing, about how our ancestors learned to write and count. Puzzle “Enchanted words”

Topic 13 . To the depths of centuries on the Time Machine. (1 hour) The teacher's story about how the first relatives of the alphabet were born. Solving puzzles.

Topic 14. In the Kingdom of Errors (1 hour) Writing a fairy tale. Listening to poems and stories and working on correcting mistakes. Game "Magic Apple Tree". Acting out situations.

Topic 15 . To the Land of Syllables. (1 hour) Attention game “Correct the mistakes.” Choral declaration. Solving the puzzle. Ball game "Continue the word."

Topic 16. An unexpected stop along the way. (1 hour) Pronouncing words syllable by syllable. Games “Find another word”, “Go through the gate”, “Find a pair”. Teacher's story about speech.

Topic 17. In the amazing city of Neslov. (1 hour) Working with a dictionary. Dramatization of the story “An Unfamiliar Word.” Games “Turn letters into words”, “Guess the word”. Solving riddles. Puzzle "Crossroads".

Topic 18-19.Miracles in the Land of Words. (2 hours) Solving puzzles. Multiple meaning words. Guessing words by their meaning. Acting out scenes. Puzzle. The words are synonyms.

Topic 20.To words that are diverse, identical, but different. (1 hour) Words are homonyms. Solving riddles, charades, puzzles. Dramatizing stories. Puzzle.

Topic 21-22.At the carnival of words (2 hours). Teacher's story about double words. Words are homophones. Listening to poems and working on their content. Games with words - doubles.

Topic 23. At the Twins Theater. (1 hour) Puzzle "Start and Finish K". Working with a dictionary. Jokes are puns. Scenes “There is”, “Whose nose”. Riddles competition.

Topic 24.Competition for those who know. (1 hour) Rules "Knots for memory". Crossword "Competition of those who know." Puzzle “give an interpretation to each word.” Games with homonyms, homophones.

Topic 25.New performance. (1 hour) A dramatization of an excerpt from N. Nosov’s fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends.” A fun “say the word” attraction. Words are synonyms (teacher's story). Scene "Solid Sign". Game "Find Friends".

Topic 26.Unusual lesson.(1 hour) Puzzle "All words starting with A." Words are antonyms (teacher's story). Game "Guess - ka!" with words - antonyms.

Topic 27.Pathfinders entertain children. (1 hour)“Knots for memory” (repetition of rules). Riddles, games, proverbs, poems with antonyms. Listening to fairy tales and stories.

Topic 28.In the Club of Merry Men (1 hour). Puzzle "Start with A". Selection of synonyms and antonyms. Game of homonyms.

Topic 29-30.To the words - relatives. Why were they called that? (2 hours) Teacher's story about related words. Game "Wonderful Garden". Selection of related words. Fairy tale “That’s how relatives are!” Working with a word-formation dictionary. Solving puzzles. Tautology. Game "Dominoes".

Topic 31.An excursion into the past. (1 hour) Outdated words - archaisms and historicisms (teacher's story). In the “museum” of ancient words.

Topic 32.Flight to the future. (1 hour) Teacher's story about neologisms. Guess game. Knots for memory. Puzzle "Vostilet".

Topic 33.Final lesson. (1 hour) Solving puzzles, riddles, charades. Games with words: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. Dramatization of stories, stories.

students by the end of 1st grade

Students should know:

The difference between a sound and a letter (we hear and pronounce sounds, but we write and see letters).
Signs of vowels and consonants.
Letters of the Russian alphabet.
Related words. Antonyms, ambiguous words. System connections of words.

Students should be able to:

Correctly pronounce sounds, highlight sounds in a word, perform sound-letter analysis of words.
Recognize hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonant sounds in words.
Divide words into syllables. Choose related words.
Combine words into groups.
Check and correctly write words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word, with paired voiced and voiceless consonants at the root of the word and at the end.
Compose a text based on the teacher’s questions. Work with dictionaries.
Solve riddles, puzzles, puzzles, charades.

2nd grade “Secrets of spelling”

Lesson topic

Number of hours

How did you manage without a letter?

Ancient writings.

How did our writing originate?

My name is Phonema.

Are there letters for all phonemes?

« Faulty» places

Secrets of the phoneme

Dangerous consonants

Vowels on stage

"Phones command letters"

When is it written and when is it not written?

Your old friends

Rules about unpronounceable consonants

The magic remedy is “self-instruction”

Construction work of morphemes

Where are words stored?

Let's talk about all the consoles at once

Words - “relatives”

Who commands the roots?

“Don’t mince your words!”

"Transplanted" roots

Final lesson

Total 34 hours

Topic 1. How did you manage without a letter? (1 hour)

Teacher's story “And the bears started it all.” The words are in a figurative sense “a disservice, a disservice.” Signals are symbols. The Legend of Theseus. Learning songs - “reminders”.

Topic 2. Ancient writings.(1 hour)

Drawing letter. Game "Guess the symbol". R. Kipling's fairy tale “How the first letter was written.” Hieroglyphs are “sacred signs.

Topic 3. How did our writing originate? (1 hour)

Frozen sounds. Phoenician alphabet. Greek alphabet. Cyrillic or Glagolitic? Creative task “Create your own alphabet.”

Topic 4 -5. My name is Phoneme.(2 hours)

Meaning-distinguishing sounds. Game "Race". Poem by B. Zakhoder “The Whale and the Cat”. Phonemes are vowels and consonants. Games with phonemes. Acting out the poem “Confusion” by N. Matveev.

Topic 6 - 8.Are there letters for all phonemes? (2 hours)

Teacher's story "How sounds are born." Voiced and deaf “twins”. Game "Building a house". About imagination. Poem by B. Zakhoder “My Imagination”. Voiced and deaf “loners”. Hard and soft phonemes. Mysterious letter. The letter is a clue. The letter is a helper. Letters are actors.

Topic 9 - 10."Dangerous" places. (2 hours)

"Mirror and non-mirror words." Who needs vigilance? An excerpt from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's fairy tale "The Little Prince". Spelling vigilance. Training exercises.

Topic 11.Secrets of the phoneme. (1 hour)

Alternation of phonemes. The key to the secrets of the phoneme. Learning songs - “memories”.

Topic 12 – 13.Dangerous consonants. (2 hours)

Sounds - “wizards” sonorant sounds. Consonants in weak and strong position. Doubtful consonant. Game "Dangerous Neighbors". Training exercises "Who's last?" Sounds “live” according to the law, the compilation of the “Code of Laws”.

Topic 14.Vowels on stage. (1 hour)

Good “wizard” - emphasis. Game "Put the accent". Vowels without hassle!

Topic 15.“Phones command letters.” (1 hour)

Phonemic rule. Welcome, b! Entry is prohibited, but... not always! Games with words. Solving puzzles. Training exercises.

Topic 16.Your old friends. Practical lesson (1 hour)

Games with words with combinations zhi-schi, chu-schu, cha-scha, chk, chn, schn, nsch. Training exercises.

Topic 17 – 18.Rules about unpronounceable consonants. (2 hours)

Songs are “reminders”. Training exercises. Non-phonemic rule. Game "Insert words". Analysis of the poem “About the Sun” by S. Marshak.

Topic 19 – 20.The magic remedy is “self-instruction.” (2 hours)

Introduction to the term “self-instruction”. Rules for drawing up self-instructions. Work on drawing up self-instructions. Work according to self-instruction. Game "Settle the House". Training exercises. Game "Find a suitable transport." Brief retelling.

Topic 21.Memory and literacy. (1 hour)

Types of memory. Memory training using excerpts from literary works. Exercise for memory development. Learning the “reminder” song. Retelling plan.

Topic 22.Construction work of morphemes (1 hour)

"Building blocks" for morphemes. Prefixes “meanings”. Game "Form words". "Meanings" of suffixes. "Meanings" of the ending.

Topic 23.Where are words stored? (1 hour)

Piggy banks of words. How to find a word in the dictionary? Linguistics is the science of language. Working with dictionaries.

Topic 24 – 26.Let's talk about all the consoles at once. (2 hours)

Games with consoles. Are there many consoles in the world? Working with a poem by S. Yesenin. Rules for writing prefixes. The secret of error-free writing. Training exercises. Dangerous consonants in prefixes. "Breakers" of the rules. The insidious prefix s-. The most difficult (pre- and pre-). The song is a “reminder”. Games and exercises with consoles.

Topic 27.Words - “relatives.” (1 hour)

Correct roots and ugly roots. Secrets of related words. Game "Third Man". Game "Who is bigger?" Work with text. Training exercises.

Topic 28 – 30. Who commands the roots? (2 hours)

Vowel alternation in the root. Full-vowel and half-vowel combinations. Game "Recognize them by sight." Training exercises. Working with texts. Spelling with a girl's name. Vowels command. Consonants command. Commands the emphasis. Meaning commands.

Topic 31 – 32.“Don’t put your words into your pocket!” (2 hours)

The root and main rule. We change the form of the word. Game "Word Ball". Untestable vowels. Test words. The game is collecting words. Retelling the text. Training exercises.

Topic 33.“Transplanted” roots.( 1 hour)

Old acquaintances. Where did the familiar words come from? Working with a dictionary. Training exercises.

Topic 34.Final lesson. Olympics.( 1 hour)

Basic requirements for knowledge and skills

students by the end of 2nd grade

Students should know:

Signs of consonants and vowels. Composition of the word. Signs of related words. Types of retelling.

Students should be able to:

Parse words according to their composition.

Write NOT with verbs.

Make up stories based on the pictures. Retell the text

Grade 3 “Entertaining word formation”

Thematic planning. (34 hours)

Lesson topic

Number of hours

Fairytale kingdom words

Journey to the Land of Words.

Wonderful transformations of words.

Visiting words-relatives.

Good words.

An excursion into the past. Outdated words.

New words in the Russian language.

Meeting with foreign friends.

Synonyms in Russian.

The words are antonyms.

Words are homonyms.

Winged words.

In the kingdom of mistakes.

In the Land of Writers.

The art of eloquence.

A celebration of creativity and play.

Difficult words.

Anagrams and metagrams.

Charades and loggriffs.

Where do our names come from?

Entertaining word formation.

KVN in Russian language.

Total 34 hours

Topic 1. Fairytale kingdom of words. (1 hour)

A conversation about the beauty and richness of folk speech. Using examples of oral works folk art the richness of the Russian language, folk imagination, and wisdom of the people are shown. Competition for knowledge of proverbs and sayings.

Topic 2-3. Journey to the land of words. (2 hours)

Getting to know thematic groups words Game "Words are brothers." Compiling a thematic dictionary about mushrooms. Game "Relay Race". Solving riddles. Working with N. Nadezhdina’s story “Snow Words.” Game “Find the Extra Word”

Topic 4-5. Miraculous transformations of words. (2 hours)

An idea of ​​the transformation of words and the ability to find “escaped” letters from words are given. Game "Find the lost letter." Game "Sad transformations". Charades. The story is a mystery.

Topic 6-7. Visiting the words of relatives. (2 hours)

Introducing different groups of related words. Selection of related words with a given root. Consolidating knowledge of the distinctive features of words - relatives. Work on the poem “About a strange garden with an extraordinary harvest” E. Izmailov. A selection of relative words from poems.

Topic 8-9. Kind words (2 hours)

A conversation about the richness of the vocabulary of the Russian language with “kind words”. Work with V. Korkin’s poem “Good Morning”. Game “Do you know how to say hello?” Working with texts on this topic.

Topic 10. Excursion into the past (1 hour)

Acquaintance with words - historicisms and archaisms. Selecting ancient words from the text. Creative work. Explanation of obsolete words.

Topic 11-12. New words in the Russian language. (2 hours)

Teacher's story “Where do new words come from?” Neologisms in the Russian language. Finding neologisms in texts. Guess game.

Topic 13. Meeting with foreign friends. (1 hour)

Getting to know borrowed words. The story “Where the alien words came from.” Work on a poem by S. Ya. Marshak. Signs of words - aliens. Game "Six and Six".

Topic 14-15. Synonyms in Russian (2 hours)

Getting to know synonymous words. Work on A. Barto’s poem “Word Game.” Conversation “What do synonymous words mean?” Finding synonymous words in the text.

Topic 16. Antonym words (1 hour)

Getting to know words - antonyms. Cases of using antonyms in Russian. Isolating antonyms from L. N. Tolstoy’s story “Swans”. Work on V. Orlov’s poem “Dispute”. Game "Choose the right words." Work on the selection of antonym words. Teacher's story about the role of antonyms in the Russian language.

Topic 17. Homonym words (1 hour)

Homonyms in the Russian language and their role. Work on the story “There is” by I. Turichin. Game "Prove...". Reading the story “Oatmeal” by N. Sladkov.

Topic 18. Winged words (1 hour)

A conversation about the meaning of “catchphrases” in the Russian language. Selection of “catchphrases” in text titles. Working with expressions used figuratively and their meaning. Work with poems by N. Silkov “Bit my tongue” and V. Orlov “Neither fluff nor feather.”

Topic 19-20. In the kingdom of mistakes. (2 hours)

Game "Correct the mistakes." Working with works containing spelling errors. Game "Pronounce it correctly." Dramatization by P. Rebrov “Who is right?”

Topic 21-22. In the Land of Writers. (2 hours)

Conversation about rhymes. Working with riddles. Writing your own riddles based on given rhymes. Competition of riddles in drawings. Writing fairy tales about friendship, good and evil.

Topic 23-24. The art of eloquence. (2 hours)

Introduction to the concept of “eloquence”. Reading sample texts and analyzing them. Retellings. Own exercises in creation different speeches.

Topic 25. A celebration of creativity and play. (1 hour)

Creative tasks for developing spelling vigilance. Didactic games aimed at developing cognitive interest in the Russian language. Intellectual game"Smart guys and girls."

Topic 26-27. Difficult words. (2 hours)

Acquaintance with the etymology of difficult words, with the exact meaning of words. Doing exercises to memorize the spelling of words. Work on texts of fiction and works of oral folk art.

Working with recognizing “dangerous places” in words. Selective dictation. A tale about vocabulary words. Solving a crossword puzzle and illustrating vocabulary words.

Topic 28-29. Anagrams and metagrams. (2 hours)

Acquaintance with the history of the invention of anagrams and metagrams, with the authors who used anagrams and metagrams in their work. Introducing the concepts of “anagram” and “metagram”. Working with examples (Milan-burbot, actor-grater).

Topic 30-31. Charades and loggriffs (2 hours)

An introduction to the origins of charades and loggriffs. Compiling and solving charades and loggriffs. Illustration of answer words.

Topic32. Where did our names come from? (1 hour)

Getting to know the origins of names. Creative work “Draw your name.” Didactic game “Make a name.”

Topic 33. Entertaining word formation (1 hour)

Games for transforming words: “The letter got lost”, “Replacing a letter”, “What word is intended?”. Charades.

Topic 34. KVN in Russian language. (1 hour)

Team competition to test knowledge of the Russian language.

Basic requirements for knowledge and skills

students by the end of 3rd grade

Students should know:

Rules for spelling words with studied spellings.
Signs of parts of speech (noun, adjective, pronoun, verb).
The main members of the proposal.
Composition of the word.

Students should be able to:

Distinguish between prefixes and prepositions. Write prepositions separately from words, and write prefixes together.
Parse sentences according to sentence members.
Indicate the intonation of enumeration in writing.
Parse words according to their composition.
Check the spelling of unstressed vowels, paired voiced and voiceless consonants, unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word.
Write words with double consonants correctly.
Determine gender and number of nouns and adjectives.
Determine the number and tense of verbs.
Write NOT with verbs.
Work with a dictionary. Group and select words according to certain rules.
Distinguish between hard (b) and soft (b) separating signs and write words with them.
Make up stories based on the pictures.

Grade 4 “Entertaining linguistics”

Thematic planning (34 hours)

Lesson topic

Number of hours

What is orthoepia?

What is phonography or sound recording?

Sounds are not letters!

Sound line.

Bows and scarves.

"Pygmalion" teaches spelling.

Kitty Kitty! Meow!, or Something about onomatopoeia.

Lexicology (27 hours)

Names of things.

About encyclopedic and linguistic dictionaries.

There are many roads in the kingdom of meanings.

How and why do new words appear?

Polysemy of the word.

“Where does the cuttlefish come from?” About dictionaries that tell about the history of words.

About the same thing - in different words.

How do names come about?

Words are antipodes.

Phraseological phrases.

Dictionaries of “foreign” words.

Captain and cabbage.

“He is all about freedom.”

We speak it in verse.

Words invented by writers.

Words that are leaving and words that are new.

Dictionary of Pushkin's language.

Dark Chernavka.

Paronyms, or “mistaken words.”

Columbus's mistake. "False friends of the translator."

Which dictionary will help you avoid mistakes?

The dictionary is literate.

Scientific etymology.

What are the names?

Old Russian names.

Middle name and last name.

Should you stop for a zebra?

Total 34 hours

Phonetics and spelling (7 hours)

Topic 1. What is orthoepia? (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the norms of literary pronunciation. Deepening and expanding knowledge and ideas about the literary language. Introduction to the concepts of “spelling” and “spelling”. Education correct pronunciation words, observing spelling norms.

Topic 2. What is phonography or sound recording? (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the concepts of “phonography” and “sound recording”. Acquaintance with the history of writing, with the stage of development of writing - phonography. Expanding knowledge of letters and sounds.

Topic 3. Sounds are not letters! (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the science of phonetics, the rules of reading and recording transcription. Teacher's story about the difference between “letters” and “sounds”. Compilation of transcriptions.

Topic 4. Sound line. (1 hour)

Acquaintance with phonetic phenomena “sound recording”, “onomatopoeia”. Introduction to the terms “onomatopoeia”, “alliteration”, “assonance”. Development of phonemic hearing.

Topic 5. Bows and scarves. (1 hour)

Introduction to the science of orthoepy and pronunciation standards. Getting to know the pronunciation of the words bows and scarves. Acting out situations with these words.

Topic 6. "Pygmalion" teaches spelling. (1 hour)

Continue your acquaintance with the science of orthoepy and pronunciation standards. Introduction to the characters and content of Bernard Shaw's comedy "Pygmalion". Correct placement of stress in words.

Topic 7. Kitty Kitty! Meow!, or Something about onomatopoeia. (1 hour)

Familiarization with onomatopoeic words or onomatopoeias. Introduce the formation of onomatopoeia. Comparison of onomatopoeias different languages. Development of speech culture. Completing assignments on the topic “Orthoepy and phonetics.”

Lexicology (27 hours)

Topic 8. Names of things. (1 hour)

Introduction to the term “vocabulary” and the lexical meaning of words. Getting to know explanatory dictionaries Russian language. Enriching students' vocabulary.

Topic 9. About encyclopedic and linguistic dictionaries. (1 hour)

The concept of the lexical meaning of words is given. Acquaintance with linguistic dictionaries of the Russian language, with the features of a dictionary entry. Comparison of the role of encyclopedic and linguistic dictionaries. Learning to use various dictionaries.

Topic 10. There are many roads in the kingdom of meanings. (1 hour)

Acquaintance with polysemantic words, homonym words. The methods and reasons for the formation of several meanings for a word are considered. Practical work “Difference polysemantic words and homonym words."

Topic 11. How and why do new words appear? (1 hour)

Continued acquaintance with the lexical meaning of words. Work with various explanatory dictionaries, with the history of the appearance of new words in the Russian language.

Topic 12. Polysemy of the word. (1 hour)

A story about the property “ambiguity of a word”, about the structure of a dictionary entry in an explanatory dictionary. Identification of distinctive features of polysemy and homonymy. Working with explanatory dictionaries. Game "Direct and figurative meaning words."

Topic 13. “Where does the cuttlefish come from?” About dictionaries that tell about the history of words. (1 hour)

The concept of “etymology” and the structure of a dictionary entry in an etymological dictionary are considered. Work with various etymological and historical dictionaries. Definition of the primary sources of the word.

Topic 14. About the same thing - in different words. (1 hour)

The peculiarities of a synonymous series of words are studied. Working with synonymous words and their correct use in speech.

Topic 15. How do names come about? (1 hour)

Development of speech skills. Conversation about the main functions of language. The concept of “nomination system” is introduced. Working with etymological and historical dictionaries.

Topic 16. Words are antipodes. (1 hour)

Topic 17. Phraseological phrases. (1 hour)

Studying the features of phraseological combinations. The concept “ phraseological units" A conversation about the correct use of phraseological units in speech. Finding phraseological units in an excerpt from A. Rybakov’s story “The Adventure of Krosh.”

Topic 18. Dictionaries of “foreign” words. (1 hour)

The peculiarities of the structure of a dictionary entry in a dictionary of foreign words are considered. The concept of “sustainable turnover” is introduced. Working with a dictionary of foreign words and determining the meaning of these words.

Topic 19. Captain and cabbage. (1 hour)

Getting to know the history of the origin and formation of words captain and cabbage, beef and cowboy, tailors and swindlers. Working with a dictionary . Comparing the meaning of words.

Topic20. “He is all about freedom.” (1 hour)

The linguistic features of the works of A. S. Pushkin are explored. The concept of “literary language” and “living folk speech” is introduced. Finding lines of folk speech in the works of A. S. Pushkin.

Topic21. We speak it in verse. (1 hour)

The concepts of “catchphrases” and “aphorisms” are introduced. Finding aphorisms and catchphrases in the works of A. S. Pushkin. Work on enriching the vocabulary of students.

Topic22. Words invented by writers. (1 hour)

Work continues on linguistic features works of A. S. Pushkin. The concepts of “individually authored neologisms” and “occasional neologisms” are introduced. Finding individual author's neologisms in the works of A. S. Pushkin.

Topic 23. Words that are leaving and words that are new. (1 hour)

Studying the features of outdated words - archaisms. Introducing new words. Work on understanding and the ability to correctly use archaisms in speech. The types of neologisms and types of archaisms are considered.

Topic 24. Dictionary of Pushkin's language. (1 hour)

The peculiarity of the construction of the “Dictionary of the Pushkin Language” is considered. Introduction to the creation of the “Dictionary of the Pushkin Language”. A conversation about the meaning of this dictionary. Working with a dictionary.

Topic 25. Dark Chernavka. (1 hour)

The peculiarity of Old Russian names is considered. Acquaintance with the history of Russian names, with the first Russian names, using the example of the works of A. S. Pushkin. Show the meaning of Old Russian names.

Topic 26. Paronyms, or “mistaken” words. (1 hour)

Introduction to the concept of “paronyms”. The types of paronyms and methods of their formation are considered. A conversation about the correct use of paronyms in oral and written speech.

Topic27. Columbus's mistake. "False friends of the translator." (1 hour)

Introduction to the phenomenon of interlingual paronymy. The types of paronyms and methods of their formation are considered.

Topic 28. Which dictionary will help you avoid mistakes? (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the dictionary entry of the “Dictionary of Paronyms”, with the types of dictionaries of paronyms. Methods of forming paronyms. Work on the ability to correctly use paronyms in oral and written speech.

Topic 29. The dictionary is literate. (1 hour)

Getting to know the dictionary entry spelling dictionary.Conversation about the meaning of a spelling dictionary. Working with a spelling dictionary .

Topic 30. Scientific etymology. (1 hour)

Introduction to the dictionary entry of the etymological dictionary. The meaning of the etymological dictionary, the history of the origin of the words “ox”, “wolf” and “bagpipe”, “cufflink” and “comma” are considered. Working with the etymological dictionary.

Topic 31. What are the names? (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the science of “onomastics”, with the traditional names of animals in Rus'. The methods and reasons for the formation of homonyms among proper names are considered. Working with dictionaries.

Topic32. Old Russian names. (1 hour)

Acquaintance with the history of the formation of Old Russian names. Working with an etymological dictionary.

Topic33. Middle name and last name. (1 hour)

A conversation about the history of the appearance of patronymics and surnames in the Russian language. Introduction to the science of anthroponymy. Explanation of the origins of surnames using the example of a poem by S. Mikhalkov.

Topic 34. Should you stop for a zebra? (1 hour)

Acquaintance with methods of nomination, affixal word formation and word composition. Using an existing item name. The concept “ metaphorical nomination."

Basic requirements for knowledge and skills

students by the end of 4th grade

students should know:

Distinctive features of the main linguistic units;

Basic terms and concepts related to vocabulary, syntax, phonetics, morphology, spelling;

Words, phrases, sentences, text;

Basic spelling and punctuation rules;

About some norms of the Russian language: pronunciation, word usage;

students should be able to:

Clearly articulate words, perceive and reproduce speech intonation;

Select antonyms, synonyms, phraseological units;

Distinguish between words - paronyms, homonyms, archaisms, neologisms;

Use spelling, word-formation, phraseological, etymological dictionaries

VIII. Equipment and staffing of the program

To carry out the educational process under the “Entertaining Grammar” Program, the following supplies are required:

    availability of linguistic dictionaries;

    availability of cards with games and tasks;

    availability of texts for work in classes;

    a selection of video clips;

    selection of printed publications and media materials, Internet;

    computer, printer, scanner, multimedia projector;

    set of TsOR in Russian language.

Classes under the Program are taught by a primary school teacher or a teacher of Russian language and literature, or any other specialist in the field of philology who has sufficient experience working with children or teacher education.


    Volina V.V. Fun grammar. M.: Knowledge, 1995.

    Volina V.V. Entertaining alphabet learning. M.: Education, 1991.

    Volina V.V. Russian language. We learn by playing. Ekaterinburg TOO. Publishing house “ARGO”, 1996

    Volina V.V. Russian language in stories, fairy tales, poems. Moscow “AST”, 1996

    Granik G. G., Bondarenko S. M., Kontsevaya L. A. Secrets of spelling. Moscow “Enlightenment”, 1991

    Fun grammar. Comp. Burlaka E. G., Prokopenko I. N. Donetsk. PKF “BAO”, 1997

    Magazines: “ Primary School”, “Funny pictures”, “Murzilka”.

    Kanakina V.P. Work on difficult words in primary school. Moscow “Enlightenment”, 1991

    Levushkina O. N. Vocabulary work in primary school. (1-4) Moscow “VLADOS”, 2003

    Marshak S. Cheerful ABC. Fun account. Rostov-on-Don book. publishing house, 1991

    Polyakova A.V. Creative educational tasks in the Russian language for students in grades 1-4. Samara. Sam Ven Publishing House, 1997

    Transformations of words. Tutorial. Comp. Polyakova A.V. Moscow “Enlightenment”, 1991

    Rick T. G. Good morning, Noun Adjective! M.: RIO “Samovar”, 1994.

    Rick T. G. Hello, Noun! M.: RIO “Samovar”, 1994.

    Rick T. G. Hello, Uncle Verb! M.: RIO “Samovar”, 1995.

    Totsky P.S. Spelling without rules. Elementary School. Moscow “Enlightenment”, 1991

    A collection of riddles. Comp. M. T. Karpenko. M., 1988

    Odintsov V.V. School dictionary of foreign words / ed. V.V. Ivanova- M: Education 1984.

In this section you can download programs for learning English. The section presents a variety of programs designed to study, practice and improve English.

Each program is accompanied by a brief description of the main goals and functions of the program. To view all the features of the program, you need to download it, install it if necessary, and view the help or help for the program.

All programs are arranged in alphabetical order.

Business Letters

The program contains several hundred business letters on a wide variety of topics. By looking at the sample letters you are interested in, you will better understand the structure of a business letter and the rules for writing such letters. The program implements search. Despite the fact that the program interface is English, the controls are quite simple and do not cause difficulties.
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BX Language Acquisition

The BX Language Acquisition program is designed for learning foreign words compiled into dictionaries of a special format. Words in the dictionary are divided into exercises consisting of a certain number of tasks (words).
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English Grammar in Use

A program that alternates theoretical lessons and practical exercises in English. The exercises are accompanied by pictures, so it will be easy for you to learn the material.
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English Test

The program is a test that will show you your real level of English proficiency. The program deeply tests your knowledge of the English language, calculating the level based on the testing assessment rules of the international TOEFL test.
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A program for monitoring knowledge of the English language. The program displays sentences in English, and the user needs to choose the grammatically correct one from the proposed options.
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A program for monitoring knowledge of the English language. The program allows you to create lessons and then use them for training.
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EZ Memo Booster

The program is designed to increase the user's vocabulary by finding a Russian equivalent for each English word, or vice versa.
Download(1017.4 KB)

Irregular Verbs

The purpose of the program is to help the user learn English irregular verbs. When starting the program, you must click on the "Start" button, after which all forms of five randomly selected irregular verbs will be displayed on the screen. After 20 seconds (the time can be changed), some verb forms disappear from the screen, and the user needs to fill in the blanks with the correct forms. The program is small in size and very effective for learning English irregular verbs.
Download(23.9 KB)

Language Memory Bomber

The program is designed for memorizing foreign words using visual images and distracting techniques with a built-in speech synthesizer that allows you to hear the sound of the word in the sections: Lesson, Exam and Card.
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Language Study

The Language Study program is designed to learn new English words and repeat those already learned. When you start the program, there will always be a window with English words and translation on the screen. Window sizes, fonts, and much more can be changed in the settings.
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A program for training spoken and written English using repeated repetition of material. With or without time. It is possible to create your own lessons - for learning grammar, for learning words, for working on mistakes. Built-in ability to record responses from a microphone.
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Sentence Exerciser

Sentence Exerciser is a set of English grammar tests. Different exercises cover different topics and rules. Basically, in the exercise you will need to choose the correct answer from several options, but not just click the mouse, but write the answer, and, as you know, when writing, words are remembered much better.
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Word translation trainer

The simulator is designed for learning the spelling of words in English. Testing knowledge of writing translations in both directions (from Russian to English, from English to Russian) using statistics on the success of translation of a particular word.

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Shumakovskaya secondary school"

Kursk district, Kursk region


at a meeting of the MS at a meeting of the PS by order Minutes No. __ dated _______ Minutes No. ___ dated ________ No. ___ dated __________

Chairman of the MS Chairman of the PS school director

________/G.A. Alyabyeva/ ________/I.V. Gribovskaya ________/L.M. Shoshina/



"English grammar"

for 6th grade

1 hour per week (total 34 hours)

implementation period 2016 – 2017 academic year

Compiled by:

English teacher Gribovskaya I.V.

2016 - 2017

Explanatory note

Proficiency in a foreign language is one of the important criteria for the successful adaptation of young people in the context of globalization of the economy, culture, and education. Today, English is the key to understanding the diversity of the world, it is a tool for intercultural communication.

One of the main goals of teaching a foreign language in secondary school is practical. Learning a language involves mastering several types of speech activity, one of which is grammar. Mastering grammar causes many difficulties due to grammatical terms, rules, and a huge number of exceptions to these rules that are difficult for students to understand. However, boring, sometimes complex grammatical rules are directly related to beautiful, and most importantly, correct speech.

Thus, knowledge of grammatical rules is a solid basis for learning English. The need to train and improve students' grammatical skills and the lack of time in the lesson determined the choice of this program for 5th grade students.

The course program is developed based on Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated 29.012.2012, federal state educational standard of basic general education, approximate educational program basic (secondary) general education (Approximate programs of basic general education.. Foreign language. Grades 5-9: draft. - 4th ed., revised - M.: Education, 2011. - 144 pp. - (Series “Standards of the second generations").

The English Grammar program is aimed at practical mastery of grammatical material and improving students’ existing knowledge of basic grammatical structures.

The English Grammar program is a supplement to the English language course for students studying English at an advanced level.

The program is designed for 17 hours and involves implementation in the first half of the 5th grade. The program provides for 3 tests based on the results of studying the topic.

The goal of the program: the development of foreign language communicative competence of students by expanding and deepening their knowledge of English grammar.

    activate and systematize students’ existing grammatical knowledge;

    expand and deepen knowledge of English grammar within the framework of the subject matter of I.N. Vereshchagina, O.V. Afanasyeva;

    give students the opportunity to practice grammar rules;

    enrich your vocabulary;

    begin preparing students for exams in the State Civil Aviation Examination format;

    develop sociocultural competence of students;

    to form cognitive interest in learning English.

The program will allow students to systematize and deepen their knowledge of grammar and improve their speaking and writing skills in English. The implementation of the program is aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results established by the Federal State educational standards basic general education.

The course program is developed in accordance with the following principles:

    principle of humanization (dialogical, creative, personal and individualized interaction, it ensures not just the transfer of some content of knowledge, skills, habits, methods of action, etc. from the teacher to students, but also their mutually enriching personal development) ;

    person-centered approach , involving recognition of the uniqueness of each individual, the creation of conditions for the cognitive activity of students, the formation of a creative personality striving for self-education;

    activity principle , which consists in teaching not ready-made knowledge, but the procedures of educational activities to acquire knowledge, ways of thinking, methods of analysis, comprehension;

    communicative principle involves the creation of a foreign language environment in which the child can freely navigate and be able to respond adequately in various situations.

The main goal of the selected system of exercises is the practical mastery of the English language; it is aimed at mastering those operations with the material that are necessary for understanding and expressing thoughts in English. Grammar exercises are selected according to the following principles:

    scientific character;

    consistency and systematic presentation of the material;

    connection between theory and practice;


and requirements:

    teach actions with grammatical material;

    reflect the linguistic patterns of developed types of speech activity;

    have a communicative orientation;

    intensify the speech and thinking activity of students.

Planned results

As a result of studying the course, the student must:

- know and understand the tense forms of the verb;

Know and understand the use of the indefinite and definite articles;

Use tense forms of the verb in active and passive voices;

Perform lexical and grammatical tests in GIA format;

Apply acquired knowledge in a new speech context.

Forms of conducting classes

The main form of training is practical classes (work in groups, pairs, individual consultations, independent work, test tasks, project activities), in which already familiar grammatical material is activated, work on complex grammatical rules, practice of material on the proposed training exercises and practical output learned. The teacher does not convey ready-made knowledge, but is a consultant and coordinator of students’ educational and cognitive activities.

Number of hours

1. The Present Indefinite Tense / The Present Continuous Tense

Verbs to be, to have. Education. Features of education of the 3rd year. singular. Formation of the participle form of the semantic verb. Shortened forms with auxiliary verbs do/does. Use. Verbs of feeling, perception and mental state. Adverbs and phrases as indicators of time, their place in a sentence.

2. The Past Indefinite Tense / The Past Continuous Tense

Education (regular and irregular verbs). Shortened forms with the auxiliary verb did. Use. Adverbs and phrases as indicators of time. Used to …

3. The Future Indefinite Tense

Education. Use. Shortened forms with auxiliary verbs shall/will. Adverbs and phrases as indicators of time. Ways of expressing the future (The Future Indefinite Tense, The Present Continuous Tense, to be going to...).

4. The Present Perfect Tense

Education. Formation of the past participle form of the semantic verb. Shortened forms with auxiliary verbs have/has. Use. Adverbs, phrases and adverbial words as indicators of time, their place in a sentence. The difference in the use of The Present Perfect Tense and The Past Indefinite Tense.

5. Passive Voice (Present/Past Indefinite)

Active and passive voice. Formation of tenses of the passive voice (Present / Past Indefinite). Features of the translation of passive constructions.


Types of articles (indefinite, definite, zero). Pronunciation. Using the article with countable/uncountable/compound nouns. Pronouns some/any.

7. Control

    1. Test (The Present Indefinite Tense / The Present Continuous Tense / The Past Indefinite Tense / The Past Continuous Tense / The Future Indefinite Tense / The Present Perfect Tense)

      Test (Passive Voice (Present / Past Indefinite))

Forms of control

    current control(frontal and individual verification of work performance);

    testing based on the results of studying the topic.

As additional material To conduct classes, it is possible to use proverbs, sayings, and poems. They help make the process of learning a foreign language more interesting and creative. They provide an opportunity to create an atmosphere of engagement and help relieve fatigue in children.

1. English language. 5th grade. Thematic test tasks for preparing for the State Examination Examination/aut.-comp. M.A. Molokoedova. – Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2012.

2. Veselova Yu.S. Collection of training and testing tasks. English language. 5th grade (in GIA format). - 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Intellect-Center, 2013.

3. Gatskevich M.A. English grammar for schoolchildren: Collection of exercises. Book 4. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2012.

4. Gatskevich M.A. English grammar for schoolchildren: Collection of exercises. Book 6. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2009.

5. Golitsynsky Yu.B. Grammar: Collection of exercises. – 7th ed., rev. and additional – St. Petersburg: KARO, 2012.

6. Pavlotsky V.M. Tests in English: A textbook for 5th grade students. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2011.

7. Rule after rule. Collection of exercises for 5th grade. Workshop / Comp. N.N. Chesova, M.: Publishing house "Manager", 2013.

8. Solovova E.N. English language. Final examination in basic school ( a basic level of): typical test tasks. 5th grade. - M.: Center for the Study of English by Elena Solovova, 2012.

Calendar and thematic planning

Meta-subject results:

    personal UUD: develop a responsible attitude towards learning; to form a conscious, respectful and friendly attitude towards another person, his opinion, culture, language; develop the willingness and ability to engage in dialogue with other people; cultivate patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland; cultivate respect for other peoples;

    regulatory UUD: be able to plan, control and carry out actions according to a given pattern; carry out control tasks, including test ones;

    cognitive UUD: be able to present information in a condensed form, based on a sample, diagrams; focus on performing speech actions; be able to arbitrarily construct a speech statement in oral and written form; be able to choose linguistic means depending on the specific situation of verbal communication;

    communicative UUD: be able to ask questions necessary for organizing your own speech activity and in the conditions of proactive cooperation with a partner; express your thoughts in speech and writingin accordance with the task;be able to listen and engage in dialogue;be able to workindividually and in a group.

Number of hours

Characteristics of main activities

Forms of work

Control and assessment activities

Requirements to subject results

The student will learn

The student will have the opportunity to learn

The Present Indefinite Tense / The Present Continuous Tense

P:- doing exercises

G:- drawing up a dialogue “My working day”

G: - be able to question your interlocutor and answer his questions;

Be able to talk about yourself and your work day;


A: - be able to listen and understand the main content of the text.

G:- be able to conduct a dialogue, observing the norms of speech etiquette;

A: be able to isolate significant information from what is heard;


Work in pairs

Individual work

current control

oral survey

dialogue on the topic

The Past Indefinite Tense/ The Past Continuous Tense

G: - compiling dialogues “Famous People. What did they do?

Implementation of the mini-project “Sorry, I didn’t ...”

P: - doing exercises

Writing a personal letter “My last weekend”

G:- be able to question the interlocutor and answer his questions;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in written speech according to the model;

A: - be able to perceive the interlocutor’s speech.

G:- be able to talk about famous person within the limits of the studied lexical and grammatical material;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in a new context of written speech;

Be able to write a personal letter;

A: - be able to identify significant information from a listened text.

Work in pairs

Group work Individual work

Individual work

current control

oral survey

dialogue on the topic

mini project

Personal letter

The Future Indefinite Tense

D: - implementation of the mini-project “My school in many years”

P: - doing exercises

Making a to-do list for the coming week

G: be able to compose a story according to plan;


G: be able to make a message on a given topic;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in a new context of written speech.

Group work

Individual work

Work in pairs

current control

oral survey

mini project

The Present Perfect Tense

G: - monologue statement “I have just returned from …”

P: - doing exercises

Writing a mini-story that ends with the sentence I have never been so surprised.

G: - be able to draw up a detailed plan for a travel story;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in written speech according to the model.

G:- be able to make a message on a given topic;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in a new context of written speech.

Individual work

Pair work Group work

current control

oral survey

monologue on a topic


Grammar test

(Annex 1)

Final test

Passive Voice (Present/Past Indefinite)

G: - description of the events of the story using forms of the passive voice

P: - doing exercises

Making assignments for friends

A:- perceive by ear the speech of classmates and selectively understand based on linguistic guesswork;

G:- be able to talk about the weather and nature, express your opinion;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in written speech according to the model.

A : - be able to extract specified information from a listened text;

D: - be able to make a message using key words;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in written speech according to the model.

Work in pairs

Individual work

Group work

current control

oral survey

Grammar test (Appendix 2)

Final test

D: - implementation of mini-projects “The World around us”

P: - doing exercises

A:- perceive by ear the speech of the teacher and classmates;

G:- be able to draw up a story plan indicating key, supporting words;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in written speech according to the model.

A:- be able to extract information from a listened text;

G: - be able to convey the content of the text according to plan;

Ask and answer questions;

P:- be able to apply grammatical rules in written speech according to the model.

Group work

Individual work

current control

oral survey

mini project

Grammar test (Appendix 3)

Final test

Degrees of comparison attached

Modal verbs


1. Busova S. Yu. Non-standard English lessons. – Corypheus, Volgograd, 2006.

2. Vitlin Zh. L. Problems of teaching students interactive and passive language proficiency / Foreign languages ​​at school No. 3, 2003, p. 7.

3. Vyborova G. E. Easy English. – M.: Ast – Press, 2001.

4. Grammar. Collection of exercises. Yu. Golitsynsky // KARO publishing house, St. Petersburg, 2004.

5. Efimov L.P. About alogisms and contradictions of English grammar / Foreign languages ​​at school No. 2, 2007, p. 24.

6. Ionina A. A. Some features of the use of verbs in modern English / Foreign languages ​​at school No. 5, 2003, p. 100.

7. Ionina A. A. Some typical difficulties in grammar in modern English / 8. Foreign languages ​​​​at school No. 6, 2003, p. 85.

9. Kravchenko A.V. Time to figure out tenses, or how to master the system of English tenses / Foreign languages ​​at school No. 5, 2002, p. 69.

10. Kupriyanova G.V. Group and independent work of students when mastering grammar / Foreign languages ​​at school No. 6, 2001, p. 26.

11. Milrud R.P. Communicativeness of language and Teaching spoken grammar (simplified sentences) / Foreign languages ​​at school No. 2, 2002, p. 15.

12. Sample programs for academic subjects. Foreign language. Grades 5-9, Education, 2010. – 144 p.

13. Collection of programs additional education children (in humanities subjects), TOGOAU DPO IPKRO, Tambov, 2011. - 164 p.

14. Collection of programs for elective courses and elective courses in English.: M. - Globe, 2007.

17. Spoken English" a guide to speaking. Yu Golitsynsky // KARO publishing house, St. Petersburg, 2004.

Annex 1

Grammar Test

(The Present Indefinite Tense / The Present Continuous Tense / The Past Indefinite Tense / The Past Continuous Tense / The Future Indefinite Tense / The Present Perfect Tense)

Option 1

1. Timothy (to feed) his dog. 2. What she (to do) now? - She (to dance). 3. My working day (to begin) at seven o"clock. 4. Ann (to sit) at her desk. 5. She (to study) geography. 6. What your neighbors (to do) yesterday? 7. When I (to see) my friends, they (to play) football. 8. She (to speak) French well. What your brother (to do) tomorrow? 9. I never (to be) to Rome. 10. She (to go ) to school in the afternoon. 11. She (to work) in a shop now? 12. She is so upset: she (to lose) the key to the front door. 13. I (to go) to my doctor tomorrow. 14. They (not to go) for a walk in the evening. 15. My friend just (to ring) me up from London. 16.He (to help) his mother every day? 17. When I (to go) to school, I (to meet) my friend.18. Mother (to bake) a delicious cake! Sit down at the table and let's eat it! 19. I (not to go) to the shop yesterday. 20. Look! She (to draw) a very nice picture.

Option 2

Open the brackets using the verbs in the appropriate tense.

1. I (to go) to the shop tomorrow. 2.When I (to open) the door, the cat (to sit) on the table. 3. When the boss (to come) tomorrow? 4. My sister (to buy) a pair of nice model shoes this month.5. When Nick (to run) about in the yard, he (to fall).6. I (to wash) my hair. 7. You ever (to be) to Piccadilly Circus? 8. They (to have) a big dinner together. 9. My sister (to get) up at eight o"clock. 10. Look at these children: they (to skate) very well. 11. I (not to see) you for ages! I am very glad to see you. 12. Kate (not to write) letters every day. 13. When I (to come) home, my little sister (to sleep). 14. What he (do) at the moment? - He (to fix) his bicycle 15 . After breakfast she (to go) to school. 16. Tom (to play) football on Saturday. 17. You (to go) to school on Sunday? 18. Your mother (to return) from work? Can I speak to her ? 19. They (to play) in the room now? 20. Mr. and Mrs. Smith (to rest) very well last weekends.

Application 2

Grammar Test

(Passive Voice (Present / Past Indefinite)

Option 1

Convert the following sentences into Passive Voice.

1. They finished the work last week. 2. We send our daughters to rest in the south every year. 3. They show this film on TV every year. 4. They built a new concert hall in our street 2 years ago. 5. I bought potatoes yesterday. 6. They sell milk in this shop. 7. I translated the whole text yesterday. 8. They broke the window last week. 9. He wrote this book in the 19th century. 10. Livingstone explored Central Africa in the 19th century. 11. She always invites me to her dinner parties. 12. She showed me the dress which her daughter had made. 13. They did not invite her to the party. 14. I did not leave the window open. 15. They did not turn off the light.

Option 2

Convert the following sentences into Passive Voice.

1.We discussed the problem some days ago. 2. Your friend wants you on the phone. 3. She found my book on her school bag. 4. The boy was angry because his mother did not allow him to go to the stadium. 5. One of my friends took me to the cinema last week. 6. They built this house in 2001. 7. A large group of young people joined us on our way to the station. 8. A young teacher started a school in this village. 9. Galsworthy wrote "The Forsyte Saga." 10. We turn on the light when it is dark. 11. The students finished their translation in time. 12. Helen washed the dishes. 13. Betty often took her younger brother for a walk. 14. She promised us an interesting entertainment. 15. Our teacher uses chalk for writing on the blackboard.

Application 3

Grammar Test


Option 1


1. ... Volga is ... longest river in ... European part of ... Russia. 2. I"d like to go on an excursion to ... Crimea. 3. There is ... stadium not far from our ... house. ... stadium is ... largest in our town. 4. My brother is ...pupil of ... 8th form and he wants to become ... engineer. 5. ... chemistry is his favorite subject at ... school. 6. ...children like ... ice-cream. 7. Can you tell me ... way to ... theater? 8. Here is ... book you need. 9. ... walls of our classroom are yellow. 10. ... butter and ... cheese are made of ... milk. 11.Which ...fruit do you like: ... applesor ... oranges? 12. I go to ... bed at 12 o"clock at night. 13. When will you finish ... school?


1. There is ... park behind ... hospital. There are... beautiful... trees in... park. 2. There is ... good ... film on TV this ... evening. 3. There is ... library between ... school and ... bank. 4. There is ... sofa in ... corner of ... room. 5. There are ... cushions on ... sofa. 6. There are ... books on ... shelf. Give me... book, please. 7. Look into... refrigerator. What can you see on ... shelves? - There is ... butter in ... butter dish. There are ... eggs and ... apples. There is ... orange, ... lemon, and ... jam in ... little vase. 8. There is ... juice in this ... cup. May I drink...juice?

Option 2


1. ... England has to import ... raw materials, such as ... timber, ... petroleum, ... wool and others. 2. Manyships with ... grain, ... oil, ... cotton and other goods come to ... London along ... river Thames. 3. I usually drink ... tea with ... sugar. 4. Will you have ... cup of tea? 5. Pass me...sugar, please. 6. ... tea is very hot, I "ll put ... milk in it. Don "t pour milk into my cup, please. I don't like ... tea with ... milk. 7. ... Peace is ... life, ... war is ... suffering and ... death. 8. What ... beautiful rose !What ... beautiful flowers! 9. Good ...luck! 10. Weshall go to ... theater ... next week. 11. We shall see ... new play at ... Belarusian Drama Theatre. 12. Let's go to ... cinema. 13. They say ... new detective film is on.


1. Where is ... bus station? - ... bus station is next to ... gas station. 2. There are two ... pets in ... house: ... cat and ... dog. 3. There is ... TV antenna on ... roof. 4. There is...mailbox between ... building and ... bus stop. 5. There is ... big ... dog in ... front of ... fireplace. 6. Do you speak English at ... work or at ... school? 7. She had ... bad ... day today. 8. I have... color TV set. ... TV set is on ... little table in ... corner of ... room.
