Input monitoring of achievements of meta-delta results. Monitoring the formation of subject and meta-detective achievements of students

The evaluation system of educational achievements. The results of monitoring meta-delta and personal achievements.
In GEF OOP requirements for educational results are defined as an independent pedagogical category and act as the criteria for assessing the educational achievements of schoolchildren.
Today, not only training achievements, but also creativity, and the personal initiative of the child in school life are exposed to the assessment. Humanization of education requires professionalism, strength, time, the desires of the teacher to work in the mode of comprehensive final assessment, it must be objective and differentiated. It is necessary to teach children to evaluate their actions, their results, their promotion forward. The ability to control and evaluate their actions creates motivation to independently improve its actions, and informative activity of children.

The Federal State Educational Standard contains clear requirements for an assessment system to achieve planned results.

The purpose of the appraisal activity is the orientation of the student to achieve results:

  • in spiritual and moral development and upbringing (personal results)
  • in the formation of educational universal actions (meta-limit results)
  • in mastering the results of training items (subject results).

The results of the student are actions (skills) on the use of knowledge during the solution of tasks. Separate actions, first of all, successful, worthy of assessment (verbal characteristics), and the solution of a full-fledged task - estimates and marks.

Evaluation of subject results.

Diagnostation includes control, testing, evaluation, accumulation of data on the level of knowledge and student training, their analysis, identification of dynamics, trends, predicting the further development of events, the ability to adjust work with students. The system of control and evaluation of students involves the combination of external control with the interconnection and self-control, phased control of each, the rate of requirements, open prospects for correction, the publicity of the results, the removal of fear before the low mark, the ability to revise the topic, test work.

Methods for evaluation: oral control (individual, frontal, group, mutual survey, etc.), written control (historical dictation, independent work, practical work, work with a printed notebook in a lesson, variant and different levels of test work), test control , game control (creative tasks, crosswords, texts with errors, drawing tests of the house, design work, unconventional lessons). In grades, we carry out tasks for the sample of GIA and EGE, including online testswho guys are solved at home, in consultations, sometimes practicing home test work.

Academic years

Classes (specify their classes)

8a cl.

8 b cl.

11 A cl.


kach. zn.

cf. b.


kach. zn.

cf. b.


kach. zn.

cf. b.





Academic years

Classes (specify their classes)

5a cl.

5 b cl.

5 V cl.

5 g CL.


kach. zn.

cf. b.


kach. zn.

cf. b.


kach. zn.

cf. b.


kach. zn.

cf. b.



Academic years

Classes (specify their classes)

9a cl.

9 b cl.


kach. zn.

cf. b.


kach. zn.

cf. b.



2015-2016 (o)

Academic years

Classes (specify their classes)

6 A cl.

6 b cl.

6 in CL.

6 g CL.


kach. zn.

cf. b.


kach. zn.

cf. b.


kach. zn.

cf. b.


kach. zn.

cf. b.




















Completely new for school are metapred-free diagnostic work, compiled from competenced tasks requiring a student not only cognitive, but also regulatory and communicative actions. New and diagnosis of personal development results, which can be carried out in different forms (diagnostic work, results of observations, etc.)

The usual form of control in the form of tests, tests and control works is complemented by new forms of control of the results as:

  • targeted observation (manifested by students and qualities for specified parameters);
  • self-assessment of the student on adopted forms;
  • the results of a variety of educational, extracurricular and out-of-school works, the achievements of students;
  • the results of training projects.

These forms of control are aimed at maintaining the success and motivation of the student, to ensure its psychological safety. Everyone should have the right to an individual educational route, on its pace of mastering material, which is sometimes difficult to implement in the lesson. Observation students (can be carried out according to the following parameters: attitude to activities in the lesson, the intensity of efforts to perform the tasks set, activity, the ability to set goals, plan work, ways to organize work, etc. According to the results of observations and after a certain fixation (for each lesson can Preparage different parameters for observations that are fixed, for example, with the help of "+" or "-"), the teacher may evaluate, i.e. the verbal characteristic of the results of actions (well done, originally, very logical, here inaccurately, it is necessary to think about .)

The level of personal and meta-demental results of mastering the main educational program Students

6th grades

Meta and personal skills and personal qualities


34 Uch-Xia

33 uch

34 Uch-Xia

27 Uch-Xia


128 Uch-Xia













































Watching students in the lesson show: the children began to speak better, it is easier to respond to the teacher's questions, enter the dialogue; Do not just reproduce seen or read (heard), but also know how to reason, draw conclusions, justify and defend your opinion; know how to work in a pair; show self-organization skills in a group aimed at solving a learning task, learn to plan ways to achieve the goal; Most of the children adequately evaluate their activities at the lesson, their own opportunities for the task.

Another way to control isself-satisfaction . Can a student adequately evaluate its results? For the development of self-control and adequate self-esteem there are a number of techniques. In the lessons of history and social studies, the following methods can be applied to form this skill.

  1. Very good way - keeping diaries of success. Every week, students record that they are learned successfully and what problems have and make records to overcome problems.
  2. The teacher individually discusses with students of the nearest development zone, self-development, ways to achieve progress.
  3. When checking written work You can not correct errors, and use correction codes to enable students themselves to correct errors.
  4. To include students in the action of mutual control and mutual intercompension, all students make brief records on a specific scheme, including the evaluation criteria for a certain type of activity, and give a verbal response characteristic. This method helps learn to adequately perceive constructive criticism and correctly express comments.
  5. A very good way to write a student's speech, and then give him the opportunity when listening to find my mistakes.
  6. When performing written creative works in the class at the editing stage, you can perform this work in pairs or groups or exchange texts and edit someone else's work.
  7. Interestingly and group statistical polls. Students find out the presence of priorities and problems, the success of the tasks, and then, summarizing the data, report the statistical data to the class or decorate the wallpaper, memo, etc.

As one of the ways of development of self-esteem, students place themselves at the "Staircase of Success", appreciating their knowledge and skills, and then classmates place each other on the same staircase, since the assessment is carried out not only by the person of itself, but also by the surrounding people.Algorithm of self-esteem (The main questions after the task is completed):

1. What was the purpose of the task? (Learning to remember the purpose of the work.)

2. Due to get the result? (We learn to compare the result with the goal.)

3. Error or with an error? (Learning to find and recognize errors.)

4. Specific or with someone's help?(Learning to evaluate the process.)

  1. An important condition for the development of adequate self-esteem is to jointly develop criteria for estimating certain skills. As for the history and social studies, the skills and recipe skills (testing) to evaluate quite simply by comparing the answers with keys. While certain criteria should be developed for correct estimation of productive skills (oral response).

Let's consider ways to estimate the achievements of students in different fields (studies, creativity, communication, work), etc. One of the ways to fix such achievements isportfolio - Collection of works and results that show efforts, progress, and the achievements of the student.

Another way to assess the results of educational activities isproject . The project is the driving force for the development of the personality and beautiful way Control educational results. The project is a way and means of gaining learned by life experience, which are important components of which are self-expression and self-realization of the individual in different activities. During the implementation of the project, students jointly solve the problem, following the logical chain of elements: the need is a motive - tasks - actions - result. The project is valuable in that during its implementation, schoolchildren independently acquire knowledge, gain experience, are included in real activities, take personal responsibility for promoting training, participate in the joint assessment of the project results.

This approach represents a model that contributes to the most effective achievement of the planned results in training and development and search for joint methods of their assessment. The principle of this approach for students can be formulated as follows: I know the sequence of work on the problem, I can work independently, I can work with sources of information, I can develop a project to publicly protect it and objectively assess your activities.

If we want to develop the ability to independently evaluate the results of their actions, control themselves, find and correct their mistakes, save it from fear of school control and evaluation, to save the psychophysical health of children, then we will inevitably be bent to the use of new ways to assess the educational achievements of students .

I come to technology assessment of knowledge, first of all, as to the means of providing feedback, allowing all participants in the process (both teachers and students, and parents) to understand the level of development of the material being studied. After all, the more substantial feedback will be, the more effective there may be a reaction to it. Therefore, I am looking for ways to facilitate the transition from the traditional method of assessment (five-point system) to a more constructive approach: I use stimulating functions when evaluating the work of the student, self-esteem, mutual assessment of the results of the written work of students and oral responses using the accumulative evaluation system.


Diagnostics and monitoring of the personal development of the child

Introduction 3.

I. Personal qualities of the child 4

II. Methods for diagnosing personal development

II.1. Methods of diagnostics of self-assessment demo - Rubinstein 6

II.2. Methods "Lestenka" (V.G. Shchur) 7

II.3. Methods "Stability of Interests" 8

II.4. Test "Creative potential" 8

II.5. Method for determining the level of imagination 12

Conclusion 14.

List of references 15.


Recently, in institutions of additional education of children accumulated some experience assessing the effectiveness of the educational process. Monitoring the quality of educational activities Udod is a mechanism for tracking the effectiveness of this activity. If the educational activity of the UDOD is the implementation of the process of learning, education and development of the child's personality through the creation of favorable conditions, then the monitoring of this activity should be aimed at studying the identity of the child and the conditions created in the educational institution.

The purpose of the monitoring is to find out how much the educational process organized in the establishment of additional education of children contributes to positive changes in the identity of the child, the formation of key competencies; Detect and solve the most acute problems of its organization in order to analyze, summarize and disseminate the positive experience of teachers.

Basic requirements for monitoring personal achievements. This is a clear certainty of objects and monitoring items; participation in the monitoring of each subject of the educational process; the presence of uniform parameters, criteria for tracking and evaluating educational results; controllability and flexibility of the monitoring process; Scientific and methodical and psychological substantiation of monitoring.

Methods used in monitoring personal achievements: Pedagogical observations, analysis and study of pedagogical documentation, analysis and study of the results of productive activities, questionnaires, psychological tests and techniques. In the process of monitoring an additional education institution, the following questions are found: whether the purpose of the educational process is achieved, whether there is a positive dynamics in the development of students compared to the results of previous diagnostic research and others.

The dynamics of the personal development of the child in the process of mastering them an additional educational program can be traced in 4 directions. Each direction is the corresponding block of personal qualities.

Indicators (estimated parameters)


The degree of expression of the estimated quality

Possible number of points

Diagnostic methods

1. Organization and volitional qualities



1.3. Self Control

Ability to transfer loads for a certain time

The ability to actively encourage oneself to practically

Ability to control your actions

Patience is enough less than half of the classes

Patience is enough more than half of the classes

Patience is enough for all lesson

Voli efforts are encouraged from the outside

Sometimes the child himself

Always the kid himself

Constantly under the influence of control from the outside

Periodically controls itself

Constantly controls itself


2. Orientation qualities


2.2. Interest in occupation

Ability to evaluate yourself

adequately real achievements

Conscious participation of the child in the development of the educational program



Normal (adequate)

Interest in classes is dictated from the outside

Interest is periodically supported by the child

Interest is constantly supported by the child



3.Pessional qualities

3.1.Type cooperate. Attitude to

general Affairs T / O

The ability to perceive common things as their own

Avoid participation in general affairs

Participates when encouraging from outside

Initiative in general affairs


4. Mustic abilities

Creativity in the performance of creative works

First level

Reproductive level

Creative level


  • 1 block - organizational and volitional qualities - they are the basis of activities of any focus;
  • 2 block - the orientation property properties - encourage the activity of the child;
  • 3 block - behavioral characteristics - reflect the type of communication with peers;
  • 4 block - creative abilities (creative imagination, creative thinking)

It is these qualities that are allocated by the observation object. Recently, schoolchildren have a sharp decline in organizational and volitional qualities: the ability to plan their activities to independently, set up certain tasks, to force themselves to perform the necessary, but not particularly interesting work, to build their relationship with peers and adults. Today, the personal development of the child is carried out through its adaptation to an extremely contradictory sociocultural environment. And who, if not a teacher of additional education, may be interested in their pupils of knowledge of themselves. After all, it is, that the teacher depends on how personal qualities will occur, because Teacher is an organizer of educational activities.

The composition of each block of personal qualities can be traced on the table.

Work on the proposed technology will help to promote the personal growth of the child, to identify how he came, what he learned how he began after a while.

To the 1st group of indicators belong:

  • Patience. This quality is although it is given to a child from nature, amenable to targeted formation and change. When evaluating its level, the highest score - 3 is set for the fact that the child has enough strength to fulfill tasks during the entire occupation, without external motivation.
  • Will. This quality can also be formed with early age. The higher score estimates the ability of the child to perform certain activities at the expense of its own volitional efforts, without encouraging outside the teacher. Patience and will are produced by the method of continuously controlling the child for their own behavior. Another provision of education of these qualities is the development of a child of faith in their strength, getting rid of fear of reversible. It is also of great importance to encouraging the child for the most minor successes in the manifestation of patience and will.
  • Completes the first block of personal qualities self-control. Shows whether the child is able to obey the requirements, reach the outlined results. Forms of self-control can be the most different: for their own attention, their memory, behind their own actions, etc.

For the diagnosis of the above personal qualities of children is the most common method of observation.

  • The observation allows you to simultaneously cover the behavior of a number of persons in relation to each other or to certain tasks, subjects, etc.
  • Observation allows you to conduct a study regardless of the readiness of the observed entities.
  • Observation allows you to achieve multidimensionality coverage, that is, fixation at once in several parameters - for example, verbal and non-verbal behavior.
  • The efficiency of obtaining information.

The Group of Indicators includes self-esteem and interest in classes.

Self-esteem. This is the presentation of a child about their advantages and disadvantages. Self-assessment launches or inhibits self-development mechanism. From adults, it largely depends on what level of self-esteem will be formed in a child: understated, normally developed or overshought. Impaired self-esteem means the underdevelopment of a positive idea about himself, disbelief in their forces. So, the absence of an internal development incentive. Such children require special attention to themselves, constant praise for the most minimal achievements. Normal self-esteem means that a child has an adequate idea of \u200b\u200bits advantages and disadvantages. It is this level of self-esteem that is an effective stimulus of self-development. The overestimated self-esteem may appear as a result of an unlimited praise, and as a result of inadequate assessment of their own giftedness, which the child perceives as superiority over others. Such self-esteem deprives a child incentive to development, he gives rise to his desire to achieve leadership in the group at any cost, including at the expense of other children. Such children are difficult manageable, aggressive, almost not capable of working on themselves. The teacher is very important to identify children with one or another level of self-esteem, as this is the basis for individual-oriented work in the group.

To determine the level of self-esteem, you can use the following diagnostic techniques:

  1. Methodology for diagnosing self-assessment demo - Rubinstein in Modifications A.M. Parishioners
  2. Methods "Lestenka" (V.G. Shchur).

Methodology for diagnosing self-assessment demo - Rubinstein in Modifications A.M. The parishioners is based on direct assessment (scaling) of the student number of personal qualities, such as health, ability, character, etc. The examined is offered on vertical lines to note certain signs the level of development of these qualities (self-assessment indicator).

Task performance

Instructions for test

"... imagine such a convention: on the upper pole there is the healthiest person in the world, downstairs is the most sick person, and between them all the other people, including me.

Mark the scale on the scale as you rate yourself in this moment For each parameter. "

Anyone assesses its abilities, opportunities, character, etc. The level of development of each quality can be conditionally depiction of the vertical line. The lower point will symbolize the lowest development, and the top is the highest.

Lines indicate:


Mind (ability);



Self confidence

Under each line it is written that it means. On each line the feature, mark how you assess the development of this quality at the moment.

Task: The sheet shows seven lines, the length of each 100 mm, indicating the upper, lower points and the middle scale. At the same time, the upper and lower points are distinguished by noticeable features, the middle - as soon as a noticeable point. The technique can be carried out as a frontal - with a whole group, and individually. When frontal work, it is necessary to check how each child performed the first scale.

Processing results: Processing is carried out on six scales (first, training "health" - not taken into account). Each response is expressed in points. The size of each scale is 100mm, respectively, the answers receive a quantitative characteristic (for example, 54mm - 54 points).

The height of self-esteem is determined from 0 to the mark on the line.

Evaluation and interpretation of individual parameters:

Self-esteem level is less than 45 - low;

Self-assessment level 45 - 59 - medium;

Self-assessment level 60 - 74 - high;

Self-assessment level 75 - 100 - very high

The number of points from 45 to 74 (medium and high self-esteem) certify realistic (adequate) self-esteem. The number of points from 45 and above indicates an overestimated self-esteem and indicates certain deviations in the formation of the personality. High self-esteem can confirm personal immaturity, inability to correctly appreciate the results of its activities, compare ourselves with others. Such self-esteem can show substantial distortions in the formation of personality, "closedness for experience", insensitivity to their mistakes, failures, comments and assessment of others.

The number of points below 45 indicates an understated self-esteem (underestimation of itself) and testifies to the extreme unfavorable in the development of the personality. These children make a "risk group". Two completely different psychological phenomena may be hidden behind low self-esteem: genuine uncertainty in itself and "protective" when the declaration (self) of its own inability, the absence of ability does not make any effort.

With adequate self-esteem (45 - 74), a person correctly relates its capabilities and abilities, critically refers to himself, seeks to really look at his failures and successes. Trying to bet for yourself achievable goals.

To determine the self-assessment of younger schoolchildren, you can use the "Lestenka" technique (V.G. Shchur)

Method "Lestenka"We draw on a sheet of paper a ladder out of 10 steps.

We show the baby to the ladder and say that on the lowest step, the worst boys and girls stand.

On the second, a little bit better, but on the top step are the best, kind and smart boys and girls.

What step would you put yourself on?

Processing results:

1-3 steps - low level of self-esteem (understated);

4-7 steps - the average level of self-esteem (correct);

8-10 Steps - high level of self-esteem (overestimated).

Methods "Stability of Interests"

Instructions: For 3 minutes, write as many words as possible. As much as possible! Then write as many words as possible in your creative union as possible. Counting data.

Calculate the percentage of words directly related to preferred activities or the area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, to the total number of all written words. If the percentage gained to preferred activity is above the percentage of total, it means that a child has a high level of sustainability of interest in the subject of activity.

The 3 group of indicators includes the type of cooperation.

Cooperation (the ability of the child to participate in the general business). Joint activity is associated with the distribution of functions between the participants and implies the ability of the child: to reckon with the opinion of others, to something to limit themselves, to take the initiative. There are several levels of cooperation in the table.

Diagnose type of cooperation is possible by observation.

The 4 group of indicators include creative abilities.

Creative abilities are the individual features of human quality, which determine the success of the work of creative activities of various kinds.

For research creative abilities You can use the test "Creative potential", aimed at identifying the creative potential of children and the ability to find a non-standard solution, a methodology for determining the level of imagination.

Test "Creative Potential"

Select one of the options for answers.

1. Do you think that the world around you can be improved:

a) yes;

b) no, he is so good enough;

c) Yes, but only in anything.

2. Do you think that you yourself can participate in significant changes in the surrounding world:

a) yes, in most cases;

b) no;

c) Yes, in some cases.

3. Do you think that some of your ideas would bring significant progress in the sphere of activity in which you work:

a) yes;

b) yes, under favorable circumstances;

c) only to some extent.

4. Do you think that in the future you will play such an important role that you can change something fundamentally:

a) yes, for sure;

b) it is unlikely;

b) maybe.

5. When you decide to take some action, do you think that you are interested in:

a) yes;

b) you often think that we will not be able;

c) Yes, often.

6. Do you have a desire to do business, which absolutely do not know:

a) Yes, the unknown attracts you;

b) the unknown you are not interested;

c) it all depends on the nature of this case.

7. You have to do unfamiliar business. Do you experience a desire to achieve perfection in it:

a) yes;

b) are satisfied with what managed to achieve;

c) Yes, but only if you like it.

8. If the case you do not know, you like, do you want to know everything about him:

a) yes;

b) no, you want to learn only the most basic;

b) No, you only want to satisfy your curiosity.

9. When you fail, then:

a) some time persevere, contrary to common sense;

b) wave a hand on this idea, as you understand that it is unreal;

c) continue to do their job, even when it becomes obvious that obstacles are insurmountable.

10. In your opinion, the profession must be chosen based on:

a) their capabilities, further prospects for themselves;

b) stability, significance, the need of the profession, the need for it;

c) the advantages that it will provide.

11. Traveling, could you easily navigate on the route for which already passed?

a) yes;

b) no, afraid to get off the way;

c) Yes, but only where the locality you liked and remembered.

12. Immediately after some conversation, you can remember everything that said:

a) yes, without difficulty;

b) just not can remember;

c) remember only what interests you.

13. When you hear a word on a non-strange language, you can repeat it in syllables, without an error, not even knowing it:

a) yes, without difficulty;

b) yes, if this word is easy to remember;

c) Repeat, but not quite right.

14. B. free time you prefer:

a) stay alone, reflecting;

b) be in the company;

c) you do not care if you are alone or in the company.

15. You are engaged in some reason. Decide to stop this occupation only when:

a) the case is completed and it seems to you perfectly performed;

b) you are more or less satisfied;

c) You have not yet managed to do.

16. When you are alone:

a) love to dream of some, maybe abstract things;

b) at any cost trying to find a specific lesson;

c) Sometimes you like to dream, but about things that are connected with your work.

17. When some idea captures you, then you will think about it:

a) no matter where you are with whom;

b) you can do it only alone;

c) only where it will not be too noisy.

18. When you defend some idea:

a) you can refuse it if you listen to convincing arguments of opponents;

b) will remain with his opinion, whatever arguments are listened;

c) Change your opinion if the resistance is too strong.

Count the glasses that you scored, so:

for the answer "A" - 3 points;

for the answer "B" - 1;

for the answer "B" - 2.

Questions 1, 6, 7, 8 determine the boundaries of your curiosity;

questions 2, 3, 4, 5 - faith in yourself; Questions 9 and 15 - constancy; Question 10 - ambitiousness; Questions 12 and 13 - "auditory" memory; question 11 - visual memory; Question 14 - Your desire to be independent; Questions 16, 17 - ability to abstract; Question 18 is a degree of concentration.

The total amount of scored points will show the level of your creative potential.

49 and more points. In you laid significant creative potentialwhich represents you a rich choice of opportunities. If you can actually apply your abilities, then you have a wide variety of creativity forms.

From 24 to 48 points. You have quite normal creative potential. You have the qualities that allow you to create, but you have problems that brake the process of creativity. In any case, your potential will allow you to creatively show yourself if you, of course, will wish.

23 and less points. Your creative potential, alas, is small. But, perhaps, you just underestimated yourself, your abilities? The absence of faith in their strength can lead you to the thought that you are not capable of creativity at all. Get rid of it and thus solve the problem.

Imagination - mental reproduction of something or anyone, fantasy. It is closely associated with thinking, as the image and thought always act in unity. Imagination contributes to anticipation of the future and as if revive the past. The concepts of "imagination" and "fantasy" are synonymous.

Methods for determining the level of imagination

Instructions: You are offered 12 test questions. They must be answered either "yes" or "no". The first digit in brackets (the number of points) means a positive response, the second is negative.

1. Are you interested in painting? (2, 1).

2. Do you often miss? (12).

3. Talking any story, do you like to decorate it with a colorful detail added from yourself? (10).

4. Are you initiative at work? (2, 1).

5. "Wide" Whether you write, do you take a place on paper? (1.0).

6. Are you guiding in the choice of fashion laws or your own taste? (2, 1).

7. Do you like to draw during meetings or lectures on a sheet of paper alone and the same figures? (O, 1).

8. Listening to music, do you imagine any images related to it? (1.0).

9. Do you like to write long letters? (2, 1).

10. Do you sometimes see colored dreams? (10).

11. Do you love to mentally be in those dreams that you know only by stories? (10).

12. Do you often cry, upset in the cinema? (10).

So, calculate the glasses. 14-17 points: you have a rich imagination. If you are able to apply it in life, you will achieve great creative success. 9-13 points: average imagination. This imagination is found in very many people. From you and only depends on you, you will be able to develop it. 5-8 points: You realize in the full sense of the word. In the clouds do not twist. However, a little fantasy still did not harm anyone. So think about yourself.

Criteria for assessing personal development

  • 10 - 12 points - low level of development;
  • 13 - 21 points - the average level of development;
  • 22 - 30 points - high level of development


The formation of personal qualities is a long-term process, it is delayed. To identify and evaluate personal qualities difficult. Nevertheless, each teacher should identify the results of the educational activities of children in its entirety. This is due to the specifics of additional education of children.

Analysis of the quality of the educational process, the development of the child's personality, the professional growth of the teacher of additional education is the initial points to create a monitoring system in an additional education institution.

Systematic assessment of the success of training, personal qualities of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics methods during all years of child learning (group) on the program allows the teacher to determine the areas of educational work with each pupil and children's team throughout the entire period of study, as well as analyze the effectiveness of educational education and educational Work in the children's association.


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  2. Bictiteeva A.D.Fulisnoy achievements as criteria for the effectiveness of educational systems // Estroll of Orenburg, Orenburg: Metropolis LLC, Metro, 2005. - №1-2-41-42.
  3. Zhurkina A.Ya. Monitoring the quality of educational activities in the establishment of additional education of children. - M.: Goudodode FCRsdod, 2005. - 72c.
  4. Codols S.M. System of control and evaluation of the results of the participants of the educational process // Additional education. - 2005. - №8. - p.17-24.
  5. Kochergin GD. Development of the educational process in the Udod
  6. // Additional education. - 2006. - №11. - p.3-7.
  7. Kruglova L.Yu. On the activities of the teacher in the context of the modernization of additional education // Additional education. - 2006. - №9. - P.8-11.

Toolkit for tracking meta-delicate student results

The federal educational standards of the second generation set a qualitatively new idea of \u200b\u200bhow content should be primary education And his educational result.

Now the effectiveness is consistent with the complex complex of indicators describing both the values \u200b\u200band meta-delta and even personal achievements of the child. To explore the development process of universal training actions, you need your own toolkit.

Toolkit is a combination of funds used to assess the achievement of planned results. The toolkit includes a description of the techniques used, the features of diagnostics, the evaluation system of children's responses, distributing material for the work of children, tables for fixing the survey results.

To achieve a better end result, a clear diagnostic system of studying intermediate results of the formation of meta-conductive planned results is required.

"Meta-detective results of educational activities

these are universal ways of activity applicable

both within the framework of the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations, mastered by studying on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects "

- How to evaluate and track whether meta-delimited results are achieved?

The main object of assessing meta-delicent results

serves the formation of students

universal training actions (cognitive, regulatory and communicative.

Regulatory universal learning activities provide

studying organization of their educational activities.

Cognitive universal learning activities include:

overlooking actions

Communicative universal learning activities

social competence and accounting for other people

actions, partners for communication or activity .

I conducted an assessment of the achievement of metapserted results during various procedures.

System of internal assessment of meta-delta results


    monitoring the formation of basic training skills;

    specially designed diagnostic tasks;

    metaPered diagnostic work;

    complex work on a cross-country basis;

    project activities.

For evaluating the promotion of students in achieving metap looms, I used targeted observation.

The results of the observation fixed in special forms ( observation sheets) in which a conditional sign was put in the surveillance process (for example, " V. "). Depending on the pedagogical problem, observation sheets were named (when observing the activities of a specific student) or aspect (When assessing the formation of this aspect of activity in the whole class).

Observations conducted quite regularly. I watched the whole class, for any other child or for any particular type of activity. Observation led both from the position of the external observer and from the standpoint of a direct participant of activity.

The most accurate measuring instrument for tracking and evaluating the process of development of universal training actions (UUD) is monitoring.

Monitoring is a tool that helps the teacher himself "set up" educational process On the individual capabilities of each student, create optimal conditions for him to achieve a qualitative educational result.

The information obtained during the pedagogical monitoring was the basis for me to identify individual speakers quality development of students, to predict my pedagogical activity, To implement the necessary correction.

In order for monitoring to fulfill its task, it performed it regularly, with a support for a Wood list to be formed and evaluated.

Monitoring the formation of regulatory, cognitive, communicative educational actions, I carried out on materials of textbooks and working notebooks UMK.

The UMC job system includes: creative tasks, search tasks, advanced level tasks.

For example, when planning the lessons of mathematics, I relied on the leveling developments at the rate of "Mathematics" S.V. Savinova, in which training sessions are designed from the perspective of activity pedagogy: the meta-concrete wood is predicted.

The slide presents the tasks of the elevated level, when executing which I could track the process of forming meta-delicent results.

Working on the UMC "School of Russia" I used the "test work" of the author S.I. Wolve, aimed at checking subject knowledge, skills and skills, and on testing meta-conductive learning outcomes.

On the slide there are examples of tasks from verification work.

When evaluating works, the success of such tasks was also recorded.

The checks on subjects include tasks that helped me check the level of development of URU at each stage of training.

Depending on the success of performing verification assignments on subjects and, taking into account the nature of the mistakes made by the child, I concluded that the formation of a number of cognitive and regulatory actions of students.

Evaluating the level of formation of communicative and educational judo as goaling, planning I conducted on the foundation and written speakers of students, as well as on theobservations for the participation of students in group work.

Check assignments requiring joint (team) student work on the overall result made me to assess the formation of communicative and regulatory training actions.

I fixed the results in the form of observations of the group.

I had the interest of CMD "Learning to learn and act monitoring meta-itemable Uud" Authors T.V. Merkulova. I plan to use this CMD in the future work, which consists of working notebooks and guidelines for each class. To increase the motivation of students and the holistic perception of the material, all settings of 1 class monitoring are combined with a game plot about a forest school. In RT for grade 2, the diagnostic program is given as a story about second-graders and their teacher. The processing of monitoring results is aimed at obtaining diagnostic information on each student and about the class as a whole, and identifying the presence of progress.

To track the level of formation of the Wood at the students, I used tasks and specially designed diagnostic tasks, which are presented on a sheet of assessment of meta-delicent results for each class. They include evaluation criteria; exemplary tasks are quite simple, not requiring special conditions; Self-assessment of the student and assessment of the teacher.

I helped me toolkit for teachers "How to design universal learning activities in primary school. From the action to thought "Author A.G. Asmolov. The benefits are revealed by the types and age features of the development of the Wood Pupils of NCh classes. Recommendations for the development of a Wood, aimed at forming the ability to learn, a detailed description of the diagnostic procedure, assessment and analysis of results.

To estimate the formation of metap loose URU, these diagnostic tasks for testing individual types of Wood applied.

On the slide, you see the diagnostic task for estimating the regulatory control action.

The teacher can also use control and measuring materials "Diagnostics of meta-concrete and personal results of primary education" Author R.N. Buneev, which contain diagnostic materials, allowing to identify how successfully the child is formed a meta-delicent result.

I spend comprehensive integrated work. I think it is important because they allow you to determine the formation of the ability to transfer the knowledge and methods of training actions obtained in some subjects to other learning situations and tasks.

The proposed works give me the opportunity to collect additional data to the assessment of such most important universal methods of action, like reflection, the ability to self-regulation, self-control, self-correction.

I use "final comprehensive work my achievements" author O.B. Loginova, S.G. Yakovleva. The kit includes 4-ranking work with the tasks of various levels of complexity and guidelines.

I am in the process of studying "integrated works on the texts" series "Young clever and smartm" Authors O.A. Kholodov, L.V. Mishchenkov. The notebooks present the training and test comprehensive work in two versions (1-rank - base level, 2 - an elevated level option). The paper has text and 16 tasks, 4 tasks for each item based on various situations from life, as well as an estimated table.

The use of the project as a tool for the assessment of younger schoolchildren is quite limited, even by the end of the elementary school, all the necessary project skills can be formed.

Also limit the application of the project method and age and intellectual features of younger students

But nevertheless, in class in class we work on projects individually, in pairs, groups.

Individual projects are presented on the slides, group work on projects, as well as a sheet of project participant's promotion and evaluation of the project (individual card).

The results of all monitoring, diagnostics bring to the attention of students and their parents at the parent meeting or in a personal conversation.

With the right to determine the objectives of the achievement and methods of their verification Sheets individual achievements and sheets of accounting and control They give me all the necessary information about how the learning process goes, what are the difficulties in individual children, I have reached, as a teacher, and the class of goals set, which should be corrected in the process of subsequent training.

Based on the available methodological support, each teacher can develop its control system for tracking metap loose URU, create tools, develop criteria for assessing achievements.


    How to design universal training in elementary school. From the action to thought: manual for teacher / A.G. Asmolov, G.V. Burumen, I.A. Volodar et al.; Ed. A.G. Asmolov. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010. (second-generation standards).

    Formation of universal educational actions in the main school: from action to thought. Job system. Manual for teacher. / Asmolov A. G., Burmenskaya G. V., Volodarskaya I. A. et al. / Ed.

Asmolova A. G. - M: Education, 2012 (second generation standards

    Gerasimova T.V., Dobrynina N.L., Egorova T.V., Komkov N.S., Kostina OV, Orlenok I.N., Petrichenko E.F., Plotnikova OB "Methodical recommendations" Organization of psychological monitoring of the formation of universal training actions in elementary school "(within the framework of the GEF NOO), Angarsk, 2011

    Buneeva E. et al. "Diagnostics of meta-concrete and personal results of primary education." Test works »Workbooks. M., 2012.

    Buneev R.N., Buneeva E., Vakhrushev A., Goryachev A., Danilov D., Kozlova S., Petrova L., Pronon O., Rubin A., Chinkdilova about .. "Diagnostics

meta and personal primary education results "

Verification work 3-4 class. M., 2011

    5.verglees G.I., Matveeva L.A., Raev A.I. " Junior schoolchild: Help him learn, "C-p, Publisher RGPU, 2008

    Kisceko T. A., Dyachkova E.V. Gardabudsky N. S., Fomicheva I. N.,

Stalnova E. A., Medvedeva L. V., Egorova T. V., Kolchchina O. A.

    workbook "School start. Monitoring MetaPered Wood "and Methodical Recommendations for the Teacher. Authors of the kit: T.V. Beglova, M.R. Bityanova, T.V. Merkulova, A.G. Teplitskaya, edited by Ph.D. M.R. Bityanova (Center for Psychological Education Education "Psi Psi", Moscow), Ph.D. S.G. Yakovlev

    workbook "Learning to learn and act. Monitoring MetaPered Wood "and Methodical Recommendations for the Teacher. Authors of the kit: T.V. Beglova, M.R. Bityanova, T.V. Merkulova, A.G. Teplitskaya, edited by K. Psychol.n. M.R. Bityanova (Center for Psychological Education Education "Psi Psi", Moscow), Ph.D. S.G. Yakovlev(Federal Scientific and Methodical Center. L.V. Zankova).


subject and metapredal achievements of students

In the field of education, the monitoring system, which is aimed at obtaining an independent, objective, comparable information on educational achievements of students, activities of pedagogical workers and educational institutions . Processing, analysis and interpretation of the information received will help develop policies to have managerial decisions aimed at improving the quality of education in different levels.

Monitoring is a system that allows you to trace changes in the results of trading over a certain time, compare them with conditions, resources and other factors that influence the education process to identify the reasons affecting its quality.

Main monitoring functions:

Information (obtaining information on the state of the academic performance of each student;

Diagnostic (determining the level of mastering by students by educational material);
- analytic (comparison of learning outcomes with requirements);

Correctional-regulatory (development of optimal ways to increase the educational training of the student).

The achievement of subject results is ensured by the main training subjects.

When evaluating subject results, it should be borne in mind that not only the ability of the student to reproduce specific knowledge and skills in standard situations (knowledge of solving algorithms for certain objectives), but also the ability to use these knowledge when solving educational and educational and practical tasks built on a substantive material using meta-concrete actions; The ability to give the necessary explanations, build a chain of logical justifications; ability to compare, analyze, conclude, sometimes in a non-standard situation; The ability to critically comprehend the result obtained; The ability to accurately and fully answer the questioned question.

Evaluation of the achievement of subject results is carried out during the following procedures using the estimated toolkit:

Estimated procedures


Start diagnostics

Starting ("entrance") checks

Current feedback

Independent work Verification work Teaching and educational tasks

Diagnostic work

Practical works

Laboratory work, etc.

final grade

Total test work on subjects

The main object of the assessment of metap looms is the formation of students' regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal training actions.

Assessment of the achievement of metap looms is carried out during the following procedures using evaluation tools:

Estimated procedures


Start diagnostics

Starting integrated work

Current estimation of meta-debit

Interim and final comprehensive work on a cross-country basis aimed at assessing the formation of cognitive, regulative and communicative actions in solving educational and educational and practical tasks based on working with the text

Observation of the implementation of educational and practical tasks

Educational and practical tasks aimed at forming and evaluating communicative, educational, regulatory Wood

Current estimation of learning research and training

Criteria for assessing the study research and training project

Final assessment of meta-degree

Final comprehensive work on an interdisciplinary basis

Protection of the final individual project

Criteria for evaluating the final individual project

In chemistry lessons, monitoring is possible through the task system:

Means of formation UUD

Types of tasks


Use aware of special training programs having a didactic load associated with the material of the textbook

The system of tasks illustrating the place of chemistry as science in modern society

Tasks that allow:

Rise a feeling of patriotism, pride for their homeland, for Russian science

Turn to the history of science

Rail a dedication, hard work, independence in the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, forming self-control and self-esteem skills

Be able to manage your cognitive activity

Develop aesthetic consciousness through the development of the artistic heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world, the connection of chemistry with literature and art

Raise respect for chemistry achievements (significance and practical use chemical knowledge and achievements of chemical science in everyday life, technician, medicine)

Form the foundations of the environmental culture, the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy and safe lifestyle, awareness of the need for competent treatment of substances in everyday life, assimilation of the rules of individual and collective safe behavior in emergency situationsrecognition of the high value of life in all its manifestations

Conscious the need for competent handling of substances in everyday life, proper behavior in extreme situations


Laboratory works

Experimental tasks

Practical works

Estimated tasks

Tasks that allow:

To form the skills of goaling, planning its activities

Find a solution algorithm to put forward hypotheses

Register, check and evaluate final resultCorrection

Independently work with information to perform a specific task


The task system to execute which you want to find and select the necessary information from various sources;

jobs system for the preparation of iconic-symbolic models, structural reference schemes

Tasks that allow:

Conduct a search and selection of necessary information to explain the phenomena

Make the choice of the most effective ways to solve problems

Implement the structuring of knowledge

The key to successful effective education is the skill of semantic reading.

Tasks forming the skill of semantic reading through:

Receive a consolidated table

Reception of text entry

Receive graph schemes

Interpretation of information


A complex of practical work

Runs- conference

Didactic games

The system of tasks for the development of oral scientific speech

The task system for the development of a complex of skills on which competent effective interaction

Tasks performed by group students, working pairs, and allow:

Make up story

Give a reasonable argued answer, including in writing

Tasks forming personal universal learning actions.

Personal Wood provide:

Value-semantic orientation of students

Ability to relate actions and events with accepted ethical principles

Knowledge of moral norms and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior

Self-determination and orientation in social Calls and interpersonal relationship

For example: Task. On New Year's holidays, Christmas trees were cut down from an area of \u200b\u200b20 hectares.

1 Option: What volume of oxygen could allocate these trees during the year?

(On average, 1 hectares of coniferous forest sends 7000 liters of oxygen per day.)

2 Option: For what time (day) would have a person for breathing this oxygen? (The need for a person in oxygen is equal to 350 ml / min, with exercise reaches 5000 ml / min.).

Express your opinion on the problem of deforestation on the eve of New Year holidays and offer your ways to solve this problem.

Tasks forming regulatory universal learning activities

Regulatory universal training activities provide:

Organization of training activities: goal-making, planning, prediction, control, correction, assessment, elements of volitional self-regulation;

Performing laboratory experiments and practical work.

Task 1: What substance falls into the sediment, if mixed solutions of silver nitrate and of hydrochloric acid? Write the reactions equations. Is it possible to expect precipitation if instead of hydrochloric acid take a sulfur? phosphoric? Check your assumptions empirically.

Task 2: Independent work with information to perform a specific task based on the use of the textbook content. What factors depends the reaction rate? Continue filling the table. Try to bring examples other than those described in the text of the paragraph. Fill the table

Tasks forming cognitive universal learning actions

Cognitive universal learning activities provide:

Possession of students with logical and iconic-symbolic Wood;

Independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of creative and search nature;

Formation of informational competence;

Establishing connections in any field of knowledge;

The ability to produce simple logic actions, composite logical operations;

Specific ways of transformation educational material and represent modeling actions.

Exercise 1. Convert a schema

The combustion of hydrogen sulfide H 2 S is described by the reaction scheme:

H 2 S +? O 2 →? SO 2 +? H 2 O.

Arrange the coefficients converting this scheme to the reaction equation.

The formation of universal logical actions can be facilitated by the implementation of laboratory experiments, practical work and training tasks in which it is necessary to determine the concepts, make a generalization, establish causal relationships, formulate conclusions, to complete the missing components, select the bases and criteria for comparing and classifying objects.

Task2. Logical chain. Write the reactions equations corresponding to the following schemes and determine the type of each reaction:

a) HBR → H 2 → ͢C

Tasks forming communicative universal learning actions.

Communicative universal training activities provide:

Social competence and conscious orientation of students in the position of other people

The ability to listen and join the dialogue, participate in collective discussion of problems

The ability to build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults

Exercise 1:

Prepare a story about the use of nonmetalles. Offer several sources of information on this topic and exchange lists with classmates.

Task2: Determination of acidity of some foods. Explore the indicators of the action of acids included in the composition of food products: apple juice, lemon juice, acetic acid solution, peps-cola, yard. Research results write to the table.

Objective: Formation of communication actions related to the ability to carry out joint activities, with the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, to understand the possibility of different grounds for assessing the same subject, take into account different opinions and be able to justify your own.

Of course, such tasks form not only communicative Wood, but also regulatory, informative and personal.

The formation of regulatory, communicative and cognitive URU in their totality is considered as the main content of meta-delicent results of the formation indicated by GEF.

Monitoring metaphered results .

Work performed:

    Grigorieva Olga Nikolaevna, Mathematics teacher MBOU "SOSH number 10" of Cheboksary

    Sidelova Lyubov Yuryevna, teacher

informatics MBOU "SOSH number 10" of Cheboksary

    Makarova Nadezhda Vladimirovna, mathematics teacher MBOU "SOSH number 10" of Cheboksary

    Danilova Lyudmila Valerianovna, Mathematics Teacher MBOU "SOSH number 10" of Cheboksary

Purpose- obtaining information about the status and dynamics of the Wood formation system in the implementation of the federal state standards of the new generationin mathematics in extracurricular activities.

Tasks, which are solved by monitoring:

    development of objective motives and the formation of the personal meaning of the teaching;

    development of the ability to work with information (collection, systematization, storage, use);

    development of the ability to combine theoretical material with practical activities;

    development of the ability to use various ways to search for information;

    formation of the ability to accept and maintain a goal and tasks activities;

    the formation of the skill competently build statements in accordance with the tasks of communication;

    the formation of the ability to state their point of view and argue it;

    formation of skills of using methods of semantic reading.

Addressets: Monitoring is focused on studying 5-6 classes.

The level of testing and publication: 2013-2015 academic years, the 5th and 6th grades of the MBOU "SOSH No. 10" of Cheboksary.


The world in which we live is extremely difficult to understand it, often not enough knowledge received not only at school, but also in several universities. And all because we have been studying dissected disciplines for many years without having no connection between them. Today there is hope that the situation will change dramatically with the introduction of new standards at school. general Educationin which the new approach laid the requirement for meta-delicate learning outcomes.

MetaPered approach in education and, accordingly, meta-delta educational technologies It was designed to solve the problem of disunity, splitting, cut-off from each other from different scientific disciplines and, as a result, training items. Ending a student to another audience to another lesson, we usually have a weak idea of \u200b\u200bhow it will continue to be developed, the development of thinking, the ability of imagination or the development of self-determination ability.

Deepening its own subject specialization, we sometimes sometimes focus on the device scientific discipline and training subject. Especially deep abyss runs between the humanities and representatives of natural-scientific disciplines.

The school is changing rapidly today, trying to keep up with the times. The main change in society affecting the situation in education is to accelerate the pace of development. So, the school must prepare his students for the life that herself does not know yet. Therefore, today it is important not so much to give a child as much knowledge of knowledge as possible, how much to ensure its general cultural, personal and cognitive development, to arm such an important skillHow the ability to learn. In essence, this is the main task of new educational standards, which are designed to implement the developing potential of general secondary education.

Scientific validity. In the domestic pedagogy, a meta-conductive approach was developed at the end of the XX century, in the works of Yu.V. Gromyko, A.V. Khutorsky, and finally, in 2008 was declared as one of the landmarks of new educational standards. Despite the long history of the concept, there is still no one interpretation, various scientific schools treat him differently.

So, Y.V. Gromyko under the meta-degree content of education is understood as activity that is not related to a specific learning subject, but, on the contrary, ensuring the learning process within any educational subject. In the works of A.V. Farmersky training metapremmet, as well as metapredal topics are built around fundamental educational facilities. "MetaPremmet is not a special, activity" cut "of the subject, but it is precisely the fundamental part of the subject. This basis is associated with the concept of "fundamental educational object".

It is noteworthy that, moving on a complete go to the future, we still act with a loaf for the past. So it turned out that to implement a new standard focused on the development of the child's personality is impossible without a meta-deed approach, an extremely popular in the 20s of the last century.

No one is going in connection with the adoption of new standards to introduce metapremists in this form, as invited by their teacher's teacher Gromyko: he divided them into four large groups - knowledge, sign, problem and task. Today we are talking only about a meta-credit approach and meta-delicent results in training in connection with the formation of universal educational actions as an actual psychological component of the fundamental core of education.

Thus, existing approaches, although we consider metaparem with different positions, have obvious areas of intersection (see Figure). At the same time, it is the approach of scientific school A.V. Khutorsky is the most complete, representing, among other things, the field for the implementation of metaparemotency from the PGE positions.

The question arises about the implementation of the requirements of new standards in practice.

Based on the order of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic, our School entered the list of pilot schools to applodiate the introduction of GEF LLC in the 5th grades in the territory of the Chuvash Republic in 2013-2014.The first year of participation in the approbation showed as its positive parties, and identified a number of problems, one of which was the lack of diagnostic materials and tools to assess the meta-delicent results of students. The creative group has developed material for Wood monitoring in 5-6 classes. Our work presents an example for conducting and automatic processing Wood in mathematics in 5th grades.

Duration : During the school year.

Terms of implementation : Availability of each learning text of the monitoring. Rit is evident by the administration of an educational institution, subject teachers working in the parallels.

Extracurricular activities in mathematics has large potential opportunities for the formation of all types of Wood. The main means of formation of a Wood in the course of mathematicians are the classification tasks (explanation, check, assess, select, compare, find a pattern, whether the statement is true, guess, observe, make a conclusion) that target students for the fulfillment of various activities, forming those The ability to act in accordance with the goal. Targets encourage children to analyze objects in order to allocate their essential and irrelevant signs; identify their similarity and distinction; Conduct comparison and classification according to the specified or independently dedicated features (grounds); establish causal relationships; build arguments in the form of communication of simple judgments about the object, its structure, properties; To summarize To generalize for a number of single objects based on the allocation of essential communication.

Step 1. Compilation working Groupconsisting of authors of this work, plan test work

Step 2. Selection of text material for monitoring

Step 3. Formulating learning taskswhich targe students to check for formation Wood

Step 4. . Development of a criterion for evaluating work

Step 5. Development of an electronic form for processing monitoring results

Step 6. Monitoring Wood

Step 7. Checking the tasks of learning

Step 8. Analysis

Efficiency of implementation.

Efficiency - giving effect leading to the desired results, effective (Dictionary S.I. Ushakov). Under efficiency understand the usefulness for the development of each child.

The result of metapredemless monitoring is the development of thinking, understanding, actions, improving the quality of knowledge on the subject, skillswork with text information: Subtate the subtext information, analyze, compare, generalize, find causal relationships.

Outcome: The results of the formation of students of certain URU with the smallest temporal and material costs.


The task of forming universal educational actions is declared in the federal educational state Standa as one of the priorities. The development of Wood is complex and stretched in time process. Driving this process without answering questions: "What stage are we? Is everything going on as we planned? Are we moving far? What are the difficulties? " - It is impossible. Monitoring is needed.

Diagnostic activities allow the teacher to identify the level of formation of the most important universal academic actions at each stage of training and determine the pedagogical strategy to achieve every child meta-delta educational results in accordance with GEF.


    Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

    Federal State Educational Standards of Basic General Education.

3. MetaProme results of the development of the program of basic general education. The site "Center of the Instrument Design in Education". [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:\u003dnode/3965.

4. Federal State Educational Standards. Site "The National Educational Project" Smart School ". [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http: //xn----7sbb3bfchl3b4c4d.xn--p1ai/wiki/edu/fgos/v/.

5. MetaPered content of educational standards. Site "Young scientist". [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

6. MetaPered approach as one of the components of the second generation standards. The site "Festival of pedagogical ideas" Open Lesson ". [Electronic resource] .- Access mode:

7. METAPRED FUNCTIONS OF EDUCATIONAL COMPETENCES // Kraevsky V.V., Khutorskaya A.V. Fundamentals of training: didactics and technique: Tutorial For higher students educational institutions - 2nd ed., Ched. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008.

Attachment 1.

Saukhat miracle.

Male body length is up to 3 m, height in the withers to 2.3 m, the tail length is 12-13 cm; weight of 360-600 kg; In the Far East of Russia and in Canada - up to 655 kg. Females less. The external appearance of the elk is noticeably different from other deer. The torso and the neck is short, the withers are high, in the form of a hump.
The legs are very elongated, so to get drunk, the elk is forced to go deep into the water or become on the knees of the front legs. The head is large, barrel, with a hanging meaty top lip. Under the throat, soft leather grown ("earring"), reaching 25-40 cm. Coarse wool, brownish-black; Legs light gray, almost white.

The males have huge (the largest of modern mammals) vopotoxy horns; Their scope reaches 180 cm, weight - 20-30 kg. The horns ell drops annually in November - December and goes without them until April - May. Females fights.

Often the moose is called Sochat because of the horns, with their shape resembling hust.

The elk is spread in the forest zone of the northern hemisphere, less often in the forest-steppe and on the outskirts of the steppe zone. In Europe, it is found in Poland, Baltic States, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Belarus, in the north of Ukraine, in Scandinavia and in the European part of Russia. In overseas Europe was exterminated: in Western Europe In the XVIII century, in Eastern - in the XIX century. In Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and in Scandinavia elk again settled as a result of the protection, begun since the 1920s. In Asia, lives from Northern Mongolia and Northeast China to the northern part of the Siberian Taiga. In North America, it is found in Alaska, in Canada and in the north-east of the United States, reaching the state of Colorado. In Russia, it is distributed to the Rostov region to the south to the Pacific coast to the East, mainly in the forests.

About 730 thousand individuals live in Russia (approximately half of the overall population), and everything on Earth is about one and a half million.

In total on Earth - about one and a half million individuals. Inhabit the territory of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Kazakhstan. The ross accounts for about 88%, Belarus - 4%, Ukraine -2.2%, Latvia - 2.8%, Estonia - 1.7%, Lithuania - 1.1% and Kazakhstan - 0.2%.

Losi inhabit various forests, zarli zirobi in the shores of steppe rivers and lakes, in the forest tundra hold on birchings and osicles. In the steppe and tundra in the summer there are found and away from the forest, sometimes hundreds of kilometers. Great importance For the moose has the presence of swamps, quiet rivers and lakes, where in the summer they feed the water vegetation and they are saved from the heat. In winter, moose needed mixed and coniferous forests with a thick undergrowth. In that part of the range, where the height of the snow cover is not more than 30-50 cm, the moose lives settled; Where it reaches 70 cm, the winter makes transitions in less snow areas. The transition to the places of wintering is gradually and continues from October to December-January. The first females are going with elms, the latter - adult males and females without saming. On the day of Loss take place 10-15 km. Reverse, spring cursories occur during melting of snow and in reverse order: adult males are followed by the first - females with elms.

Losi feed on wood-shrub and herbal vegetation, as well as Mkhami, and. In the summer, they eat leaves, getting them due to their growth with a significant height; rummaged with water and voluminous plants (, , , , ), as well as high herbs on the gari and forest-shops - , . At the end of the summer, nipped hats mushrooms, twigs and With berries. Since September, the shoots and branches of trees and shrubs begin to shove the shoots and branches and almost completely switch to the branch food. Among the main winter feeds of moose belong, , ; In thaws, they will give Corra. During the day, the adult ellishes eats: in summer, about 35 kg of feed, and in winter - 12-15 kg; For the year - about 7 tons. With a large number of moose damage forest nurseries and landing. Almost everywhere, Loss is visited by Solonsy; In winter, saline salt even from highways.

Moose run quickly, up to 56 km / h; Good swim. Waving aquatic plants, can keep your head under water more than a minute. From predators defended the front legs. Even the brown bear does not decide to attack the open locality on the Male Sale. As a rule, the bear tries to attack if there is a shrub, so that the elk was limited in the movements. From the senses of the elk, hearing and smell are best developed; Vision is weak - motionless standing man He does not see a few dozen meters away.

Make tasks using this text.

    How many kilometers can go to the week for a week?

    10 - 15 km;

    100 - 150 km;

    70 - 105 km.

    Install the correspondence between the year and the number of feeds eaten by adult elms per day.

Summer 0.34 Ts

Winter 7000 kg

Year 0,014 T.

    Find the correspondence between the result of the numerical expression and sizes of the moose

    89,4 – 16,46: 2 – 81,05
    1. 18.63: 0.15 + (23.1 - 7.2) · 6.1 - 218,89

      89,4 – 16,46: 2 – 81,05

    1.8 M.

    (18,63: 0,3 - (20,2 – 12,4)) : 18,1

    2.3 M.

    (2.5 + 0.03) · 2 - 3,26


    18.63: 0.15 + (23.1 - 7.2) · 6.1 -218,89

    0.12 M.

    What distance can run in 3.5 hours? Choose the right answer options.

    19.6 km;

    196 km;

    196,000 m;

    19 600 m.

    Write down the names of the countries in the descending order of the number of moose.

    Calculate the number of particles living in Belarus.

    Submit information from 6 paragraph in tabular form.

Appendix 2.

Instructions for filling out the monitoring results processing table.

    Fill in a tabular monitoring data for each learning.

    If the student scored below basic levelThe result is highlighted in red.

    The amount of each assessment is considered.

    Consider middle score For each ability.

    A histogram for each skill is built on a separate sheet.