Circle of logical thinking in the preparatory group. Circle "Logic for preschoolers" material (middle group) on the topic

Sun, 11/06/2016 - 21:42 | admincgmiideia

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 4" city district of Kashira, Moscow Region

Development circle program logical thinking and

mathematical ability

"Educational games"

Compiled by:

Karaseva Elena Stanislavovna

Explanatory note

1.1 Introduction

V last years the demands of parents on the development of children have increased significantly preschool age. On how successfully the potential for the further cognitive, volitional and emotional development of the child is laid in preschool childhood, his further success in any kind of activity depends.

The "Concept of Preschool Education" approved such important principles as:

  • intellectual development;
  • creation of conditions for the development of the personality of the child, his creative abilities.

Modern children live and develop in an era information technologies. This requires other approaches to the education of preschoolers - the transition from the traditional information-accumulative teaching method to the most promising - developmental learning.

Education of preschool children will be carried out in accordance with the program of additional paid services and create conditions for the development of activity in children, independence, creative thinking, creativity, high intelligence. This, in turn, will allow children to be more self-confident, study more successfully, better navigate in society.

During the year, modern educational games by V.V. will be used in work with children. Voskobovich and games - puzzles aimed at developing the logic of thinking, the ability to draw conclusions, provide evidence, make judgments, draw conclusions and, ultimately, independently acquire knowledge.

Number games, geometric shapes, spatial relations, the development of mental operations will occur: “Geokont”, “Miracle crosses”, “Voskobovich's two-color square”, “Voskobovich's four-color square”, “Transparent square”.

Universal game training tool: "Igrovisor".

Among the many existing puzzle games for creating figurative and plot images with children from geometric shapes, games such as Tangram, Columbus Egg and Counting Sticks will be used.

1.2. Objective under this program - the development of logical thinking and mathematical abilities, as the basis for the intellectual development of preschoolers.

1.3. The main objectives of the program implementation are:

  • Learning to understand and solve logical problems.
  • The development of the processes of attention, memory, imagination, thinking.
  • Formation of such skills as abstraction, analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization, coding and decoding.
  • The development of mathematical ideas about geometric shapes and their properties, quantity and count, spatial orientation.
  • Development of fine motor skills of fingers and hands, coordination of actions "eye - hand".
  • Formation of the ability to understand, trace causal relationships, build simple conclusions based on them.
  • The development of children's artistic - speech activity, verbal communication skills.
  • The development in children of the skill of self-control, self-esteem, independence, initiative, the desire for self-organization in play and creative activities.
  • Formation of elements of a communicative culture: the ability to listen to each other, to negotiate among themselves in the process of solving various problems, the ability to work in pairs.
  • Formation of sustainable interest in children and parents in educational games.

1.4. Age of children - 5-6 years

1.5. Duration of the program implementation and expected results.

The program is designed for implementation during 2016-2017 school year.

By the end of the year, children will have learned:

  • distinguish, name geometric shapes, compose planar images according to schemes and according to plan;
  • use the techniques of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, establish a pattern;
  • navigate in space and on a plane;
  • Increasing the degree of activity in independent activities.
  • express judgments, evidence, explain one's position, express one's opinion.

The expected result in working with parents is:

  • Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.
  • Formation of interest in educational games.

1.6. Pedagogical diagnostics is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the author of educational games: Voskobovich V.V., Kharko T.G. “Game technology for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children aged 3-7 years “Fairytale labyrinths of the game”; "Developing games of Voskobovich" - a collection of methodological materials.

2. Educational and thematic plan

The work of the circle "Educational games of Voskobovich" is carried out under the guidance of a teacher, is held once a week (4 times a month) for 30-40 minutes. Classes are held from October to April. All acquired knowledge and skills are consolidated in diverse didactic games.

Topic of the lesson

and used games


2. "Transparent square"


3.Puzzles with sticks

Completing tasks

Development of processes of attention, memory, thinking, imagination; creativity and independence; ability to navigate in space,

Distinguish and name geometric shapes, make object forms from them.

Make geometric shapes with counting sticks

1. "Two-color square of Voskobovich"

House (figure 1)

2. "Transparent square"

"Gift from Ice Lake Keeper"

3.Puzzles with sticks

Completing tasks

4. Tangram

Develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, Creative skills children;

Compose geometric shapes from a certain number of sticks;

1. "Two-color square of Voskobovich"

Candy (figure 2)

2. "Transparent square"

"Gift from Ice Lake Keeper"

3.Puzzles with sticks

Completing tasks


Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

Compose geometric figures from counting sticks by attaching

Develop the ability to draw figures according to the model and design

1. "Two-color square of Voskobovich"

Bat (figure 3)

2. "Transparent square"

"Gift from Ice Lake Keeper"

3.Puzzles with sticks


Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Compose geometric figures from counting sticks by composing figures based on preliminary consideration of the solution;

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Two-color square of Voskobovich"

Envelope (figure 4)

2. "Transparent square"

"Gift from Ice Lake Keeper" (4)

3.Puzzles with sticks


Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to express a hypothetical decision, guess;

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Two-color square of Voskobovich"

Semaphore (figure 5)

2. "Transparent square"

"Gift from Ice Lake Keeper"

3.Puzzles with sticks


Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Two-color square of Voskobovich"

Mouse (figure 6)

2. "Transparent square"

"Gift from Ice Lake Keeper"

3.Puzzles with sticks


Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems through targeted practical trials and thinking about the solution.;

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Two-color square of Voskobovich"

Hedgehog (figure 7)

2. "Transparent square"

"Gift from Ice Lake Keeper"

3.Puzzles with sticks

4. Columbus egg

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems through targeted practical trials and thinking about the solution.;

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Two-color square of Voskobovich"

Asterisk (figure 8)

2. "Transparent square"

"Gift from Ice Lake Keeper"

3. Logic tasks to find the missing pieces


Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Two-color square of Voskobovich"

Slipper (figure 9)

2. "Transparent square"

Adventure 1


Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Two-color square of Voskobovich"

Boat (figure 10)


2. "Transparent square"

Adventure 2-3

3. Logic tasks to find the missing pieces


Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Two-color square of Voskobovich"

Fish (figure 11)

Folding subject forms according to one's own design

2. "Transparent square"

Adventure 4-5

3. Logic tasks to find the missing pieces


Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Voskobovich's two-color square" Airplane (figure 12)

2. "Transparent square"

Adventure 6-7


"Katya, ginger and a fish"

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

1. "Voskobovich's two-color square" Bird (figure 13)

Folding subject forms according to one's own design

2. "Transparent square"

Adventure 8

3. .Geokont Chapter 2

4. Igrovisor (graphic simulator) "Katya, ginger and fish"

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.

1. "Voskobovich's two-color square" Small house (figure 14).

Folding subject forms according to one's own design

2. "Transparent square"

Adventure 9

3. .Geocont

4. Igrovisor (graphic simulator)

"Katya, ginger and a fish"

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.

1. "Voskobovich's two-color square" Kitten (figure 15)

Folding subject forms according to one's own design.

2. "Transparent square"

Adventure 10

3. Geocont

4. Igrovisor (graphic simulator)

"Katya, ginger and a fish"

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.

1. "Voskobovich's two-color square" Crane (figure 16).

Folding subject forms according to one's own design.

2. "Transparent square"

Adventure 11

3.Geocont 5

4. Igrovisor (graphic simulator)

"Katya, ginger and a fish"

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.

1. "Two-color square of Voskobovich"

Turtle (figure 17).

Folding subject forms according to one's own design.


"Katya, ginger and a fish"

4. Miracle crosses-2

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.

1. "Two-color square of Voskobovich"

Riddle and raven (figure 18-19).

Folding subject forms according to one's own design.


3.Igrovisor (graphic simulator)

"Katya, ginger and a fish"

4. Miracle crosses-2

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.


3.Igrovisor (graphic simulator)

"Labyrinths of Numbers"

4. Miracle crosses-2

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities; fine motor skills training.

1. "Voskobovich's four-color square" Designing figures according to schemes


3.Igrovisor (graphic simulator)

"Labyrinths of Numbers"

4. Miracle crosses-2

5. Columbus egg

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Voskobovich's four-color square" Designing figures according to schemes


3.Igrovisor (graphic simulator)

"Labyrinths of Numbers"

4. Miracle crosses-2

5. Columbus egg

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Voskobovich's four-color square" Designing figures according to schemes


3.Igrovisor (graphic simulator)

"Labyrinths of Numbers"

4. Miracle crosses-2

5. Columbus egg

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Voskobovich's four-color square" Designing figures according to schemes


3.Igrovisor (graphic simulator)

"Labyrinths of Numbers"

4. Miracle crosses-2

5. Columbus egg

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Voskobovich's four-color square" Designing figures according to schemes


3.Igrovisor (graphic simulator)

"Labyrinths of Numbers"

4. Miracle crosses-2

5. Columbus egg

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Voskobovich's four-color square" Designing figures according to schemes


Chapter 14-15

3.Igrovisor (graphic simulator)

"Labyrinths of Numbers"

4. Miracle crosses-2

5. Columbus egg

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Voskobovich's four-color square" Designing figures according to schemes


3.Igrovisor (graphic simulator)

"Labyrinths of Numbers"

4. Miracle crosses-2

5. Columbus egg

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

1. "Voskobovich's four-color square" Designing figures according to schemes


3.Igrovisor (graphic simulator)

"Labyrinths of Numbers"

4. Miracle crosses-2

5. Columbus egg

Development of constructive abilities of children.

Develop the ability to analyze geometric shapes, correlate the whole and the part;

To develop attention, memory, thinking, imagination, creative abilities of children.

Develop the ability to solve problems by visual and mental analysis of rows of figures, exercise children in proving the solution;

Development of the ability to observe and compare, compare and analyze, make simple generalizations;

Development of constructive abilities;

Fine motor skills training.

Familiarization with a set of figures for the game, transforming them in order to compile a new one from 2-3 available ones.

There will be 28 classes scheduled throughout the year.

3. Compliance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard for distance learning.

The program of additional paid services is compiled taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education, which approved the basic principles, goals and objectives.

Basic principles:

  • self-values ​​of preschool childhood as an important stage in overall development;
  • creating a favorable social situation for the development of each child in accordance with his age and individual characteristics and inclinations;
  • formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child through its inclusion in various activities,
  • assistance and cooperation of children and adults in the development of children.

The standard allows to solve the main purpose- Ensuring equal opportunities for every child to receive quality pre-school education.

GEF aims to address the following tasks:

  • preservation and support of the individuality of the child, development of individual abilities and creativity each child;
  • the formation of a general culture of pupils, the development of their moral, intellectual, aesthetic qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility, the formation of prerequisites learning activities;
  • ensuring variability and diversity of content educational programs and organizational forms of the level of preschool education, the possibility of developing educational programs of various levels of complexity and focus, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of pupils;

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the program of paid services is aimed at creating conditions for the social situation of the development of preschoolers, their comprehensive and cognitive development, the development of initiative and creative abilities on the basis of activities appropriate for preschool age (games, fine arts, design, perception of a fairy tale), cooperation with adults and peers in his zone of proximal development. The method of work of the circle " Entertaining mathematics» is aimed at mastering the tasks of educational areas by children:

  • communicative and personal development;
  • cognitive and speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  • physical development.

The program takes into account educational needs and interests of the pupils of the group, their families and teachers, and is focused on the established traditions of the group.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a subject-developing environment has been created:

  • educational games of a mathematical nature: "Geocont", "Voskobovich's two-color square", "Miracle crosses", "Transparent square", "Tangram", "Columbus egg".
  • universal gaming teaching aids: "Igrovisor".

4. Principles of building circle classes.


Accounting for the age characteristics of children.

Differentiated approach.

The principle of educating and developing orientation of knowledge.

The principle of gradual and constant complication of the material.

Step by step use of games.

Humane cooperation between teacher and children.

High level of difficulty.

5. Forms of organizing children's activities in the circle.

1. Logic-mathematical games.

2.Integrated game activities.

3. Joint activities of the teacher and children.

4. Independent gaming activity.

Forms of organization of work with parents:

  • master class on making games;
  • individual conversations with recommendations for each individual child;
  • joint selection and purchase of educational games for the group;
  • selection and demonstration of special literature aimed at the development of logical thinking;
  • organization of the "Home Game Library";
  • explanatory and educational work.


  1. federal state educational standard preschool education
  2. T.M. Bondarenko "Developing games in preschool educational institutions", Voronezh: IP Lakotsenin S.S. 2009.
  3. Voskobovich V.V., Kharko T.G. “Game technology for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children aged 3-7 years “Fairytale labyrinths”, St. Petersburg, 2003.
  4. Z.A.Mikhailova "Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers", Enlightenment, M., 1990.

Program goal: Creation of conditions for the development of elementary logical thinking among preschoolers using modern pedagogical technologies.

This program shows how through special games and exercises it is possible to form the ability of children to independently establish logical relationships in the surrounding reality.



municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of combined type No. 10 "Teremok"

Working programm

circle for the development of logical thinking "We play and learn" for children 5-7 years old.

Teacher-psychologist Maksimova I.V.

for the 2016-18 academic year.


Explanatory note.

One of the most important tasks in raising a child is the development of his mind, the formation of such mental skills and abilities that allow him to learn new things. The education system should help the child to acquire such knowledge, skills and abilities that would allow him to successfully adapt to the new conditions of society. It is not uncommon for children who enter first grade to be able to read, write, count, and, it would seem, are fully prepared for school. However, teachers and parents often face such a problem, when already in the first months of study, children have difficulties in learning. One of the common reasons for this situation is the insufficient development of verbal and logical thinking at preschool age. In the mental development of the child, the process of mastering logical relations plays an essential role.

Recently, emphasis has been placed on working with children who have difficulties in mastering the program. Children who have high level cognitive abilities were neglected. The developed program will eliminate this shortcoming.

Verbal-logical thinking is the highest stage of development children's thinking. Achieving this stage is a long and complex process, since the full development of logical thinking requires not only high activity of mental activity, but also generalized knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality, which are enshrined in words.

But why logic to a little preschooler? According to L. A. Wenger, “For five-year-old children, the external properties of things alone are clearly not enough. They are quite ready to gradually get acquainted not only with external, but also with internal, hidden properties and relationships that underlie scientific knowledge about the world ... All this will be beneficial mental development child only if the training is aimed at developing mental abilities, those abilities in the field of perception, imaginative thinking, imagination, which are based on the assimilation of samples of the external properties of things and their varieties ... ". The skills acquired by the child in the preschool period will serve as the foundation for gaining knowledge and developing abilities at an older age - at school. And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking, the ability to "act in the mind." It will be more difficult for a child who has not mastered the methods of logical thinking to solve problems; performing exercises will require a lot of time and effort.

This program shows how through special games and exercises it is possible to form the ability of children to independently establish logical relationships in the surrounding reality. In working with preschoolers on the development of cognitive processes, one of the necessary conditions for their successful development and learning is consistency, that is, a system of special games and exercises with consistently developing and becoming more complex content, with didactic tasks, game actions and rules. Separately taken games and exercises can be very interesting, but using them outside the system it is difficult to achieve the desired learning and developmental result.

Relevance. Our time is a time of change, Russia needs people capable of making cardinal decisions, and this is relevant. Who is now in kindergarten, tomorrow will build our society. Relying on the logical following of thought, and not on his own desires or unexpected preferences, the doctor makes a reasonable diagnosis, the judge issues a reasoned verdict, the critic objectively evaluates the film. In order for our children to be knowledgeable doctors, intelligent lawyers, and honest critics, they need to learn to think logically, master simple and complex types of inferences, operate with affirmative and negative judgments. Logical thinking is a tool for understanding the surrounding reality, therefore, the formation of the main forms and methods of logical thinking is an important factor in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality. The relevance of the problem is determined by the importance of logical thinking for the development of the personality as a whole.

Purpose of the program : Creating conditions for the development of elementary logical thinking among preschoolers using modern pedagogical technologies.


1. To teach children basic logical operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, systematization, seriation, semantic correspondence, limitation.

2. To develop the ability to operate with abstract concepts, to reason, to establish cause-and-effect relationships, to draw conclusions.

3. To instill in children the need to mentally strain, doing intellectual tasks, interest in cognitive activity.

4. To cultivate the desire to overcome difficulties, self-confidence, the desire to help a peer.

5. To convey to parents the urgency of this problem and involve them in active cooperation.

Terms of the program implementation- 2 academic years.

Amount of children– 8 children.

Class mode – 1 lesson per week in the afternoon lasting 25-30 minutes.

Forms and methods of work:didactic games, educational games, travel games, work with Dnesh logical blocks, with Kuizener sticks, solving logical and mathematical problems, guessing riddles, rebuses, examining, explaining, reading, entertaining questions, tasks - jokes, creative activity, graphic dictation, physical minutes, finger exercises.

Class structure: warm-up; the main content of the lesson is the study of new material; physical minute, finger gymnastics; consolidation of new material; game, drawing.

Working with parents:after each lesson, parents are offered speech material to consolidate knowledge outside of class: funny poems, fairy tales, stories, logical, mathematical and comic tasks, linguistic and psychological games, riddles, crosswords and other entertaining materials.

Brief description of sections. (Sections correspond to certain logical operations).

Comparison . The goal is to teach to mentally establish the similarities and differences of objects according to essential features; develop attention, perception, improve orientation in space. Search for similarities and differences in two similar pictures.

Analysis - synthesis . The goal is to teach children to divide the whole into parts, to establish a connection between them; learn to mentally combine parts of an object into a single whole. Games and exercises to find a logical pair. Complementing the picture (pick up a patch, draw a pocket to the dress). Search for opposites. Work with puzzles of varying complexity. Laying out pictures from counting sticks and geometric shapes.

Generalization. The goal is to teach to mentally combine objects into a group according to their properties. Contribute to the enrichment of vocabulary, expand everyday knowledge of children. Games and exercises for operating with generalizing concepts: furniture, dishes, transport, trees, birds, etc.

Classification. The goal is to teach to distribute objects into groups according to their essential features. Consolidation of generalizing concepts, free operation with them.

Systematization. The goal is to teach to identify patterns; expand the vocabulary of children, learn to tell from a picture, retell. Games and exercises: magic squares (pick up the missing part, picture). Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures, arranging the pictures in a logical sequence.

Limitation. The goal is to teach children to single out one or more objects from a group according to certain characteristics. Develop children's observation skills. Games and exercises: “circle only red flags with one line”, “find all non-circular objects”, etc. Elimination of the fourth superfluous

inference . The goal is to teach with the help of judgments to make a conclusion. Contribute to the expansion of household knowledge of children. Develop imagination. Games and exercises: search for positive and negative in phenomena (for example, when it rains, it nourishes the plants - this is good, but the bad thing is that in the rain a person can get wet, catch a cold and get sick). Evaluation of the correctness of certain judgments (“The wind blows because the trees sway.” Is this true?) Solving logical problems.

Expected results:Classes of the circle will help children master the ability to solve problem situations, understand the proposed task and solve it on their own. Having mastered logical operations, the child will be more attentive, learn to think clearly and clearly, think, reason, be able to concentrate on the essence of the problem at the right time, which will lead to more successful and easier learning at school, and hence the learning process, and school life itself. will bring joy and satisfaction.

Used Books:

  1. "Development of logical thinking" L.F. Tikhomirova, A.V. Basov.

Ed. "GRINGO", 1995

  1. Educational games for preschoolers. A popular guide for parents and educators. Yaroslavl "Academy of Development", 1996
  2. “I develop logic and ingenuity” Yu.B. Gatanov. "PETER", 2000
  3. Development of mathematical thinking in children aged 5-7 years” E.V. Kolesnikov. Moscow "Akalis", 1996
  4. "Intellectual workshop" L.Ya.Bereslavskaya. LINKA-PRESS, 2000
  5. "Psychology. Entertaining materials. (senior, preparatory group) L.P. Morozova. ITD "CORIFEY", 2010
  6. Aralova M.A. Handbook of a preschool psychologist. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007.

Agreed: I approve:

Deputy Head for VMR Head of MBDOU d / s No. 10

N.V. Gordeeva ____________ L.V. Ganicheva

"______" ______________ 2016 "____" ____________ 2016

For 2016-17 academic year



Lesson #1

Monitoring. Performing diagnostic tasks. 1. "Assessment of figurative-logical thinking:" Ridiculous pictures ". "Mismatched Poems".

2. "Assessment of verbal-logical thinking."

Assess the level of development of figurative-logical, verbal-logical thinking in children.


Lesson #2

1. Learning to receive "Comparison".

D / I "Let's compare", "Find the cut pieces",

2. Game with Gyenesh blocks. We group shapes by color, shape, size, thickness. 3. Entertaining questions, riddles - jokes.

To learn to determine the common and distinctive features of the compared objects, to distinguish the essential non-essential features of the object. Develop attention, perception, thinking.


Lesson #3

1. Analysis - synthesis.D / I “Complete the picture”, “What for what”2. "How similar and how different"

3. Game with Gyenesh blocks. Introduction to cards. 4. Solving logical problems.

Exercise in finding patterns and substantiating the solution found, in sequential analysis of each group of drawings.


Lesson number 4

1. Generalization . D / I "Logical train", "Name it in one word" 2. "Logical chains". 3. Game with Gyenesh blocks. Continue to acquaint with cards - symbols. 4. Laying out pictures from counting sticks.

Learn to choose a general concept for each group of words; explain your choice. Learn to find a logical connection between pictures located in the same row; draw the missing element; explain your actions in detail.


Lesson #1

1. Classification. D / I "Universal store", "Spread into groups",

2.D / I "Pick up and name." 3. Game with Kuisener's sticks. 4. Learn to guess riddles.

Learn to mentally distribute objects into groups; connect in pairs suitable friend friend objects, explain in detail their actions.


Lesson #2

1. Systematization. D / I "Pictures consecutive", 2. Game with Gyenesh blocks.

Where did the mouse hide? 3. Graphic dictation.

Develop the ability to arrange objects according to quantitative and external features and in meaning. Learn to independently find a pattern. Learn how to write a descriptive story.


Lesson #3

1. Restriction. D / I "Visiting the Fox",

2 "What is superfluous." 3. Game with Gyenesh blocks "Find the treasure".

Learn to single out one or more items from a group according to certain characteristics.


Lesson number 4

1. Inference. D / I "Because ...", "Logic". 2. Game with Gyenesh blocks "Cat and Mice".

3.Linguistic problems.

Learn to make inferences with the help of judgments. Develop imagination.


Lesson #1

1. Y/N Why did this happen? 2. Draw what should be in the empty cells. 3. Logic mosaic.

Learn to find the cause of events. Develop logical thinking, speed of action and thought; perception, imagination.


Lesson #2

1. Meaningful correlation.D / I "What is suitable", "Does it happen."

2. Inventing fables. 3. Draw the same figure on the right.

Learn to find connections between objects, phenomena, based on essential features and properties.


Lesson #3

1. Game with logic blocks Gyenesh "Guess - ka"

2. Name and show what figures these objects are composed of.

3. Solving logical problems. 4. Graphic dictation.

Develop the ability to identify, abstract and name the properties (color, shape, size, thickness) of objects, denote the absence of any particular property of an object with a word.


Lesson number 4

1 Playing with Kuisener's sticks. "Cookery dexterity". 2. Tasks - jokes, entertaining questions.

3.D/I "What to do"

To develop in children the idea of ​​​​a number based on counting and measurement; spatial relationships. Based on two judgments, make an independent conclusion.




1. We solve a crossword puzzle2. Entertaining questions, riddles - jokes.

Learn to find connections between objects, phenomena.

Develop logical thinking, speed of action and thought; perception, imagination.




1 "Comparison" .

D / I "What has changed."

2. Game with Gyenesh blocks. We group objects according to an essential attribute. 3. Entertaining puzzles.

To consolidate the ability to determine the general and distinctive features of the compared objects, to distinguish the essential non-essential features of the object. Develop attention, perception, thinking.


Lesson #1

1. Analysis - synthesis.D / I "Tell Dunno"

2. "Why and why"

3. Game with Gyenesh blocks. 4. Solving logical problems.

To consolidate in the ability to find patterns and substantiate the solution found, in a consistent analysis of each group of drawings.


Lesson #2

1. Generalization . D / I "Logic chains".

2. Game with Gyenesh blocks. 3. Laying out pictures from matches, buttons, bulk materials.

Improve skills in generalizing concepts for each group of words; explain your choice. To consolidate the skill of finding a logical connection between pictures.


Lesson #3

1. Classification. D / I "Question - answer", "Pick up and name."

2. Game with Kuisener's sticks. 3. Learn to solve puzzles.

To consolidate the ability to mentally distribute objects into groups; connect pairs of objects that match each other, explain in detail their actions.


Lesson number 4

1. Systematization. D / I "Continue a series of objects." 2. Game with Gyenesh blocks. Where did the mouse hide? 3. Graphic dictation.

To improve the ability to arrange objects according to quantitative and external features and in meaning, to compose a descriptive story.




1. Restriction. D / I "Find fragments of images." 2. Game with Gyenesh blocks

3. Learn to solve crossword puzzles.

To consolidate the ability to single out one or more objects from a group according to certain characteristics.




1. Inference. D / I "Think about what the picture looks like, finish it."

2. Game with Gyenesh blocks

3. Solving riddles

To consolidate skills with the help of judgments to make inferences. Develop imagination.




1. Establishment of causal relationships.D / I What should be in the empty cells, draw. 2.Logical mosaic.

Improve the ability to find the cause of events. Develop logical thinking, speed of action and thought; perception, imagination.




1. Meaningful correlation.D / I "Both good and bad."

2. Inventing fables. 3. Graphic dictation

To consolidate the ability to find connections between objects, phenomena, based on essential features and properties.


Lesson #1-2

Perspective work plan of the circle "Play and learn"

For 2017-2018 academic year






"Wrong Pictures"

To develop the child's elementary figurative ideas about the world around him and about logical connections.

Develop the ability to reason logically.


"What's a pencil good for?"

Develop originality of thought.

Cultivate communication skills



“Noisy, tasty, round-red!”

Development of figurative-logical thinking.

Learn to change one property of an object without changing its other properties.

Develop fine motor skills, graphic skills.


"The Living Figures"

Develop creative thinking.


“Who is stronger: bear or dad?”

Build communication and improvisational skills.


"What's in the empty cage?"



“And the carriage is fabulous, and the magic wand!”

Develop creative imagination, fantasy.

Develop fine motor skills, artistic abilities.


"Letters Found"


"The letters are hidden!"

Develop visual perception, attention.


"Unusual Orchestra"

Develop imagination; encourage children to improvise.

Expand the ability to use non-standard items.

Cultivate partnerships, respectful relationships



"Exit the Labyrinth"

Develop the ability to plan action and behavior.


"Wet cucumber in a jar"

Develop creative thinking.

Develop creative imagination, fantasy, artistic abilities.


"Not patterns - a feast for the eyes!"

Develop visual perception, attention.

Develop mental operations: comparison, semantic correlation.


"Name it funnier"

Develop words.-logical thinking.

Enrich vocabulary.

Develop creative imagination.

Cultivate communication skills.



"On a leaf - only dots"

Develop visual perception.

Develop mental operations: comparison.

Develop fine motor skills, gr. skills.


"Papuan Pavel"

Develop visual perception, attention.

Develop mental operations: comparison, semantic correlation.

Consolidation of knowledge about letters and sounds.


"Mysterious riddles"

Develop imagination, logical thinking, initiative.

To evoke a joyful emotional mood in children.

Cultivate communication skills.


"Where did the drawing go?"

Develop mental operations: inference, systematization.

Develop fine motor skills, gr. skills.



"Doll, umbrella, sparrow, unite!"

Develop generalizing functions of thinking.

To develop the ability to see not only obvious, but also hidden properties and signs of objects.



Develop creative thinking

creative imagination, fantasy.

Encourage children to improvise.

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, partnership qualities.

№ 3-4

Monitoring. Performing diagnostic tasks.

Assess the level of development of logical thinking in children.


circle for the development of logical thinking of children of the senior group of compensatory orientation "Develop"

Developed by:

Carebo I.G., educator

Musikhina L.V., educator.

Abakan, 2017

1. Target section…………….…………………………………………………………………... 3

1.1. Explanatory note …….………………………………………………………..3

1.2. Purpose and objectives of the program………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

1.3. Principles and approaches in the organization educational process………………..3

1.4. Planned results of the development of the Program…………………………….……..4

2.1. Academic plan………………………………………………………………………....4

2.2. Approximate complex - thematic plan ..…………………………………….4

3. Organizational section……………………………………………………………...6

3.4. Methodological support of the Program………………………………………….....6


1.1. Explanatory note

In the development of the abilities of preschoolers, a special place is occupied by intellectual development, namely mathematics, aimed at developing logic, thinking, curiosity, and independence. This provides great opportunities for the development of cognitive abilities, which are the basis for the formation of mathematical thinking in the future, and the formation of such thinking is a guarantee for the successful assimilation of mathematical content in the future.

The word logic comes from the ancient Greek logos, which means thought, word, mind. V modern world logic is the science of the rules that govern the process of thinking.

These rules are complex, there are many of them, so you need to master them gradually. Especially hard logical tasks are given to children with general underdevelopment of speech, since speech and thinking are closely related.

The sooner you begin to stimulate and develop logical thinking, based on the sensations and perceptions of the baby, the faster a smooth transition from concrete to abstract thinking will take place. In addition, intellectual-linguistic relationships confirm the developmental influence of verbal-logical thinking on the speech of preschoolers, both in the norm of development and in conditions of pathology.

Conditions for the implementation of the circle.

The circle "Develop" is intended for children of senior preschool age.

The term of study is 1 year.

The number of classes per year is 72.

The form of organization is a circle.

Mode - 2 times a week.

Amount of time per week: 40 minutes, 20 minutes each.

Time - the second half of the day.

Terms of admission of children: at will.

1.2. Purpose and objectives of the program

Program goal: creation of a social situation for the development of children in the process of familiarization and playing logical games and exercises.

Program Objectives:

  • create conditions for children to master the essential features of objects, the ability to compare, generalize;
  • create favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations;
  • ensure the development of the mathematical abilities of each child as a subject of relations with himself, with other children, adults and the world;
  • to promote the development of initiative, independence, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities;

1.3. Principles for the formation of the educational process

  • the principle of individualization, taking into account the possibilities, age characteristics of development and the needs of each child;
  • the principle of recognizing each child as a full-fledged subject of the educational process;
  • the principle of supporting children's initiative and the formation of the cognitive interests of pupils;
  • the principle of specificity and accessibility of educational material, systematic and interconnectedness in accordance with the requirements.

1.4. Planned results of the development of the Program

Targets for the development of the Program

older preschool children


  1. owns basic logical operations.
  2. able to navigate in space and on a sheet of paper.
  3. finds patterns in phenomena, knows how to describe them.
  4. possesses the skills of cooperation, knows how to work in pairs and microgroups.
  5. able to prove his point.

2.1 Curriculum







"Journey to the Forest"


"Journey to Logic Land"




"Journey to Prostokvashino"


"Land of Mathematics"


"In zoo"


"Space trip"


"Help the Bunnies"

Total: 70 hours

2.2 Approximate comprehensive - thematic plan






1. Find a pattern

2. Who is this? What's this?

3. Think and solve problems

4. Find options

5. Wizards

6. Collect a flower

7. Logic endings

8. Ornament


"Journey to the Forest"

1. Helpful - harmful

2. What did I think?

3. Plant flowers

4. Group by features

5. Remember faster

6. Anything that flies

7. What happens ...

8. Where do you live?


"Journey to the country


1. Confusion

2. My line is your drawing

3. Fly

4. What is drawn with an invisible pencil?

5. Encryptor

6. Friends

7. Absent-minded artist

8. Find an item



1. Find a mate

2. Continue row

3. Patch

4. Patchwork

5. One, two, three, look!

6. Colored laces

7. Fashion designers

8. Atelier



in Prostokvashino"

1. I want to know everything

2. Locals

3. Collect the map

4. Matroskin confuses

5. Logic chains

6. How many of us?

7. Name it in one word

8. Draw the elements


"Land of Mathematics"

1. Count and name

2. Geometric Lotto

3. Round trip

4. Solve problems

5. Find an extra item

6. Puzzle

7. Find the mistake

8. Counting sticks


"In zoo"

1. Where is whose shadow?

2. Who is close? Who is far?

3. Who is the cage for?

4. Who is superfluous?

5. What's in common?

6. What's first, what's next?

7. Looking for animals

8. Fantastic animal


"Space trip"

1. Space machine

2. Counting planets

3 Milky Way

4. Who is faster?

5 Comet Tail

6. Guess from the description

7. Continue row

8. Logic chains


"Help the Bunnies"

1. How many?

2. Draw the second half

3. Solve puzzles

4. Spot the difference

5. What belongs to whom?

6. Connect by dots

7. Find two identical bunnies

8. Where did the hares hide?

3.2. Methodological support of the Program

Provision of teaching materials and teaching aids.

  1. Alyabyeva E.A. The development of logical thinking and speech in children 5-8 years old. M .: Sfera, 2005.
  2. Buzunov V. Think, guess, draw, color! AOZT Publishing group NEKO, 1994.
  3. Belaya A.E., Miryasova V.I. Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers. M.: AST, 2006.
  4. Vagurina L.M. Getting ready for school. logical operations. Test tasks. Moscow: Linor, 1999.
  5. S.E. Gavrina. Big book of tests for children 6-7 years old. Counting, reading, acquaintance with the outside world, development of speech, memory, attention, thinking, fine motor skills of the hand. Development Academy, 2007
  6. Devina I.A., Petrakov A.V. We develop logic. Moscow: Linor, 1999.
  7. Zavodnova N.V. The development of logic and speech in children. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2005.
  8. Karpenko M.T. Collection of riddles. Moscow: Education, 1988.
  9. Konovalenko S.V. The development of cognitive activity in children from 6-9 years. Workshop for psychologists and speech therapists. Moscow, 2000.
  10. Kostromina S.N. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children to read, mathematics, the Russian language. - M., AST: Keeper, 2008.
  11. Mamaychuk I.I., Ilyina M.N. Help of a psychologist for a child. St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006.
  12. Stepanova O.A. Prevention of school difficulties. - M.: Sfera, 2003.
  13. Tikhomirova L.F. Logic for preschoolers. Yaroslavl.: Academy of Development, 2006.
  14. Foppel K. How to teach children to cooperate (parts 1-4). M., 1998.
  15. Khukhlaeva O.V. The path to my self. M., 2001.
  16. Chistyakova G.I. Psychogymnastics. M., 1990.
  17. Cheremankina L.V. Development of children's attention. -Yaroslavl, 1999.
  18. Sharokhina V.L. Correctional and developmental classes in senior group. M.2003.

The work program of the circle for the development of logical thinking "Umnyash" of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten of the compensating type No. 66 "Zabavushka" of the city of Nizhnevartovsk, educator of the highest qualification category Hildebrandt Oksana Petrovna Contents 1. Passport of the program 2. Explanatory note. 2.1. General information about the circle 2.2. Completion of the group 2.3. Goals and objectives of the circle 2.4. Forms of organization of children 2.5. Forms of work with children 2.6. Working methods 2.7. Relevance of the circle 3. Time of the circle 4. Perspective-calendar plan of the circle 4.1. For children 5-6 years old 4.2. For children aged 6-7 years 5. Software and methodological support for the work of the circle 6. Expected results 7. Monitoring PROGRAM PASSPORT Kindergarten compensating type" No. 66 "Zabavushka" 628617, Russian Federation, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk city, Permskaya street, house 11. Contact phones: 46-97-06; 46-45-77 Fax: 46-97-06; Email: [email protected] Basis for the development of the Program 1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Russian Federation"2. The federal target program for the development of education for 2011-2015, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2011 No. 61; 3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 655 of November 23, 2009 "Federal government requirements to the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education"; 4. Decree of the Government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra dated February 19, 2010 No. 91-rp "On the strategy for the development of education in the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- Yugra until 2020", 5. Decree of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra dated 08.07.2010 No. 160-p "On the target program of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra "New School of Yugra for 2010-2013" (as amended ), 6. "On target programs of the city of Nizhnevartovsk", the order of the city administration "On approval of the long-term target program "Development of education of the city of Nizhnevartovsk for 2012-2014" dated 07/06/2011 No. 742; for 2012-2014. Program Customer Pedagogical Council of Preschool Educational Institution Author-compiler Oksana Petrovna Hildebrandt teacher of the highest qualification category The purpose of the program Development of logical thinking, attention in the process of mastering various methods of action in conditions of subject-effective and visual-figurative cooperation. Program objectives 1 Development of children's independence and initiatives, educating each child's self-esteem, self-respect, striving for active work laziness and creativity. 2. Development of cognitive activity, cognitive motivation, intellectual abilities of children. 3. Enrichment of the experience of self-knowledge of preschoolers. 4. Formation of readiness for schooling, to a new social position of the student. The expected results of the implementation of the Program are to highlight the most significant in the subjects; - to see their correlation with each other and the ratio of their parts; - use various schemes and plans; - reason, draw conclusions in accordance with the laws of logic. Deadlines for the implementation of the program 2013-2015. System for organizing control over the implementation of the Program Control over the implementation of the Program is carried out by the administration of the MBDOU I. Explanatory note 1.1. General information about the circle The work program of the circle "Umnyash" MBDOU DSKB No. 66 provides the development of logical thinking of children aged 5 to 7 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. The program ensures that pupils achieve readiness for school. Social customers of the activities of the circle "Smart" are the parents of pupils. Finding out the needs of parents is carried out on the basis of the results of the survey. This information made it possible to determine the activities of the circle to meet the needs of parents: Intellectual development of children Preparation for schooling (Development of an arbitrary sphere, development of logical thinking, attention, memory) A comprehensive thematic plan is designed for 2 years. The first year - for children 5-6 years old, the second - for children 6 - 7 years old. Classes in each group are held once a week, 4 lessons per month, 36 lessons per year. The duration of classes in the senior group is 25 minutes, in preparatory group - 30 minutes. 1.2. Group assembly. No. Group according to the age of children. Occupancy 1 Senior group 10 2 Preparatory group 10 1.3. Goals and objectives of the circle "Smart" Purpose. The development of logical thinking, attention in the process of mastering various methods of action in the conditions of subject-effective and visual-figurative cooperation. Tasks. 1. The development of children's independence and initiative, the education of each child's self-esteem, self-respect, the desire for vigorous activity and creativity. 2. Development of cognitive activity, cognitive motivation, intellectual abilities of children. 3. Enrichment of the experience of self-knowledge of preschoolers. 4. Formation of readiness for schooling, for a new social position of the student. 1.4. Forms of organization of children * Individual * Subgroup * Group 1.5. Forms of work with children * Game * Situational conversation * Conversation * Story * Reading * Integrative activity * Problem situation 1.6. Methods of working with children * Verbal. * Visual. * Practical. 1.7. The relevance of the circle Characteristics of thinking Thinking is the highest cognitive process of a generalized and indirect reflection of reality. Thinking is the most important process of cognition. With the help of thinking, we gain knowledge that the senses cannot give us. Thinking correlates the data of sensations and perceptions, compares, distinguishes and reveals the relationships between surrounding phenomena even in their absence. The result of thinking is a thought expressed in words. Thus, human thinking is closely connected with speech and is impossible without it. Thinking exists in three main forms: concept, judgment and inference. In the process of mental activity, a person uses special techniques or operations: analysis (mental decomposition of the whole into parts), synthesis (mental combination of parts into a single whole), comparison (establishing similarities or differences between objects), abstraction (highlighting the essential properties of an object and distracting from non-essential ), generalization (mental association of objects according to their characteristics). All operations appear in close connection with each other. On their basis, more complex operations are distinguished, such as classification, systematization, etc. Age-related features of thinking in preschoolers During the growth and development of a child, his thinking undergoes significant interdependent changes. Children show the first signs of thinking by the end of the first year of life. They begin to notice the simplest connections and relationships between objects and use them to achieve a specific goal. These relationships are clarified by children through practical trial and error, i.e. with the help of subject-effective thinking, which is the main type of thinking of the child early age. In addition, the child begins to understand that some things and actions can be used to refer to others, to serve as their replacement. So a drawing can represent a toy, and a toy can represent what is drawn. The ability to replace is being formed - the ability to use conditional substitutes for real objects and phenomena in solving mental problems. In the future, this ability will enable the child to master reading, writing, modeling, schematization, etc. With the accumulation of experience, the child's thinking is increasingly based on images - ideas about what the result of a particular action can be. Visual-figurative thinking becomes the main type of thinking inherent in a child of preschool age. Thanks to this, the preschooler can "do" real action in the mind. At the same time, he operates only with single judgments, since he is not yet ready for conclusions. At the senior preschool age begins to form verbal and logical thinking. Thinking is complex mental process, and its formation should begin from the first months of a child's life. Mastering mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction) will be successful if it is carried out in the direct activity of the child and is accompanied by speech - the basis of abstract-conceptual (verbal-logical) thinking. The highest form of development of thinking is the ability to think in abstract concepts. This is precisely the purpose of working with children. II. Time of the circle Wednesday/Thursday 15.30 III. Perspective-calendar plan 4.1. For children 5-6 years old Month Week Content of the lesson Material for the lessonOctober 1st1. Exercise "Ring" 2. The game "Think quickly" 3. I / s "Connect the same pictures with lines" 4. I / s "Circle the same objects in each row" 5. I / s "Find the house of each animal and draw a path to it "."Developers", p. 173 Coloring book with logic games (p.1,2,3), simple pencil2-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-Rib-Palm" 2. The game "Antonyms" 3. And / y "Pick up parents for each baby" 4. And / y "Pick up for each animal its favorite treat." 5. And / y "In each row, circle common objects and give them a common name" "Developers", p. 174 Coloring book with logic games (p. 4,5,6,7), simple pencil 3rd1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm". 2. The game "Sticks" 3. And / at "Find an extra item." 4. I / y "Find objects that match each other and draw a line around them." 5. D / and "Where is my shadow?" Album for coloring with logical games (pp. 8,9,10,11,12,13), a simple pencil "Development" p. 173 Cards "Where is my shadow?" 4- i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Drawing elephant". 2. The game "It happens or not" 3. I / I "Find an object that is different from the rest" 4. I / I "Combine all the musical objects" 5. I / I "Find the differences" "Development", p. 175 Album for coloring with logic games (p.14,15,16), a simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 4.5 November 1st1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Drawing an elephant", "Chop cabbage". 2. The game "One - several" 3. I / y "Where is my shadow" 4. Educational game "Pick up the shape" 5. D / y in workbook "Color it right" "Development", p. 182 Educational game Cards "Where is my shadow", D / and "Find a pair" E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 72-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-Rib-Palm", "Drawing Elephant", "Chop Cabbage", "Drum". 2. Game "What's inside?" 3. I/u "What will happen" 4. I/u "Find objects that are opposite in taste" 5. I/u "What's what?" Ermolaeva "Learning to recognize, distinguish, name", p. 1 3rd1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "What is around us?" (by color) 3. I / y. "Find light and heavy objects" 4. I/u "What is the balloon afraid of" 5. I/u "What did the artist forget?" Ermolaeva "Learning to recognize, distinguish, name", p. 2 Copybook 4th1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "What is around us?" (according to the form) 3. I / y "Combine by sign" 4. I / y "Find the same clowns" 5. D / y in the workbook "Color the same objects" "Development", p. 223 N.V. Ermolaeva "Learning to recognize, distinguish, name", p. 3 E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", pp. 8,9 December 1st1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Flies - does not fly" 3. And / y "Show me correctly" 4. And / y "Find the same", "Compare objects" 5. D / and "Choose a pattern" "Development", p. 223, Recipes "Funny tasks. Logic in pictures", p. 1,2 "We develop by playing. Pick a pattern" 2nd1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Parts of the body" 3. And / y "Show me correctly" 4. And / y "Help me find the fish", "Paint the stars" assignments. Logic in pictures", p. 3,4 "We develop by playing. Pick a pattern" 3rd1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Forbidden movement" 3. And / y "Show me correctly" 4. And / y "Whose headdress?", "Name it in one word" 5. D / and "Choose a pattern" "Development", p. "Funny tasks. Logic in pictures", pp. 5,6 "We develop by playing. Pick a pattern" 4th1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Santa Claus" 3. And / at "Show me correctly" 4. And / at "What is superfluous?", "What happens together?" 5. D / y in the workbook "Find the mistake" "Development", p. 194 Recipe "Funny tasks. Logic in pictures", p. 7,9 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p. , "Drum", "Do not drop" 2. The game "Forbidden movement" 3. And / y "Show me correctly" 4. And / y "Find the rhyme" 5. D / and "What is superfluous?" "Development", p. 227 Copybooks "Funny tasks. Logic in pictures", p. 10 Cards "What is superfluous?" 3rd1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Drawing elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Movements with words" 3. D / and "What is superfluous?" 4. And / y "What will happen?" 5. D / y in the workbook "Find the mistake" "Development", page 250 Cards "What is superfluous? "D / and "What will happen?" E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", pp. 38-394-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Game "Finish the phrase" 3. D / and "What is superfluous?" 4. D / y in the workbook "Find the mistake" 5. D / y in the workbook "Conclusions" " Educational games", p. 259 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p. "," Do not drop ". 2. The game "Patters" 3. D / y in the workbook "Conclusions" 4. I / y "Connect with arrows", "Name it in one word" 5. D / and "Find parts" "Development ", p. 260 E.V. Kolesnikova "I decide l logical tasks", pp. 44-45 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What is it?", pp. 23, 26; split application2-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "And I remember everything" 3. And / y "Find and color the part that is missing" 4. And / y "Color it right" 5. And / y "what first, what next?" "Razvivalki", p. 263 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What is it?", pp. 45, 58 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 1", p. 3; N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 1", p. 143-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Game "Kids" 3. I/u "Find and color the part that is missing" 4. I/u "What first, what next?" 5. And / at "Find a place for things" "Razvivalki", p. 139 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What is it?", pp. 64, 68; N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 1", p. 16, 234-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Patters" 3. I / y "What first, what then?" 4. And / y "How should I color the balloons further? " 5. And / at "Color according to the model" "Development", p. 260 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2, pp. 15, 16, 24, 50 March 1st 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Painting elephant" "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Pick up the words" 3. And / at "Continue the row" 4. And / at "What first, what then?" Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2, p. 54, 562-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Game "One word" 3. And / y "Continue the row" 4. And / y "Think about it" 5. And / y "Find two identical objects" , 4,8,14,37) Cards with objects 3rd 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Game "Name objects" 3. And / y "Continue the row" 4. And / y "Think about it" 5. Games with a rope "Combine according to the principle ..." "Development", p. 171 Cards from the "Think about it" set ( No. 69, 82,83,84) Ropes for each child, geometric shapes, small toys 4th 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Painting elephant" "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not 2. The game "Guess the riddle" 3. And / y "Continue the row" 4. And / y "Think" 5. Working with Gyenesh blocks Cards from the set "Think" (No. 87,89,96, 98) Gyenes blocks April 1st 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-Rib" -palm" "Painting elephant" "Chop the cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "More - less" 3. And / y "Continue the row" 4. And / y "Think" 5. We work with the blocks of Gyenesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers", p. 52 Cards from the "Think" set (No. 104,106,112,119) Gyenes blocks 2-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Show in different ways" 3. And / y "Continue the row" 4. And / y "Think" 5. We work with the blocks of Gyenesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers", p. 52 Cards from the "Think" set (No. 115,120) Gyenes blocks 3-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Listen and show" 3. I / y "Continue the row" 4. D / y "Continue the row" 5. We work with the blocks of Gyenesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers", p. 53 E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p. 34-35 Gyenes blocks4-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Who knows, let them count further" 3. And / y "Continue the row" 4. And / y "Finish the missing figure" 5. We work with the blocks of Gyenesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers", p. 54 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", pp. 20-21 Gyenesh Blocks May 1st1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Cars and Pedestrians" 3. I / y "Continue the row" 4. I / y "What first, what then?" 5. We work with Gyenesh IV blocks. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers", p. 55 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2", p. 59 Gyenesh blocks 2-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Fifteen" 3. And / y "Continue the row" 4. And / y "Paint over what you need" 5. We work with the blocks of Gyenesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers", p. 56 E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", pp.14-15 Gyenesh blocks 3-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "I know five names of boys" 3. D / y in the workbook "Conclusions" 4. D / y "Composing a fairy tale" 5. Working with blocks Dyenesha E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p.46-47 N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2", p. 40 Gyenesh blocks 4-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. The game "Imagine and show" 3. I / y "Color the pattern according to the model" 4. I / y "Paint over what you need" 5. Working with blocks of Gyenesh N.G. Salmina "Learning to think. What follows what? Part 2", p. 29 E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p.15-16 Gyenesh blocks 4.2. For children 6-7 years old Month Week Content of the lesson Material for the lessonOctober 1st1. Exercise "Ring" 2. Game "Think quickly" 3. Riddle 4. Comparison task 5. Logic tasks "Development", p. 173 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 6, No. 2; "All preschool program . Thinking", p. 4. E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p. comparison 5. Logic tasks "Razvivalki", p. 174 LF Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 7, No. 3; "The entire preschool program. Thinking", p. 5. E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p. 53-i1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm". for comparison 5. Logic tasks "Razvivalki" p. 173 LF Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 8, No. 4; "The entire preschool program. Thinking", p. 6. E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p. 4. Logic tasks "Razvivalki", p. 175 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 9, No. 5; "The entire preschool program. Thinking", p. 7. E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p. 7 November 1st 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing an elephant" "Chop cabbage". 2. Riddle 3. Assignment for comparison 4. Logical tasks "Development", p. 182 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 10, No. 6; "The entire preschool program. Thinking", p. 8. E. V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p. 2. Tasks for Gyenesh Blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Task for comparison "Development", p. 187 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 10, No. 7; "The entire preschool program. Thinking", p. 9. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions", p. "," Do not drop ". 2. Assignments for Gyenes Blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Assignment for comparison "Development", p. 223 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 11, No. 8; "All preschool program. Thinking", p. 10. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in the preschool educational institution", p. 114th 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing an elephant" "," Do not drop ". 2. Assignments for Gyenes Blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Assignment for comparison "Development", p. 223 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 11, No. 8; "All preschool program. Thinking", p. 10. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in the preschool educational institution.", p. 11 December 1st 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Drawing elephant" "Drum", "Do not drop" 2. Tasks for Gyenesh Blocks and Cuizener's sticks 3. Logical tasks 4. Task for comparison "Development", p. 223, L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 22, No. 21; "The whole preschool program. Thinking", pp. 11, 12. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in the preschool educational institution. Older age", pp. 142-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Riddle 3. Assignment for comparison 4. Logical tasks "Development", p. 226 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 42, No. 38; "The whole preschool program. Thinking", pp.13,14. E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p.103-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Riddle 3. Task for comparison 4. Logical tasks "Development", p. 227 "The whole preschool program. Thinking", p.15. E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", p.114-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Riddle 3. Task for classification 4. Logical tasks "Development", p. 194 "The whole preschool program. Thinking", p.16,17. E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p.35January 2nd1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Riddle 3. Task for classification 4. Logical tasks "Development", p. 227 "The whole preschool program. Thinking", p.18,19. E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", pp. 36,373-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Tasks for Gyenesh Blocks and Cuizener's sticks 3. Task for the classification "Development", p. 250 "The whole preschool program. Thinking", p.20,21. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in the preschool educational institution. Older age", p. 18 4th1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Tasks on Gyenesh Blocks and Cuizener's sticks 3. Logic tasks 4. Classification task "Development", p. 259 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p.41-42 "The whole preschool program. Thinking", p.22,23. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in the preschool educational institution. Older age", p. 18 simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", pp. 38,39 February 1st1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Tasks for Gyenesh Blocks 3. Logic tasks 4. Task for the classification "Razvivalki", p. 260 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p.40 "The whole preschool program. Thinking", p.24,25. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in the preschool educational institution", p. 15 simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", pp. 40,412-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Tasks on Gyenesh Blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Task for classification "Razvivalki", p. 263 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems", p.41 "The whole preschool program. Thinking", p.26,27. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in the preschool educational institution", p. 17 simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", str.423-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Task for the classification "Development", p. 139 "The whole preschool program. Thinking", p.28,29,30. simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", str.444-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Assignment for regularities "Development", p. 260 "The whole preschool program. Thinking", p.31,32,33. simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikov "I solve logical problems", pp. 45,47 March 1st1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Task for regularities 4. Tasks for attention "Development", p. 169 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 64, No. 77; "The whole preschool program. Thinking", pp.31,32. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 10.2-1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Task for regularities 4. Tasks for attention "Development", p. 170 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 80, No. 101; "The whole preschool program. Thinking", pp.33,34. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 11,12.3-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Task for regularities 4. Tasks for attention "Development", p. 171 L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers", p. 85, No. 109; "The whole preschool program. Thinking", pp.35,36. "The whole preschool program. Attention", pp. 13,14.4th 1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm" "Painting elephant" "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. We work with Gyenesh blocks 3. Assignment for patterns 4. Assignments for attention "The whole preschool program. Thinking", pp. 38,39. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 15,16. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in the preschool educational institution", p. 20April 1st1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. We work with Gyenesh blocks 3. Assignment for patterns 4. Assignments for attention "The whole preschool program. Thinking", pp. 40,41. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 17,18. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in the preschool educational institution", pp. 212-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Working with Gyenesh blocks 3. Task for inference 4. Tasks for attention "The whole preschool program. Thinking", pp. 42,43. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 19,20. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in the preschool educational institution", pp. 253-ya6. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 5. Working with Gyenesh blocks 6. Task for inference 7. Tasks for attention "The whole preschool program. Thinking", pp. 44,45. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 21,22. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions", pp. 254-ya1. Exercises "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Painting elephant", "Chop cabbage", "Drum", "Do not drop". 2. Task for inference 3. Tasks for attention "The whole preschool program. Thinking", pp. 46,47,48. "The entire preschool program. Attention", pp. 23,24,25. . IV. Software and methodological support for the work of the "Umnyash" circle. Purpose Development of logical thinking, attention in the process of mastering various methods of action in the conditions of subject-effective and visual-figurative cooperation. Software and methodological supportList of programs and technologies The program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova. - 5th ed., Rev. and additional - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007 - 2008 p. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasiliev. The main general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school". - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010 - 224 p. Kolesnikova "I solve logical problems" - Sphere, 2010. - 48s.E.N. Panova "Didactic games and activities in kindergarten", - Voronezh, 2007 - 78 s.L.F. Tikhomirov "Logic for preschoolers". - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1999. - 256 p.: ill. - (Series: Developing education).I.V. Starodubtseva "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking in preschoolers". - M: ARKTI, 2008, - 68 s.V.M. Doskova, A.G. Prokofiev "Educational games for children" V. Expected results By the end of the training program for the circle "Umnyash", children have formed: the ability to analyze objects using visual, tactile and auditory perception the ability to focus on objects and phenomena (attention) arbitrary memory thinking, ability to reason, to draw conclusions in accordance with the laws of logic. creativity, the ability to express their feelings and ideas about the world in various ways. interest in the surrounding reality, the image of the "positive self". Children are able to: 1. highlight the most essential in objects; 2. see their relationship with each other and the relationship of their parts; 3. use various schemes and plans; 4. to reason, 5. to draw conclusions in accordance with the laws of logic. VI. Monitoring. Monitoring of development in children of forcing logical thinking is carried out once a year (May). The main task of monitoring is to determine the degree to which the child masters the program. additional education on the development of logical thinking "Smart".

Irina Malinovskaya

Circle« Logic for preschoolers» started work in September. It taught children of secondary preschool age.

Teaching children in mug carried out in accordance with the tasks curriculum preschool education, methodological recommendations Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus by the beginning of the academic year, perspective and calendar plans.

Target circle organization:

Stimulation of cognitive processes in middle-aged children preschool age;

Uncovering the potential of each child;

Creating conditions for the development of fine motor skills and finger movements.

In progress work the following were solved with the children tasks:

The development of mental actions and operations: generalizations, classifications, analysis, synthesis, various kinds memory, memory processes;

Development of creative activity, spatial thinking, fantasy;

Training in graphic skills, skills work with paper and plasticine technique;

Development of the ability to coordinate work hands with visual perception.

To solve the tasks set, classes were held with children 3 times a week (2 classes on the development of cognitive processes, 1 lesson on the development of fine motor skills of the hands). The learning process takes place in an entertaining way. During classes, the situation of success is realized as much as possible, the activity of children takes place naturally, there is no mental stress. All games and tasks are safe for the life and health of children. Activation of children in the classroom is achieved by selecting the content, methods, techniques, forms organization of children's activities:

Practical methods offer special exercises (in the form of tasks, actions with demonstration material, in the form of independent work with handouts, surprise moments, imitation movements, the appearance of a fairy-tale character, competitions;

Game tricks: finger gymnastics, elements of dramatization;

pre-error method ( for example: Piggy is given a task - to build a square of sticks. He builds a figure out of 3 sticks. Children immediately notice the mistake and correct it. Piggy insists that he has made a square. Children prove otherwise)

Verbal instructions, explanations, clarifications,

Educational didactic games, game exercises

Entertaining problem situation of a fabulous nature (for example, the Boy - with - a finger can be released from the dungeon only if he solves the problem of Baba Yaga,

Show (demonstration) course of action combined with explanation,

Instructions for performing independent exercises,

Questions for children

Modeling (model of parts of the day, week, models of geometric shapes, three-dimensional figures, etc.,

Visual methods - multimedia presentations, the use of excerpts from animated films ( For example: excerpt from the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer" use to find a solution to the problem how to help Santa Claus not to melt? What can you suggest to solve this problem?

Control and evaluation.

The selected methods and techniques allow children to engage intensively and not get tired due to the change of activities, forms alumni organizations.

Organization occupations are determined by the following principles: consistency, complexity, compliance with age and individual capabilities, adequacy of requirements and loads, gradualness and systematicity in the development and formation of cognitive processes, individualization of pace work, the cyclical repetition of the material.

In the classroom Cup for the development of cognitive processes, game blocks were used, the educational complex "Learning by playing". Classes traditionally begin with "Charging for the mind". for instance:

"What it looks like?"

“Hey, guys, don’t yawn, quickly answer - how many suns are in the sky? How many tails do two cats have? How many ears do two mice have? etc.

Name round (heavy, fluffy, huge) words”, etc.

Lesson on the development of cognitive processes includes:

Development of intelligence and communication skills,

Development of mathematical abilities,

Development of speech skills,

Development of cognitive processes,

Organizational and health aspects (logo-rhythmic games, thematic physical exercises, finger games).

I use different types assignments:

"closed" tasks, i.e., having exact solutions;

Open problems that allow condition variations, different ways solutions, a set of probable answers;


Tasks to search for superfluous, missing, differences;

Tasks for classification

For comparison


Fables in poetic form, confusion, pictures - confusion.

Nonsense games. for instance: An adult talks about something, including several absurdities in his story, the child must notice and explain why this does not happen. Example: I want to tell you something. Yesterday, I was walking along the road, the sun was shining, it was dark, the blue leaves were rustling under my feet. And suddenly a dog jumps out from around the corner, how it growls at me: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" - and the horns have already set. I got scared and ran away. Would you be scared?

Mathematical tales with tasks. For example a fairy tale "Fishing":

There lived a wolf and a fox. They got together one day to go fishing. The fox took a small fishing rod with a short line, and the greedy wolf thought: "I'll take the biggest fishing rod with a long, long fishing line - I'll catch more fish." Sat down to fish. The fox just catches the fish draw out: then crucian, then bream, then catfish, then pike. And the wolf caught a roach, began to pull it from the river, and got tangled in a long fishing line. While untangled, it's already time to go home.

Tasks for children: Who caught the most fish? Why? How many fish did the wolf and the fox catch in total? Draw the fox and wolf rods.

For successful organizations learning process I have made developing logical games"Build a Tower",


"Pick a Pair",

"Pick a pair for each mitten",

"Search for the Common",

"Pick up to the sign".

During the academic year, a card file was compiled logical tasks"Fun Math".

For the development of fine motor skills of hands and coordination of movements developed themed playgrounds. The basis of classes for the development of fine motor skills were games and tasks "Training fingers", "Learning to Draw Shapes", "ABC of writing".

The following types are included in the game complexes for the development of fine motor skills of hands activities: massage of the hands (pencil, cones, chestnuts, peas, massage ball,

finger gymnastics, logorhythmic games,

plasticine drawing,

paper design using origami technique,

various types of applications

tasks for the development of graphic skills,

stencil drawing,

Work with patterns and silhouettes,

cutting with scissors, hatching, drawing,

composing images from counting sticks,

work with cereals, beans, peas,

stringing beads and buttons on wire,

laying out silhouettes from cereals, seeds,

Work with individual prescriptions

theatre "The Tale of palm» .

Tales at their fingertips aroused great interest among the children. for instance: a fairy tale at your fingertips based on Russian folk tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox".

Kotik and Cockerel lived at the edge of the forest,

But one day Lisonka

Crept up to their hut. ( "Rings".)

Dragged the Cockerel over the high mountains,

Dragged Cockerel ( "Cams")

Into your fox hole. ( "Rays".)

The brave cat went to the forest

And found the Fox's hole. ( "Rings") Clever Cat saved a friend

Petya-Petya-Cock. ( "Scallop".)

Kitten and Cockerel live

At the edge of the forest ( "Hello".)

And now Lisa

Doesn't go to their hut. ( "Pendulum".)

To do this, you need to learn the position of the fingers and hands necessary for a fairy tale.

For the successful implementation of the tasks of preparing the child's hand for writing, didactic games for the development of motor skills were made during the year. hands: "What is it made of?",

"Make a Picture",

"Funny clothespins",

"Art Gallery",

"Decorate an item".

Compiled an electronic database of graphic games and assignments: "Trace the dots", "Paint the picture according to the model", "Drawing by Anchor Points", "Finish the second half", "Drawings by Model", "Tracks", "Pictograms", "Patterns", "Labyrinths", "Walkers", "Copy images", "Shade", card index of graphic exercises "Obediant Pencil", schemes for designing origami paper, making beads, patterns from geometric shapes.

In the classroom, previously compiled card indexes of thematic logo-rhythmic and finger games were used.

Work on the development of cognitive processes and fine motor skills of the hands took place in close cooperation with parents. A long-term plan for interaction with the family was drawn up.

Target work with parents: organization advice to parents on the education of children preschool age, increasing their pedagogical literacy on the problem of the development of cognitive processes based on educational games, the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

In progress work with parents decided the following tasks:

1. Create a creative platform for the formation of development experience for parents logical thinking and mathematical abilities through entertaining games and exercises.

2. Establish interaction with parents to implement the tasks of developing fine motor skills of the hands.

3. Create educational environment, stimulating the creative activity of the child in the family and in the institution preschool education.

5. Form ideas, views of parents on education preschoolers in modern conditions.

6. Maintain unity in work kindergarten and family for the comprehensive development of children.

When interacting with the family, the following forms were used cooperation: information leaflets, consultations, recommendations, tips, open views of activities with children, thematic folders, an exhibition of manuals and games. Parents took an active part in replenishing the subject-developing environment for the development of fine motor skills of children's hands.

Together with their parents, they collected collections of copybooks, coloring books, thematic stencils, small toys for the theater "The Tale of palm» .

Implemented new form interaction with the family "Pedagogical piggy bank Cup« Logic for preschoolers» .

This section contains a database of advisory materials, which contains answers to the most important questions on child development preschool age: What are the cognitive processes of children preschool age? How to develop a writing hand? How to develop non-standard thinking of a child? How to develop memory in a child? What to do with a child on the road?

During the period for parents prepared:

Consultations "Mind at your fingertips", "Home play corner", "Educational games in the kitchen";

Reminders "Tricks to Help Memorize", "Informative literature for children";

Advice "The influence of television programs on the development of the child". "To make the summer useful for the child".

These materials formed the basis of the base of advisory materials on the pedagogical education of parents.

As a result work parents acquired knowledge on the development of cognitive processes and the preparation of the child's hand for writing. Their views have changed organization educational process. They have become allies with whom you can solve the problems of the next stage of training.

Results mug work« Logic for preschoolers» presented to parents open lesson"Journey to a fairy tale "Teremok" using multimedia presentation.

Report on circle work« Logic for preschoolers» heard at the final pedagogical council in May.

In conclusion, I want to say that developing logical thinking and motor skills preschoolers, we must remember that a high level of formation of basic operations logic(imagination, thinking, memory, attention, perception, well-developed motor skills - the key to successful mastering school curriculum and further development of the personality of the child as a whole.