Mugs for the development of logical thinking. Circle "Logic for preschoolers" Material (average group) on the topic

1. Explanatory note
1.1 Relevance
1.2 Program goal
1.3 Program Tasks
1.4 Program for the implementation of the program, the age of children, the form of conducting
1.5 Stages of Program Implementation
1.6 Contents of the program
1.7 Expected results

2. Methodological support
2.1 Perspective-thematic plan Mug "Entertaining Logic"

3. Diagnostic program logical thinking Senior preschool children.

5. Information resources

1. Explanatory note.
Why is the logic to a small preschooler?
According to L.A. Venger "For five-year children of some external properties of things, it is clearly not enough. They are quite ready to gradually get acquainted not only with external, but also with internal, hidden properties and relations underlying scientific knowledge about the world ... All this will benefit the mental development of the child only if the training will be aimed at developing Mental abilities, those abilities in the field of perception, figurative thinking, imagination, which are based on the assimilation of samples of external properties of things and their species ... "
Skills, skills acquired by a child in the pre-school period will serve as a foundation for knowledge and development of abilities at high school - at school. And the most important among these skills is the skill of logical thinking, the ability to "act in the mind". The child who did not master the techniques of logical thinking, it will be more difficult to solve the tasks, exercise will require high time and strength. As a result, the health of the child may suffer, we will weaken or will make interest in teaching.
Having mastered the logical operations, the child will be more attentive, learns to think clearly and clearly, it will be able to concentrate on the right moment to concentrate on the essence of the problem. Study will become easier, and therefore the process of study, and the school life itself will bring joy and satisfaction.
This program shows how through special games and exercises you can form the ability of children to independently establish logical relationships in the surrounding reality.
Working with preschoolers over the development of cognitive processes, you come to the conclusion that one of the necessary conditions for their successful development and training is systemic, i.e. System of special games and exercises with consistently developing and complicating content, with didactic tasks, game actions and rules. Separately taken games and exercises can be very interesting, but using them outside the system, it is impossible to achieve the desired learning and developing result.
1.1 Relevance
For the successful development of the school school program, the child needs not only to know a lot, but also consistently and evoke to think, guess, show mental tension, to think logically.
Training in the development of logical thinking has an important value for the future schoolboy and is very relevant today.
Having mastered in any way to memorize, the child learns to allocate the goal and implement a certain work with the material for its implementation. It begins to understand the need to repeat, compare, summarize, group material for memorization purposes.
Education of children classification contributes to successful mastering more in a difficult way Memorization - the semantic grouping with which children are found at school.
Using the possibilities of developing logical thinking and memory of preschoolers, you can more successfully prepare children to solve those tasks that school training facilitates us.
The development of logical thinking includes the use of didactic games, smelling, puzzles, solving various logical games and labyrinths and causes great interest in children. In this activity, children are formed by important personal qualities: independence, resourcefulness, intelligence, developmentability is produced, constructive skills develop. Children learn to plan their actions, think about them, guess in finding the result, showing creativity.
Cocking with children, it can be noted that many children do not cope with ordinary at first glance. For example, most of the senior preschool children cannot correctly answer the question of what is more: fruits or apples, even if they have a picture in their hands, on which fruits are drawn - a lot of apples and a few pears. Children will answer that more pears. In such cases, he base their answers on what they see his own eyes. They will "summarize" figurative thinking, and the children will not speak a logical reasoning to 5 years. In senone preschool age They begin to manifest elements of logical thinking characteristic of schoolchildren and adults, which need to be developed in identifying the most optimal techniques for the development of logical thinking.
Games of logical content helps to educate in children cognitive interest, promote research and creative search, desire and ability to learn. Didactic games as one of the most natural types of children's activities and contributes to the development and development of intellectual and creative manifestations, self-expression and independence. The development of logical thinking in children through didactic games is important for the success of the subsequent school education, for the proper formation of the student of the schoolchildren and in further training will help successfully master the foundations of mathematics and computer science.
1.2 Program goal:creating conditions for the maximum development of logical thinking of preschoolers in preparing for successful school education.
1.3 Program Tasks:

  • teach children main logical operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, denial, classification, systematization, restriction, generalization, conclusions
  • teach children navigate in space
  • develop the highest mental functions, the ability to reason, prove
  • bring up the desire to overcome difficulties, self-confidence, the desire to come to the help of peers

1.4 Program for the implementation of the program, the age of children, the form of conducting
The deadlines for the implementation of the program - 1-2 years
The program is designed for children 5-7 years
The program provides for murghaction in various form:

  • Individual independent work of children.
  • Work in pairs.
  • Group forms of work.
  • Differentiated.
  • Frontal check and control.
  • Self-assessment of completed work.
  • Didactic game.
  • Competition.
  • Competitions.

1.5 Stages of Program Implementation
Technology activities are built in stages:

  1. Diagnosis of the initial level of development of cognitive processes and control over their development.
  2. Planning of funds as you can develop this or that quality (attention, memory, imagination, thinking), taking into account the individuality of each child and knowledge available
  3. Construction of an interdisciplinary (integral) basis for educational training course.
  4. The gradual complication of the material, the phased increase in the amount of work, the increase in the independence of children.
  5. Acquaintance with the elements of theory, learning how to reasoning, self-institution of choice.
  6. Integration of knowledge and methods of cognitive activity, mastering it by generalized.
  7. Evaluation of the results of the developing course on the developed criteria in which the child should be included (self-esteem, self-control, mutual control).

1. 6 Contents of the program
Short description sections and themes (sections correspond to a certain logical operation, which children will be trained in the classroom):

1. Analysis - Synthesis.
The goal is to teach children to share an integer on the part, establish communication between them; Learn to mentally connect to a single piece of item.
Games and exercises: finding a logical couple (cat - kitten, dog -? (Puppy)). Supplement Pictures (pick up a patch, Dorisui pocket to the dress). Search for opposites (lightweight - heavy, cold - hot). Work with puzzles of various complexity. Laying pictures from counting sticks and geometric shapes.

2. Comparison.
The goal is to mentally mentally establish similarities and differences in objects for essential features; Develop attention, perception of children. Improve orientation in space.
Games and exercises: Configuration: Large - small, long - short, low - high, narrow - wide, above - below, further - closer, etc. Operating the concepts of "same", "most". Search similarities and differences on 2 similar pictures.

3. Restriction.
The goal is to learn to allocate one or several items from the group according to certain features. Develop the observation of children.
Games and exercises: "In the same line only red flags", "find all non-circular items", etc. Exception of the fourth extra.

4. Generalization.
The goal is to learn to mentally combine objects into the group by their properties. Promoting the enrichment of the vocabulary stock, expand the household knowledge of children.
Games and exercises to operate with generalizing concepts: furniture, dishes, transport, vegetables, fruits, etc.

5. Systematization.
The goal is to learn to identify patterns; expand the vocabulary of children; Learn to talk about the picture, retell.
Games and exercises: Magic squares (pick up the missing part, image). Drawing up a story on a series of pictures, building pictures in a logical sequence.

6. Classification.
The goal is to learn to distribute objects by groups by their essential features. Fastening generalizing concepts, free operactions by them.

7. Request.
The goal is to learn with the help of judgment to make a conclusion. Promote the expansion of household knowledge of children. Develop imagination.
Games and exercises: Search for positive and negative in phenomena (for example, when it rains, it feeds plants - it's good, but it's bad that in the rain a person can get wet, cold and get sick). Evaluation of the loyalty of certain judgments ("The wind blows, because the trees are swinging". Thewn?). Solution of logical tasks.

1.7 Expected results
Planned results:
Children need to know:

  • principles of constructing patterns, properties of numbers, objects, phenomena, words;
  • principles of the structure of rebus, crosswords, chainvords, labyrinths;
  • antonyms and synonyms;
  • the names of the geometric shapes and their properties;
  • programming and compilation of actions algorithm.

Children should be able to:

  • identify patterns and perform the task of this pattern, classify and group items, compare, to find a general and private properties, generalize and abstruct, analyze and evaluate their activities;
  • by reasoning to solve logical, non-standard tasks, perform creative-search, verbal-dyedactic, numerical tasks, find an answer to mathematical mysteries;
  • quickly and correctly respond during the workout on the questions set;
  • perform tasks to work out attention, perception, memory
  • perform graphic dictations, be able to navigate in a schematic image graphic tasks;
  • to be able to put a goal, plan the stages of work, to achieve a result of your own efforts.

Method of checking the results of work : generalizing classes after each section and 2 diagnostics (initial (September) and final (May)) level of assimilation of logical thinking operations.


mug on the development of logical thinking of children of the senior group of compensating orientation "Develop-Ka"


Karabo IG .., educator

Musikhina L.V., Educator.

Abakan, 2017.

1. Target section…………….…………………………………………………………………... 3

1.1. Explanatory note ....... ............................................................................. ..3

1.2. Purpose and objectives of the program ....................................................................... 3

1.3. Principles and approaches in the organization of the educational process .................. ..3

1.4. Planned results of the program development ........................................ ..4

2.1. Curriculum .................................................................................................. 4

2.2. Approximate complex - thematic plan .. .......................................... .4

3. Organizational section……………………………………………………………...6

3.4. Methodical support of the program ................................................ ..... 6

1. Sale section

1.1. Explanatory note

In the development of preschoolers' abilities, intellectual development occupies a special place, namely mathematics aimed at developing logic, thinking, curiosity, independence. This gives tremendous opportunities for the development of cognitive abilities, which are the basis for the formation of mathematical thinking in the future, and the formation of such thinking is a guarantee for the successful assimilation of mathematical content in the future.

The word logic comes from ancient Greek Logos, which means thought, the word, mind. IN modern world Logic is called science on the rules that are subject to the process of thinking.

These rules are complex, there are many of them, so they need to master them gradually. Especially hard, logical tasks are given to children with a common underdevelopment of speech, since speech and thinking are closely related to each other.

The earlier to start stimulating and developing logical thinking, based on the sensations and perception of the baby, the faster the smooth transition from the specific thinking to the abstract. In addition, intellectual language relationships confirm the developing effect of verbal-logical thinking to the speech of preschoolers, both at the norm of development and in the context of pathology.

Terms of implementation Mug.

Circle "Develop-KA" is intended for children of senior preschool age.

Learning time -1 year.

The number of classes per year - 72.

The form of the organization is a circle.

Mode -2 times a week.

Time volume per week: 40 min, 20 minutes.

The time is the second half of the day.

Conditions for receiving children: if desired.

1.2. The purpose and objectives of the program

The purpose of the program: creating a social situation of developing children in the process of familiarizing and playing logical games and exercises.

Program tasks:

  • create conditions for mastering children with essential signs of objects, the ability to compare, to generalize;
  • create favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inconsistencies;
  • ensure the development of the mathematical abilities of each child as a subject of relations with themselves, with other children, adults and peace;
  • promote the development of initiative, independence, formation of prerequisites for educational activities;

1.3. Principles for the formation of the educational process

  • the principle of individualization, accounting for the possibilities, age features of the development and needs of each child;
  • the principle of recognition of each child is a full subject of the educational process;
  • principle of supporting the children's initiative and the formation of cognitive interests of pupils;
  • the principle of concreteness and availability of educational material, systematic and relationships in accordance with the requirements.

1.4. Planned program development results

Program Development Landmarks

children of senior preschool age


  1. owns main logical operations.
  2. can be oriented in space and on a sheet of paper.
  3. finds patterns in phenomena, can describe them.
  4. owns the skills of cooperation, knows how to work in a pair and microgroup.
  5. creatible to prove his point of view.

2.1 Training plan







"Travel to the forest"


"Journey to the country Logic"




"Journey to Prostokvashino"


"Country of Mathematics"


"In zoo"


"Space trip"


"We will help the harees"

Total: 70 hours

2.2 Exemplary complex - thematic plan






1. Find regularity

2. Who is it? What is it?

3. Think and task

4. Find options

5. Wizards

6. Collect the flower

7. Logical ending

8. Ornament


"Travel to the forest"

1. Useful - harmful

2. What did I guess?

3. Posady flowers

4. We group on features

5. Remember faster

6. All that flies

7. What happens ...

8. Where do you live?


"Journey to the country

Logic "

1. Putanaca

2. My line is your drawing

3. Muha

4. What is drawn by an invisible pencil?

5. Encryptist

6. Friends

7. Scattered artist

8. Find the subject



1. Find a couple

2. Continue among the ranks

3. Patch

4. Loskutka

5. times, two, three-looking!

6. Colored laughter

7. Fashion designers

8. Atelier



in Prostokvashino "

1. I want to know everything

2. Local residents

3. Collect the map

4. Matroskin confused

5. Logic chains

6. How many of us?

7. Name in one word

8.Dorisuy elements


"Country of Mathematics"

1. Call and name

2. Geometric lotto.

3. back-back

4. Task

5. Find extra object

6. Puzzle

7. Find a mistake

8. We consider sticks


"In zoo"

1. Where whose shadow is?

2. Who is close? Who is far?

3. For whom the cell?

4. Who is superfluous?

5. What's wrong?

6. What is first, what then?

7. We are looking for animals

8. Fantastic animal


"Space trip"

1. Space car

2. We consider the planet

3. Milky Way

4. Who is faster?

5. Tail comet

6. Guess the description

7. Continuations of the ranks

8. Logic chains


"We will help the harees"

1. How much are all?

2. Dorisuy the second half

3. Solving the task

4. Find the differences

5. What belongs to?

6. Connect by points

7. Find two identical wage

8. Where did you hide it?

3.2. Program methodical support

Security methodical materials and learning tools.

  1. Alyabyeva E.A. The development of logical thinking and speech in children is 5-8 years. M.: Sphere, 2005.
  2. Buzunov V. Think, guess, draw, paint! AOZT Publishing Group NEKO, 1994.
  3. Belaya A.E., Miiryasova V.I. Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers. M.: AST, 2006.
  4. Vagurina L.M. Getting ready for school. Logic operations. Test tasks. M.: Linor, 1999.
  5. S.E. Gavrina. Big test book for children 6-7 years. Account, reading, familiarity with the outside world, the development of memory speech, attention, thinking, shallow motility hands. Academy of Development, 2007
  6. Devina I.A., Petrakov A.V. Develop logic. M.: Linor, 1999.
  7. Zavodnova N.V. The development of logic and speech in children. Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2005.
  8. Karpenko M.T. Collection of mysteries. M.: Enlightenment, 1988.
  9. Konovalenko S.V. Development of cognitive activity in children from 6-9 years. Workshop for psychologists and speech therapists. Moscow, 2000.
  10. Kostromin S.N. How to overcome difficulties in teaching children to read, mathematics, Russian language. - M., AST: Keeper, 2008.
  11. Mamaychuk I.I., Ilyina M.N. Help psychologist child. St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006.
  12. Stepanova O.A. Prevention of school difficulties. - M.: Sphere, 2003.
  13. Tikhomirova L.F. Logic for preschoolers. Yaroslavl .: Academy of Development, 2006.
  14. Foppel K. How to teach children to cooperate (1-4 parts). M., 1998.
  15. Khukhlaeva O.V. The path to your I. M., 2001.
  16. Chistyakova G.I. Psychogympics. M., 1990.
  17. Cheremankina L.V. Development of attention of children. Syronlavl, 1999.
  18. Schrokhina V.L. Correctional and educational classes in senior group. M.2003.

Eleonora Ryabkova

Circle program« Color logic»

Composed teacher: Ryabkova E. in

Explanatory note

"Subject" "Spiral" Program represents a system of classes organized in an entertaining game form that does not tire the child and contributes best memorization mathematical concepts. In mathematical class cup Tasks are actively used, riddles, development assignments logical thinking of children, exciting games and exercises with numbers, signs, geometric shapes. The story of classes and specially selected tasks contribute to the development of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, motivate the activities of the child and send its mental activity to search for ways to solve their tasks. During classes, mens of mathematical content, which provide invaluable assistance in the development of independent thinking, skills Prove the correctness of judgments, knowledge of mental operations. Many attention is paid independent work children and activation of their vocabulary stock. Children should not only remember and understand the proposed material, but also try to explain the understood. Important personal qualities are formed needed in school: Independence, intelligence, resourcefulness, observation, progress is produced.

The significance of educational games for the development of preschoolers, their diversity and age-related adequacy allows them to use them to solve the specified problem - mental Development preschoolers. For this designed circle program« Color logic» . Name cup reflects the main activity on it - the use of modern educational games, Dienesh blocks, colored chopsticks. Cueizer, labyrinths, puzzles, etc. Let us turn to some of them further.

Vosobovich game. The basic principles, the basis of these games - interest - knowledge - creativity - become the most effective as possible, as the game draws directly to the child, a kind, distinctive, fun and sad tale, intrigue, funny character or invitations to adventure. Vosobovich Games "Geocont", "Game Square" (now it is "Vaverkovich", "wrappers", " Color watch"Immediately attracted attention. Every year there were more and more -" Transparent Square "," Transparent Digit "," Domino "," Planet Multiplication "," Miracle Puzzle "series," Mathematical baskets. "The first appeared methodical fairy tales.

Logic blocks Dienesh(LBD) - This is a set of figures different from each other. color, shape, size, thick. In the process of a variety of actions with logical blocks(splitting, posting according to certain rules, rebuilding, etc.) Children master various mental skills, as in terms of pre-group preparation, and in terms of general intellectual development. These include the ability to analyze, abstraction, comparisons, classifications, generalizations, decoding coding, as well as logical operations"not", "and", "or". In specially designed games and exercises with blocks, kids develop elementary skills of the algorithmic culture of thinking, the ability to perform actions in the mind. Via logic Blocks Children train attention, memory, perception.

Chopsticks H. Kyizér. Via color sticks x.. Cueizer develops activity and independence in finding ways of action with material, ways to solve mental problems. The main features of this didactic material - abstract, versatility, high efficiency. X. Cueisometer sticks to the highest extent to the monographic method. Training number and account.

H. Khizuner sticks as a didactic means fully comply with the specifics and features of elementary mathematical ideas formed from preschoolers, as well as their age capabilities, level of development child thinking, mostly clearly efficient and visual-shaped. In thinking, the child is reflected first of all what is first performed in practical actions with specific subjects. Working with chopsticks allows you to translate practical, external actions into the inner plan, create a complete, distinct and at the same time sufficiently generalized idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept.

Games Nikitina. In the developing creative games of Nikitin, their main feature is to combine one of the basic principles of learning "from simple to complex". With a very important principle of creative activity - "independently according to the abilities." This union allowed to allow several problems associated with the development of creative abilities: Nikitin games can stimulate the development of creative abilities from early age; Tasks-steps of Nikitina Games always create conditions that are converting the development of abilities; The child develops most successfully, if he independently tries to solve the most difficult tasks for him; Nikitina games can be very diverse in its content and, moreover, like any games, they do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity; playing Nikitina's games with their children, moms and dads are unnoticed for themselves important ability "To restrain, do not interfere with the baby to think about himself and make decisions, not to do for him what he can and should do himself. Nikitina's educational games include the game "Unicub", "Mass Square", "DROBO", "Cubes for all", "Mouch pattern".

Puzzles and labyrinths. These types of games contribute to the development logical thinking, attention and resourcefulness.

Based on the programs are the idea ofthat every year of the child's life is decisive for the formation of certain mental neoplasms. In accordance with the peculiarities of the cognitive activities of preschool children, program Mainly ensures the development of cognitive processes.

Changes in the socio-economic sphere of public life have set many countries in the world, including Russia, before the need for reform educational system. In modern conditions, one of the priorities educational policies is development additional education Children. Additional education can be considered as special educational spacewhere objectively sets a lot of relations, where special educational activities are carried out by various training systems, education and development of the individual, where the processes of self-learning, self-education and self-development are being formed, where self-realization is actually carried out. Additional education of children cannot be considered as a certain appendage to the basic education that performs the function of expanding opportunities educational standards. Its main purpose is to satisfy constantly changing individual sociocultural and educational needs of children.

All modern programs and technologies preschool education put forward as the main task - the comprehensive development of the identity of the child, which is ensured by the unity of mental, moral, aesthetic and physical education. The tasks of mental education are sometimes simplified, limited to the desire "Invest" in the preschooler as much knowledge about surrounding. But it's not about "Multivina". It is much more important to develop in the child the general abilities of cognitive activity - the ability to analyze, compare, compare, and also take care that he has the need to receive new knowledge, mastering the ability to think.

One of the means of mental development of the child is educational games. They are important and interesting for children, diverse in content is very dynamic and included favorite children's manipulation with gaming material, which is able to satisfy the child in motor activity, movement, helps children use an account, controls the correctness of action.

The principles laid on the basis of these games are of interest - knowledge - creativity - become the most effective as possible, as the game draws directly to the child a kind, distinctive, fun and sad tale, intrigue, funny character or invitations to adventure. In each game, the child always seeks some "Subject" Result. Permanent and gradual complication of games ( "Spiral") Allows you to maintain children's activities in the zone of optimal difficulty. Educational games create conditions for the manifestation of creativity, stimulates the development of the child's mental abilities. Adult remains only to use this natural need For gradual involvement of guys in more complex forms Gaming activity.

The significance of educational games for the development of preschoolers, their diversity and age-related adequacy allows them to be used to solve the specified problem of mental development of preschoolers. For this designed circle program« Color logic» . Name cup Reflects the main activity on it. The use of modern educational games V. V. V. V. V. V. Nikitin, Bloki Dienesh, colored chopsticks. Cueizer, labyrinths, puzzles, etc.

Perspective plan

On the formation of logical thinking in children preparatory


MDOU D / s №49


Avramchuk O. N.


Lesson #1.

  1. "Compare Pictures" - find and call differences.
  2. "Name in one word" - to call items in each group with one general concept.
  3. "Who is superfluous" - consider images of four children, find one, distinguished from the rest. Explain your choice in detail.

Lesson # 2.

  1. "What is superfluous" - to find in each group an item that does not fit the rest. Name the remaining objects with a general concept.
  2. "Squeeze the same figures" - compare items.
  3. "Find what is set" - Find in Figure: Fruits only; Only objects similar to the square; those that are made of paper; only musical instruments, only insects, only birds, only animal hot countries.

Lesson #3.

  1. "Fishing spy" - find an excess concept in each group. Explain your opinion.
  2. "Finish the proposal" - to transfer the proposal by one of the words, data in brackets and suitable in meaning. Repeat the phrase entirely.
  3. "Compare items with each other" - find similarities and differences.

Lesson number 4.

  1. "Unnecessary pictures" - call several options for "extra" pictures, explain your choice.
  2. "Deniation" - solve problems with denial.
  3. "Make a couple" - to connect pairs suitable friend Friend objects. Explain your actions.


Lesson number1.

1. »Find a general feature" - which sign unites the items of each group.

2. "Name in a word" - to choose a generalizing concept for each group of words. Explain your choice.

3. "Make a pair" - to each subject depicted in the upper row, pick up a suitable object from the bottom row. Make a proposal with each pair of words.

Lesson # 2.

  1. "Pick up the word" - for each word to choose a suitable in meaning taking into account the appointment of objects. Make a proposal with each pair of words.
  2. "Nazis unnecessary", taking into account this feature of three items one extra. Explain your choice in detail.
  3. "Wizards" - to tell what the following items will turn into.

Lesson number 3.

  1. "Properties" -Proissalize properties of depicted items. Talk about that general that they are united.
  2. "Continue offer" - to complete the proposal using the Union so that. To the beginning of the phrase, pick up 2-3 possible options Its continued. Slap the resulting statement entirely.
  3. "Guess the riddle" - to guess the riddles, find the subject of the commencement.

Lesson number 4.

  1. "Continue a number of words" - continue a number of words related to one generalization. Name every generalizing concept.
  2. "Think and answer" - to listen carefully and with the help of questions to analyze the story.
  3. "Make a choice" - from the group of items to choose one that according to any sign of all others. Explain the choice.


Check out.

  1. "Four seasons" - to connect pairs of pictures with the image of the same year. Talk about signs of different seasons.
  2. "Finish the proposal" - to complete the proposal by explaining the named event. Use construction complex sentence With the Union because.
  3. "Deliver a letter" -wire plans. In turn, using them, tell me how, by what kind of objects and what kind of child the postman will bring a letter.

Lesson number 2.

  1. "What is superfluous and why" -nate a logical connection between three objects. Select a subject that differs from others by any sign. Explain the course of reasoning.
  2. "Blood window" - choose which of the six drawings is suitable instead of a question mark.
  3. "Pick the word" - select words with the opposite value. Compose with the Union and the proposal in which both antonyms will be.

Lesson number 3.

  1. "Find the main word" - choose from a number of words reflecting some details of the main object, one or two main, without which the specified concept does not exist, explain the choice.
  2. "Nelpitsy" - in analyze the situation shown in the figure. In detail, explain it to its absurdity, incredibility.
  3. "Find a difference" - in a number of similar geometric compositions, choose one, distinguished by the location of small additional parts. Explain the choice.

Lesson number 4.

  1. "Pick up the patch to the rug" - what patches are suitable and why.
  2. "Find a mistake" - to find and explain in detail what the erroneousness of the proposed statement is.
  3. "Good - bad" - to find and describe in detail the positive and negative sides of these phenomena, events.


Lesson number1.

  1. "Name the next word" - not disturbing the patterns, call the next word.
  2. "Logical chains" - find a logical connection between the drawings located in the same row. Draw the missing element of the logical chain. Explain your actions in detail.
  3. "Difficult questions" - Listen to the story and answer questions.

Lesson 2.

  1. "Run in order" to identify the order of drawing drawings.
  2. "Fill in the picture" - find each figure of your place in an empty window.
  3. "Find a mistake" - to find and explain in detail the error in the proposed comparison. Using individually both parts of each comparison, independently make two right judgments.

Lesson number 3.

1. "We describe the difference" - to find and describe in detail various features of two similar objects (objects).

2. "Pick the Figures" - choose only those figures that is in a rectangle.

3. "Continue the offer" - on the basis of two judgments, make an independent conclusion.

Lesson 4.

  1. "Compare items" - to find and describe in detail similar features of two different items (objects).
  2. "Name the number" - call the number of fallen figures.
  3. "Proverbs" - explain whether it is possible to use this proverb in the proposed situations. Bring a few examples life situationsin which such a statement is appropriate.


Lesson number1.

  1. "Pick up the second half" - pick up the soul mate so that the square is.
  2. "What is missing" - choose the missing fragment to the picture.
  3. "Story" - to combine three distant concepts in a small story.

Lesson number 2.

  1. "Collect the whole" - what kind of figures must be connected to get it right, to; What fragments, it is necessary to connect to the squares and horizontally stood the same figures.
  2. "Plans" - to find and describe your way.
  3. "Pick up the key and whose shadow" is a prolonged thinking.

Lesson #3.

  1. "Name the subject" - the object is made up of drawn figures.
  2. "Run words for growth" - what word is shorter, what is longer; To form the ability to separate the form of concept from its content.
  3. "Magic berries" - classification.

Lesson number 4.

  1. "What advice told" - choose the right version of the meaning of the proverb.
  2. "Squeeze the desired picture" - the regularities, explain the choice.
  3. "Dorisui Street to the end" - internship and Dorisuy Light.


Lesson number1.

  1. "Find errors in the compilation of beads" -zomomerity.
  2. "What at the beginning that then" is a monomer sequence.
  3. "What happened before" -Hon-conclusion in the picture.

Lesson number 2.

  1. "Pick up a couple" - conclusion by analogy.
  2. "Finish the proposal" - to finish in meaning.
  3. "What is more" - solve the semantic challenges.

Lesson number 3.

  1. "Find the same words" - explain the semantic difference.
  2. "Logical chains" - continue patterns.
  3. "What will be instead of a question mark?" - semantic correlation.

Lesson number 4.

  1. "Questions" - to answer questions about the meaning.
  2. "Antonyms" - finally offer.
  3. "Fix a mistake" - proverbs correctly.


Lesson #1.

  1. "Good-bad" - call positive and negative points.
  2. "What is missing" - look at the pictures and say, what details in each subject lack.
  3. "Merry challenges" - to solve logical tasks.

Lesson # 2.

  1. "Composition offer" - offer from these words of words.
  2. "Compare Tasks" - to solve logical tasks.
  3. "Make a picture of geometric figures" - spatial thinking.

Lesson #3.

  1. "Find a track" - spatial thinking.
  2. "Reasoning" - learn to reason.
  3. "Nelpitsy" is fully and confidentially to explain what the spelliness of the situation.

Lesson number 4.

  1. "Think and answer" to listen to and with the help of questions to analyze the fairy tale.
  2. "Start-mid-end" - determining the start of the event, its middle and the end, mentally add to the depicted objects any characters And tell detail about their actions in the right order.
  3. "For what is needed" - to name as many functions of one object as possible.


Lesson number1.

  1. "Detectives" - to determine who left this trail.
  2. "Merry challenges" - to solve logical humorous tasks.
  3. "Playing items in different ways" - patterns.

Lesson # 2.

  1. "Wonderful Domino" - choose the basis for generalization.
  2. "What is superfluous in every row of figures" - regularities.
  3. "Help to draw up a story" - inserting words instead of pictures, draw up a story and answer the question.

Lesson #3.

  1. "Why was offended by Misha" - explain that the children did right, and what not.
  2. "Help the heroes to make up" - find a track connecting fabulous heroes, Help them make up.
  3. "Rebuses" - to learn to solve rebuses.

Lesson number 4.

  1. "Decision Rus" - fix the ability to solve rebuses.
  2. "As the words were friends" - than the words in each of the lines are like. What unites them?
  3. "Find a suitable word" - choose words with an appropriate feature.


Lesson number1.

  1. "Bring everything in order" - select words for certain groups of items combined by a common feature.
  2. "Sold down the secret cipher" - solving plas.
  3. "Logic tasks" - in the present of different types of logical tasks.

Lesson 2.

  1. "Labyrinth" - help geometric pieces get home.
  2. "Kaleidoscope" - I think and paint.
  3. "What will happen if ..." -Rech, fantasy, logical thinking.

Lesson #3.

1 "Good-bad" -Modelling with color.

2. "Logical tasks" - stand and invent.

3. "confusion" - find unnecessary not related to the plot,


Lesson # 4.

1. "Diagnostics".

 Working programm Mug on the development of logical thinking "Umpenush" of the municipal budget preschool educational institution of the Children's Garden of Compensating Type No. 66 "Funchawka" of the city of Nizhnevartovsk, tutor of the highest qualification category of Hildebrandt Oksana Petrovna Contents 1. Program Passport 2. Explanatory note. 2.1. General About the circle 2.2. Packing group 2.3. Objectives and objectives Mug 2.4. Forms of organization of children 2.5. Forms of work with children 2.6. Work methods 2.7. Relevance Mug 3. Time of Mug 4. Perspective Calendar Work Plan Mug 4.1. For children 5-6 years 4.2. For children 6-7 years old 5. Software-methodical support Mug 6. Expected results 7. Monitoring passport Program Name of the program "Umnaush" Work program Mug for the development of logical thinking Details of the educational institution Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten compensating type" No. 66 "Fun" 628617, Russian Federation, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous District - Ugra, the city of Nizhnevartovsk, Perm Street, house 11. Contact phones: 46-97-06; 46-45-77 Fax: 46-97-06; E-mail: [Email Protected]Ground for program development 1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in Russian Federation"2. The Federal Task Force Development Program for 2011-2015, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.02.2011 No. 61; 3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 655 of November 23, 2009" Federal state requirements To the structure of the main educational program of pre-school education "; 4. Order of the Government of the KhMAO - Ugra dated 19.02.2010 No. 91-RP" On the Strategy for Development of the Education of the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous District - Ugra until 2020 ", 5. Resolution of the Government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District - Ugra dated 07/08/2010 №160-P" On the target program of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "New School of Ugra for 2010-2013" (as amended ), 6. "On target programs of the city of Nizhnevartovsk", the order of the city administration "On approval of the long-term target program" Development of the formation of the city of Nizhnevartovsk for 2012-2014 "dated 06.07.2011 №742; 7. The program of development MDOU DSCV No. 66" Fun " For 2012-2014 Program Program Pedagogical Council Dow Author-compilerGildebrandt Oksana Petrovna Educator of the highest qualification category The purpose of the program Development of logical thinking, attention in the process of mastering a variety of ways to action in the contextual and visual-shaped cooperation methods. Programs 1 Development of children's independence and initiatives, upbringing every child's feelings of self-esteem, self-esteem, striving for active act Lained and creativity. 2. Development of cognitive activity, cognitive motivation, intellectual abilities of children. 3. Has the experience of self-knowledge of preschoolers. 4. Formation of the readiness of K. school learning, to the new social position of the schoolchildren. The results of the program's implementation - to allocate the most significant in the subjects; - to see the ratio of them with each other and the ratio of their parts; - use various schemes and plans; - to argue, making conclusions in accordance with the laws of logic. For the implementation of the program of the program 2013-2015. The system of organizing the program of execution of the Program Control The Implementation of the Program is carried out by the MBDOU I administration. Explanatory note 1.1. General information about the circle Working program Mug "Umnaush" MBDOU DSCV No. 66 ensures the development of logical thinking of children aged 5 to 7 years old, taking into account their age and individual features. The program ensures the achievement of readiness to school. The social customers of the Mug "Umnaush" are parents of pupils. Finishing the needs of parents is carried out on the basis of the results of the survey. These information made it possible to determine the activities of the Mug to meet parents' requests: the intellectual development of children preparation for school training (the development of an arbitrary sphere, the development of logical thinking, attention, memory) complex-thematic plan is designed for 2 years. The first year is for children 5-6 years old, the second - for children 6 - 7 years. Classes in each group are held 1 time per week, 4 lessons per month, 36 lessons per year. Duration of classes in the older group of 25 minutes, in preparatory group - 30 minutes. 1.2. Packing group. №group in accordance with the age of children. Overfill 1star group 10 2P. Preparatory group10 1.3. Goals and objectives Mug "Umpenush" target. The development of logical thinking, attention in the process of mastering a variety of ways of action in the context-effective and visual-shaped cooperation. Tasks. 1. Development of children's independence and initiative, education of each child feelings of self-esteem, self-esteem, aspiration for active activities and creativity. 2. Development of cognitive activity, cognitive motivation, intellectual abilities of children. 3. Has the experience of self-knowledge of preschoolers. 4. Formation of readiness for school learning, to the new social position of the schoolchild. 1.4. Forms of children's organization * Individual * subgroups * Group 1.5. Forms of working with children * Game * Situational conversation * Conversation * Story * Reading * Integrative activity * Problem situation 1.6. Methods of working with children * verbal. * Visual. * Practical. 1.7. The relevance of the mug Characteristic Thinking Thinking is the highest cognitive process of generalized and indirect reflection of reality. Thinking is the most important process of knowledge. With the help of thinking, we get the knowledge that the senses cannot give us. Thinking correlates these sensations and perceptions, compares, distinguishes and reveals the relationship between the surrounding phenomena even in their absence. The result of thinking is the thought, expressed in words. Thus, the thinking of a person is closely related to speech and impossible without it. Thinking exists in three main forms: concept, judgment and conclusion. In the process of mental activity, a person uses special techniques or operations: Analysis (mental decomposition of a whole part), synthesis (mental union of parts into a single whole), comparison (establishment of similarities or differences between objects), abstraction (allocating the essential properties of the subject and distraction from irrelevant ), Generalization (mental combination of objects on their signs). All operations manifest themselves in close connection with each other. On their basis, more complex operations are allocated, such as classification, systematization, etc. The age features of thinking from preschoolers during the growth and development of the child, its thinking undergoes significant interdependent changes. The first signs of thinking children discover by the end of the first year of life. They begin to notice the simplest links and relationships between objects and use them to achieve a certain goal. These relationships are found out by children through practical samples and errors, i.e. With the help of objective thinking, which is the main type of thinking of a child of young age. In addition, the child begins to understand that some things and actions can be used to designate others, serve their replacement. So the drawing can depict a toy, and the toy is what is drawn. The ability to substitute is formed - the ability to use when solving mental problems, conditional substitutes for real objects and phenomena. In the future, this ability will give the opportunity to take advantage of reading, writing, modeling, schematization, etc. As experience gained experience, the child's thinking is increasingly relied on images - ideas about how the result of a particular action may be. The main type of thinking inherent preschool age, becomes clear-shaped thinking. Thanks to this, the preschooler can "do" real Actions in mind. At the same time, he operates only with single judgments, since it is not ready for conclusions yet. In the senior preschool age begins to form verbal and logical thinking. Thinking - difficult mental processAnd the formation of it should begin from the first months of the child's life. Mastering mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, summary, abstraction) will be successful if it is carried out in the direct activity of the child and is accompanied by a speech - the basis of the abstract-conceptual (verbal-logical) thinking. The highest form of thinking is the ability to think abstract concepts. This is exactly what is the goal of classes with children. II. The time of the mug of Wednesday / Thursday 15.30 III. Perspective calendar plan 4.1. For children 5-6 years a month Week The content of classes material for the classroom 1-y1. Exercise "Colek" 2. Game "Quickly Cleansing" 3. And / U connecting the lines of the same pictures "4. and / y" in each row of circle the same items "5. and / at" Find the house of each animal and spend the track "." Development ", p. 173 Album for coloring with logic games (p.1,2,3), simple pencil2-y1. Exercises "Colekko", "Kulak-rib-palm" 2. Game "Antonyms" 3. and / at "pick up parents for each kid" 4. and / y "pick up for each animal his favorite delicacy." 5. and / y "in each row of circle general items and give them the general name" "Development", p. 174 album for painting with logic games (p.4.5,6,7), simple pencil3-y1. Exercises "Colek", "fist-rib-palm". 2. Game "sticks" 3. and / from "Find an extra object." 4. And / at "Find suitable items and circle their line." 5. D / and "Where is my shadow?" Album for painting with logic games (p. 8,9,10,11,12,13), a simple pencil "Development" page 173 cards "Where is my shadow?" 4- I1. Exercises "Colek", "fist-rib-palm" "drawing elephant." 2. The game "It happens or not" 3. And / at "Find the subject, different from the rest" 4. And / "Unite all musical items" 5. and / from "Find the differences" "Development", p. 175 album For coloring with logic games (p.14,15,16), simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p. 4,5sturn 1-y1. Exercises "Colek", "fist-edge-palm" "painting elephant" "ruby cabbage". 2. The game "One - a few" 3. and / y "where my shadow" 4. The developing game "Pick up in form" 5. D / U in working notebook "Coloring the right" "Development", page 182 Developing Card game "Where my shadow", d / and "Find a couple" E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p. 72-y1. Exercises "Colek", "fist-edge-palm" "Drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum". 2. Game "What inside?" 3. and / from "What will happen" 4. and / y "find items opposite to taste" 5. and / y "what for what?" "Development", p. 187 N.V. Ermolaeva "Learn to recognize, distinguish with, call", p. 1 3-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Game "What is around us?" (in color) 3. And / y. "Find light and heavy objects" 4. and / "What is afraid of the air ball" 5. and / "What forgot the artist?" "Development", p. 223 N.V. Ermolaeva "Learn to find out, distinguish with, call", p. 2 register 4-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Game "What is around us?" (in form) 3. And / at "unite on the basis of" 4. and / at "Find the same clowns" 5. D / U in the working tetradi "Collect the same items" "Development", p. 223 N.V. Yermolaeva "Learn to recognize, distinguish, call," p. 3 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p. 8.9 December 1-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. The game "flies - does not fly" 3. and / y "Show the right" 4. and / at "Find the same", "compare items" 5. D / and "Will the pattern" "Development" pattern, p. 223 Refinery "Merry tasks. Logic in pictures", p. 1.2 "develop, playing. Pick up the pattern" 2-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Game "Parts of the Body" 3. And / at "Show the right" 4. and / "Help Find Fish", "Coloring the Stars" 5. D / and "Pattern" pattern "" Development ", p. 226 register" Merry Tasks. Logic in pictures ", p. 3.4" Develop, playing. Pick up the pattern "3-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Game "Forbidden Movement" 3. And / at "Show the correct" 4. And / at "Whose headdress?", "Name in one word" 5. D / and "Camperies" "Development" pattern, p. 227 Put "Merry tasks. Logic in pictures", p. 5.6 "Develop, playing. Pick up the pattern" 4th1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Game "Santa Claus" 3. and / at "Show the right" 4. And / y "what is superfluous?", "What happens together?" 5. D / U in the working notebook "Find a mistake" "Development", p. 194 register "Merry tasks. Logic in pictures ", p. 7.9 E.V. Kolesnikova" I solve logical tasks ", p.36-37 Jervar2-Ya1. Exercises" Colepko "," fist-edge "" Drawing elephant "" ruby \u200b\u200bcabbage " , "Drum", "do not drop." 2. The game "Forbidden movement" 3. And / at "Show the right" 4. And / at "Find Rhyme" 5. D / and "What is unnecessary?" Development . 227 recipes "Merry tasks. Logic in pictures ", p. 10 cards" What is superfluous? "3-y1. Exercises" Colek "," fist-edge-palm "" drawing elephant "" ruby \u200b\u200bcabbage "," drum "," do not drop. 2. Game "Movements with the words" 3. d / and "What is superfluous?" 4. and / from "What happens?" 5. D / U in the Workbook "Find a mistake" "Development", p. 250 cards "What is superfluous? "D / and" What happens? "E.V. Kolesnikova" I decide the logical tasks ", p. 38-394-y1. Exercises" Colepko "," Kulak-rib-palm "" Drawing elephant "" ruby \u200b\u200bcabbage ", "Drum", "do not drop". 2. The game "Complete the phrase" 3. D / and "What is superfluous?" 4. D / U in the working notebook "Find a mistake" 5. D / U in the working notebook "Remembrance" " Development ", p. 259 E.V. Kolesnikova" I solve logical tasks ", p.41-42Feveral 1-y1. Exercises" Colepko "," Fist-edge-palm "" Drawing elephant "" ruby \u200b\u200bcabbage "," drum "," Do not drop. "2. The game" Certificates "3. D / y in the working notebook" Omozlision "4. and / at the" connecting arrows "," name in one word "5. D / and" Find parts "" Development ", p. 260 E.V. Kolesnikova" I decide l Ogoic tasks ", p.44-45 N.G. Salmina "Learn to think. What is it?", P. 23, 26; Running application2-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Game "And I won't remember" 3. And / at "Find and paint a part that is not enough" 4. and / from "Razing right" 5. And / y "what first, what then?" "Development", p. 263 N.G. Salmina "Learn to think. What is it?", P. 45, 58 N.G. Salmina "We learn to think. What follows for? Part 1," p. 3; N.G. Salmina "Learn to think. What follows? Part 1," p. 143-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. The game "Kids" 3. and / at "Find and paint the part that is not enough" 4. and / y "what first, what then?" 5. And / at "Find a place for things" Development ", p. 139 N.G. Salmina "We learn to think. What is it?", P. 64, 68; N.G. Salmina "Learn to think. What follows? Part 1," p. 16, 234-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. The game "Spear" 3. And / y "what first, what then?" 4. And / y "How to paint the balls further? "5. And / at" Collect the sample "" "Development", p. 260 N.G. Salmina "learn to think. What follows? Part 2, pp. 15, 16, 24, 50Mart 1-y1. Exercises "Colek", "fist-rib-palm" "painting elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. The game "Pick up the words" 3. and / y "will continue the range" 4. and / y "what first, what then?" 5. And / at "Collect on the sample" "Development", p. 169 N.G. Salmina "Learn to think. What follows? Part 2, pp. 54, 562-С1. Exercises "Colek", "fist-edge" "Drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Game "One The word "3. and / y" continue a row "4. and / at" Clear-ka "5. and / at" Find two identical objects "" Development ", p. 170 cards from the" Crash-ka "set (№ 2 , 4,8,14,37) Cards with items3-1. Exercises "Colek", "fist-edge palm" "Drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop." 2. Game "Name Items "3. and / y" continue a row "4. and / at" Clear-ka "5. Games with a rope" Combine on the principle ... "" Development ", p. 171 cards from the" Crane-ka "set ( № 69, 82,83,84) Rope for each child, geometric figures , small toys4-I 1. Exercises "Colek", "fist-edge-palm" "painting elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Game "Guess the riddle" 3. and / y "continue a row" 4. and / at "Caudo-ka" 5. We work with the blocks of Dieneshkatka from the "Crave-ka" set (No. 87,89,96,98) blocks Dieneshaprel 1-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. The game "More - less" 3. and / y "continue a row" 4. And / at "Crave-ka" 5. We work with the blocks of Dienesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Game activities for the development of memory, attention, thinking from preschoolers", p. 52 Cards from the "Crane-ka" set (No. 104,106,112,119) Dienesh2-y1 blocks. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Game "Show differently" 3. and / y "continue a row" 4. And / at "Clear-ka" 5. We work with the blocks of Dienesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Gaming lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking from preschoolers", p. 52 cards from the "Crane-ka" set (No. 115,120) Blocks Dienesh3-Ya1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Game "Listen and Show" 3. and / U "Continue Ring" 4. D / U "Continue Rouge" 5. We work with the blocks of Dienesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Gaming lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking from preschoolers," p. 53 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.34-35 Dienesh4-y1 blocks. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. The game "Who knows, let it consider" 3. and / y "will continue the range" 4. and / from "Dorisui Missing Figure" 5. We work with the blocks of Dienesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Game activities for the development of memory, attention, thinking from preschoolers", p. 54 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p20-21 Dieneshamai blocks 1-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. The game "Machines and pedestrians" 3. And / y "will continue the series" 4. and / y "what first, what then?" 5. We work with the blocks Dienesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Gaming lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking from preschoolers," p. 55 N.G. Salmina "Learn to think. What follows? Part 2," p. 59 Blocks Dienesh2-Ya1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. The game "Snacks" 3. and / U "Continue the series" 4. and / y "Flood what you need" 5. We work with the Bloka Dienesh I.V. Starodubtseva "Gaming lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking from preschoolers", p. 56 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.14-15 Dienesh3-y1 blocks. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Game "I know five names of boys" 3. D / U in the working notebook "Omlice" 4. D / U "We compile a fairy tale" 5. We work with Dieleyshai blocks. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.46-47 N.G. Salmina "Learn to think. What follows? Part 2," p. 40 Blocks Dienesh4-Ya1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Game "Imagine and Show" 3. And / at "Coloring the pattern according to the sample" 4. and / y "flood what you need" 5. We work with Dieneshan blocks. Salmina "Learn to think. What follows? Part 2," p. 29 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.15-16 Dienesh blocks 4.2. For children 6-7 years a month Week The content of classes material for the classroom 1-y1. Exercise "Colepko" 2. Game "Quickly Consistencies" 3. Riddle 4. Task on comparison 5. Logical tasks "Development", p. 173 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 6, No. 2; "All preschool program . Thinking ", p. 4. E.V. Kolesnikova" I solve logical tasks ", p.42-y1. Exercises" Colek "," fist-edge-palm "2. Game" Antonyms "3. Riddle 4. Task on Comparison 5. Logical tasks of "Development", p. 174 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 7, No. 3; "The whole pre-school program. Thinking ", p. 5. E.V. Kolesnikova" I solve logical tasks ", p.53-y1. Exercises" Colek "," fist-edge-palm ". 2. Game" Sticks "3. Riddle 4. Task On comparison 5. Logical tasks of "Development" page 173 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 8, No. 4; "All preschool program. Thinking ", p.6. E.V. Kolesnikova" I solve logical tasks ", p.64-y1. Exercises" Colek "," fist-edge-palm "" Drawing Elephant. "2. Riddle 3. Question for comparison 4. Logical tasks of "Development", p. 175 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 9, No. 5; "The whole pre-school program. Thinking ", p.7. E.V. Kolesnikova" I decide the logical tasks ", p.7Tember 1-y1. Exercises" Colek "," fist-edge-palm "" painting elephant "" ruby \u200b\u200bcabbage ". 2. Riddle 3. Task on comparison 4. Logical tasks of "Development", page 182 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 10, No. 6; "The whole pre-school program. Thinking ", p.8. E.V. Kolesnikova" I solve logical tasks ", p.82-π1. Exercises" Colek "," fist-edge-palm "" drawing elephant "" ruby \u200b\u200bcabbage "," drum ". 2. Tasks on Dienesh blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Task on a comparison of "Development", p. 187 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 10, No. 7; "All preschool program. Thinking ", p.9. E.N. Panova" Didactic Games and Classes in Dow ", p. 103-а1. Exercises" Colek "," Kulak-Ribe-Padon "" Drawing Elephant "" ruby \u200b\u200bcabbage "," drum "," Do not drop. "2. Tasks on Dienesh blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Task on the comparison of" Development ", page 223 L.F. Tikhomirova" Logic for preschoolers ", p. 11, No. 8;" All pre-school program. Thinking ", p.10. E.N. Panova" Didactic Games and Classes in Dow ", p. 114-y1. Exercises" Colek "," Kulak-rib-palm "" Drawing elephant "" ruby \u200b\u200bcabbage "," drum "," Do not drop. "2. Tasks on Dienesh blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Task on the comparison of" Development ", page 223 L.F. Tikhomirova" Logic for preschoolers ", p. 11, No. 8;" All pre-school program. Thinking ", p.10. E.N. Panova" Didactic Games and Classes in Dow. ", P. 11Dext 1-Ya1. Exercises" Colek "," Fist-Rib-Padon "" Drawing Elephant "" ruby \u200b\u200bcabbage ", "Drum", "do not drop. 2. Jobs on the Blokamy Dieens and Couseera sticks 3. Logical tasks 4. Task on comparing "Development", p. 223, L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 22, No. 21; "All pre-school program. Thinking", page 11, 12. E.N. Panova "Didactic Games and Classes in Dow. Senior Age", p. 142-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Riddle 3. Task on comparison 4. Logical tasks "Development", p. 226 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 42, No. 38; "All pre-school program. Thinking", p.13.14. E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.103-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Riddle 3. Task on comparison 4. Logical tasks "Development", p. 227 "All preschool program. Thinking", p.15. E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.114-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Riddle 3. Task for the classification 4. Logical tasks "Development", p. 194 "All preschool program. Thinking", p.16.17. E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.35Yryanvar2-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Riddle 3. Task for classification 4. Logical tasks "Development", p. 227 "All preschool program. Thinking", p.18.19. E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.36,373-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Jobs on Dieenshab blocks and cubeener sticks 3. Task on the "Development" classification, page 250 "All preschool program. Thinking", p.20.21. E.N. Panova "Didactic Games and Classes in Dow. Senior Age", p. 18 4-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Tasks on Dieenshab blocks and cubeener sticks 3. Logical tasks 4. Task on the classification "Development", p. 259 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.41-42 "All pre-school program. Thinking", p.22.23. E.N. Panova "Didactic Games and Classes in Dow. Senior Age", p. 18 Simple Pencil E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.38,39Feveral 1-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Tasks on Dienesh blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Task on the classification of "Development", p. 260 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.40 "The whole pre-school program. Thinking", p.24.25. E.N. Panova "Didactic Games and Classes in Dow", p. 15 Simple Pencil E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", pp40,412-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Jobs on Dienesh blocks 3. Logical tasks 4. Task on the classification of "Development", p. 263 E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.41 "The whole pre-school program. Thinking", p.26.27. E.N. Panova "Didactic Games and Classes in Dow", p. 17 Simple Pencil E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.423-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Task on the classification of "Development", p. 139 "All preschool program. Thinking", p.28.29.30. Simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.444-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Task on the patterns of "Development", p. 260 "All pre-school program. Thinking", p.31,32,33. Simple pencil E.V. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks", p.45.47Mart 1-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Task on patterns 4. Tasks for the attention of "Development", p. 169 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 64, No. 77; "All pre-school program. Thinking", p.31.32. "The whole pre-school program. ATTENTION", p.10.2-Ya1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Task on patterns 4. Tasks for the attention of "Development", p. 170 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 80, No. 101; "All pre-school program. Thinking", p.33.34. "All pre-school program. ATTENTION", P.1112.3-Ya1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Logical tasks 3. Task on patterns 4. Tasks on the attention of "Development", p. 171 L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers", p. 85, No. 109; "All pre-school program. Thinking", p.35.36. "All pre-school program. ATTENTION", p.13.14.4-I 1. Exercises "Colek", "fist-edge-palm" "Drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. We work with Dienesh blocks 3. Task on patterns 4. Tasks on the attention of "the whole pre-school program. Thinking", p.38.39. "All preschool program. Attention", p.15.16. E.N. Panova "Didactic Games and Classes in Dow", p. 20aprel 1-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. We work with Dienesh blocks 3. Task on patterns 4. Tasks on the attention of "the whole pre-school program. Thinking", pp40.41. "All preschool program. ATTENTION", P.17.18. E.N. Panova "Didactic Games and Lessons in Dow", p. 212-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. We work with Dienesh blocks 3. Task on the conclusion 4. Tasks on the attention of "the whole pre-school program. Thinking", p.42.43. "All preschool program. ATTENTION", P.19.20. E.N. Panova "Didactic games and classes in Dow", p. 253-y6. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 5. We work with Dienesh blocks 6. Task on the conclusion 7. Tasks on the attention of "the whole pre-school program. Thinking", p.44.45. "All pre-school program. ATTENTION", P.21.22. E.N. Panova "Didactic Games and Classes in Dow", p. 254-y1. Exercises "Ring", "fist-edge-palm" "drawing elephant" "ruby cabbage", "drum", "do not drop". 2. Quest on the conclusion 3. Tasks on the attention of "the whole pre-school program. Thinking", p.46.47,48. "All preschool program. ATTENTION", p.23.24.25. . IV. Software-methodical support for the Mug "Umnaush". The purpose of the development of logical thinking, attention in the process of mastering the diverse methods of action in the context-effective and visual-shaped cooperation. Program and Methodical Provision of Programs and Technologies Program for Education and Training in children's garden / Ed. M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Herbova, T. S. Komarova. - 5th ed., Act. and add. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007 - 2008 p. NOT. Veras, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva. The main general educational program of pre-school education "from birth to school". - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010 - 224 S.Penech. Kolesnikova "I solve logical tasks" - Sphere, 2010. - 48С.E.N. Panova "Didactic Games and Classes in kindergarten", - Voronezh, 2007 - 78 S.L.F. Tikhomirova "Logic for preschoolers". - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1999. - 256 p.: Il. - (Series: Developing Training). And. Starodubtseva "Game activities for the development of memory, attention, thinking from preschoolers." - M: Arcta, 2008, - 68 S.V.M. Doskova, A.G. Prokofiev "Educational Games for Children" V. Expected Results By the end of the program for the program "Umpenush" in children formed: ability to analyze objects using visual, tactile and auditory perception Ability to focus on subjects and phenomena (attention) arbitrary memory thinking, skill arguing, making conclusions in accordance with the laws of logic. creative skills, the ability to express your feelings and ideas about the world in various ways. Interest in the surrounding reality, the image of "positive I". Children are able to: 1. Distribute the most significant in the subjects; 2.Vide the ratio of them with each other and the ratio of their parts; 3. Use various schemes and plans; 4. Drawn, 5. Outlies conclusions in accordance with the laws of logic. Vi. Monitoring. Development monitoring in children's forcedness of logical thinking is carried out 1 sow per year (May). The main task of the monitoring is to determine the degree of development of the program of additional education for the development of logical thinking "Umnaush".